21 research outputs found

    Keragaman Jenis Nyamuk di Desa Bonto Baji Kecamatan Kajang Kabupaten Bulukumba

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis nyamuk yang diperoleh di Desa Bonto Baji Kecamatan Kajang Kabupaten Bulukumba yaitu: Ae. aegepty, Culex quinquifasciatus, Culex tritaeriorhyacus, Ae. albopictus, Culex bitaeniorhycus, Culex gelidus. Peranan ekologis nyamuk di alam jentik merupakan makanan bagi hewan-hewan kecil di perairan, yaitu di selokan, tempayang, kolam dan lainnya sedangkan dewasanya sebagai sumber makanan bagi hewan lain seperti cicak dan kodok bagi manusia, Aedes aegypti merupakan vektor DBD, Culex quinquefasciatus, adalah vektor penyakit kaki gajah, demam, Culex bitaeniorhycus belum diketahui vector penyakit yang dibawa, Culex tritaeriorhyacus membawa vektor kaki gajah

    Differences in Ocb-I and Ocb-O Based on Gender: A Case of Insurance Agents in Indonesia

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    This article aims to know if OCB-I and OCB-O differ according to gender. An insurance agent whose function is of a salesperson plays an important role in the organization because it can connect the company with the community. Insurance agents with OCB both OCB-I and OCB-O will be able to increase organizational effectiveness. Data were collected using a questionnaire from 50 either general or life insurance agents in Central Java. The analysis with t-test showed that there were no differences in OCB-I and OCB-O based on Gender.     Keywords: OCB-I, OCB-O, gende

    Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Sarana Hiburan Karaoke di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research on a the emergence of such entertainment karaoke in the city pekanbaru that provide services and facilities interesting .The problems emerging from the study is whether motivation visitors to karaoke in the city pekanbaru. This problem student got the quantitative approach by using statistical product service solution ( spss ) version 17.0. Sample in this research was visitors karaoke and the people in around the location karaoke as many as 97. This study was conducted in two karaoke namely karaoke centers in panam and jalan. nangka , reason writer chose a karaoke is because every day visitors in karaoke is very crowded , so writer interested to have a research in karaoke this. Data analysis technique used is product moment correlation ( ppm ) with the format likert scale .The analysis of test data using validity .Reliability test , correlation and test the hypothesis. Based on approach above , we found that the public perception positive on entertainment karaoke facilities , The more crowded visitors performs karaoke with correlation value 0.972 with a significance 0.000 with the provisions of value probability sig or 0.05 ≥ 0.000, So the hypothesis accepted the public perception is perception that positive on entertainment karaoke facilities

    Region of Interest Detection for Pregnancy Image Processing

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    This study discussed on a comparison of three cropping techniques for region of interest (ROI) detection of ultrasonography (USG) image. Ultrasound images are used to provide information about fetal development in the womb. The image generated by the two-dimensional ultrasound has not been able to provide complete information. Therefore, in order get the form of fetus on ultrasound image can be clearly identified with the necessary process of image analysis that can detect the boundaries of objects ROI, so that it can differentiate between one object with another object on the ultrasound image. Comparison results between the ROI detection with cropping methods namely rectanguler, circle and ellipse shapes are expected obtaining the best technique. It can be used in the ultrasound image segmentation process to obtain the best shape of the object of USG image. Based on the available data it can be concluded that the best ROI detection with cropping methods is produced by ellipse shape. The results show that ellipse shape of ROI Detection has the best accuracy compared to other cropping shapes. Based on the results, rectanguler and circle have the similar value. Therefore, MSE of ellipse is lower than rectanguler and circle shapes.

