43 research outputs found


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    The main aim of the work is to elaborate algorithms and structure of data of the intellectual system of decisions making, able to provide functioning of the organizational-technical system of technical regulation in building under uncertainty conditions. The ability of intellectual systems to function under uncertainty conditions of different types is provided by using methods of indistinct mathematics and organization of a data structure, formed for revealing uncertainty automatically. The main attention in the article is paid to forming a data structure and algorithm for revealing uncertainty, caused by excessive information. The material of the research is information, contained in normative documents, according to which the technical regulation of the Ukrainian building branch is realized. It is especially urgent to reveal conflicts of parameters and rules, connected with reformation of the legislation in a part, related to the technical regulation of the branch. The automatic revelation of uncertainty that results in a discordance or conflict of parameters and rules, essentially facilitates elaboration of project documents and realization of expert evaluations at stages of building and exploitation of unique objects. But introduction of such intellectual systems allows to raise a speed and reliability of the work of other systems of the documents’ circulation under transformation conditions essentially. The scientific novelty of the work is in using models of indistinct mathematics at formalizing norms and rules of the technical regulation in building and elaborating methods of their processing by the intellectual system of making decisions. The results of the work are demonstrated on the example of determination of a technical regulation parameter at excessive information, manifested in the presence of more than one normative document with instructions for determination of one regulation parameter. The probation and adaptation of norms and rules are realized in the legislative regulation of the activity in the Ukrainian building branch under conditions of changes, directed on improving the city-planning activity according to world standards

    Analysis of layout and justification of design parameters of a demonstration aircraft based on solar cells

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    The development of aviation vehicles on SC (solar cells) requires, in particular, evaluations of the technical decisions made regarding the layout of future developments and obtaining their design parameters. Accordingly, it is important to take into account previous developments in the various aviation engineering fields relevant to new aviation vehicles on the SC. Thanks to a detailed analysis of the flight and performance characteristics of widely known aircraft models on the SC from the 70s of the 20th century to the present, a picture of the distribution of aerodynamic schemes and important design parameters with conclusions regarding their choice is obtained. For aircraft on SC, the corresponding boundaries of their work in height and speed are determined in comparison with long-range aircraft. Also, acceptable values of unit load per unit area and specific power have been obtained that allow aircraft to be lifted on the SC at altitudes of at least 20 ths.m. These altitudes are promising for longhaul aircraft to be operated on to SC for the purpose of performing the functions of an "aerodynamic satellite" or the so-called "pseudosatellite". The design parameters of the "pseudosatellite" demonstrator on the SC with a wingspan of 11m and a starting mass of 16 kg were obtained

    Development of resource-saving technologies for processing wood waste for the production of alcoholic beverages

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    Waste reduction is a key challenge for the sustainable development of the food industry, so reducing it is a pressing issue for most businesses in the industry. Waste recycling and utilization is a strategic goal for each company, which involves the involvement of innovative technologies based on the evaluation of decisions in reducing the cost of finished products, minimizing raw material losses, increasing the yield of finished products

    Ecosystem Approach to the Formation of Goods Express Delivery Supply Chains in Aviation Logistics

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    The article shows that in the context of accelerating the processes of economic integration in aviation logistics at the micro, meso and macro levels, complicating the forms of business organization, the emergence of new forms of cooperation between companies and new ways of jointly creating added value, many organizational boundaries in the economy are becoming more blurred and dynamic. The use of the concept of "ecosystem" in research is growing. An attempt is made to consider the possibility of using the “ecosystem” design for economic analysis at the aggregated level and to highlight the elements of the aviation logistics ecosystem on which the attention of researchers will be focused. From the authors point of view, the aviation logistics ecosystem is a combination of aviation, logistics, transport and postal organizations, were provide goods express delivery supply chains with system of interconnected technologies use. In the framework of article analysis of air cargo industry framework, synchronization and digitization of service operations in air cargo service supply chain, express delivery supply chains were represented. The authors proposed a mathematical model that allows logisticians to optimize the supply chain of special categories of goods, which is one of the priority tasks of the aviation logistics ecosystem

