450 research outputs found

    The gendered social representation of physical education and sport science higher education in Spain

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    Background: In recent decades, Spain has seen a decline in girls’ interest in pursuing the Physical Activity and Sport Science (PASS) degree. For example, in Catalonia (Spain), the number of women enrolled has decreased from 39.3% in the 2000–2001 academic year to 17.3% in the 2014–2015 academic year (Serra, Soler, Vilanova et al. 2019), which is in line with technological and scientific degrees. This fact is striking because more women than men are enrolling in university studies in Spain overall. Purpose: Drawing on Bourdieu's theoretical tools and the concept of social representation, the purpose of this study is to analyse how young people perceive the PASS degree, in order to understand why fewer women than men choose this degree. Method: A total of 4146 students (50.2% girls; mean age = 16.82 years; SD = 0.837) from 39 school centres were purposefully selected in three regions of Spain. Students were enrolled in the final course of Compulsory Secondary Education (4th ESO, 16 years old) and the first of 2 years of the pre-university course (1st year of Bachillerato, 16–17 years old). An ad hoc instrument was designed to measure the Social Representation (SR) of the degree habitus and students’ interest in studying for the PASS degree. Statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS Statistics (v.23). Data were tested for normality. The statistical tests used were: Chi-square (X2) and Mann–Whitney U analysis. Findings: The results show that the SR of the degree habitus has a masculine characterization, which favours the number of men who study this degree. This SR could explain why the number of women in this field has been very low (around 18%) in Spain in recent years. Likewise, this SR would be a form of symbolic violence on girls who may wish to pursue these studies, but do not feel entitled to do so because it is considered a masculine field. The students are not able to identify this social construction, which eventually naturalizes the difference and makes the prevalence of men in these studies more socially acceptable. Conclusion: The SR of the degree habitus could be exercising a symbolic violence that would contribute to the discrepancy in the number of men and women who choose a PASS degree. To change the SR of the degree, it is necessary to substantially modify how it is constructed. Some of the options would involve a profound change in curriculum, built around a conception of body culture that is based on feminist political, philosophical, and ontological assumptions. This new construction would invoke a configuration of body culture not centred on the modern sport phenomenon and post-modern physical activity. The information that students receive to construct this masculine and instrumentalized SR of the degree should also be intentionally modified.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, convocatoria de Ayudas de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no Orientada | Ref. DEP2012-31275Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya | Ref. PINEFC-201

    Gendered career choices: paths toward studying a degree in physical activity and sport science

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    Drawing on Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), we examined factors affecting interest in pursuing a degree in Physical Activity and Sport Science (PASS) among Spanish teenage students. Although women were awarded 55.1% of all bachelor degrees in Spain in 2017–2018, female enrollment in PASS degrees is decreasing and currently stands below 20% across the country. To better understand the under-representation of women in this field, 4146 students (50.2% girls; mean age = 16.82 years; SD = 0.837) participated in a survey designed to measure a series of SCCT constructs: interest in studying a PASS degree, career outcome expectations, goal representations, and perceived social supports. With these data, we tested a set of path analysis models to explain gender differences in interest in studying a degree in PASS. These models tested the assumption that interest in PASS would mediate the paths from outcome expectations and social supports to goal representations. Model 1 assumed that interest would partially mediate the path from outcome expectations to goal representations, Model 2 assumed complete mediation, and Model 3 assumed absence of mediation. All models were tested separately for boys and girls. Our results provide information on how male and female students set personal goals based on expected career outcomes and show that this process is affected by gender stereotypes. The lack of interest by young women in studying a degree in PASS (only 7.8% of girls expressed this interest compared with 19.0% of boys), together with the gender differences observed in perceived social supports, outcome expectations, and goal representations, have several important theoretical and practical implications. The present research suggests that interventions that foster positive outcome expectations and social support are necessary to increase interest in studying PASS among teenage girls.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. DEP2012-3127

    Costos de producción y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de los periodos 2016 y 2017 de la empresa “Ocean Force S.A.C” – Chimbote

