86 research outputs found

    Strategies for Achieving Healthy Energy Balance Among African Americans in the Mississippi Delta

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    IntroductionLow-income African Americans who live in rural areas of the Deep South are particularly vulnerable to diseases associated with unhealthy energy imbalance. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggested various physical activity strategies to achieve healthy energy balance. Our objective was to conduct formal, open-ended discussions with low-income African Americans in the Mississippi Delta to determine 1) their dietary habits and physical activity levels, 2) their attitudes toward CDC’s suggested physical activity strategies, and 3) their suggestions on how to achieve CDC’s strategies within their own environment. MethodsA qualitative method (focus groups) was used to conduct the study during 2005. Prestudy meetings were held with African American lay health workers to formulate a focus group topic guide, establish inclusion criteria for focus group participants, select meeting sites and times, and determine group segmentation guidelines. Focus groups were divided into two phases.ResultsAll discussions and focus group meetings were held in community centers within African American neighborhoods in the Mississippi Delta and were led by trained African American moderators. Phase I focus groups identified the following themes: overeating, low self-esteem, low income, lack of physical exercise, unhealthy methods of food preparation, a poor working definition of healthy energy balance, and superficial knowledge of strategies for achieving healthy energy balance. Phase 2 focus groups identified a preference for social support-based strategies for increasing physical activity levels. ConclusionEnergy balance strategies targeting low-income, rural African Americans in the Deep South may be more effective if they emphasize social interaction at the community and family levels and incorporate the concept of community volunteerism

    Leisure-Time Physical Activity as a Moderator of the Association Between Stress and Depression Among Low-Income Primary Care Female Population.

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    The present study used a longitudinal design in an attempt to answer the following questions: (a) what is the prevalence of sedentary lifestyle in a low-income primary care female population? (b) does minor stress predict depressive symptoms after controlling for major stress? and (c) does leisure-time physical activity moderate the association between stress and depressive symptoms? The sample included 150 randomly selected adult female patients recruited from primary care clinics at a public hospital in the state of Louisiana. This sample consisted predominantly of uninsured, African American, low-income, middle-aged females. The results indicated that prevalence of sedentary lifestyle (58%) was above both national and state estimates. Major stress predicted depressive symptoms as measured by a self-report instrument (i.e., Center for Epidemiologic Studies - Depressed Mood Scale (CES-D)) as well as the diagnosis of major depressive disorder based on a psychiatric interview (Diagnostic Interview Schedule - IV (DIS-IV)). Although minor stress contributed a unique amount of variance to the prediction of depressive symptoms on the CES-D after controlling for major stress, it failed to predict the diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Hierarchical regression analyses failed to support the hypothesis that leisure-time physical activity would moderate the association between stress and depressive symptoms

    O isolamento em adolescentes que utilizam produtos derivados de tabaco

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    Pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs and the impact on women

