97 research outputs found


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    Poverty is a phenomenon that always occurs in every country especially in the developing country such as Indonesia. Poverty is defined as a condition where someone has not capability to fulfill their basic needs (food and non food). The difference of geographic condition and the unequal of demography always become some problems in the geographic targeting of the poor in the poverty reduction program. One of method that is accurately effective and sensitive with poverty in the small area is Small Area Estimation method by Elbers et al. It is known as Elbers, Lanjouw, Lanjouw method (ELL method). The objective of this method is to map the incidence of poverty in every county or city using the steps in ELL method. In this study, we use Central Java as our case study. The results of this study are the model consumption of Central Java, poverty indicators for each city in Central Java and the poverty maps so that can give information and facilitate the government for making priority in poverty reduction programs. Keywords: Poverty map, ELL Metho


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    SMEs proved as the most contributor (92.71%) to the Indonesian employment. Ironically SMEs have many problems. Several attempts were employed, but they were unsucceessful. This article reached the problem solution through onthological philosophy as the novelty. Through descriptive analysis, SMEs were viewed from four dimensions (quantity, autonomy-correlation, dynamic of the process, meaning-value). The result of the study of onthology that described the reality of SMEs Indonesian context is the con-cept of businesses activities which cannot stand alone. It must correlate with the govern-ment and the environment and society and proceed dynamically to adjust to the environ-ment that is formed from the value of the nation's character (togetherness, brotherhood, mutual cooperation). The implications of onthology are the concept of SME development that should be based on the character of SMEs. SMEs still need protection and proactive support on both micro-businesses and macro-businesses aspect of SMEs, by all stake-holders such as government, business associations, universities. To make SMEs grow, it needs government’s integrated policies that can encourage the development of SMEs

    Using field experiments to analyze changes in electronic data capture adoption decisions

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    Lacovou presented research results in a framework that describes the role of the determinants of technology, organization, and environment simultaneously influencing the innovation adoption decision-making process. The Lacovou framework is an extension study of the Tornatzky framework. Tornatzky's framework addresses three determinants that influence innovation adoption. Unfortunately, Lacovou did not present how the decision process took place. Decisions can be rational or irrational. Ajzen and several other studies defined rational decisions as decisions based on considered information or for a reason as. Previous research had not revealed empirically the rational calculation process in making innovation adoption decisions. Innovation adoption is someone's choice when he/she perceive the benefit and feel appropriate the innovation and will use or intend to use it. This study intends to reveal how the process of rational calculation in the decision-making adoption of innovations through the field experiment method. This study also reveals whether the decision of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to adopt Electronic Data Capture (EDC) is rational. Research analysis using descriptive analysis method. The results show that the rational calculation process can be observed through the field experiment method. The shift in decisions represented by changes in the data on the number of subjects who make adoption decisions illustrate the rational calculation process. The results show that the decision of SMEs in adopting EDC is mostly rational. The yields of this field experiment- research was confirming Lacovou framework. The research illustrates the simulation of the effect of a combination of perceived benefits, organizational readiness, and environmental factors simultaneously  Lacovou presented research results in a framework that describes the role of the determinants of technology, organization, and environment simultaneously influencing the innovation adoption decision-making process. The Lacovou framework is an extension study of the Tornatzky framework. Tornatzky's framework addresses three determinants that influence innovation adoption. Unfortunately, Lacovou did not present how the decision process took place. Decisions can be rational or irrational. Ajzen and several other studies defined rational decisions as decisions based on considered information or for a reason as. Previous research had not revealed empirically the rational calculation process in making innovation adoption decisions. Innovation adoption is someone's choice when he/she perceive the benefit and feel appropriate the innovation and will use or intend to use it. This study intends to reveal how the process of rational calculation in the decision-making adoption of innovations through the field experiment method. This study also reveals whether the decision of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to adopt Electronic Data Capture (EDC) is rational. Research analysis using descriptive analysis method. The results show that the rational calculation process can be observed through the field experiment method. The shift in decisions represented by changes in the data on the number of subjects who make adoption decisions illustrate the rational calculation process. The results show that the decision of SMEs in adopting EDC is mostly rational. The yields of this field experiment- research was confirming Lacovou framework. The research illustrates the simulation of the effect of a combination of perceived benefits, organizational readiness, and environmental factors simultaneously &nbsp

    Spatial Patterns of Poverty in Central-Java Province

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    overty is one of the key issues in development program of Indonesia government. Poverty can be caused by geographical factors, namely the natural conditions, such as climate, density of forest, etc. Therefore, poverty problem tend to be spatially dependent. Spatial dependence is the propensity for nearby locations to influence each other and to possess similar attributes. A measure of the similarity of attributes of locations is called spatial autocorrelation. Spatial autocorrelation measure and analyze the degree of dependency among observations in a geographic space This paper examines spatial patterns of poverty in Central Java Province with spatial autocorrelation using spatial analysis open source software. Through open source software OpenGeoDa, it can be shown that the poverty of certains districts in Central Java Province have significantly spatial autocorrelation and there are some spatial cluster poverty in Central Java which are spatial influenced by density of forest as geographical factor. Keywords : Spatial pattern, Poverty, Central-Java, Spatial Autocorrelatio

    Effect of Skill Approach to Process of Student Learning SMA Negeri 1 Seunuddon North Aceh