    Application of Wavelet Transform for Determining Diagnostic Signs

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    It is proposed to apply the wavelet transform to localize in time the frequency components of the information signals in this article. The wavelet transform allows to fulfil time-frequency analysis of signals, which is very important for studying the structure of a composite material from the mode composition of free oscillations. The proposed approach to the development of information signals using wavelet transform makes it possible to further study the nature of the occurrence of free oscillations and the propagation of acoustic waves in individual layers of composites and to study the change in the structure of composites from the changes in the three-dimensional wavelet spectrum

    Analysis of layout and justification of design parameters of a demonstration aircraft based on solar cells

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    The development of aviation vehicles on SC (solar cells) requires, in particular, evaluations of the technical decisions made regarding the layout of future developments and obtaining their design parameters. Accordingly, it is important to take into account previous developments in the various aviation engineering fields relevant to new aviation vehicles on the SC. Thanks to a detailed analysis of the flight and performance characteristics of widely known aircraft models on the SC from the 70s of the 20th century to the present, a picture of the distribution of aerodynamic schemes and important design parameters with conclusions regarding their choice is obtained. For aircraft on SC, the corresponding boundaries of their work in height and speed are determined in comparison with long-range aircraft. Also, acceptable values of unit load per unit area and specific power have been obtained that allow aircraft to be lifted on the SC at altitudes of at least 20 ths.m. These altitudes are promising for longhaul aircraft to be operated on to SC for the purpose of performing the functions of an "aerodynamic satellite" or the so-called "pseudosatellite". The design parameters of the "pseudosatellite" demonstrator on the SC with a wingspan of 11m and a starting mass of 16 kg were obtained

    Application of Wavelet Transform for Determining Diagnostic Signs

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    It is proposed to apply the wavelet transform to localize in time the frequency components of the information signals in this article. The wavelet transform allows to fulfil time-frequency analysis of signals, which is very important for studying the structure of a composite material from the mode composition of free oscillations. The proposed approach to the development of information signals using wavelet transform makes it possible to further study the nature of the occurrence of free oscillations and the propagation of acoustic waves in individual layers of composites and to study the change in the structure of composites from the changes in the three-dimensional wavelet spectrum

    Challenges of international science and education in the field of aviation transport safety

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    The aviation safety issue is one of the most urgent challenges from the first day of flight operations. Aircrafts, avionics, engines, and navigation, communication and surveillance aids changed and developed, but the problem did not spend its own relevance. The main purpose of ICAO is to ensure the safe and orderly development of all aspects of international civil aviation. ICAO develops Standards and Recommended Practices. They are set out in 19 Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The new ICAO strategies are the basis for the further sustainable development of global civil aviation. The paper paid special attention to the civil aviation hazards monitoring and risks management in the context of global aviation development trends. The paper deals with challenges of international education and introduces practical experience of the National Aviation University according to the new technologies in transport & aviation education and trends of international cooperation with International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw in this sphere


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    Показана можливість швидкого налагодження масового виробництва систем штучної вентиляції легень типу «Мольфарка-Корона» з мінімально потрібними функціональними властивостями, що надасть шанс хворим на COVID-19 у найскладнішій ситуації пандемії.Показана возможность быстрого налаживания массового производства систем искусственной вентиляции легких типа «Мольфарка-Корона» с минимально необходимыми функциональными свойствами, что позволит дать шанс больным COVID-19 в сложной ситуации пандемии.The possibility of rapid adjustment of mass production of systems for lungs artificial ventilation of the type "Molfarka-Corona" is shown, which possesses minimal sufficient functional capabilities for using in patients with COVID-19 and gives a chance to survive in the most difficult situation of the pandemic