    Pengaruh Paparan Logam Timbal Terhadap Kematian Embrio Ikan Medaka Embrio (Oryzias celebensis Weber, 1894) di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh paparan logam timbal terhadap embrio dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup Ikan Medaka. Laju proporsional mortalitas dan survival rate embrio ikan medaka yang terpapar logam Pb pada nilai yang berbeda pada konsentrasi 0,02 mg / l, 0,2 mg / l dan 2 mg / l. Pengumpulan data kematian dilakukan setiap jam selama 10 hari dengan mengamati jumlah telur yang mati disamping mengamati kematian juga tingkat kelangsungan hidup. Hasil analisis data mortalitas dengan nilai rata-rata dan standar deviasi didapatkan mortalitas embrio ikan medaka pada kontrol berbeda nyata dengan kelompok kontrol. Dampak toksikologi embrio lebih terlihat pada konsentrasi mortalitas yang lebih tinggi (2 mg/l) dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi yang lebih rendah (0,02mg / l). Insiden tertinggi sebesar konsentrasi deviasi standar (0,02mg / l). Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa semakin tinggi pengaruh konsentrasi logam Pb, maka kematian atau kelangsungan hidup embrio ikan medaka yang umum terjadi di perairan permukaan sungai pattunuangasue semakin rendah. A B S T R A C T The present study aimed to determine the mortality of embryos and the survival rate of medaka fish exposed to Pb metal. The proportional rate of mortality and survival rate of medaka fish embryos exposed to Pb metal at different values at concentrations of 0.02 mg/l, 0.2 mg/l and 2 mg/l. Mortality data collection was carried out every hour for 10 days by observing the number of dead eggs in addition to mortality also observed survival rates. Mortality data analysis results with the average value and standard deviation obtained mortality of medaka fish embryos at the control were significantly different from the control group. The embryo toxicological impact was more pronounced in higher mortality concentrations of (2mg/l) compared to lower concentrations (0.02mg/l). Their highest incidence amounted to standard deviation concentrations of (0,02mg/l). The study proved significant the higher the concentration of Pb metals impact, the mortality or the lower the survival rate of medaka fish embryos commonly occurring in surface waters in Pattunuangasue river


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    Sister city collaboration is an activity carried out based on cooperation agreements between city governments in Indonesia and city governments abroad to mutually improve relations of friendship and understanding between the two countries. The Semarang Government on 11 January 1993 signed the first Sister City Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Lord Mayor Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Unfortunately, this MoU of cooperation was halted in 2005, and although the MoU was still ongoing the implementation of the program activities stopped in 1997. The results of previous studies showed several factors as factors supporting the success of sister city cooperation. One of the supporting factors is the factor of human resources (HR). The purpose of this study is to identify aspects of the human resource factor that can support the success of the Semarang-Brisbane sister city activity.Primary data collection in this study was in the form of a questionnaire and interview to eight respondents from various backgrounds. The analysis in this study was carried out using descriptive analysis to describe the opinions of respondents about human resource factors that support the success of Semarang-Brisbane sister city.The results of the study show that the important HR competency factors are those who have an understanding of the culture and language of the partner countries. Whereas according to its importance the competence of human resources is mastering English or other relevant languages, understanding partner countries, experts in the field of international agreements and mastering foreign policy

    Early Marriage and Its Relationship with Child Development

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    Background: Early marriage is still a problem in the world, especially in developing countries including Indonesia. The problem of early marriage in Indonesia takes place both in urban and rural areas with diverse population economic status. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between early marriage and child development. Method:this study used a cross-sectional approach design. the independent variable in this research was early marriage, while the dependent variable in this research was the development of the child. The population in this research was all toddlers residing in a region of Situbondo Regency. The total sample was 67 respondents who got married when 18 years old or younger. Data were collected through interviews and the denver development screening test (DDST) II. data were analyzed with the Pearson correlation test with p < 0.05. Results: Early marriage has no association with child growth but it has a relationship with child development. in this study there was a significant relationship found between early marriage of the mother and child development (p<0,001). the risk of a child experiencing developmental disorders when the mother marries early was found to be 62 times compared to mothers who married at an early age. Conclusion: Early marriage does not cause growth disorders of children, but early marriage has the potential to cause delay in child development. early childbirth does not cause growth disorders of children. women who experienced early childbirth might cause general developmental delays in children. Keywords: early marriage childhood, child development, child growth

