333 research outputs found

    Karakter Game Berbasis Tokoh Raut Golek Sunda

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    This article is a note from the research concerning on bringing character traits and visual forms of Sundanese golek puppetry into game character. The distinctive side of golek puppetry itself is located in its measurement for the relation between the personality of a character and its visual appearance. This makes golek puppetry as an entertainment with spirit. This research itself is a basis for development of game character (research and development). The conclusions derived from this research used as bases for character development, therefore creating a new and distinctive work. Moreover, this research is equipped with preliminary data-collection and narratives about golek and characters derived from literatures and interviews. A result from this research is a new kind of characters that have its distinctive side compared to usual characters in the gaming world. Uniqueness is come out from the distinctive side of golek puppetry in performing visual form that's match with the personality of the characters performed

    Aspek Naratif dalam Film Animasi Berbasis Format Video 360° dan Non-360° Studi Korelasi: Film Pendek Animasi Pearl (2016)

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    Film animasi berbasis format 360° menghadirkan sensasi dan pengalaman mengenai orientasi terhadap ruang yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan film dengan format biasa. Pada format video 360°, penonton dapat merasakan âjarakâ yang sangat dekat dengan film , bahkan dapat hilang sama sekali. Tetapi di sisi lain, ada aspek yang juga ikut berubah, yaitu aspek naratif/cerita. Penyampaian unsur cerita tanpa framing dari sutradara (frameless) menjadikan isi film yang diterima oleh penonton menjadi berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari keberhasilan aspek naratif tersampaikan, lewat film animasi berbasis video 360°. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan 12 orang responden. Di mana seluruh responden akan menonton film Pearl versi 360°, kemudian mengisi kuesioner yang berisi 36 pertanyaan. Data kuesioner diolah menggunakan software SPSS IBM Statistic 25. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada film animasi berbasis format video 360°, aspek naratif cenderung muncul lebih rendah dibandingkan pengalaman immersive-nya. Aspek teknis yang terdapat dalam format 360° juga sangat mempengaruhi penyampaian isi film. Sehingga, format 360° yang diterapkan pada film animasi, dirasa belum dapat menyampaikan isi cerita dengan baik apabila tidak diberi petunjuk dari sutradara. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rujukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya atau untuk sineas yang akan membuat film berbasis format 360°

    Hermeneutika Hudud menurut Muhammad Syahrur: Telaah tentang Relevansi Pemakaian Jilbab dengan Perkembangan Zaman

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    The interpretation of clothing, if understood using a classical approach, would result in stagnant interpretations that are irrelevant to the essence of the Qur'an, which should be related to the development of time and also enter the world of fashion. Thus, Muhammad Syahrur offers a new approach to interpreting the Qur'an, namely the hermeneutics of hudud theory. This research reinterprets the meaning of the Jilbab by using the hermeneutics of hudud theory as an analytical tool. This study falls under the category of library research, and data collection is done through descriptive-qualitative literature review. The main references for this writing include the works of Muhammad Syahrur and other related literature as supporting sources. The research findings indicate that Syahrur interprets the word "khumur" in the Qur'an as "al-Satr" (covering), rather than a headscarf, while "al-Juyub" refers to pockets in clothing or something that can be closed. In relation to a woman's body, "al-Juyub" means the genitals, the two buttocks (anus), the area between the two breasts, the lower part, and the lower armpit. Although the genitals and anus are included in "al-Juyub," both of them are considered private parts that cannot be seen by others.Abstrak: Pemaknaan terhadap pakaian jika dipahami dengan menggunakan pendekatan klasik maka akan menghasilkan interpretasi yang stagnan, hal tersebut tidak relevan dengan hakikat Al-Qur’an yang semestinya selaras terhadap perkembangan zaman dan juga masuk ke dunia fashion. Dengan demikian Muhammad Syahrur menawarkan pendekatan baru dalam interpretasi Al-Qur’an yaitu teori hermeneutika hudud. Penelitian ini mereinterpretasikan pemaknaan Jilbab dengan menggunakan teori hemeneutika Hudud sebagai pisau analisis. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research), dan pengumpulan data melalui telaah literatur yang dianalisis secara deskriptif-kualitatif. Rujukan utama tulisan ini meliputi karya Muhammad Syahrur dan literatur terkait lainnya sebagai penyokong. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Syahrur menafsirkan kata khumur dalam Al-Qur’an sebagai al-Satr (menutupi), bukan kerudung, sedangkan al-Juyub adalah saku dalam pakaian atau sesuatu yang berkatup. Dalam kaitannya dengan tubuh wanita, al-Juyub berarti kemaluan, dua pantat (anus), bagian antara dua buah dada dan bagian bawah serta ketiak bagian bawah. Meskipun kemaluan dan anus termasuk dalam al-Juyub, namun keduanya termasuk kemaluan besar yang tidak dapat dilihat oleh orang lain.

