1,312 research outputs found

    Socialinių medijų strategijos lyčių lygybės artivizme. Ispanių feminisčių iliustratorių nuomonės formuotojų karta

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    Nowadays, social networks play a central role in communication media. In this scenario, analysing the gender awareness fostered by the influencers is crucial. The research explores the female representation portrayed by eight Spanish influencers who address the gender approach from graphic communication. All of them are women illustrators, cover topics related to gender, and use similar communication strategies. The methodology includes three complementary techniques: first, desktop study to compare the illustrators’ profiles; second, content analysis to delve into the topics addressed and their artivism; third, a Delphi method to assess their contribution to promoting gender egalitarian values, in which experts specialising in communication, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and politics participate. The results show that feminism is a prominent topic in their publications, stimulating a feeling of sisterhood among women, their core target. From a generational perspective, the influence of their message is more significant on millennials and centennials. Conclusions confirm that social media characteristics, artivism, content hybridisation and transmediality enhance their feministic discourse. Future lines of research may focus on identifying other channels and communication strategies more influential for broad target groups, especially men and generations older than millennials, since these external audiences seem crucial to spread gender awareness.Mūsų laikais socialiniai tinklai yra svarbi komunikacijos priemonių dalis, todėl yra svarbu nagrinėti, kaip nuomonės formuotojai skatina lyčių lygybę. Tyrime analizuojama, kaip aštuonios ispanės nuomonės formuotojos, kalbančios apie lyties aspektą grafinėmis komunikacijos priemonėmis, atstovauja moterims. Jos visos yra iliustratorės, kalbančios su lytimi susijusiomis temomis ir naudojančios panašias komunikacijos strategijas. Taikoma metodika apima tris papildomas technikas: pirma, teorinė analizė, skirta iliustratorių profiliams palyginti; antra, turinio analizė, skirta išnagrinėti aptariamas temas ir jų artivizmą; trečia, Delfi metodas, skirtas įvertinti jų indėlį, skatinant lyčių lygybę; taikant šį metodą dalyvauja komunikacijos, filosofijos, sociologijos, psichologijos ir politikos sričių ekspertai. Rezultatai rodo, kad jų publikacijose ryški feminizmo tema, skatinanti seserystę tarp moterų, kurios yra jų tikslinė auditorija. Vertinant kartų aspektu, jų skleidžiama žinutė yra svarbesnė Z ir Y kartų atstovėms. Išvados patvirtina, kad socialinės medijos bruožai, artivizmas, turinio hibridizacija ir transmedialumas stiprina jų feministinį diskursą. Būsimos tyrimų kryptis galėtų nustatyti kitus kanalus ir komunikacijos strategijas, turinčias daugiau įtakos plačioms tikslinėms grupėms, ypač vyrams ir ankstesnėms kartoms nei Y karta, nes šios išorės auditorijos yra svarbios skatinant lyčių lygybę

    Collaborative tools: computer science students' skills versus software industry needs

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    Software companies encourage and further the use of collaborative tools and skills at the workplace in pursuit of the benefits of their use: they improve communication, productivity and efficiency, and competitiveness. Besides, undergraduate and graduate software engineering computing curricula recommend subjects related to effective cooperative working and group learning. In order to align industry needs and curricula recommendations, universities should provide students with the collaborative knowledge and skills that they will require on the labour market once they finish their degrees. In this scenario, we asked three questions: Are collaborative tools beneficial to software projects? Is it easier for students with knowledge and skills of collaborative tools to find a job? Do enterprises use collaborative tools as a marketing strategy for the recruitment process or are they really empowering their employees to use collaborative tools? This paper explores these questions. We devised a survey addressing the above questions, which was administered to 86 recent computer science graduates. We applied statistical techniques to analyse the responses. From the data gathered during the survey, we conclude that the expected benefits of the use of collaborative tools are in fact corroborated, students skilled in the use of collaborative tools do find it easier to get jobs and companies are not only looking for people with collaborative skills but also use collaborative tools in their routine work processes

    Spanish media coverage of journalistic artificial intelligence: relevance, topics and framing

