137 research outputs found

    Innovations and Experiments in Uses of Health Manpower—The Effect of Licensure Laws

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    Time-resolved optical spin orientation is employed to study spin dynamics of I * and I-1* excitons bound to isoelectronic centers in bulk ZnO. It is found that spin orientation at the exciton ground state can be generated using resonant excitation via a higher lying exciton state located at about 4 meV from the ground state. Based on the performed rate equation analysis of the measured spin dynamics, characteristic times of subsequent hole, electron, and direct exciton spin flips in the exciton ground state are determined as being tau(s)(h) = 0.4 ns, tau(s)(e) greater than= 15 ns, and tau(s)(eh) greater than= 15 ns, respectively. This relatively slow spin relaxation of the isoelectronic bound excitons is attributed to combined effects of (i) weak e-h exchange interaction, (ii) restriction of the exciton movement due to its binding at the isoelectronic center, and (iii) suppressed spin-orbit coupling for the tightly bound hole

    Carcass composition and meat characteristic of male and female rabbits

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    A study was carried out on the yield, carcass composition and characteristics of meat of 11 male and 11 female rabbits. For 77 days the rabbits were kept under identical conditions and were fed with compound feed containing 18% crude protein. An average pre-slaughter live weight of the males of 2,462 +/- (0,15)g and 2,472+/-(0,17)g of the females was achieved during the fattening period. The average participation of the clean carcass with and without the head compared to the live mass before slaughtering was 55.76+/-(0,22)% and 50.77+/-(0,20)% for the males, and 55.92+/-(0.24)% and 51.52+/-(0.19)% for the females. Compared to the mass of the clean carcass with head on of the female rabbits the pelvic-thing part participated with 30.67%, the flank part with 29.04%, the forelegs with 21.94% and the neck-breast part with 18.35%. The participation of the parts from male rabbit was as follows: the pelvic-thigh part 30.52%, the flank part 28.52%, the forelegs 21.88% and the neck-breast part 19.08%. The participation of the muscle tissue in the mass of the clean carcass without the head was 76.45+/-(2.18)% for the males and 75.70+/-(2.17)% for the females

    Journal Staff

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    The aluminum–zinc-vacancy (Al Zn −V Zn ) complex is identified as one of the dominant defects in Al-containing n -type ZnO after electron irradiation at room temperature with energies above 0.8 MeV. The complex is energetically favorable over the isolated V Zn , binding more than 90% of the stable V Zn ’s generated by the irradiation. It acts as a deep acceptor with the (0/− ) energy level located at approximately 1 eV above the valence band. Such a complex is concluded to be a defect of crucial and general importance that limits the n -type doping efficiency by complex formation with donors, thereby literally removing the donors, as well as by charge compensation

    The Multiple Impacts of the Exchange Rate on Export Diversification

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    There is evidence that suggests that one of the channels through which the exchange rate could have an impact on growth is export product diversification. I distinguish between the variety and concentration dimensions of export diversification and review the theoretical and empirical literature relating these two dimensions to the level and the volatility of the exchange rate. Using disaggregated trade data for a long panel of countries, I investigate these relationships employing an econometric methodology that allows for heterogeneity of coefficients across countries, and discuss two sources of bias which are often overlooked. I find that the variety dimension of export diversification is positively related to a weaker exchange rate and negatively related to exchange rate volatility. These relationships seem to be stronger for goods with higher technological intensity. I do not find a clear relationship between the exchange rate and the concentration of exports

