120 research outputs found

    A yeast fermentate improves gastrointestinal discomfort and constipation by modulation of the gut microbiome : results from a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled pilot trial

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    Background: Constipation and symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort such as bloating are common among otherwise healthy individuals, but with significant impact on quality of life. Despite the recognized contribution of the gut microbiome to this pathology, little is known about which group(s) of microorganism(s) are playing a role. A previous study performed in vitro suggests that EpiCor (R) fermentate has prebiotic-like properties, being able to favorably modulate the composition of the gut microbiome. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of EpiCor fermentate in a population with symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort and reduced bowel movements and to evaluate its effect at the level of the gut microbiome. Methods: This pilot study was performed according to a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel design. Eighty subjects with symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort and constipation were allocated to one of two trial arms (placebo or EpiCor fermentate). Randomization was done in a stratified manner according to symptom severity, resulting in two subgroups of patients: severe and moderate. Daily records of gastrointestinal symptoms were assessed on a 5-point scale, and also stool frequency and consistency were documented during a 2-week run-in and a 6-week intervention phases. Averages over two-week intervals were calculated. Constipation-associated quality of life and general perceived stress were assessed at baseline and after 3 and 6 weeks of intervention. Fecal samples were also collected at these same time points. Results: EpiCor fermentate led to a significant improvement of symptoms such as bloating/distension (p = 0.033 and p = 0.024 after 2 and 4 weeks of intervention, respectively), feeling of fullness (p = 0.004 and p = 0.023 after 2 and 4 weeks of intervention, respectively) and general daily scores (p = 0.046 after 2 weeks of intervention) in the moderate subgroup. A significant improvement in stool consistency was observed for the total population (p = 0.023 after 2 weeks of intervention) as well as for the severe subgroup (p = 0.046 after 2 weeks of intervention), and a nearly significant increase in stool frequency was detected for the total cohort (p = 0.083 and p = 0.090 after 2 and 4 weeks of intervention, respectively). These effects were accompanied by an improvement in constipation-associated quality of life and general perceived stress, particularly in the moderate subgroup. Members of the families Bacteroidaceae and Prevotellaceae, two groups of bacteria that have been previously reported to be deficient in constipated patients, were found to increase with EpiCor fermentate in the severe subgroup. In the moderate subgroup, a significant increase in Akkermansia muciniphila was observed. Conclusions: Despite the relatively low dose administered (500 mg/day), particularly when comparing to the high recommended doses for prebiotic fibers, EpiCor fermentate was able to modulate the composition of the gut microbiome, resulting in improvement of constipation-associated symptoms. Conversely, the reported increase in bowel movements may have altered the gut microbial community by increasing those groups of bacteria that are better adapted to a faster gastrointestinal transit time

    LPS resistance of SPRET/Ei mice is mediated by Gilz, encoded by the Tsc22d3 gene on the X chromosome

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    Natural variation for LPS-induced lethal inflammation in mice is useful for identifying new genes that regulate sepsis, which could form the basis for novel therapies for systemic inflammation in humans. Here we report that LPS resistance of the inbred mouse strain SPRET/Ei, previously reported to depend on the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), maps to the distal region of the X-chromosome. The GR-inducible gene Tsc22d3, encoding the protein Gilz and located in the critical region on the X-chromosome, showed a higher expressed SPRET/Ei allele, regulated in cis. Higher Gilz levels were causally related to reduced inflammation, as shown with knockdown and overexpression studies in macrophages. Transient overexpression of Gilz by hydrodynamic plasmid injection confirmed that Gilz protects mice against endotoxemia Our data strongly suggest that Gilz is responsible for the LPS resistance of SPRET/Ei mice and that it could become a treatment option for sepsis

    Representações sociais de puérperas sobre as síndromes hipertensivas da gravidez e nascimento prematuro