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    OBJECTIVE : To analyze the association between the pictorial graphic health warnings on cigarette packs and their impact on intention to quit smoking among women. METHODS : Population-based cross-sectional study among 265 women daily smokers in the State of Paraná in 2010. The sample size was calculated using cluster sampling. Participants were asked whether they had seen any pictorial graphic health warnings in the past 30 days, whether these warnings made them think about quitting, and intensity of these thoughts. The data was analyzed using logistic regression and the independent variables included age, educational attainment, whether they had children, whether they had attempted to quit smoking in the past 12 months, age of smoking initiation, number of cigarettes smoked per day, their town of residence, and how soon after waking do they smoke their first cigarette. RESULTS : Participants (91.7%) reported seeing the pictorial graphic health warnings in the past 30 days. Women with elementary education or below and women with some/complete high school education were more likely to think about quitting smoking after seeing the pictorial graphic health warningsthan women with higher education (OR = 4.85; p = 0.0028 and OR = 2.91; p = 0.05), respectively). Women who attempted to quit smoking in the past 12 months were more likely to think about quitting than women who had not (OR = 2.49; p = 0.001). Quit attempts within the last 12 months were associated with intensity of these thoughts (OR = 2.2; p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS : Results show an association between pictorial graphic health warnings and intent to quit smoking among women with warnings having a greater impact among women with less education and who had attempted to quit smoking within the past year. Tobacco control strategies should be implemented across all groups of women regardless of their educational attainment.OBJETIVO : Analisar a associação entre as advertências gráficas nos maços de cigarro e seu impacto na intenção de parar de fumar entre mulheres. MÉTODOS : Estudo transversal de base populacional com 265 mulheres do estado do Paraná que fumaram diariamente no ano de 2010. O tamanho da amostra foi calculado por amostragem probabilística por cluster. As participantes foram questionadas se haviam visto as advertências gráficas nos maços de cigarro nos últimos 30 dias, se as advertências as fizeram pensar em cessar o uso do cigarro e em que intensidade. Os dados foram analisados usando regressão logística, e as variáveis independentes incluíram idade, anos de estudo, presença de filhos, tentativa de parar de fumar nos últimos 12 meses, idade quando começou a fumar, número de cigarros fumados por dia, cidade de residência e quanto tempo depois de acordar elas fumam o primeiro cigarro. RESULTADOS : Mais de 90,7% das participantes relataram ter visto as advertências nos últimos 30 dias. Mulheres que estudaram até o ensino fundamental ou médio apresentaram maior probabilidade de pensar em cessar de fumar depois de verem as advertências gráficas nos maços de cigarro do que mulheres com ensino superior (OR = 4,85; p = 0,0028 e OR = 2,91; p = 0,05, respectivamente). Mulheres que tentaram parar de fumar nos últimos 12 meses tiveram maior probabilidade de cessar de fumar do que as que não tentaram (OR = 2,49; p = 0,001). Nos últimos 12 meses, as tentativas de parar de fumar nos últimos 12 meses associaram-se à intensidade desses pensamentos (OR = 2,2; p = 0,03). CONCLUSÕES : Advertências gráficas nos maços de cigarro associaram-se à intenção de parar de fumar entre mulheres, sobretudo entre aquelas com menos anos de estudo e as que tentaram parar de fumar nos últimos 12 meses. Estratégias para o controle do tabaco devem ser implementadas para todas as mulheres, independentemente do nível de escolaridade.OBJETIVO : Analizar la asociación entre las advertencias gráficas en los paquetes de cigarro y su impacto en la intención de parar de fumar entre mujeres. MÉTODOS : Estudio transversal de base poblacional con 265 mujeres del estado de Paraná que fumaron diariamente en el año de 2010. El tamaño de la muestra fue calculada por muestreo probabilístico por cluster. Las participantes fueron interrogadas si habían visto advertencias gráficas en los paquetes de cigarro en los últimos 30 días, si las advertencias les hicieron pensar en dejar de usar el cigarro y en qué intensidad. Los datos fueron analizados usando regresión logística y las variables independientes incluyeron edad, años de estudio, presencia de hijos, intento de parar de fumar en los últimos 12 meses, edad cuando comenzó a fumar, número de cigarros fumados por día, ciudad de residencia y cuanto tiempo después de despertarse, ellas fuman el primer cigarro. RESULTADOS : Cerca de 91,7% de las participantes mencionaron haber visto las advertencias en los últimos 30 días. Mujeres que estudiaron hasta la primaria o secundaria, presentaron mayor probabilidad de pensar en parar de fumar después de ver las advertencias gráficas en los paquetes de cigarro en comparación con mujeres con educación superior (OR = 4,85; p = 0,0028 e OR = 2,91; p = 0,05, respectivamente). Mujeres que trataron de parar de fumar en los últimos 12 meses tuvieron mayor probabilidad de dejar el cigarro en comparación con las que no lo intentaron (OR = 2,49; p = 0,001). En los últimos 12 meses, los intentos de parar de fumar en ese período, se asociaron con la intensidad de tales pensamientos (OR = 2,2; p = 0,03).  CONCLUSIONES : Advertencias gráficas en los paquetes de cigarro se asociaron con la intención de dejar de fumar entre mujeres, principalmente, entre aquellas con menos años de estudio y las que intentaron parar de fumar en los últimos 12 meses. Estrategias para el control del tabaco deben ser implementadas en todas las mujeres, independientemente del nivel de escolaridad

