1,647 research outputs found

    Оцінка злітної маси повітряного судна в процесі розслідування авіаційної події

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    Analysis of existing techniques of aircraft take-off mass estimation in the process of aviation incidentsinvestigation was made. Aircraft take-off mass estimation technique was suggested. It uses parametric information froma flight data recorder that does not need previous parameters filtration, making an obtained estimation more effective.Effectiveness was demonstrated on specific aviation incident example.Рассмотрена проблема надежной оценки взлетной массы воздушного судна, на базе информации полученной отбортовых систем регистрации параметров движения, для проведения расследования причин авиационного происшествия. Существующие методы решения этой задачи строились на основе предварительного искажения полученной информации путем ее фильтрации. Была разработана методика, которая для оценки взлетной массыиспользует зарегистрированный массив значений приборной скорости разбега без предварительной егообработки. Исследовано влияние погрешностей в исходной априорной информации на смещение оценкивзлетной массы воздушного судна и смещение оценки начального момента времени разбега. Приведен примероценки взлетной массы ВС в процессе проведения расследования конкретного авиационного происшествия.Этот пример продемонстрировал эффективность разработанной методики.Розглянуто проблему достовірного оцінювання злітної маси повітряного судна за допомогою інформації відбортових систем реєстрації параметрів руху для проведення розслідування причини авіаційної події. Сучасніметоди вирішення такої задачі базуються на попередньому спотворенні отриманої інформації шляхом їїфільтрації. Розроблено методику яка для оцінювання злітної маси використовує зареєстрований масивприладової швидкості розбігу без попереднього його опрацювання. Оцінено вплив похибок необхідної длярозрахунків апріорної інформації на зсув оцінки злітної маси ПС та початкового часу. Наведений прикладоцінювання злітної маси в процесі розслідування конкретної авіаційної події. Цим прикладом доведеноефективність розробленої методики

    Internationalization of Portuguese management consulting companies : case study of GTBC performance potential and internationalization opportunities in Angola, Brazil and Mozambique

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    Title: Internationalization of Management Consulting Companies: Case Study of GTBC performance potential and internationalization opportunities in Angola, Brazil and Mozambique Author: Marina Ishchenko The objectives of this dissertation include the development of two practical models: first, to estimate external Management Consulting markets´ attractiveness and second, to understand potential for successful performance of a Portuguese Management Consulting SME1 on these markets. The two objectives are approached through the development of theoretical and practical platforms. Theoretical platform is based on academic and business literature. Practical platform is constructed through methodological choice and planning. Importantly, the methodology of qualitative case study is used in order to examine formulated hypotheses in practice and derive theory from real life situation. The main focus of case study is GTBC2- a firm that is considered to be a typical Portuguese Management Consulting SME3. In addition, we select external markets of Angola, Brazil and Mozambique in order to facilitate our analysis and test assumptions in practice. Our findings suggest that among the analyzed external markets, Brazil is considered to be the most attractive destination for internationalization of Portuguese Management Consulting SMEs. Importantly, the potential for successful performance in this country is estimated to be higher in comparison to the one on other markets, including Portugal.Título: Internacionalização das Empresas de Consultoria de Gestão: Estudo específico das oportunidades de internacionalização e do possível desempenho da GTBC nos mercados de Angola, Brasil e Moçambique. Autor: Marina Ishchenko Os objectivos desta dissertação incluem o desenvolvimento de dois modelos práticos: primeiro, avaliar o potencial mercado externo em consultadoria de gestão para o investimento das empresas PME Portuguesas de Consultadoria de Gestão e segundo, estimar o seu potencial sucesso. Estes dois objectivos são abordados através do desenvolvimento de plataformas teóricas e práticas. A plataforma teórica é baseada na literatura académica e empresarial. A plataforma prática é construída através de uma escolha metodológica e planeamento. Um facto importante é que a metodologia do estudo qualitativo é usada para examinar hipóteses formuladas na prática e a sua teoria deriva de situações reais. O foco principal deste estudo é a GTBC – uma empresa PME [3] Portuguesa típica na área da Consultadoria de Gestão. Além disso, são seleccionados os mercados externos de Angola, Brasil e Moçambique, de forma a facilitar a análises práticas. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que entre os mercados estudados, o Brasil é considerado o destino mais atraente para a internacionalização das PME Portuguesas no ramo de Consultadoria de Gestão. Um ponto importante é o facto do potencial sucesso neste país ser considerado maior em comparação com outros mercados, incluindo Portugal

