12 research outputs found

    Review of real-life teduglutide experience

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    Background: teduglutide is an agonist of glucagon-related peptide (aGLP2) effective as a treatment for patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS), an entity that affects quality of life, usually requires home parenteral nutrition (HPN) and generates significant health costs. The objective of the present narrative review was to assess the real-life experience reported with teduglutide.Methods and results: in real life, one meta-analysis and studies published with 440 patients indicate that Teduglutide is effective after the period of intestinal adaptation after surgery, reducing the need for HPN and in some cases even allowing it to be suspended. The response is heterogeneous, increasing progressively up to 2 years after the start of treatment and reaching 82 % in some series. The presence of colon in continuity is a negative predictor of early response, but a positive predictive factor for the withdrawal of HPN. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal in the early stages of treatment. There are late complications related to the stoma or the occurrence of colon polyps, although the frequency of the latter is very low. In adults, data on improved quality of life and cost-effectiveness are scarce.Conclusions: teduglutide is effective and safe and data from pivotal trials for the treatment of patients with SBS are confirmed in real life and can reduce or even stop HPN in some cases. Although it seems cost-effective, more studies are needed to identify those patients with the greatest benefit

    Nutrición en cuidados paliativos: resumen de recomendaciones del Grupo de Trabajo de Ética de la SENPE

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    Los cuidados paliativos proporcionan una atención integral que tiene en cuenta los aspectos físicos, emocionales, sociales y espirituales del paciente con enfermedad terminal y su entorno familiar. El tratamiento nutricional debe formar parte activa de los equipos de cuidados paliativos. La necesidad de iniciar o no un tratamiento nutricional sigue siendo, desde hace décadas, uno de los principales problemas éticos a los que se enfrentan los profesionales dedicados a la nutrición clínica. El origen de tal controversia radica, fundamentalmente, en cómo se consideran la nutrición y la hidratación: cuidado/soporte o tratamiento médico. Los objetivos fundamentales del tratamiento nutricional en los pacientes en cuidados paliativos deben ser otros: la mejoría de la calidad de vida, de la supervivencia o de ambas. La decisión de indicar o no el tratamiento nutricional en cuidados paliativos debe tomarse tras considerar el pronóstico, la calidad de vida y la relación “riesgo/beneficio”. En relación a la alimentación por vía oral (con o sin suplementos orales), prevalece la idea de la “alimentación de confort”, que se basa en intentos de alimentación oral hasta que se produzcan la incomodidad y/o el rechazo del paciente. No existen evidencias que justifiquen el uso de nutrientes específicos, aunque desde hace años se señala la posibilidad de lograr beneficios cuando se utilizan ácidos grasos omega-3 en los pacientes con cáncer. En cuanto al tratamiento nutricional (enteral o parenteral), en ausencia de evidencia, las decisiones sobre si iniciar una nutrición artificial en un paciente paliativo deben tomarse teniendo en cuenta los deseos y creencias del paciente y sus familiares, y basarse en el consenso del equipo interdisciplinar sobre los objetivos que se persiguen al iniciarla

    Registro español de nutrición enteral domiciliaria del año 2009; Grupo NADYA-SENPE