    Pictorial health warnings on cigarette packs and the impact on women

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    OBJECTIVE : To analyze the association between the pictorial graphic health warnings on cigarette packs and their impact on intention to quit smoking among women. METHODS : Population-based cross-sectional study among 265 women daily smokers in the State of Paraná in 2010. The sample size was calculated using cluster sampling. Participants were asked whether they had seen any pictorial graphic health warnings in the past 30 days, whether these warnings made them think about quitting, and intensity of these thoughts. The data was analyzed using logistic regression and the independent variables included age, educational attainment, whether they had children, whether they had attempted to quit smoking in the past 12 months, age of smoking initiation, number of cigarettes smoked per day, their town of residence, and how soon after waking do they smoke their first cigarette. RESULTS : Participants (91.7%) reported seeing the pictorial graphic health warnings in the past 30 days. Women with elementary education or below and women with some/complete high school education were more likely to think about quitting smoking after seeing the pictorial graphic health warningsthan women with higher education (OR = 4.85; p = 0.0028 and OR = 2.91; p = 0.05), respectively). Women who attempted to quit smoking in the past 12 months were more likely to think about quitting than women who had not (OR = 2.49; p = 0.001). Quit attempts within the last 12 months were associated with intensity of these thoughts (OR = 2.2; p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS : Results show an association between pictorial graphic health warnings and intent to quit smoking among women with warnings having a greater impact among women with less education and who had attempted to quit smoking within the past year. Tobacco control strategies should be implemented across all groups of women regardless of their educational attainment

    Factors associated with cervical cancer screening in women from middle and low socioeconomic status in Bogotá, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: In Colombia, cervical cancer (cc) is the second most common type of cancer among women. It has an agestandardized incidence of 21.5/100,000. The purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge and perceived factors associated with CC screening among women from low medium income status in Bogotá, Colombia. Methodology: the study was conducted with 10 focus groups segmented by age groups (18-33, 34-49, and 50-66). Two researchers conducted content analysis and identified the emerging categories. Results: the sample consisted of 81 women whose ages ranged from 18 to 66. Early onset of sexual activity, promiscuity, vaginal infections, hpv, genetics, abortions, and lack of hygiene were identified as the most important risk factors for cc. Participants recognized that this disease does not always have symptoms, and that pap smears detect it early. However, they mentioned fear of undergoing a pap test, discomfort or pain, embarrassment, poor services, procrastination, and fear of a cancer diagnosis as the main barriers preventing regular screening. Women recommended educational campaigns and improved customer service as strategies to motivate them. Conclusion: participants reported basic knowledge about CC and screening. Actions to facilitate screening must be multifaceted and based on the barriers and facilitators mentioned by each age group.RESUMEN: En Colombia el cáncer de cuello uterino (CaCu) es el segundo más común en las mujeres con una incidencia estandarizada de 21,5/100.000. En este estudio se examinaron el conocimiento y los factores percibidos asociados con el tamizaje de CaCu en mujeres de nivel socioeconómico bajo/ medio en Bogotá, Colombia. Metodología: 10 grupos focales segmentados por grupos de edad (18-33, 34-49 y 50-66). Dos investigadores realizaron análisis de contenido, identificando categorías emergentes. Resultados: participaron 81 mujeres entre 18 y 66 años. Aunque se encontraron diferencias por grupos de edad, el inicio temprano de la actividad sexual, promiscuidad, infecciones vaginales, vph, genética, abortos y falta de higiene, fueron identificados como los principales factores de riesgo para CaCu. Ellas reconocieron que esta enfermedad no siempre tiene síntomas, y que las citologías la detectan tempranamente. Sin embargo, mencionaron miedo a practicarse la citología, incomodidad/dolor, pena, mala atención, procrastinación y miedo al diagnóstico de cáncer como las principales barreras para el tamizaje rutinario. Las mujeres recomendaron campañas educativas y mejorar el servicio como estrategias para motivarlas. Conclusión: las participantes reportaron conocimientos básicos acerca del CaCu y el tamizaje. Las acciones para facilitar el tamizaje deben ser multifacéticas y acordes con las barreras y facilitadores reportados en cada grupo etario

    Consumo de productos de tabaco y factores asociados en mujeres en Antioquia, Colombia

