6 research outputs found

    Blockchain e processos civis: pontos de convergência

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    The rapid development of information technology and the creation of an information society requires the transformation of all spheres of public life. Justice and the civil process remain unchanged, as the latest information technologies have become an indispensable tool in the field of justice for the effective governance and proper functioning of democracy, and on the other hand they remain a significant challenge. Given these circumstances, it is important to analyze the features of the introduction of blockchain technology in civil proceedings and to explore points of contact on this issue. The work aims to study the place of blockchain in civil proceedings, analysis of problematic issues, and prospects for the introduction of blockchain technologies in civil cases. The object of research is the points of сonvergence between the blockchain and the civil process. The subject of the study is the social relations that arise, change and end when using blockchain technologies in civil proceedings. The research methodology is a set of philosophical, general scientific, and special methods of scientific knowledge, such as comparative law, hermeneutic, historical, method of analysis, generalization, synthesis, and analogy. As a result of the research, international trends in the use of blockchain technologies in civil proceedings were analyzed, as well as attention was paid to national developments on the research topic. In addition, the article considers the institutions of civil procedural law, in which it is possible and appropriate to use blockchain technology. The use of this technology will significantly change the usual rules of civil proceedings and may change the procedural guarantees of judges. El rápido desarrollo de la tecnología de la información y la creación de una sociedad de la información requiere la transformación de todas las esferas de la vida pública. La justicia y el proceso civil se mantienen inalterables, pues las últimas tecnologías de la información se han convertido en una herramienta indispensable en el campo de la justicia para la efectiva gobernabilidad y el buen funcionamiento de la democracia, y por otro lado siguen siendo un importante desafío. Dadas estas circunstancias, es importante analizar las características de la introducción de la tecnología blockchain en los procesos civiles y explorar puntos de contacto sobre este tema. El trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar el lugar de blockchain en los procedimientos civiles, el análisis de cuestiones problemáticas y las perspectivas para la introducción de tecnologías blockchain en casos civiles. El objeto de investigación son los puntos de convergencia entre blockchain y el proceso civil. El objeto de estudio son las relaciones sociales que surgen, cambian y terminan al utilizar tecnologías blockchain en procesos civiles. La metodología de la investigación es un conjunto de métodos filosóficos, científicos generales y especiales del conocimiento científico, tales como el derecho comparado, la hermenéutica, la histórica, el método de análisis, la generalización, la síntesis y la analogía. Como resultado de la investigación, se analizaron las tendencias internacionales en el uso de tecnologías blockchain en procesos civiles, así como también se prestó atención a los desarrollos nacionales en el tema de investigación. Además, el artículo considera las instituciones del derecho procesal civil, en las que es posible y adecuado utilizar la tecnología blockchain. El uso de esta tecnología cambiará significativamente las reglas habituales de los procedimientos civiles y puede cambiar las garantías procesales de los jueces. O rápido desenvolvimento da tecnologia da informação e a criação de uma sociedade da informação exigem a transformação de todas as esferas da vida pública. A justiça e o processo civil permanecem inalterados, pois as mais recentes tecnologias de informação tornaram-se uma ferramenta indispensável no campo da justiça para a governança efetiva e o bom funcionamento da democracia e, por outro lado, continuam sendo um desafio significativo. Diante dessas circunstâncias, é importante analisar as características da introdução da tecnologia blockchain no processo civil e explorar pontos de contato sobre esse assunto. O trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o lugar do blockchain no processo civil, análise de questões problemáticas e perspectivas para a introdução das tecnologias blockchain no processo civil. O objeto de pesquisa são os pontos de convergência entre a blockchain e o processo civil. O tema do estudo são as relações sociais que surgem, mudam e terminam ao usar tecnologias blockchain em processos civis. A metodologia de pesquisa é um conjunto de métodos filosóficos, científicos gerais e especiais de conhecimento científico, como direito comparado, hermenêutico, histórico, método de análise, generalização, síntese e analogia. Como resultado da pesquisa, foram analisadas as tendências internacionais no uso de tecnologias blockchain em processos civis, bem como foi dada atenção aos desenvolvimentos nacionais sobre o tema da pesquisa. Além disso, o artigo considera os institutos do direito processual civil, em que é possível e adequado o uso da tecnologia blockchain. O uso dessa tecnologia alterará significativamente as regras usuais do processo civil e poderá alterar as garantias processuais dos juízes. Portanto, desde que as tecnologias blockchain sejam utilizadas com segurança e, de forma coordenada, nos processos cíveis, o Estado poderá modificar as garantias da justiça, diminuir o ônus dos tribunais, unificar a prática judiciária e proporcionar comodidade às partes

    Institutional stability of public administration in conditions of sustainable development: geopolitical aspect

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    The relevance of the question of the development of public administration in the modern world is important because it is one of the decisive factors affecting the well-being of each state. The purpose of the article is to identify the problems faced by modern institutions of public administration, as well as the ways of their development based on consideration of the management system of the two leading countries of the world. During the research, the following methods of the theoretical block were used: analysis, synthesis, concretization, and generalization of information. The following conclusions were made as a result of the study: the historical development and the current state of public administration in China and the United States were analyzed. It was determined that the modern confrontation between the U.S. and China will intensify in the future and one of the areas of struggle will be the system of governance. It was found out that the main problem of modern management in democratic countries is the presence of bureaucratic elements, so in the future, there will be a departure from them, by increasing the power of managers in the field. The role of outsourcing in the public administration of the future was also examined. In general, it was concluded that the change and sustainability of institutions depends on the type of states. This article will be useful, first of all, to management scientists who study in detail the phenomenon of public administration and develop a theory of its reform. Also, the materials of this article will be useful for political scientists who study modern geopolitical processes

    Legal problems of the use of orphan works in digital age

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    The aim of this paper is to consider the mechanisms of legalization of use orphan works, based on a comparative analysis of the legal regulation in the United States, the EU and European countries; identify priority ways to reform and to develop proposals for improving copyright law in Ukraine. In the first section the concept of the orphan works and the circumstances which caused emergence of the orphan works are revealed. It has been established that the problem of orphan works mostly concerns works whose authors died and heirs cannot be found. In the second section the models of legalization of orphan works in the United States, Canada, the EU and European countries are analyzed and these interferences formed a proposal for Ukrainian legislation. In the third section the background of development of legislation of orphan works in Ukraine are studied. The neсessity to study the legal regulation of the United States, the EU and European countries in light of the recodification of the Civil law of Ukraine and seeking way of its renovation is substantiated. Developing effective mechanisms of using orphan works are stated to become relevant in the process of digitization of libraries’ collections and to have gained a new momentum in recent years. Its result has been provided open access to the works on the Internet