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    La inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha convertido en un tema muy discutido debido a su implementación en muchas áreas, incluida la periodística. Se examina la cobertura de la IA periodística en medios escritos españoles, particularmente la relevancia otorgada, los temas tratados y el encuadre desde el que se aborda, mediante un análisis de contenido cuantitativo y un análisis estadístico. La IA periodística solo aparece como tema principal en un tercio de los casos, está cada vez más presente, se distribuye en más secciones y aparece principalmente en piezas escritas por periodistas de los medios. Predominan los textos informativos, pero son los periodistas quienes escriben la mayoría de los interpretativos y prácticamente todos los opinativos, promoviendo así el conocimiento y el debate público. Se ocupan principalmente de la aplicación más extendida de la IA, que es la automatización, muy por encima de los problemas laborales y éticos. La IA periodística suele enmarcarse más desde sus beneficios que de sus riesgos, pero recientemente se observan algunos cambios: una creciente preocupación por sus peligros e implicaciones éticas; la detección de abundantes piezas con encuadre personal, donde los periodistas hablan de su profesión y del uso de ChatGPT; y una creciente relevancia del encuadre episódico con el desarrollo de productos de IA. Este estudio podría haber examinado todo tipo de medios, aunque habría ido más allá de la naturaleza exploratoria de esta investigación pionera. Con este trabajo ampliamos la producción científica sobre IA periodística en España, donde esta perspectiva no ha sido analizada.Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a much-discussed topic due to its implementation in many areas, including journalism. This article examines the coverage of journalistic AI in Spanish written media, in particular the relevance allocated to it, the topics that are addressed, and the framing from which it is approached. Quantitative content analysis and statistical analysis were used. Although journalistic AI only appears as the main topic in a third of cases, it is increasingly present, it is distributed across more sections, and it mostly appears in self-written articles. Despite informative texts prevailing, journalists author the majority of interpretative and practically all opinion pieces, thus increasing knowledge and promoting public debate. They deal largely with the most widespread application of AI, which is news automation, ranking well above the issues of job loss and ethics. Although journalistic AI is generally framed from a perspective of its benefits rather than from its risks, some recent changes are observed: growing concern about its dangers and its ethical implications; the detection of numerous pieces with a Personal Frame, where journalists reflect on their profession and the use of ChatGPT; and the growing relevance of the Episodic Frame as specific AI products develop. This study could have examined all types of media, although that approach would have gone beyond the exploratory nature of this pioneering research. With this work we extend scientific production on journalistic AI in Spain, where this perspective has not been analysed.Este artículo forma parte del proyecto PR3/23-30837 financiado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Estimation indirecte du nombre d’immigrés en Espagne à partir des taux de fécondité et des naissances

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    Cet article propose une méthode indirecte pour valider les décomptes du nombre d’immigrés en Espagne établis à partir des registres municipaux de population, qui pourraient surestimer le nombre d’immigrés du fait de doubles enregistrements et de défauts de radiation en cas de départ du pays. La méthode proposée utilise deux types d’informations?: le nombre de naissances issues d’immigrés et leurs taux de fécondité. Les statistiques de naissances par origine des parents proviennent de l’état civil espagnol?; les taux de fécondité sont estimés à partir de l’Enquête nationale sur les immigrés de 2007. Pour les femmes, l’estimation indirecte ne diffère pas significativement du décompte dans le registre, ce qu’on peut considérer comme une validation des deux sources. Pour les hommes, le registre de population dénombre 15?% d’immigrés de plus que l’estimation indirecte, avec un écart statistiquement significatif. Comparés aux estimations proposées dans cet article, les dénombrements des hommes et femmes provenant d’Europe occidentale et des hommes de Roumanie présentent un excédent important. À l’inverse, le rapport est faiblement inférieur à 1 pour les hommes et femmes d’Équateur et les hommes d’Afrique, ce qui suggère un sous-enregistrement de ces groupes par le registre de population.Peer reviewe

    Changes in Subjective Well‑Being Over Time: Economic and Social Resources do Matter

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Government of Spain through grant ECO2015-63734-P (MINECO/FEDER), the FPU2014/1123 fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Fortalecimiento Program of the University of Granada (SEJ-340, SEJ-393). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.This article analyzes the main determinants of changes in subjective well-being over time in Germany distinguishing between long-term and short-term changes. Our findings for the long term indicate that social capital and values and cultural dimensions have the greatest capacity to predict changes in subjective well-being. Likewise, the correlation between economic resources and subjective well-being is weaker due to the small increase registered in household income and because people compare their income with those who are better off and feel envy. In the short term, economic resources have the highest capacity to predict both improvements (ups) and declines (downs) in subjective well-being. Finally, we also suggest that, whenever information is available, personality traits should be taken into account in the analysis of changes in subjective well-being over time in order to achieve more reliable estimates.Government of Spain (MINECO/FEDER) ECO2015-63734-PSpanish Government FPU2014/1123Fortalecimiento Program of the University of Granada SEJ-340 SEJ-393Universidad de Granada/CBU

    High-Fat Diets Modify the Proteolytic Activities of Dipeptidyl-Peptidase IV and the Regulatory Enzymes of the Renin–Angiotensin System in Cardiovascular Tissues of Adult Wistar Rats

