8 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico De Factores Conductuales Para El Trabajo En Equipo Con Estudiantes Universitarios

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    Teamwork is a temporary activity that takes place within organizations in order to perform sophisticated tasks. The behavior of the individuals that make up the team can positively or negatively affect the results obtained from them. Freud (1973) and later David McClelland (1989) attributed five (5) dimensions to human behavior: personality, values, culture, motivations, knowledge, and skills. Recent studies have deepened these aspects. This was done individually and based on different environments that relates to the field of higher education. The importance of teamwork has become prevalent in the world of work. This was despite the fact that this competence does not develop significantly in university education. This paper focuses on the development of a behavioral diagnostic instrument for teamwork based on ad hoc research and with the support of experts in organizational psychology, as well as the coherence of the instrument designed from the correlation of the items by categories of the five dimensions. This instrument was developed and validated to be reliable and applicable to university students. This was done in order to determine their behavioral profile which allows the designing strategies that helps to strengthen teamwork in classrooms

    Analisis De La Percepcion De Alumnos Y Egresados Para Determinar Y Promover El Sentido De Pertenencia Y La Filantropia En Universidades

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    The objective of this article is to define what are the factors that prevent achieving a high sense of belonging in current students and graduates of a private university. The sense of belonging impacts on the level of participation of the activities triggered by the university as well as philanthropic strategies that seek to support those who need it most. To carry out this study, group sessions were held with graduates and current students. The latter were also given a survey to know their current perception of belonging and desire to participate in what promotes their university for which the result is that 94% of students would support philanthropic initiatives. On the other hand, the graduates comment that there is a lack of better communication to know what is happening in their alma mater and also to design linking models to strengthen current ties

    Validación de una escala para medir la calidad de vida laboral en hospitales públicos de Tlaxcala

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    Objetivo. Validar un instrumento para medir la calidad de vida laboral en hospitales públicos (CVL-HP) de Tlaxcala,México. Material y métodos. El instrumento fue validado en 669 trabajadores de seis hospitales de la Secretaría de Salud de Tlaxcala, México. Se evaluó validez de contenido por consulta a expertos, de constructo mediante análisis factorial, de criterio por comparación con otras escalas y la confiabilidad con Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados. El análisis factorial descubrió cuatro dimensiones: “bienestar individual”,“condiciones y medio ambiente de trabajo”, “organización”y “bienestar logrado a través del trabajo”. La confiabilidad fue de 0.921. Los trabajadores con mejor CVL-HP fueron menores de 50 años, de contrato, con menor antigüedad laboral, personal de jornada acumulada diurna y aquéllos con licenciatura. Conclusiones. La escala CVL-HP mostró ser psicométricamente válida y confiable. Se recomienda probar esta escala en otras instituciones públicas y privadas,y relacionarla con  indicadores de desempeño y gestión de los servicios de salud

    Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural communities

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    Objective: To determine the lifestyle of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) in rural communities. Materials and methods: A sample population of 126 subjects with DM2 were evaluated to determine their body mass index (BMI), glycosylated hemoglobin (GH) and a two-phase questionnaire was applied to determine changes in their lifestyle before and after the study. Results: Initial and final BMI was 26.67 and 26.36 respectively, and GH was 7.74 and 7.33 respectively without a significant difference. The survey showed that 69.3% of the population has a low self-esteem as consequence of their status of life; 56.5% do not go with their physician; 30.2% do not have interest in their health status; 39% do not know about their diseases; 34% do not practice any type of exercise; 56.6% is not or just some times are interested to get a good nutrition, and only 16.2% are conscious of doing exercise frequently. Conclusions: Cultural factors, sociodemographic status, and knowledge about health, have an impact in the lifestyle of this DM2 population. Is necessary to develop programs to improve health and lifestyle in patients with diabetes in rural communities

    Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural communities

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    Objective: To determine the lifestyle of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) in rural communities. Materials and methods: A sample population of 126 subjects with DM2 were evaluated to determine their body mass index (BMI), glycosylated hemoglobin (GH) and a two-phase questionnaire was applied to determine changes in their lifestyle before and after the study. Results: Initial and final BMI was 26.67 and 26.36 respectively, and GH was 7.74 and 7.33 respectively without a significant difference. The survey showed that 69.3% of the population has a low self-esteem as consequence of their status of life; 56.5% do not go with their physician; 30.2% do not have interest in their health status; 39% do not know about their diseases; 34% do not practice any type of exercise; 56.6% is not or just some times are interested to get a good nutrition, and only 16.2% are conscious of doing exercise frequently. Conclusions: Cultural factors, sociodemographic status, and knowledge about health, have an impact in the lifestyle of this DM2 population. Is necessary to develop programs to improve health and lifestyle in patients with diabetes in rural communities