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    This study aims to determine the skills approach to the learning outcomes of students in the subject matter of heat in class X at SMA Negeri 1 Seunuddon Aceh Utara. This research is a form of experiment. The population in this study were all second semester class X at SMA Negeri 1 Seunuddon Aceh Utara T.P.2013/2014 consisting of two classes of 60 people. The sample of this study is the total sample is X-1 (class experiment) is taught with the skills approach, and X-2 (control group) were taught using the conventional approach amounted to 30 0rang. Research instrument is the achievement test in the form of 20 multiple-choice questions that consists of 5 options first tested on students outside of the sample, to determine the validity, reliability, distinguishing features, and level of difficulty of the test. From the results of this study showed the average value of the experimental class pretest was 41.66 and 38.66 the control class is through testing prior knowledge obtained t t table (4.224>1.671) with α = 0.05 df = 58, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the process skills approach to student learning outcomes in the subject matter of heat in class X at SMA Negeri 1 Seunuddon Aceh UtaraT.P.2013/2014

    Perencanaan Pembangunan Pariwisata Di Daerah (Studi Pelaksanaan Program Pada Dinas Pemuda Olahraga Dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Pekalongan)

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    Tourism in regional development has aim to solve the poverty and gap between rural and urban area. This research aim identified tourism development program in the regional in three scope are destination development, marketing and institutional program. Infrastructure still dominated the destination development program and less awareness in sustainable atraction development. Marketing development is trap with the regular planning year on year and not apply modern approach yet on marketing strategy. Institutional development growing the community institution but not effective enough because of lack on human resoursces quality and quantity, lack of accesibility, less in infrastructure and budgete problem. Development model for tourism development model in Pekalongan Regency is community based tourism approach

    Analisis Spasial Kasus Demam Berdarah di Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah dengan Menggunakan Indeks Moran

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    Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) adalah suatu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus dengue dan ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes aegypti betina dan beberapa spesies Aedes lainnya. Sebagian besar kecamatan di Kabupaten Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah merupakan daerah endemis demam berdarah dengan jumlah penderita hampir meningkat setiap tahunnya. Melihat tingginya angka kasus DBD di Kabupaten Sukoharjo, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian yang mengkaji pola penyebaran kasus demam berdarah. Penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah bervariasi dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, sehingga komponen ruang atau spasial merupakan bagian yang berpengaruh dalam proses penyebaran. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah secara spasial. Keterkaitan secara spasial dalam penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah diukur melalui autokorelasi spasial dengan menggunakan indeks Moran. Pola kejadian demam berdarah dikaji dengan menggunakan ANN (Average Nearest Neighbour), sedangkan pemetaan untuk menunjukkan daerah yang mempunyai resiko tinggi dalam penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah dilakukan dengan menggunakan estimasi densitas Kernel. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat autokorelasi spasial dalam penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah yang terjadi di Sukoharjo dan pola kejadian demam berdarah mempunyai pola clustered (berkerumun). Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan estimasi densitas Kernel dapat ditunjukkan daerah–daerah yang mempunyai resiko tinggi dalam penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah di Sukoharjo. Kata kunci : demam berdarah, autokorelasi spasial, indeks Moran, ANN, estimasi densitas Kernel


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah pembelajaran pemahaman konsep matematika pada materi penjumlahan pecahan siswa SD kelas IV dengan menggunakan pendekatan Realistic Mathematic Educatin (RME). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Darma Bakti dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 29 orang yang terdiri dari 10 orang siswa laki-laki dan 19 orang siswa perempuan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi guru dan siswa, lembar angket guru dan siswa, serta soal tentang pemahaman konsep matematika. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran ketika diterapkannya pendekatan RME. Hal tersebut ditunjukan dengan skor rata-rata pada observasi guru sebesar 93, dan skor rata-rata pada observasi siswa sebesar 89.6, serta persentase skor angket guru sebesar 90%, dan rata-rata persentase skor angket siswa sebesar 93%, juga persentase peningkatan dari nilai Pre-Test ke Post-Test sebesar 10.22%.Ă‚

    Pendampingan Penyusunan Laporan Rapat Anggota Tahunan Koperasi Dalam Kabupaten OKU Selatan

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    Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yang dilakukan di kabuaten ogan komring uu seatan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, adalah pendampingan laporan kinerja serta manajemen operasional  koperasi dan teknis tata cara pelaksanaan rat koperasi, permasalahan yang terjadi adalah laporan kinerja koperasi di kabupaten ogan komring ulu selatan dirasakan masih kurang  khususnya manajemen operasionalnya, dimana penyajiannya belum sesuai dengan laporan pertanggunjawaban pegurus koerasi. Tujuan kegiatan yaitu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterapilan pegurus koperasi dalam pembuatan laporan kinerja, manajemen operasional dan tata cara pelaksanaan rat koperasi, pendampingan pegurus koperasi ini menggunakan metode social learning dengan empat fase yakni fase perhatian, fase retensi, fase reproduks dan fase motivasi. Sasaran kegiatan adalah pengurus koperasi se-Kabupaten Ogan Komring Ulu Selatan-Sumatera Selatan, agar dapat mewujudkan laporan  kinerja , laporan manajemen operasional dan dapat menerapkan tata cara pelaksaan rapat anggota tahunan denga baik dan benar. Hasil analisis data dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: (1) peningkatan pengetahuan pengurus  dalam mewujudkan laporan kinerja koperasi. (2)peningkatan pengetahuan pengurus dalam mewujudkan laporan manajeen operasional koperasi. (3)peningkatan keterampilan dalam teknis pelaksaan rapat anggota tahunan koperasi


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    In this study to examine influence of quality product, price, and promotion toward purchasing decisions of teh botol sosro in Surabaya. This research inclueds studies of causarch research. This study use a 104 responden consumer of teh botol sosro in Surabaya with criteria spesified. In this study used descriptive technic analysis, MRA, validitas, reliabilitas, partial, and simultan technic for examine. The result of study is quality product influence significant toward purchasing decision, but price not influence significant toward purchasing decision, in simultan test showed quality and price influence significant toward purchasing decision. Keyword:Product Quality, Price, Promotion and Purchasing Decisions
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