    Pemberian Stimulasi Selama Satu Jam pada Perkembangan Anak Usia 12-24 Bulan

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    The influence of one hour stimulation in children aged 12-24 monthsIntroduction: Early stimulation plays an important role to reach optimal growth and development in children, especially cognitive, affective, and psychomotor developments. Stimulation has to be done continuously because this is important to maintain the connection between brain cells (synapse). Lack of stimulation can influence loss of brain cells functions. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of one hour stimulation on the development of children aged 12-24 months.Methods: An experimental analytic study with cohort prospective was conducted on children aged 12-24 months in Gubeng district, Surabaya, from September 2008-February 2009. Seventy healthy children were randomly divided into two groups, stimulation group and control group. Denver II was used to evaluate children's developmental status, conducted before and after stimulation. Data analysis using McNemar and Chi Square test.Result: There were improvement on development in both groups, from 85.7% become to 94.3% in the stimulation group and 68.6% to 77.1% in the control group. There was a significant influence on children development, only 10% children did not have any development delay anymore in the stimulation group, but in the control group still 30% (p=0.042). After 3 months, there was an improvement of development in the stimulation group from suspect to normal in 80%, and 63.6% in the control group, but notsignificant (p=0.375 vs p=0.549).Conclusion: Early stimulation improves the development of children aged 12-24 months

    Early Marriage and its Relationship with Child Development

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    Background Early marriage is still a problem in the world, especially in developing countries including Indonesia. The problem of early marriage in Indonesia takes place both in urban and rural areas with diverse population economic status. Objective This study aimed to analyze the relationship between early marriage and child development. Method This study used a cross-sectional approach design. The independent variable in this research was early marriage, while the dependent variable in this research was the development of the child. The population in this research was all toddlers residing in a region of Situbondo Regency. The total sample was 67 respondents who got married when 18 years old or younger. Data were collected through questionnaires and measurements of height, weight, and nutritional status and progress was assessed through interviews and the Denver Development Screening Test (DDST) II. Data were analyzed with the Pearson correlation test with p < 0.05. Results Early marriage has no association with child growth but it has a relationship with child development. In this study there was a significant relationship found between early marriage of the mother and child development (p < 0.001). The risk of a child experiencing developmental disorders when the mother marries early was found to be 62 times compared to mothers who married at an early age. Conclusion Early marriage does not cause growth disorders of children, but early marriage has the potential to cause delay in child development. Early childbirth does not cause growth disorders of children. Women who experienced early childbirth might cause general developmental delays in children

    Pemberian Stimulasi Selama satu Jam Pada Perkembangan Anak Usia 12-24 Bulan

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    Pendahuluan: Stimulasi mempunyai peran penting untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak, terutama fungsi kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor. Stimulasi yang terus menerus mengakibatkan hubungan antar sel otak (sinapsis) bisa berjalan dengan baik. Kurangnya stimulasi akan mengakibatkan hilangnya fungsi sel-sel otak ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian stimulasi selama 1 jam pada perkembangan anak usia 12-24 bulan. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara analitik prospektif kohort pada anak usia 12-24 bulan di Kecamatan Gubeng, Surabaya, mulai bulan September 2008 hingga Februari 2009. Tujuh puluh anak sehat secara acak dibagi dalam 2 kelompok, kelompok stimulasi dan kelompok kontrol. Denver II digunakan untuk menilai status perkembangan anak, sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Analisis data menggunakan uji McNemar dan Chi Square. Hasil: Didapatkan perbaikan perkembangan pada kedua kelompok, dari 85,7% menjadi 94,3% pada kelompok stimulasi, dan 68,6% menjadi 77,1% pada kelompok kontrol. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada kemampuan perkembangan, hanya 10% tidak mengalami keterlambatan pada kelompok stimulasi, sedangkan kelompok kontrol 30% (p=0,042). Setelah 3 bulan, terjadi peningkatan perkembangan pada kelompok stimulasi dari subyek yang suspek menjadi normal sebesar 80%, dan kelompok kontrol sebesar 63,6%, tetapi tidak bermakna (p=0,375 vs p=0,549). Simpulan: Pemberian stimulasi satu jam meningkatkan kemampuan perkembangan anak usia 12-24 bulan