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the meanings attributed by mothers to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDPs) and their consequences, such as premature birth and hospitalization of the infant in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). METHOD: A qualitative study, based on the Central Nucleus Theory, with 70 women who had hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and preterm delivery. We used the technique of free word association (FWAT) with three stimuli: high blood pressure during pregnancy, prematurity and NICU. RESULTS: We obtained 1007 evocations, distributed as follows: high blood pressure during pregnancy (335) prematurity (333) and NICU (339). These constituted three thematic units: representation of HDPs, prematurity and the NICU. The categories death and negative aspects were inherent to the three units analyzed, followed by coping strategies and needs for care present in HDPs and prematurity. CONCLUSION: The study had death as its central nucleus, and highlighted the subjective aspects present in the high risk pregnancy and postpartum cycle. It is hoped that this research will contribute to qualifying nursing care for women confronting the problem of HDPs, so that they can cope with less impacts from the adverse effects of high risk pregnancy and birth.OBJETIVO: Identificar los significados atribuidos por las madres de los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo (THE) y sus consecuencias, y sus consecuencias, tales como el nacimiento prematuro y hospitalización del recién nacido en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN). Metodo: Un estudio cualitativo, basado en la teoría del núcleo central, con 70 mujeres que tenían trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo y parto prematuro. Se utilizó la técnica de la asociación libre de palabra (TALP) con tres estímulos: presión arterial alta durante el embarazo, nacimiento prematuro y UCIN. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron 1007 evocaciones, distribuidos de la siguiente manera: presión arterial alta durante el embarazo (335) prematuridad (333) y UCIN (339). Estos constituyeron tres unidades temáticas: la representación de THE, prematuridad y UCIN. Las categorias muerte y aspectos negativos fueron inherentes a las tres unidades analizadas, seguidos por las estrategias de afrontamiento y las necesidades de atención actual en THE y prematuridad. CONCLUSÍON: El estudio tenía la muerte como su núcleo central, y puso de relieve los aspectos subjetivos presentes en el embarazo de alto riesgo y el ciclo de post-parto. Se espera que esta investigación contribuya a calificar la atención de enfermería para las mujeres que enfrentan el problema de los THE, de modo que puedan hacer frente con menos impacto de los efectos adversos de los embarazos de alto riesgo y el parto.OBJETIVO: identificar os significados atribuídos por puérperas às síndromes hipertensivas da gravidez e suas consequências, como o nascimento prematuro e a hospitalização do filho na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal MÉTODO: estudo qualitativo, baseado na Teoria do Núcleo Central, com 70 mulheres que apresentaram síndrome hipertensiva da gravidez e parto prematuro. Utilizou-se a Técnica de Associação Livre de Palavras com três estímulos: pressão alta na gravidez, prematuridade e unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. RESULTADOS: foram obtidas 1.007 evocações, assim distribuídas: pressão alta na gravidez (335) prematuridade (333) e unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal (339). Constituíram-se três unidades temáticas: representação das síndromes hipertensivas da gravidez, da prematuridade e da unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. As categorias morte e aspectos negativos foram inerentes às três unidades analisadas, seguidas de estratégias de enfrentamento e necessidade de cuidados, presentes nas síndromes hipertensivas da gravidez e prematuridade. CONCLUSÃO: o estudo teve como núcleo central a morte, e se destacaram os aspectos subjetivos presentes no ciclo gravídico e puerperal de alto risco. Espera-se que essa investigação contribua para qualificar a assistência de enfermagem à mulher adiante da problemática das síndromes hipertensivas da gravidez, para que ela possa enfrentar com menos desgastes os efeitos adversos da gravidez e de nascimento de alto risco

    The HMI™ module: a new tool to study the host-microbiota interaction in the human gastrointestinal tract in vitro

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    Background: Recent scientific developments have shed more light on the importance of the host-microbe interaction, particularly in the gut. However, the mechanistic study of the host-microbe interplay is complicated by the intrinsic limitations in reaching the different areas of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in vivo. In this paper, we present the technical validation of a new device - the Host-Microbiota Interaction (HMI) module - and the evidence that it can be used in combination with a gut dynamic simulator to evaluate the effect of a specific treatment at the level of the luminal microbial community and of the host surface colonization and signaling. Results: The HMI module recreates conditions that are physiologically relevant for the GIT: i) a mucosal area to which bacteria can adhere under relevant shear stress (3 dynes cm-2); ii) the bilateral transport of low molecular weight metabolites (4 to 150 kDa) with permeation coefficients ranging from 2.4 x 10(-6) to 7.1 x 10(-9) cm sec(-1); and iii) microaerophilic conditions at the bottom of the growing biofilm (PmO2 = 2.5 x 10(-4) cm sec(-1)). In a long-term study, the host's cells in the HMI module were still viable after a 48-hour exposure to a complex microbial community. The dominant mucus-associated microbiota differed from the luminal one and its composition was influenced by the treatment with a dried product derived from yeast fermentation. The latter - with known anti-inflammatory properties induced a decrease of pro-inflammatory IL-8 production between 24 and 48 h. Conclusions: The study of the in vivo functionality of adhering bacterial communities in the human GIT and of the localized effect on the host is frequently hindered by the complexity of reaching particular areas of the GIT. The HMI module offers the possibility of co-culturing a gut representative microbial community with enterocyte-like cells up to 48 h and may therefore contribute to the mechanistic understanding of host-microbiome interactions