    The major human AP endonuclease (Ape1) is involved in the nucleotide incision repair pathway

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    In nucleotide incision repair (NIR), an endonuclease nicks oxidatively damaged DNA in a DNA glycosylase-independent manner, providing the correct ends for DNA synthesis coupled to the repair of the remaining 5'-dangling modified nucleotide. This mechanistic feature is distinct from DNA glycosylase-mediated base excision repair. Here we report that Ape1, the major apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease in human cells, is the damage- specific endonuclease involved in NIR. We show that Ape1 incises DNA containing 5,6-dihydro-2'-deoxyuridine, 5,6-dihydrothymidine, 5-hydroxy-2'-deoxyuridine, alpha-2'-deoxyadenosine and alpha-thymidine adducts, generating 3'-hydroxyl and 5'-phosphate termini. The kinetic constants indicate that Ape1-catalysed NIR activity is highly efficient. The substrate specificity and protein conformation of Ape1 is modulated by MgCl2 concentrations, thus providing conditions under which NIR becomes a major activity in cell-free extracts. While the N-terminal region of Ape1 is not required for AP endonuclease function, we show that it regulates the NIR activity. The physiological relevance of the mammalian NIR pathway is discussed

    Investigation of the Expedience of Modification of the Carbohydrate Composition of Rice Flour in the Technology of Gluten-free Bread

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    The research considers a possibility of using modification of the carbohydrate composition of rice flour in the technology of bread of the special destination for celiachia.There has been conducted an analysis of the condition of the carbohydrate-amylase complex of rice flour. Revealed regularities have demonstrated that this flour has an unessential amylolytic activity that negatively influences the course of microbiological processes in gluten-free dough and quality parameters of ready products.The aim of the research was to develop arrangements as to accumulation of sugars in dough at the expanse of own reserves of rice bread for providing the necessary intensity of rice dough fermentation by using enzymes of the amylolytic effect. It is a precondition for improving structural-mechanical and organoleptic properties of gluten-free rice bread. At the same time accumulation of products of incomplete hydrolysis of flour starch in the process of its fermentative modification – dextrins will favor deceleration of ready products staling.There has been established the influence of α-amylase of the fungal origin and glucoamylase on accumulation of sugars at hydrolysis of rice flour starch. It has been studied, that dosage of α-amylase in amount 0,005 % and glucoamylase – 0,03 % of a flour mass results in creating sugars in amount 5,5–6 %. There has been proved the effectiveness of using α-amylase by accumulation of dextrins, in which composition the essential raise of the content of low-molecular ones – archo- and maltodextrins has been determined.Based on the conducted studies, it has been determined, that hydrolysis products of rice flour starch are created as a result of its fermentative modification by α-amylase and glycoamylase that is testified by the increase of gas-creation and acid-accumulation.There has been observed the positive influence of using modification of the carbohydrate composition of flour in the technology of rice bread on the specific volume, porosity structure and flexible-elastic properties of crumb of ready products.It has been established, that realization of hydrolysis of flour starch at producing rice bread favors prolongation of its fresh storage term as a result of raising the amount of dextrins, created under the effect of α-amylase

    Автономне навчання в умовах міжкультурної інтеграції (Autonomous learning in intercultural integration)