    Discovery From Non-Parties (Third-Party Discovery) in International Arbitration

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    International arbitration rules and many arbitration laws usually provide procedures that permit tribunals to order parties to disclose documents and other materials to the other parties.1 More complex are the rules that determine opportunities to obtain discovery from persons that are not party to the arbitration (third-party discovery). This article will review third-party discovery under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) and the provisions of the US Code s.1782 that authorise US courts to act in aid of actions before foreign tribunals. Section 1782 has unique interest at this time because it figured prominently in the EU antitrust investigation of Intel that was initiated on request from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Early in that investigation, AMD filed a s.1782 request in the US District Court to obtain evidence from US sources for submission to the DG-Competition of the European Commission (EC). This request ultimately led to the Supreme Court’s decision in Intel Corp v Advanced Micro Devices Inc2 which appeared to significantly expand the scope of s.1782. Ironically, after AMD won on key legal issues in the Supreme Court, the District Court on remand exercised its discretion and denied the request for judicial assistance. This paper first describes the FAA non-party discovery rules and the split among the federal appellate courts concerning the authority of arbitrators to order prehearing discovery from non-parties. Next, it provides an analysis of the meaning of the terms “interested party” and “tribunal”—terms that were controversially interpreted by the Supreme Court in Intel and are essential to the application of s.1782. Finally, it discusses the “discretionary” factors used by the federal courts in deciding whether to grant a s.1782 request even when the statutory criteria are met. The opportunity to exercise this discretion seems to rebut the argument that the Supreme Court’s interpretation of s.1782 gives participants before foreign tribunals more discovery rights in the United States than are available to the parties in arbitrations covered by the FAA

    Growth of isotopically enriched ZnO nanorods of excellent optical quality

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    We have produced isotopically enriched ZnO nanorods using Zn-enriched ZnO source powder by vapour phase transport on silicon substrates buffer-coated with unenriched ZnO seed layers. SEM and XRD data confirm successful growth of high quality, dense, c-axis aligned nanorods over a substantial surface area. Raman data show a shift of >1 cm-1 in the peak position of the Raman scattered peaks due to the E2low and E2high phonon modes when the Zn isotope is changed from 64Zn to 68Zn, consistent with previous work, thus confirming successful isotopic enrichment. SIMS data provides additional confirmation of enrichment. The optical quality (as determined by photoluminescence feature intensity and linewidth) is excellent. Samples with Zn isotopic enrichment ranging from 64ZnO to 68ZnO display a shift in recombination energy of the bound excitons at the band edge (3.34 - 3.37 eV) of ~ 0.6 meV. This blue shift is also consistent with previously published data, further confirming both the excellent optical quality and successful isotopic substitution of ZnO nanorods using this relatively simple growth method

    Synthesis and Properties of Vanadium Substituted Bismuth Tungstates with Fluorite-like Structure

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    The samples of vanadium substituted bismuth tungstates with a cubic structure were obtained by solid state method. The unit cell volume of the compounds slightly contracts with increasing tungsten content and in case of vanadium doping. Thermal expansion coefficient of bismuth tungstate is equal to 13×10-6 °C-1. The electrical conductivity was investigated using ac impedance spectroscopy. The results showed that the substitution of tungsten with vanadium ions increased electrical conductivity values by one order of magnitude

    Boilerplate and Party Intent

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    In this work we examined optical and defect properties of as-grown and Ni-coated ZnO nanowires (NWs) grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition by means of optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR). Several grown-in defects are revealed by monitoring visible photoluminescence (PL) emissions and are attributed to Zn vacancies, O vacancies, a shallow (but not effective mass) donor and exchange-coupled pairs of a Zn vacancy and a Zn interstitial. It is also found that the same ODMR signals are detected in the as-grown and Ni-coated NWs, indicating that metal coatings does not significantly affect formation of the aforementioned defects and that the observed defects are located in the bulk of the NWs

    Прогностическая ценность уровней общего белка и альбумина у пациентов в абдоминальной хирургии