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    La investigación titulada “COSTOS DE PRODUCCIÓN Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA RENTABILIDAD DE LOS PERIODOS 2016 Y 2017 DE LA EMPRESA “OCEAN FORCE S.A.C” – CHIMBOTE”, tuvo como objetivo general determinar la incidencia de los Costos de Producción en la Rentabilidad de los periodos 2016 y 2017 de la empresa “Ocean Force S.A.C” – Chimbote y como objetivos específicos analizar los costos de producción, la rentabilidad a través de ratios y por último la incidencia que existe entre las variables. El tipo de investigación es descriptivo con diseño correlacional, de enfoque cuantitativo. Se utilizó como población todos los costos empíricos y estados de resultados desde el inicio del funcionamiento hasta la actualidad de la empresa “Ocean Force S.A.C”-Chimbote y la muestra fue los costos y estados de resultados de la empresa de los periodos 2016 y 2017. En cuanto a las técnicas utilizadas fueron el análisis documental y la entrevista cada una con su respectivo instrumento como es la guía de análisis documental y la guía de entrevista que sirvieron para recolectar datos importantes para el desarrollo de la investigación y para darle validez a nuestros instrumentos se utilizó el juicio de experto, que consiste en la revisión de 03 personas conocedoras del tema. Finalmente, luego de haber analizado los costos, la rentabilidad y la incidencia de una variable respecto a la otra se llegó a las siguientes conclusiones: Los costos se han incrementado de un año a otro, esto es debido a que la materia prima se elevó por motivos de las temporadas de veda y por lo tanto la empresa se encontró en la necesidad de recurrir a la compra de pescados de las cámaras frigoríficas a un precio más elevado. Asimismo, la rentabilidad de un periodo a otro ha disminuido lo que determina que existe un alto índice de incidencia de los costos en la rentabilidad de los periodos 2016 con una puntuación de 0.848 y en el 2017 con 0.858 de la empresa “Ocean Force S.A.C.”- Chimbote

    Comparación de las propiedades físicas – mecánicas de la resistencia a la compresión del mortero convencional y mortero MASSA DUM DUM, Trujillo - 2019

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    RESUMEN El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la comparación de las propiedades físicas y mecánicas del mortero convencional y massa dum dum, así como también la influencia en la resistencia a la compresión de pilas de albañilería. Para este ensayo se construyeron 10 prismas de albañilería con unidades de arcilla (ladrillos 18 huecos) de mortero convencional (cemento – arena - agua), con una dosificación de cemento – arena 1:3, con un espesor de junta de 1.5 cm, con 03 especímenes; respecto a massa dum dum se aplicó el asentado de las pilas con unidades de albañilería en líneas continuas de 1 cm de diámetro sobre la superficie horizontal. Además, se realizó el ensayo de compresión axial de mortero convencional y massa dum dum en probetas de 5 cm por lado. La presente investigación se desarrolló en el Laboratorio de Resistencia de Materiales de la Universidad Privada del Norte – Sede Trujillo, los especímenes de ensayo fueron elaborados considerando 01 tipo de ladrillo de arcilla cocida muy utilizado en la construcción para muros de albañilería portante, Ladrillo King Kong 18 huecos al 50%, aplicado en las unidades de albañilería, pilas de albañilería. Por cada técnica se ensayaron especímenes a compresión axial, a fin de determinar la resistencia promedio a compresión de la albañilería (f´m) y de los morteros, según los procedimientos constructivos propios de las pilas de albañilería con mortero convencional y de las pilas de albañilería con massa dum dum; además se realizó los ensayos de resistencia a la compresión axial de morteros ( mortero convencionales y massa dum dum); en relación de este último, se utilizó el producto con ayuda de un aplicador, según especificación del fabricante. Como resultado de los ensayos de laboratorio, se obtuvo que el empleo del mortero convencional sobresale de manera clara en valores de resistencia a compresión axial, por lo tanto, la presente investigación determinó que la aplicación de massa dum dum (f'm = 3.65 Kg/cm2; f'm = 22.90 Kg/cm2) es la menos adecuada en comparación a la del mortero convencional (f'm = 118.16 Kg/cm2; f'm = 63.18 Kg/cm2). En tal sentido el uso de este nuevo material alternativo no remplaza al mortero convencional con la utilización del ladrillo King Kong 18 huecos marca Lark para muros portantes. PALABRAS CLAVE: Morteros, resistencia compresión, masa dum dum, unidades de albañilería.ABSTRACT The objective of this research work is to determine the comparison of the physical and mechanical properties of conventional mortar and massa dum dum, as well as the influence on the resistance to compression of masonry piles. For this test 10 masonry prisms were constructed with clay units (hollow bricks) of conventional mortar (cement - sand - water), with a cement - sand dosage of 1: 3, with a joint thickness of 1.5 cm, with 03 specimens; Regarding massa dum dum, the seated piles were applied with masonry units in continuous lines of 1 cm in diameter on the horizontal surface. In addition, the axial compression test of conventional mortar and massa dum dum was performed on test pieces of 5 cm per side. The present investigation was developed in the Materials Resistance Laboratory of the University Private of the North – Trujillo headquarters, the test specimens were elaborated considering 01 type of baked clay brick very used in the construction for supporting masonry walls, King Kong Brick 18 holes at 50%, applied to masonry units, masonry piles. For each technique, specimens were tested at axial compression, in order to determine the average compressive strength of the masonry (f'm) and mortars, according to the construction procedures of masonry stacks with conventional mortar and piles. masonry with massa dum dum; In addition, tests were carried out on the resistance to axial compression of mortars (conventional mortar and massa dum dum); in relation to the latter, the product was used with the help of an applicator, according to the manufacturer's specification. As a result of the laboratory tests, it was obtained that the use of conventional mortar excels in values of axial compression resistance, therefore, the present investigation determined that the application of massa dum dum (f'm = 3.65 Kg/cm2; f'm = 22.90 Kg/cm2) is the least adequate compared to that of conventional convencional (f'm = 118.16 Kg/cm2; f'm = 63.18 Kg/cm2). In this sense, the use of this new alternative material does not replace the conventional mortar with the use of King Kong brick 18 holes Lark brand for bearing walls. KEY WORDS: Mortars, compression resistance, massa dum dum, masonry units