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    Introducción: el uso del tabaco en mujeres está aumentando significativamente a pesar de los alarmantes peligros para la salud. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia y factores asociados al consumo de tabaco en mujeres deldepartamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal, con una muestrarepresentativa de mujeres mayores de 18 años en las nueve subregiones del departamento, se utilizó un muestreoprobabilístico multietápico, estratificado por región. Resultados: de 4377 mujeres, 10,8% eran fumadoras, 13,1%exfumadoras, y 75,9% nunca habían fumado. Variables relacionadas con mayor reporte de tabaquismo: tener másde 45 años (OR=3,2, IC 2,6-3,9); no tener educación o primaria incompleta (OR=2,2, IC 1,5-3,1), secundariaincompleta (OR=1,5, IC 1,1-2,2), consumir licor (OR=2,3, IC 1,9-2,7), no consumir verduras (OR=1,4, IC 1,0-2,0), no consumir frutas (OR=1,6, IC 1,2-2,1). Variables relacionadas con menor reporte de tabaquismo: estarcasada (OR=0,6, IC 0,5-0,8), y vivir en algunas de las subregiones. Conclusiones: se evidencia la importancia deprogramas enfocados a prevenir el consumo de productos nuevos como el cigarrillo electrónico, especialmente enpoblación joven.Introducción: el uso del tabaco en mujeres está aumentando significativamente a pesar de los alarmantes peligros para la salud. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia y factores asociados al consumo de tabaco en mujeres deldepartamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal, con una muestrarepresentativa de mujeres mayores de 18 años en las nueve subregiones del departamento, se utilizó un muestreoprobabilístico multietápico, estratificado por región. Resultados: de 4377 mujeres, 10,8% eran fumadoras, 13,1%exfumadoras, y 75,9% nunca habían fumado. Variables relacionadas con mayor reporte de tabaquismo: tener másde 45 años (OR=3,2, IC 2,6-3,9); no tener educación o primaria incompleta (OR=2,2, IC 1,5-3,1), secundariaincompleta (OR=1,5, IC 1,1-2,2), consumir licor (OR=2,3, IC 1,9-2,7), no consumir verduras (OR=1,4, IC 1,0-2,0), no consumir frutas (OR=1,6, IC 1,2-2,1). Variables relacionadas con menor reporte de tabaquismo: estarcasada (OR=0,6, IC 0,5-0,8), y vivir en algunas de las subregiones. Conclusiones: se evidencia la importancia deprogramas enfocados a prevenir el consumo de productos nuevos como el cigarrillo electrónico, especialmente enpoblación joven.Introduction: Tobacco use among women is increasing significantly despite alarming health hazards. Objective:To determine the prevalence and factors associated with tobacco consumption in women from the department ofAntioquia, Colombia. Material and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, with a representative sample of women over 18 years of age in the nine subregions of the department, using multistage probabilistic sampling,stratified by region. Results: Of the 4,377 women, 10.8% were smokers, 13.1% were ex-smokers, and 75.9% werewomen who had never smoked. Variables related to the highest reported smokers: having more than 45 years of age (OR=3.2, CI 2.6-3.9); not having an education or an incomplete primary education (OR=2.2, IC 1.5-3.1), incomplete secondary education (OR=1.5, CI 1.1-2.2), consuming liquor (OR=2.3, CI 1.9-2.7), not consuming vegetables (OR=1.4, IC 1.0-2.0), not consuming fruit (OR=1,6, CI 1,2-2,1). Variables related to less reported smoking: being married (OR=0.6, CI 0.5-0.8) and living in some of the subregions. Conclusions: The importance of programs focused on preventing the consumption of new products such as e-cigarettes is evident, especially in young people

    [Prevalence of tobacco use and associated factors among women in Parana State, Brazil]

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    This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of tobacco use and to describe the demographic profile of female smokers in Parana State, Brazil. The study used a cross-sectional population-based design with cluster sampling (n = 2,153) of women 18 years or older in seven cities. Prevalence of smoking was 13.4%, ranging from 10% in Cascavel to 19% in Irati. According to multivariate analysis, city of residence, marital status, and schooling were significantly associated with tobacco use. Women in Irati (OR = 2.08; 95%CI: 1.22-3.54) were more likely to smoke than those in Cambe. Married women and widows were less likely to smoke (OR = 0.47; 95%CI: 0.30-0.73 and OR = 0.43; 95%CI: 0.22-0.87) than single women. Women living with a partner (but not married) were more likely to smoke than single women (OR = 2.49; 95%CI: 1.12-5.53), and women with university degrees were less likely to smoke than those with eight years of school or less (OR = 0.41; 95%CI: 0.22-0.87). The results confirm the need for tobacco control programs that take gender and regional differences into account

    Process Evaluation in Action: Lessons Learned from Alabama REACH 2010

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    The CDC-funded Alabama Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH 2010) project is designed to reduce and eliminate disparities in breast and cervical cancer between African American and white women in six rural and three urban counties in Alabama. In this manuscript, we report on the development, implementation, results, and lessons learned from a process evaluation plan initiated during the Phase I planning period of the Alabama REACH 2010 program. The process evaluation plan for Alabama REACH 2010 focused on four main areas of activity that coincided with program objectives: assessing coalition development, building community capacity, conducting a needs assessment, and developing a community action plan. Process evaluation findings indicated that progress made by Alabama REACH 2010 was due, in part, to evaluative feedback. We conclude that process evaluation can be a powerful tool for monitoring and measuring the administrative aspect of a complex, community-based health intervention
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