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    Стаття присвячена питанню впровадження концепції автономного навчання у вищій школі. Особлива увага приділяється розкриттю основних методів й засобів реалізації автономії навчального процесу при вивченні іноземних мов та принципу їх ефективного функціонування у системі вищої освіти України за умов міжкультурної інтеграції. Виявлено позитивні та негативні риси автономного навчання та визначено його перспективність у сучасному освітньому просторі. (The article is devoted to the issue of autonomous learning and introduction of the concept into the system of higher education. The basic methods and principles of autonomous language learning process as well as the principles of their effective functioning under the influence of international integration have been analyzed. The analysis also includes the strategies on how student-centered learning can be applied as a principle of teaching and assessment. The positive and negative aspects of autonomous learning have been featured and its perspectives in contemporary learning environment have been revealed as prompted by the desire to explore the impact of intercultural integration on learners, teachers and educational systems.

    Peer Feedback versus Traditional Teaching

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    The choice of methods of teaching English depends on the specific features of the subject being taught, certain didactic tasks, student knowledge, specific situations, real means that the teacher has and his experience. The traditional school often represents the teacher as an active unit of learning and the teaching - as an object of learning (passive unit). However, this situation, in the process of learning, can and must change. Especially when the student also becomes an active participant in the learning process and there is targeted cooperation between the teacher and the student. Thanks to the feedback method, there are links between the goal, content and the result of the educational process. The results are observed in the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and skills of students. It helps learners to maximize their potential at different stages of training, raise their awareness of strengths and areas for improvement, and identify actions to be taken to improve performance. Feedback is part of the overall dialogue or interaction between teacher and learner, not a one-way communication. Feedback can be seen as informal or formal encounters between teachers and students or between peers. The purpose of the article is to summarize the arguments in favor of introducing peer feedback practice for English language classrooms. The discussion is based on the analysis of the most effective forms of feedback with a special focus on peer feedback


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    Abstract. The influence of residual strain on the airframe aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft wasconsidered. The possibility of estimation of changes in deformation of airframe using data of leveling wasshown. The method of estimating the change of aerodynamic characteristics caused by the influence ofresidual strain airframe was proposed. Technique can be used in the operation and overhaul of aircraft withlarge operating time.Keywords: aerodynamic characteristics, residual strain construction asymmetric moments, thedistribution of circulation, the scheme of leveling, trigonometric series

    Ukrajinska enciklopedistika u vrijeme rata (na temelju Enciklopedije suvremene Ukrajine)