    Recycled Plastic and Cork Waste for Structural Lightweight Concrete Production

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    The use of waste materials as lightweight aggregates in concrete is highly recommended in seismic risk areas and environmentally recommended. However, reaching the strength needed for the concrete to be used structurally may be challenging. In this study four dosages were assayed: the first two-specimen had high cement content (550 and 700 kg/m(3) respectively), Nanosilica, fly ash and superplasticizer. These samples were high performance, reaching a strength of 100 MPa at 90 days. The other two mixtures were identical but replaced 48% of the aggregates with recycled lightweight aggregates (30% polypropylene, 18.5% cork). To estimate its strength and durability the mixtures were subjected to several tests. Compression strength, elasticity modulus, mercury intrusion porosimetry, carbonation, attack by chlorides, and penetration of water under pressure were analyzed. The compression strength and density of the lightweight mixtures were reduced 68% and 19% respectively; nonetheless, both retained valid levels for structural use (over 30 MPa at 90 days). Results, such as the total porosity between 9.83% and 17.75% or the chloride ion penetration between 8.6 and 5.9 mm, suggest that the durability of these concretes, including the lightweight ones, is bound to be very high thanks to a very low porosity and high resistance to chemical attacks.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, through the Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), grant number IDI-20141102 granted to Cementos La Cruz S.L. The authors of this paper wish to express their gratitude to Cementos La Cruz, S.L. for their interest and support. Special thanks to Gabriel A. Ros, laboratory technician of the Technical University of Cartagena, Spain, for his invaluable assistance in carrying out the assays

    QSI methods for determining the quality of the surface finish of concrete

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    [EN] The surface finish of a concrete element may become an index of its quality, relating the external and internal porosity with the mechanical and durability properties. Few methods are used to determine the surface quality of concrete elements. Mention must be made the Quality Surface Index (QSI) proposes a simplified method to quantify the surface occupied by the pores in relation with the total surface inspected, analyzing groups of pores by their diameter. The method of the CIB W29 (Commission W29 "Concrete Surface Finishings") proposes an inspection of the concrete element and its visual comparison with some standard templates. Finally, the digital processing of images allows the zones with surface defects to be delimited and quantified according to premises of quality introduced into the control software. These three methods are employed in this work and are applied in three concrete walls situated three meters from the observer (M-1, M-2 and M-3). Following the conversion of the results of the method with ImageJ and QSI, the results suppose differences that go from 0.1 tenths (2%) for M-3 up to 0.3 tenths (8%) for M-1. All values are within the obtained range with CIB W29 templates. This can validate the QSI and digital processing methods and allows a quick verification of the results. With the digital method, it is obtained that 23.5% of the total pores of M-1 have a diameter of less than 10 mm(2) and 44% of less than 100 mm(2). For M-2 and M-3 the proportions of pores with a dimension below 10 mm(2) is of 43.1% and 27.7%, respectively, and that 77.5% and 60.7% are smaller than 100 mm2. From all the above it can be highlighted that M-1 is the one with the lowest amount of pores, however the proportion of the largest is greater than for M-2 and M-3. In the case of M-3, although it has a lower proportion of larger pores than M-1, its greater amount means it is the worst in terms of surface finish of the three.Benito-Saorín, FJ.; Miñano-Belmonte, I.; Parra Costa, C.; Rodríguez-López, C.; Valcuende Payá, MO. (2018). QSI methods for determining the quality of the surface finish of concrete. Sustainability. 10(4):931-1-931-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10040931S931-1931-1410