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    Objetivo: Describir las características de la Nutrición Enteral Domiciliaria (NED) en España, registrada por el grupo NADYA-SENPE durante el año 2009. Material y métodos: Recopilación y análisis descriptivo de los datos del registro de NED del grupo NADYASENPE desde el 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2009. Resultados: Se registraron 6.540 pacientes, 5,11% más que en el año anterior y 6.649 episodios de NED (3.135 en mujeres, 47,93%) pertenecientes a 32 centros hospitalarios. Siendo 6.238 (95,38%) mayores de 14 años. La edad media en los menores de 14 años fue de 3,67 ± 2,86 y de 72,10 ± 16,89 en los mayores de 14 años. La enfermedad de base que se registró con más frecuencia fue la neurológica en 2.732 (41,77%) ocasiones, seguida de la neoplasia en 1838; 28,10%. La vía de acceso se registró en 1.123 (17,17%) de los episodios, siendo más frecuente la administración por sonda nasogástrica 562 (50,04%). El tiempo medio de tratamiento nutricional fue de 323 días (10,77 meses). Finalizaron 606 episodios de NED, siendo el motivo más frecuentes el fallecimiento del enfermo, lo que aconteció en 295 (48,68%) ocasiones y el paso a alimentación oral en 219 (36,14%). Los pacientes mantenían una actividad normal en 2162 episodios de NED (32,55%) y en 2468 (37,13%) hacían vida “cama-sillón”. El grado de dependencia fue “total” en 2598 (39,07%) de los episodios registrado. El suministro de la fórmula nutricional se realizó desde el hospital en 4.183 (62,91%) casos y por la farmacia de referencia en 2.262 (el 34,02%) y el material fungible se suministró desde el hospital en 3.531 (53,11%) de los casos. Conclusiones: El número de pacientes con NED registrados es superior al del año 2008, continuando con el incremento progresivo desde el inicio del registro. Las características de los mismos mantiene el mismo perfil que en años anteriores con pequeñas variaciones.Objective: To describe the Home Enteral Nutrition Characteristics (HEN) recorded by the group NADYASENPE during 2009. Material and methods: collection and analysis of the data voluntary recorded in the HEN registry from the NADYASENPE group from January 1st to December 31st. Results: 6.540 HEN patients were registered, 5.11% more than the previous year and 6,649 episodes (3,135 in women, 47,93%) from 32 different hospitals. 6,238 of them (95,38%) were over 14 years. The mean age of the patients under 14 yr was 3,67 ± 2,86 and it was 72,10 ± 16,89 in those over 14 yr group. The base illness registered more frequently was the neurological disorders in 2,732 (41,77%) patients, followed by cancer patients in 1,838; 28,10%. The enteral access route was registered in 1,123 (17,17%) of the episodes, being more frequent the administration by nasogastric tube 562 (50,04%). The mean length of nutritional treatment by episode was 323 days (10,77 months). 606 episodes of HEN ended, being the principal reasons for discontinuing treatment the patient death in 295 (48,68%) occasions. The transition to oral feeding occurred in 219 (36,14%) cases. Patients maintained normal activity in 2162 (32,55%) HEN episodes and 2,468 (37,13%) cases were living “bedcouch”. The level of dependence was “total” in 2,598 (39,07%) of the episodes recorded. The nutritional formula was provided by the hospital in 4,183 (62,91%) cases and by the reference pharmacy in 2,262 (el 34,02%). Consumables were provided by the hospital in 3,531 (53,11%) cases. Conclusions: The number of HEN patients recorded increased from the year 2008, continuing the gradual growth increase since the start of registration. The characteristics of the patients remain in the same profile as in previous years

    Nutrición enteral domiciliaria en España: registro Nadya del año 2011-2012

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    Objective: To describe the results of the home enteral nutrition (HEN) registry of the NADYA-SENPE group in 2011 and 2012. Material and methods: We retrieved the data of the patients recorded from January 1st 2011 to December 31st 2012. Results: There were 3021 patients in the registry during the period from 29 hospitals, which gives 65.39 per million inhabitants. 97.95% were adults, 51.4% male. Mean age was 67.64 ± 19.1, median age was 72 years for adults and 7 months for children. Median duration with HEN was 351 days and for 97.5% was their first event with HEN. Most patients had HEN because of neurological disease (57.8%). Access route was nasogastric tube for 43.5% and gastrostomy for 33.5%. Most patients had limited activity level and, concerning autonomy, 54.8% needed total help. Nutritional formula was supplied from chemist’s office to 73.8% of patients and disposables, when necessary, was supplied from hospitals to 53.8% of patients. HEN was finished for 1,031 patients (34.1%) during the period of study, 56.6% due to decease and 22.2% due to recovery of oral intake. Conclusions: Data from NADYA-SENPE registry must be explained cautiously because it is a non-compulsory registry. In spite of the change in the methodology of the registry in 2010, tendencies regarding HEN have been maintained, other than oral routeObjetivos: Describir los resultados del registro de nutrición enteral domiciliaria (NED) del grupo NADYASENPE de los años 2011 y 12. Material y métodos: Se recopilaron los datos introducidos en el registro desde el 1 de enero de 2011 al 31 de diciembre de 2012. Resultados: Hubo 3021 pacientes en el registro durante el periodo, procedentes de 29 hospitales, lo que da una prevalencia de 65,39 casos por millón de habitantes. 97.95% fueron adultos, 51,4% varones. La edad media fue 67,64 ± 19,1 años y la mediana 72 años para los adultos y 7 meses para los niños. La duración media de la NED fue 351 días y para el 97,5% fue el primer episodio con NED. La mayoría de pacientes tenían NED por una enfermedad neurológica (57,8%). La vía de acceso fue sonda nasogástrica para el 43,5% y gastrostomía para el 33,5%. La mayoría de pacientes tuvieron un nivel de actividad física limitado y, respecto a la autonomía, 54,8% necesitaba ayuda total. La fórmula de nutrición se suministró desde las oficinas de farmacia para el 73,8% y los fungibles, cuando fueron necesarios, desde los hospitales para el 53,8%. La NED se suspendió en 1.031 pacientes (34,1%) durante el periodo de estudio, 56,6% debido a fallecimiento y 22,2% debido a recuperación de la vía oral. Conclusiones: Los datos del registro NADYA-SENPE deben ser interpretados con precaución ya que se trata de un registro voluntario. A pesar del cambio de metodología del registro en 2010, las tendencias en NED se han mantenido, salvo la importancia cuantitativa de la vía ora

    Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España 2018. Informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA

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    Aim: to communicate home parenteral nutrition (HPN) data obtained from the HPN registry of the NADYA-SENPE group (www.nadya-senpe. com) for the year 2018. Material and methods: descriptive analysis of the data collected from adult and pediatric patients with HPN in the NADYA-SENPE group registry from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018. Results: there were 278 patients from 45 Spanish hospitals (54.7 % women), 23 children and 255 adults, which represent a prevalence rate of 5.95 patients/million inhabitants/year 2018. The most frequent diagnosis in adults was " palliative cancer" (22.0 %), followed by "others". In children it was Hirschsprung's disease together with necrotizing enterocolitis, with four cases (17.4 %). The first indication was short bowel syndrome in both children (60.9 %) and adults (35.7 %). The most frequently used type of catheter was tunneled in both children (81.0 %) and adults (41.1 %). Ending 75 episodes, the most frequent cause was death (52.0 %) and change to oral feeding (33.3 %). Conclusions: the number of centers and collaborating professionals in the registry of patients receiving HPN remains stable, as well as the main indications and reasons for termination of HPN

    Recommendations Based on Evidence by the Andalusian Group for Nutrition Reflection and Investigation (GARIN) for the Pre- and Postoperative Management of Patients Undergoing Obesity Surgery

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    In order to develop evidence-based recommendations and expert consensus for nutrition management of patients undergoing bariatric surgery and postoperative follow-up, we conducted a systematic literature search using PRISMA methodology plus critical appraisal following the SIGN and AGREE-II procedures. The results were discussed among all members of the GARIN group, and all members answered a Likert scale questionnaire to assess the degree of support for every recommendation. Patients undergoing bariatric surgery should be screened preoperatively for some micronutrient deficiencies and treated accordingly. A VLCD (Very Low-Calorie Diet) should be used for 4-8 weeks prior to surgery. Postoperatively, a liquid diet should be maintained for a month, followed by a semi-solid diet also for one month. Protein requirements (1-1.5 g/kg) should be estimated using adjusted weight. Systematic use of specific multivitamin supplements is encouraged. Calcium citrate and vitamin D supplements should be used at higher doses than are currently recommended. The use of proton-pump inhibitors should be individualised, and vitamin B12 and iron should be supplemented in case of deficit. All patients, especially pregnant women, teenagers, and elderly patients require a multidisciplinary approach and specialised follow-up. These recommendations and suggestions regarding nutrition management when undergoing bariatric surgery and postoperative follow-up have direct clinical applicability.Funding for the face-to-face meeting and the translation into English was provided by NESTLE HEALTHCARE.Ye

    Standards for the Use of Enteral Nutrition in Patients with Diabetes or Stress Hyperglycaemia: Expert Consensus

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    (1) Background: Hyperglycaemia that occurs during enteral nutrition (EN) should be prevented and treated appropriately since it can have important consequences for morbidity and mortality. However, there are few quality studies in the literature regarding the management of EN in this situation. The objective of this project was to attempt to respond, through a panel of experts, to those clinical problems regarding EN in patients with diabetes or stress hyperglycaemia (hereinafter referred to only as hyperglycaemia) for which we do not have conclusive scientific evidence; (2) Methods: The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method, a modified Delphi panel method, was applied. A panel of experts made up of 10 clinical nutrition specialists was formed, and they scored on the appropriateness of EN in hyperglycaemia, doing so in two rounds. A total of 2992 clinical scenarios were examined, which were stratified into five chapters: type of formula used, method of administration, infusion site, treatment of diabetes, and gastrointestinal complications. (3) Results: consensus was detected in 36.4% of the clinical scenarios presented, of which 23.7% were deemed appropriate scenarios, while 12.7% were deemed inappropriate. The remaining 63.6% of the scenarios were classified as uncertain; (4) Conclusions: The recommendations extracted will be useful for improving the clinical management of these patients. However, there are still many uncertain scenarios reflecting that the criteria for the management of EN in hyperglycaemia are not completely standardised. More studies are required to provide quality recommendations in this area