    Pengaruh Visual Storytelling Komik Asing pada Komik Indonesia Terbitan PT Elex Media Komputindo Tahun 2004-2008

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    In Indonesia, especially in the decade of 2000s, Japanese comic style was adapted and mimicked by Indonesian comic artists that tried to resurrect Indonesian comics industry that collapsed in the 1980s era. These comics were published by PT Elex Media Komputindo. There are possibilities that these comic artists indirectly also influenced by American and European comics imported and published in Indonesia at the end of 1980 decade. At the same time, this is an era where these comic artists have possibilities of great significant visual input before Japanese comics influenced them in the 1990s. So, the American and European comics could possibly had an impact for local comic artists.The research was done by defining visual storytelling theories before having an insight of the influence of foreign comics to the local comics. These theories would serve as a defining frame for American, European, Japanese comics to describe the influence on Indonesian comics. Some Indonesian comics published by PT Elex Media Komputindo at 2004-2008 span were used as case studies.From the research studies it had been discovered that American comics have the tendencies to visualize ideal form of human being in heroic acts. European comics have the tendencies to visualize everyday, ordinary characters doing adventures in extraordinary places. Japanese comics have the tendencies to visualize a journey story of a warrior in having his or her skills improved with in depth personal storytelling.Indonesian comics published by PT Elex Media Komputindo at 2004-2008 span had tendencies to be extensively influenced by Japanese comics. It could also be suggested by the restraining Japanese comics format proposed to the comic artists by the publisher. But on the other hand, Japanese comics were populer during 2000s decade, making the Japanese comics the main comic references for the comic artists. The research also discovered that American and European comics that were read also give some minor influences for the comic artist