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    (1) Background: The replacement of diets high in saturated fat (SAFA) with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) is associated with better cardiovascular function and is related to the modulation of the activity of the local renin–angiotensin system (RAS) and the collagenase activity of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV). The objective of the work was to verify the capacity of different types of dietary fat on the regulatory activities of RAS and DPP-IV. (2) Methods: Male Wistar rats were fed for 24 weeks with three different diets: the standard diet (S), the standard diet supplemented with virgin olive oil (20%) (VOO), or with butter (20%) plus cholesterol (0.1%) (Bch). The proteolytic activities were determined by fluorometric methods in the soluble (sol) and membrane-bound (mb) fractions of the left ventricle and atrium, aorta, and plasma samples. (3) Results: With the VOO diet, angiotensinase values were significantly lower than with the Bch diet in the aorta (GluAP and ArgAP (mb)), ventricle (ArgAP (mb)) and atrium (CysAP (sol)). Significant decreases in DPP-IV (mb) activity occurred with the Bch diet in the atrium and aorta. The VOO diet significantly reduced the activity of the cardiac damage marker LeuAP (mb) in the ventricle and aorta, except for LeuAP (sol) in the ventricle, which was reduced with the Bch diet. (4) Conclusions: The introduction into the diet of a source rich in MUFA would have a beneficial cardiovascular effect on RAS homeostasis and cardiovascular functional stability.ACCIÓN 1 PAIUJA 2019 2020: BIO221

    La Influencia del Consejo de Administración en la Adopción de un Código Ético: The Influence of the Board of Directors on Implementing an Ethics Code

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    Business ethics as a component of the corporate social responsibility, should be promoted from the Board of Directors. In this sense, the drawing up of a code of ethics would imply the formal statement of corporate principles which affect the responsibility with employees, shareholders, customers, the environment and every aspect of the society. Previous empirical evidence has emphasized the contradictory effect between the ownership of shares by directors and its effect on the shareholders’ economic interests, and a low concern with ethics issues by independent directors.In this line, this paper aims at establishing the effect of these two features of the Board of Directors on the incorporation of a ethical code for non-financial quoted Spanish companies. The finding show that the Board ownership leads to a entrenchment in the top management, by generating a divergence between owners’ and managers’ ethical interests. Faced with this situation, the presence of independent directors becomes necessary to reduce such conflicts.La ética empresarial, como uno de los componentes de la responsabilidad social corporativa, debe ser promovida desde el órgano superior de control de las organizaciones empresariales, el Consejo de Administración. En este sentido, la incorporación de un código ético supondría el establecimiento formal de los principios corporativos de la compañía que afectan a la responsabilidad con empleados, accionistas, consumidores, al entorno o a cualquier otro aspecto de la sociedad. La evidencia empírica previa pone de manifiesto efectos contradictorios entre la participación accionarial de los consejeros y su efecto sobre los intereses económicos de los accionistas, así como un reducido interés por parte de los consejeros independientes sobre temas éticos.En esta línea, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el efecto de estas dos características del Consejo de Administración en la incorporación de un código ético por las empresas españolas no-financieras que cotizan en Bolsa. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la participación accionarial provoca un atrincheramiento de la alta dirección, provocando una divergencia entre los intereses éticos de propietarios y directivos. En esta situación, la presencia de consejeros independientes se torna necesaria para reducir tales conflictos

    Different Solvents for Organosolv Pulping

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    Organosolv pulping is a two-stage process involving hydrolysis (decomposition of wood by use of a catalyst) and removal of lignin with an organic solvent (usually a mixture of alcohol and water). The main disadvantage of using an alcohol is its low boiling point, which requires operating at a high pressure and hence using special equipment that is expensive to purchase and operate. One solution to this problem is using alternative organic solvents that afford operation at pressure levels similar to those of classic pulping processes (e.g., the Kraft process). This chapter provides a comprehensive literature review on the organosolv-based production of cellulose pulp by using alternative solvents such as glycols, phenols, esters, organic acids, acetone and amines

    Efectividad y eficacia en el proceso de mediación escolar en línea en tiempo de covid-19

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    Debido a la pandemia Covid-19 que inició en marzo del 2020, los escenarios familiares, laborales y académicos han tenido procesos de interacción humana diferentes, su cambio fue abrupto y genera la necesidad de adaptarse con inmediatez para retomar procesos en todas las dimensiones. En el Centro de Mediación y Convivencia Escolar de la Preparatoria 25 “Dr. Eduardo Aguirre Pequeño” de la UANL se identificó la pertinencia de incorporar estrategias de abordaje en mediación diferentes, ante un escenario de vulnerabilidad para la salud de la comunidad educativ

    Exact value of 3 color weak Rado number

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    For integers k, n, c with k, n ≥ 1 and c ≥ 0, the n color weak Rado number W Rk(n, c) is defined as the least integer N, if it exists, such that for every n coloring of the set {1, 2, ..., N}, there exists a monochromatic solution in that set to the equation x1 + x2 + ... + xk + c = xk+1, such that xi = xj when i = j. If no such N exists, then W Rk(n, c) is defined as infinite. In this work, we consider the main issue regarding the 3 color weak Rado number for the equation x1 + x2 + c = x3 and the exact value of the W R2(3, c) = 13c + 22 is established