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    The aim of this article is to present the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine (Ukrainian: Entsyklopediia Suchasnoi Ukrainy) as one of the priority Ukrainian academic scholarly publications in the context of the ongoing Russian war against Ukraine, and to outline the editorial team’s priorities in responding to the new challenges of the time. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism and consistency. General scholarly methods were used, including analysis, synthesis, description, and generalisation. The authors report on the peculiarities of preparing the paper volumes of the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine, emphasise the importance and necessity of producing a complete set of EMU volumes for the cultural development of the state and building the state’s information ecosystem. At the same time, they draw attention to the fact that paper encyclopedia publishing needs more funding than it currently has (in recent years, the shortage of funding has been compensated by reducing the quality of printing and the circulation of edition volumes). The article also covers the encyclopedia’s digital counterpart (EMU website as an online encyclopedia). In particular, it was found that the indicators of the online encyclopedia visits and pageviews are increasing every year. Moreover, in a turbulent 2022 of full-scale war, the website traffic was the highest ever. The language specificity of the online encyclopedia’s visitors is in the focus of the authors as well. The authors state that the war negatively impacts various spheres of life in Ukraine including academic encyclopedistics and suggest that the editorial and publishing process relating to the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine should be revised. It is concluded that it is economically expedient to focus on the EMU’s online version during the war. Along with this, there is a possibility of a complete blackout of Ukraine, which could be caused by Russian airstrikes on the country’s critical infrastructure. In such a situation, the editorial team’s planned direction for the next year(s) of activity regarding online encyclopedia development unfortunately seems problematic as well.Cilj je ovoga rada predstaviti Enciklopediju suvremene Ukrajine (ESU; ukr.: Entsyklopediia Suchasnoi Ukrainy) kao jedno od važnih ukrajinskih znanstvenih izdanja u kontekstu rata koji Rusija trenutačno vodi protiv Ukrajine te zacrtati prioritete uredništva u odgovaranju na nove izazove vremena. Metodologija istraživanja zasnovana je na načelima historicizma i dosljednosti. Upotrijebljene su opće znanstvene metode, uključujući analizu, sintezu, deskripciju i generalizaciju. Autori izvješćuju o osobitostima u pripremanju tiskanih svezaka Enciklopedije suvremene Ukrajine, ističu važnosti i potrebu produciranja čitavoga niza svezaka ESU za kulturni razvoj države i izgradnju državnog informacijskog ekosustava. Istovremeno skreću pozornost na činjenicu da izdavanje tiskanih enciklopedija zahtijeva više sredstava nego je trenutačno predviđeno za tu svrhu (posljednjih se godina nedostatak sredstava nadoknađivao smanjenjem kvalitete tiska i naklade svezaka izdanja). U članku je usto riječ o digitalnoj inačici enciklopedije (mrežna stranica ESU kao online enciklopedija). Otkriveno je da pokazatelji mrežne enciklopedije, poput posjeta i pregleda stranica, rastu iz godine u godinu. Štoviše, obujam prometa u turbulentnoj ratnoj 2022. bio je najveći dosad. Autori se usredotočuju i na jezične specifičnosti korisnika mrežne enciklopedije. Autori pokazuju kako rat negativno utječe razne sfere života u Ukrajini, uključujući znanstvenu enciklopedistiku i predlažu izmjenu procesa uređivanja i izdavanja ESU. Zaključuju da je tijekom rata ekonomski poželjno usredotočiti se na mrežnu inačicu ESU. Usto postoji mogućnost potpunoga pomračenja Ukrajine prouzrokovanoga ruskim zračnim napadima na kritičnu infrastrukturu u državi. Nažalost, u takvom bi slučaju i plan rada uredništva za iduću godinu (ili godine) u vezi mrežne enciklopedije bio doveden u pitanje

    The Study of Main Physical-chemical Parameters of Chaenomeles and Products of Its Processing

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    In the article were considered the topical problems, connected with health worsening and human existence. The use of vegetable raw material as a source of biologically active components is prospective in production foodstuff. There were offered the rational methods of processing of chaenomeles for getting juice and puree. There were carried out an analysis of expedience of using chaenomeles and products of its processing for enrichment foodstuff. It was established, that maximal amount of phenol substances is contained in fruit peel and L-ascorbic acid - in flesh. It was determined, that apple acid prevails among organic ones, fructose - among sugars and phenol substances are mainly presented by procyanidins. Using chromotographic analysis in the products of chaenomeles processing were identified 48 names of aromatic compounds, alcohols, acids, ethers and unsaturated carbohydrates prevail among them. There were studied the physical-chemical parameters of fruit sauces and flour products with addition of chaenomeles processing products. The received results prove that the ready foodstuff that contain puree and juice of chaemomeles have the high organoleptic, physical-chemical parameters and also heightened biological value

    Protection of energy investments under the Russia-Ukraine bilateral investment treaty of 1998