    R-spondin1 and FOXL2 act into two distinct cellular types during goat ovarian differentiation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Up to now, two loci have been involved in XX sex-reversal in mammals following loss-of-function mutations, PIS (Polled Intersex Syndrome) in goats and <it>R-spondin1 </it>(<it>RSPO1</it>) in humans. Here, we analyze the possible interaction between these two factors during goat gonad development. Furthermore, since functional redundancy between different <it>R-spondins </it>may influence gonad development, we also studied the expression patterns of <it>RSPO2, 3 </it>and <it>4</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Similarly to the mouse, <it>RSPO1 </it>shows a sex-dimorphic expression pattern during goat gonad development with higher levels in the ovaries. Interestingly, the PIS mutation does not seem to influence its level of expression. Moreover, using an RSPO1 specific antibody, the RSPO1 protein was localized in the cortical area of early differentiating ovaries (36 and 40 d<it>pc</it>). This cortical area contains the majority of germ cell that are surrounded by FOXL2 negative somatic cells. At latter stages (50 and 60 d<it>pc</it>) RSPO1 protein remains specifically localized on the germ cell membranes. Interestingly, a time-specific relocation of RSPO1 on the germ cell membrane was noticed, moving from a uniform distribution at 40 d<it>pc </it>to a punctuated staining before and during meiosis (50 and 60 d<it>pc </it>respectively). Interestingly, also <it>RSPO2 </it>and <it>RSPO4 </it>show a sex-dimorphic expression pattern with higher levels in the ovaries. Although <it>RSPO4 </it>was found to be faintly and belatedly expressed, the expression of <it>RSPO2 </it>increases at the crucial 36 d<it>pc </it>stage, as does that of <it>FOXL2</it>. Importantly, <it>RSPO2 </it>expression appears dramatically decreased in XX PIS<sup>-/- </sup>gonads at all three tested stages (36, 40 and 50 d<it>pc</it>).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>During goat ovarian development, the pattern of expression of <it>RSPO1 </it>is in agreement with its possible anti-testis function but is not influenced by the PIS mutation. Moreover, our data suggest that RSPO1 may be associated with germ cell development and meiosis. Interestingly, another RSPO gene, RSPO2 shows a sex-dimorphic pattern of expression that is dramatically influenced by the PIS mutation.</p

    A Nine-Strain Bacterial Consortium Improves Portal Hypertension and Insulin Signaling and Delays NAFLD Progression In Vivo

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    Bacterial consortium; Gut microbiome; Portal hypertensionConsorcio bacteriano; Microbioma intestinal; Hipertensión portalConsorci bacterià; Microbioma intestinal; Hipertensió portalThe gut microbiome has a recognized role in Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and associated comorbidities such as Type-2 diabetes and obesity. Stool transplantation has been shown to improve disease by restoring endothelial function and insulin signaling. However, more patient-friendly treatments are required. The present study aimed to test the effect of a defined bacterial consortium of nine gut commensal strains in two in vivo rodent models of Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): a rat model of NASH and portal hypertension (PHT), and the Stelic animal (mouse) model (STAM™). In both studies the consortium was administered orally q.d. after disease induction. In the NASH rats, the consortium was administered for 2 weeks and compared to stool transplant. In the STAM™ study administration was performed for 4 weeks, and the effects compared to vehicle or Telmisartan at the stage of NASH/early fibrosis. A second group of animals was followed for another 3 weeks to assess later-stage fibrosis. In the NASH rats, an improvement in PHT and endothelial function was observed. Gut microbial compositional changes also revealed that the consortium achieved a more defined and richer replacement of the gut microbiome than stool transplantation. Moreover, liver transcriptomics suggested a beneficial modulation of pro-fibrogenic pathways. An improvement in liver fibrosis was then confirmed in the STAM™ study. In this study, the bacterial consortium improved the NAFLD activity score, consistent with a decrease in steatosis and ballooning. Serum cytokeratin-18 levels were also reduced. Therefore, administration of a specific bacterial consortium of defined composition can ameliorate NASH, PHT, and fibrosis, and delay disease progression

    Effect of a carotenoid-producing Bacillus strain on intestinal barrier integrity and systemic delivery of carotenoids : a randomised trial in animals and humans

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate effects of the carotenoid-producing Bacillus indicus strain PD01 on intestinal barrier function and its ability to survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract and to assess systemic bioavailability of these carotenoids in vivo. As model for impaired barrier function, 16 early weaned piglets were randomly assigned to a control diet or control diet with PD01 for 23 days. In addition, 67 overweight/obese, otherwise healthy individuals were randomly assigned to groups receiving PD01 or placebo for 6 weeks. PD01 survived passage through the gastrointestinal tract in piglets and human subjects and resulted in significant accumulation of PD01 derived carotenoids (methyl-glycosyl-apo-8'-lycopenoate and glycosyl-apo-8'- lycopene) in human plasma after 3- and 6-weeks supplementation versus baseline (0.044 and 0.076 vs 0 mu M, respectively; p = 0.104). In summary, PD01 survived transit through the gastrointestinal tract, resulted in systemic carotenoid accumulation and improved compromised barrier function outcomes


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    Assim como tem ocorrido em outras áreas do conhecimento, muitos professores de Física vêm, nos últimos anos, incorporando a sua rotina escolar novas metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem. Essa inserção surge com o propósito de facilitar o conhecimento e a assimilação de conceitos e princípios físicos. Neste sentido, este projeto de intervenção buscou aplicar a metodologia Storytelling no ensino de cinemática para os estudantes da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). O Storytelling é uma técnica de criar narrativas para transmitir ou ensinar uma mensagem ao público-alvo, utilizando elementos como personagem, ambiente, conflitos a fim de agregar no conhecimento despertando o pensamento crítico e interesse em determinado estudo. O objetivo deste trabalho é compartilhar uma experiência didática, apresentando o processo de produção e aplicação de intervenção inovadora ao ensino de Cinemática para alunos da EJA. Os resultados revelam a satisfação dos participantes com o formato geral da aula e a contribuição do conteúdo para reduzir as dificuldades de aprendizagem antes encontradas