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    The ability of employees to carry out the duties and functions of LPSDM can be realized if employees have good work motivation, both physiologically, feeling safe, respectful, social, and self-actualizing. the fact shows that LPSDM Aceh has not been able to carry out its duties and functions properly. On the other hand, LPSDM Aceh has also not been able to select scholarship recipients transparently. This happened because there were still many scholarship recipients entrusted from the Aceh government, so that LPSDM seemed not independent in channeling scholarships. The formulation of this thesis problem is how is the task and function of the Aceh Institute of Human Resources Improvement (LPSDM) in the implementation of further study scholarship programs for the Government of Aceh and how is the performance of the Aceh Human Resources Improvement Institution (LPSDM) employees in implementing the scholarship program for the Government of Aceh. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the duties and functions of the Aceh Human Resources Improvement Institute (LPSDM) in the implementation of a further study scholarship program for the Government of Aceh and to find out and analyze the performance of the Aceh Human Resources Improvement Institution (LPSDM) in implementing the scholarship program for the Government Aceh. This study uses a qualitative approach with informants as many as 5 people, consisting of so the study set research informants as many as 4 people consisting of the Head of the LPSDM Secretariat, the Sub Division of Finance, Planning and the Treasurer. Data collection is done using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of the study prove that the duties and functions and performance of LPSDM Aceh in the implementation of further study scholarship programs in the Government of Aceh have not been carried out in accordance with the Regulation of the Governor of Aceh Number 11 of 2016 concerning LPSDM Aceh. Thus, it can be concluded that the task and function of the Aceh Institute of Human Resources Improvement (LPSDM) as the executor of the advanced study scholarship program in the Government of Aceh can be seen as the speed of access, so that it has equal rights between various groups.Kemampuan pegawai dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi LPSDM dapat diwijudkan apabila pegawai memiliki motivasi kerja yang baik, baik secara fisiologis, rasa aman, penghargaan, sosial, maupun aktualisasi diri. kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa LPSDM Aceh belum mampu mengemban tugas dan fungsinya dengan baik. Di sisi lain, LPSDM Aceh juga belum mampu melakukan seleksi penerima bantuan beasiswa dengan transparan. Hal ini terjadi akibat masih banyak terjadi penerima beasiswa titipan dari pemerintah Aceh, sehingga LPSDM terkesan belum independen dalam menyalurkan beasiswa. Rumusan masalah tesis ini adalah Bagaimana tugas dan fungsi Lembaga Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia (LPSDM) Aceh dalam pelaksanaan program beasiswa studi lanjut pada Pemerintah Aceh dan bagaimana kinerja pegawai Lembaga Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia (LPSDM) Aceh dalam pelaksanaan program beasiswa pada Pemerintah Aceh. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tugas dan fungsi Lembaga Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia (LPSDM) Aceh dalam pelaksanaan program beasiswa studi lanjut pada Pemerintah Aceh dan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kinerja pegawai Lembaga Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia (LPSDM) Aceh dalam pelaksanaan program beasiswa pada Pemerintah Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan informan sebanyak 5 orang yang terdiri dari demikian penelitian menetapkan informan penelitian sebanyak 4 orang yang terdiri atas Kepala Sekretariat LPSDM, Sub Bagian Keuangan, Bidang Perencanaan dan Bendahara Rutin. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa tugas dan fungsi serta kinerja LPSDM Aceh dalam pelaksanaan program beasiswa studi lanjut pada Pemerintah Aceh belum berjalan sesuai dengan Peraturan Gubernur Aceh Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 Tentang LPSDM Aceh. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tugas dan fungsi Lembaga Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia (LPSDM) Aceh sebagai pelaksana program beasiswa studi lanjut pada Pemerintah Aceh dapat dilihat kecepatan akses, sehingga memiliki kesamaan hak antar berbagai kelompok

    Kreativitas Kode Visual Golek Asep Sunandar Sunarya dalam Media TV

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    'Golek' show is a typical Sundanese art that had been built for generations by the convention (golek as a puppet made from wood that can moved). Convention as the reference in the performance golek set to 'standar' or 'tetekon'. Standard be 'rules' or 'code' in the making and golek play. Previously, the golek show was held in open spaces and performed at night until early morning. Nowdays, staged golek becomes shorter only take place within 2-3 hours. Since the television media increasingly showing its existence; and as well as the emergence of other entertainment stage such as 'dangdut', pop music, 'Malay orchestra', or 'solo organ'.In such condition, there was emergence of Golek Stage by Asep Sunarya. He creates breakthoughs by designing many tricks in his wayang-golek show: character smoking, dancing 'jaipongan', doing material arts pencak silat, or spewing noodle. Asep's wayang golek-performance can regain the attention of the people (mosly Sundanese). On the top of that, Asep style becoming new inspiration for other dalang. The evolving of Asep's golek show, then attracted television industry. At this point, the show becoming more entertaintment than before. In television, golek show perform new encoding, like advertizing code, interaactive broadcasting code, and digital visual effect code.The aim of this study is to reveal the convertion of traditional-golek visual code to modern-television visual-code. The methodologies used are structural visual code, and also ethnometodologi approach. Ethnometodologi method used observation's in-depth interview, and unstructural interview upon selective omnicient informants