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    Ishchenko V. Protection of energy investments under the Russia-Ukraine bilateral investment treaty of 1998 / V. Ishchenko // Lex Portus : юрид. наук. журн. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред. ради), Б. А. Кормич (голов. ред.), І. В. Сафін (заст. голов. ред.), Т. В. Аверочкіна (наук. ред., відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; НУ "ОЮА", ГО "МА Святий Миколай". - Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. - № 1. – P. 33-43.Russian invasion into Ukraine, which resulted in annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol in 2014, has created a wide range of complex legal issues, in particular those related to protection of investments in the energy sector. A new government established by the Russian Federation in Crimea seized certain assets owned by Ukrainian legal entities on the Crimean Peninsula and further nationalized them without payment of any compensation. The most valuable energy assets in Crimea were among the Russian Federation’s chief targets. In response, numerous arbitrations were initiated against the Russian Federation. The pending arbitration proceedings include claims of the leading Ukrainian energy companies. This publication provides information about an effective legal instrument used by Ukrainian companies in energy sector to protect their investments on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula and to arbitrate their claims for compensation of the damages caused due to the Russian Federation’s unlawful annexation of Crimea. The relevance of this instrument for the Ukrainian energy companies can be explained by reference to the judgement issued on 20 April 2016 by the Hague District Court which annulled an earlier Yukos award against the Russian Federation, holding that the Energy Charter Treaty, the only multilateral agreement dealing with the energy sector, had not been ratified by Russia and could not apply in relation to it. In light of the foregoing, claimants had to find an alternative way to make the Russian Federation liable for the unlawful expropriations.Вторгнення Росії в Україну і, як наслідок, анексія Автономної Республіки Крим та міста Севастополя у 2014 році, створило широкий спектр складних юридичних питань, зокрема пов’язаних із захистом інвестицій в енергетичному секторі. Новий уряд, встановлений Російською Федерацією у Криму, захопив певні активи, що належать українським юридичним особам на Кримському півострові, а пізніше націоналізував їх без виплати будь-якої компенсації. Найбільш цінні енергетичні активи у Криму були серед головних цілей Російської Федерації. У відповідь було порушено безліч арбітражних справ проти Російської Федерації. Поточні арбітражні провадження включають позови провідних українських енергетичних компаній. У цій публікації міститься інформація про ефективний правовий інструмент, що застосовується українськими компаніями енергетичного сектора для захисту своїх інвестицій на території Кримського півострова і для можливості звернення до арбітражу з вимогами про відшкодування шкоди, заподіяної внаслідок незаконної анексії Криму Російською Федерацією. Значення цього інструменту для українських енергетичних компаній можна пояснити рішенням, прийнятим Окружним судом м. Гааги від 20 квітня 2016 року, яким раніше присуджена компенсація на користь ЮКОСа в справі проти Російської Федерації, була скасована у зв’язку з тим, що єдина багатостороння угода в енергетичному секторі – Договір до Енергетичної хартії, виявився нератифікованим Росією і тому не може застосовуватися відноcно неї. З огляду на вищезазначене, заявникам довелося знайти альтернативний спосіб притягнення Російської Федерації до відповідальності за незаконну експропріацію.Российское вторжение в Украину, которое привело к аннексии Автономной Республики Крым и города Севастополя в 2014 году, создало широкий спектр сложных юридических вопросов, в частности связанных с защитой инвестиций в энергетическом секторе. Новое правительство, созданное Российской Федерацией в Крыму, захватило определенные активы, принадлежащие украинским юридическим лицам на Крымском полуострове, а после национализировало их без выплаты какой-либо компенсации. Наиболее ценные энергетические активы в Крыму были среди главных целей Российской Федерации. В ответ было возбуждено множество арбитражных дел против Российской Федерации. Текущие арбитражные производства включают иски ведущих украинских энергетических компаний. В этой публикации содержится информация об эффективном правовом инструменте, используемом украинскими компаниями энергетического сектора для защиты своих инвестиций на территории Крымского полуострова и для возможности передачи в арбитраж требований о возмещении ущерба, причиненного в результате незаконной аннексии Крыма Российской Федерацией. Значение этого инструмента для украинских энергетических компаний можно объяснить решением, принятым Окружным судом г. Гааги от 20 апреля 2016 года, которым ранее присужденная компенсация в пользу ЮКОСа в деле против Российской Федерации, была отменена в связи с тем, что единственное многостороннее соглашение в энергетическом секторе – Договор к Энергетической хартии, оказалcя нератифицированным Россией и поэтому не может применяться по отношению к ней. В свете вышесказанного, заявителям пришлось найти альтернативный способ привлечения Российской Федерации к ответственности за незаконную экспроприацию