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    АБДОМИНАЛЬНАЯ ХИРУРГИЯМУЛЬТИОРГАННАЯ НЕДОСТАТОЧНОСТЬОРГАННАЯ НЕДОСТАТОЧНОСТЬ МНОЖЕСТВЕННАЯПОЛИОРГАННОЙ НЕДОСТАТОЧНОСТИ СИНДРОМСМЕРТЕЛЬНЫЙ ИСХОДЛЕТАЛЬНЫЙ ИСХОДПРОГНОСТИЧЕСКАЯ ЦЕННОСТЬ ТЕСТОВОБЩИЙ БЕЛОКАЛЬБУМИНЫРЕГРЕССИОННЫЙ АНАЛИЗРЕГРЕССИОНАЯ ДИАГНОСТИКАСТАТИСТИЧЕСКАЯ РЕГРЕССИЯЦель. Изучить динамику уровней общего белка и альбумина у пациентов в абдоминальной хирургии, определить их прогностическую значимость, чувствительность и специфичность в отношении развития синдрома полиорганной недостаточности и летального исхода. Материал и методы. В проспективное когортное исследование включено 459 пациентов, которым проводились оперативные вмешательства в абдоминальной хирургии за период с 2014 по 2018 годы. Группу 1 составили пациенты без полиорганной недостаточности (n=280), группу 2 – пациенты с наличием полиорганной недостаточности (n=179). Из них в группе 2 умерло 23 пациента (12,8%). Ежедневно оценивали уровень общего белка и альбумина. Выполняли логистический регрессионный анализ, производили построение характеристических кривых (ROC-кривых), а также определяли площадь под кривой (AUC). Результаты. У пациентов после абдоминальных хирургических вмешательств отмечалось статистически значимое снижение уровней общего белка и альбумина. Установлено, что данные маркеры на ранних стадиях обладают прогностической значимостью в отношении синдрома полиорганной недостаточности. Общий белок в 1-е и 2-е сутки после операции – AUC 0,633 и 0,641 соответственно (p<0,05). Альбумин в 1-е, 2-е и 3-и сутки после операции – AUC 0,673; 0,743 и 0,664 соответственно (p<0,05). Уровень альбумина является также предиктором летального исхода: AUC 0,639; 95% доверительный интервал 0,584-0,695 (p<0,05). Общий белок не обладает прогностической значимостью в отношении летального исхода. Заключение. Изученные показатели общего белка и альбумина являются прогностическими маркерами средней диагностической эффективности, их оценка должна проводиться в комплексе с другими клиническими и лабораторными параметрами. Уровень альбумина в качестве предиктора имеет преимущества, поскольку, при похожей с общим белком диагностической ценности в отношении прогноза синдрома полиорганной недостаточности, является в свою очередь прогностическим маркером летального исхода.Objective. To study the dynamics of total protein and albumin levels in abdominal surgery patients, to determine their prognostic significance, sensitivity and specificity for the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and mortality. Methods. The prospective cohort study included patients with (n=459) previous surgical interventions in the abdominal surgery for the period from 2014 up to 2018. The 1st group consisted of patients without multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (n=280), the 2nd group – patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (n=179). Of these patients, 23 died in the group 2 (12.8%). The levels of total protein and albumin were assessed daily. Logistic regression analysis was performed, receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC curves) were plotted, and the area under the curve (AUC) was also determined. Results. Patients after the abdominal surgical interventions showed a statistically significant decrease in total protein and albumin. It is established that these markers in the early stages have a prognostic value in relation to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Total protein on the 1st and 2nd day after surgery AUC was 0.633 and 0.641, respectively (p<0.05). Albumin on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd day after surgery AUC was 0.673; 0.743 and 0.664, respectively (p<0.05). Albumin level is also a predictor of mortality: AUC – 0.639; 95% confidence interval – 0.584-0.695 (p<0.05). Total protein does not have a prognostic value in relation to mortality. Conclusions. The studied parameters of total protein and albumin are prognostic markers of average diagnostic efficacy; their evaluation should be carried out in combination with other clinical and laboratory parameters. The level of albumin as a predictor has advantages, since, with a diagnostic value similar to that of a total protein, with respect to the prediction of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, it is a prognostic marker of mortality