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    Benih bawang merah varietas Philipine, sebelum benih ditanam dilakukan kegiatan pemilihan benih bawang merah disortir berdasarkan ukurannya, benih yang berukuran besar ditanam pada satu kelompok begitu juga dengan benih yang berukuran sedang dan kecil. Salah satu alternatif yaitu dengan cara memilih bibit yang baik dengan berbagai macam ukuran untuk mengantisispasi tingkat kerusakan pada tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui viabilitas benih bawang merah dan mengetahui tingkat pertumbuhan benih bawang merah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor, yaitu diameter benih bawang merah yang terdiri dari 3 (tiga) perlakuan yaitu P1 diameter benih 2,0 cm, P2 diameter benih 2,5 cm dan P3 diameter benih 3,0 cm. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang 3 kali (tiga) sehingga didapat 9 unit percobaan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan Anova pada taraf 5%. Apabila terdapat beda nyata dilakukan uji lanjut dengan uji beda nyata jujur (BNJ) pada taraf nyata 5%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa viabilitas benih bawang merah berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah daun, tinggi tanaman dan berat berangkasan. Tingkat pertumbuhan benih bawang merah tertinggi pada P3 (3,0 cm) berdasarkan jumlah daun tertinggi P3 16,6 lembar , tinggi tanaman tertinggi P3 9,5 cm dan berat berangkasan tertinggi P3 13,8gr dan berat berangkasan basah terendah pada P1 (7,7 gr). Semakin besar diameter benih bawang merah pada setiap perlakuan maka akan semakin bagus pertumbuhannya

    Metode Bimbingan Penyuluhan dalam Menumbuhkan Kreativitas Anak Panti Asuhan Nurul Fatimah Kelurahan Paccinongang Kec. Somba Opu Kab. Gowa

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    Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa metode bimbingan penyuluhan dalam menumbuhkan kreativitas anak panti asuhan yaitu: metode pendidikan, kemandirian,kedisiplinan,dan metode keagamaan.Sedangkan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh pembimbing panti asuhan Nurul Fatimah secara umum adalah sulit diatur bahkan tidak menaati tata tertib karena usia mereka yang terlalu dini yaitu4-12 tahun

    Buku Prestasi Santri berbasis Digital menggunakan Prinsip Postel

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    Recording students' learning activities at Quran Education Institute is still done manually, but reporting to the government (Kemenag) has gone through an online system. Teachers sometimes have to input data from the printed version into the digital system, increasing their burden. This research aims to create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) digital achievement book that will make it simpler for teachers to track the development and activities of their students' learning. In this study, the User-Centered Design (UCD) process was used, which included understand the context of use, specify user requirements, produce design solutions, and evaluate against requirements. Data was gathered by questionnaires and interviews and then analyzed using descriptive techniques. Postel principles apply in this Graphical User Interface (GUI) design to simplify input variations into interface elements. The study produces a GUI design of digital achievement books (SimpelQu) to make it easier for teachers to input information on Iqra learning (volumes, pages, reading descriptions and reading status). The System Usability Scale (SUS) technique was used to evaluate this design on five teachers to assess GUI usability. The SUS test yielded an average final score of 75, indicating its design has acceptable usability and is appropriate for assisting teachers

    Perancangan Adaptasi “Gaya Stilasi” Tokoh Wayang Kulit untuk Pemanfaatan pada Virtual Reality (Studi Kasus: Tokoh Rahwana)

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    Wayang adalah boneka tiruan orang yang terbuat dari pahatan kulit atau kayu yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memerankan tokoh dipertunjukan drama tradisional (Bali, Jawa, Sunda, dan sebagainya), biasanya dimainkan oleh seseorang yang disebut dalang. Perkembangan zaman yang semakin pesat dengan pengaruh globalisasi yang mampu menggeser budaya lokal, praktis budaya lokal semakin ditinggalkan, selain itu wayang sebagai salah satu budaya yang mulai ditinggalkan karena dinilai tidak mempresentasikan anak remaja zaman sekarang Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang karakter tokoh pewayangan Rahwana yang diadaptasi dari wayang kulit purwa gagrak Jawa timur dengan gaya visual Stilasi untuk pemanfaatan pada Virtual Reality. Prosedur   penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perancangan karakter Rahwana ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam virtual reality sehingga dapat menjadi inovasi baru dalam usaha pelestarian budaya wayang
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