    On the Possibility of Using Recycled Mixed Aggregates and GICC Thermal Plant Wastes in Non-Structural Concrete Elements

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    Industrial wastes are often used as aggregate in concrete production to promote a more sustainable construction and to reduce production costs. This article presents the results of an experimental campaign on the influence of replacing natural aggregate with several construction and demolition wastes (C&DW) as recycled aggregate, as well as the use of fly ash and slag, wastes produced in Gas Incinerator Combined Cycle (GICC) thermal power plants, in the mix design of non-structural concrete. Different percentages of natural aggregates were substituted with recycled aggregates either coming from construction and demolition wastes, or from the coarse fraction of the slags from thermic plants in the manufacture of concrete. The mechanical properties, capillary water absorption, density, carbonation, chloride ingress and sulphate resistance have been tested. The results show a decrease in properties when C&DW are used. Fine fraction of slag and fly ash has an important advantage, and can even improve the long term properties of concrete prepared with natural aggregates. Coarse fraction of slag as a recycled aggregate generally improves most of the properties of manufactured concretes

    Properties of Concrete Paving Blocks and Hollow Tiles with Recycled Aggregate from Construction and Demolition Wastes

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    In recent years there has been an increasing tendency to recycle the wastes generated by building companies in the construction industry, demolition wastes being the most important in terms of volume. The aim of this work is to study the possibility of using recycled aggregates from construction and demolition wastes in the preparation of precast non-structural concretes. To that purpose, two different percentages (15% and 30%) of natural aggregates were substituted by recycled aggregates in the manufacture of paving blocks and hollow tiles. Dosages used by the company have not been changed by the introduction of recycled aggregate. Precast elements have been tested by means of compressive and flexural strength, water absorption, density, abrasion, and slipping resistance. The results obtained show the possibility of using these wastes at an industrial scale, satisfying the requirements of the Spanish standards for these elements.Authors of this study would like to thank the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) for financing the project IDI-20120868

    The incorporation of construction and demolition wastes as recycled mixed aggregates in non-structural concrete precast pieces

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    Concern for the environment has lately heightened awareness about the need for recycling in the construction industry. However, some standards, such as the Spanish standard, only accept the recycling of aggregates derived from concrete, which limits the extensive use of construction and demolition waste, which are produced in much bigger volumes. The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of using recycled mixed aggregates (RMA) in the preparation of precast non-structural concretes. To that end different percentages of natural aggregate were replaced by RMA in non-structural elements (25, 50, 75 and 100%). Contents of cement, water, and the dosages commonly used by companies were unchanged by the introduction of RMA. The characterization of the prepared elements has been done using the specific tests for each type of non-structural element (terrazzo for indoor use, hollow tiles, kerbstones and paving blocks): compression and flexural strength, water absorption, dimensional tolerances, abrasion and slipping resistance. The paving blocks, kerbstones, and hollow tiles prepared were tested for 360 days. The stability of the tested properties confirmed the possibility of using these wastes on an industrial scale satisfying the standard requirements. However, the surface of terrazzo with RMA is not as good as that prepared with natural aggregate.The authors of this study would like to thank the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia for financing project 2009.03.ID + I.0065 in the Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development

    Hormigones sostenibles ligeros y de altas prestaciones

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    La investigación nace de la problemática ambiental que se deriva de la producción, almacenamiento y generación en grandes cantidades diarias de residuos industriales. Para ello se propone la reutilización de subproductos de origen plásticos, madereros y lodos de la industria papelera para la fabricación de hormigones reciclados de altas prestaciones (HP) y hormigones ligeros (ECOHUL).Se utilizan además nanomoléculas de sílice y adiciones activas (cenizas volantes) para aumentar la durabilidad de los hormigones. Las principales ventajas de este nuevo material son su baja densidad, haciéndolo idóneo para su función en zonas sísmicas y una alta impermeabilidad. En general, los hormigones diseñados y analizados en esta investigación han demostrado que la utilización de áridos ligeros reciclados varía sustancialmente la densidad de los hormigones y sus resistencias a compresión (de forma prácticamente lineal). Sin embargo, y de forma muy positiva, se ha constatado que las dosificaciones adoptadas, con y sin residuos, se han comportado de forma similar en los ensayos de durabilidad- cloruros, carbonatación y absorción capilar- destacando la pequeña carbonación, y baja penetraciones de cloruros (menores de 1 cm) en todos los hormigones estudiados