3,187 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui proses dan hasil pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif teori dasar mesin bubut konvensional berbasis software Macromedia Flash Profesional 8, (2) mengetahui kelayakan media tersebut. Metode pengembangan media ini terdiri dari enam tahap, yaitu: concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, dan distribution. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner/ angket. Responden adalah siswa kelas X Jurusan Permesinan, SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih. Proses dan hasil pembuatan media pembelajaran ini adalah sebagai berikut: tahapan proses pembuatan, yaitu: Studi Lapangan dan Literatur, Identifikasi Kebutuhan, Perumusan Tujuan, Perancangan Produk, Validasi Ahli Materi dan Media, Revisi 1, Uji Terbatas, Revisi II, Uji Luas, Revisi III. Hasilnya berupa media pembelajaran dengan 7 menu utama, yaitu: Pendahuluan, Komponen Bubut, Cara Membubut, Hitung Teknis, Tentang Kami, Latihan dan Bantuan. Media didokumentasikan dalam CD dengan file sebesar 230 MB dan dikemas dalam hard case yang bertuliskan: Nama Media, Pengguna,Isi Media dan Petunjuk Instalasi. Hasil penilaian kelayakan media pembelajaran yaitu: aspek pembelajaran memperoleh skor 2787 rerata 3,51; aspek substansi materi memperoleh skor 3261 rerata 3,43; aspek tampilan memperoleh skor 2331 rerata 3,38; aspek pemrograman dan komunikasi visual memperoleh skor 761 rerata 3,59; aspek motivasi belajar memperoleh skor 384 rerata 3,62. Secara keseluruhan prosentase penilaian kelayakan media terse

    Hot methane line lists for exoplanet and brown dwarf atmospheres

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    We present comprehensive experimental line lists of methane (CH4) at high temperatures obtained by recording Fourier transform infrared emission spectra. Calibrated line lists are presented for the temperatures 300 - 1400 degC at twelve 100 degC intervals spanning the 960 - 5000 cm-1 (2.0 - 10.4 microns) region of the infrared. This range encompasses the dyad, pentad and octad regions, i.e., all fundamental vibrational modes along with a number of combination, overtone and hot bands. Using our CH4 spectra, we have estimated empirical lower state energies (Elow in cm-1) and our values have been incorporated into the line lists along with line positions (cm-1) and calibrated line intensities (S' in cm molecule-1). We expect our hot CH4 line lists to find direct application in the modeling of planetary atmospheres and brown dwarfs.Comment: Supplementary material is provided via the Astrophysical Journal referenc

    Analisa Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penerimaan Dan Penggunaan Aplikasi Go-jek Menggunakan Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (Utaut)

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    Gojek Application is android based application that is the entrance for customers to obtain services provided by PT Gojek Indonesia. This research was conducted to analyze the factors that affect the acceptance and use of the Gojek Application using United Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). This reseacrh was conducted on 50 people Gojek Application users are found in several locations of offices, malls, schools, colleges and the environment surrounding the housing in Jakarta. Based on research, it is known that the simultaneous factor performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions and significant positive effect on use behavior Gojek Application. While partially, it is known that performance expectancy and social influence which has positive and significant effect on use behavior Gojek Application. While effort expectancy and facilitating condititions not have a positive and significant effect on use behavior Gojek Application

    Efek Perubahan Struktur Pati Singkong Yang Dilakukan Pretreatment Dengan Larutan Ion Dan Gelombang Mikro Terhadap Produksi Gula

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan perubahan struktur pati singkong terhadap produksi gula sebelum dan sesudah pretreatment gelombang mikro dan larutan ion. Pretreatment gelombang mikro dilakukan dengan meradiasikan gelombang elektromagnetik daya tertentu dengan tiga durasi yang berbedat pada substrat. Pretreatment larutan ion dilakukan dengan merendam substrat dalam larutan ion dengan dua konsentrasi garam selama empat hari dan kemudian dibandingkan dengan non-pretreatment. Substrat dikarakterisasi dengan XRD, FTIR dan SEM untuk menganalisis perubahan strukturnya. Produksi. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa struktur kristal pati menjadi lebih amorf dan ikatan antar molekulnya semakin lemah setelah dilakukan pretreatment. Morfologi permukaan bahan menjadi lebih kasar setelah terpapar radiasi microwave. Disisi lain, jumlah fiber pada substrat semakin berkurang setetelah direndam dalam larutan ion. Ketika substrat dihidrolisis, kandungan gula yang didapatkan lebih tinggi daripada tanpa pretreatment.This research aims to analyze the correlation of the structural change on sugar production of cassava starch before and after microwave and ionic liquid pretreatments. A microwave pretreatment was carried out by radiating electromagnetic wave with fixed power with three different durations on the substrate. The ionic liquid pretreatment was conducted by soaking the substrate in to saline water with two salt concentrations for four days and the results were compared to non-pretreatment. Then, the substrates were measured by XRD, FTIR and SEM to analiyze the structural changes. The characterization result showed that the starch crystal structure became more amorphous and molecules bonds were weaker after pretreatment. The surface morphology was rougher after being radiated by microwave. On the other hand, the fiber contents of substrate decreased after soaked on ionic liquid. When substrate were hidrolized, the sugar obtained were higher than without pretreatment

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Nasabah Non-Muslim dalam Menggunakan Jasa Bank Syariah di DKI Jakarta

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    Islamic banking industry in Indonesia experienced significant growth and development, despite its market share is still small, i.e around 4.9%. Islamic bank is an intermediary institution based on sharia, which serve both muslim and non-muslim. This study analyzes the factors that affect non-Muslim customers in using the services of Islamic banks in Jakarta. Respondents used in this study consist of 50 non-Muslim customers of Islamic banks and 50 non-Muslim customers of conventional banks. The method used is the logistic regression method. Descriptive analysis methods is used to see the trend of non-Muslim customers towards Islamic banks. Factors that are significantly affecting non-Muslim customers in using the services of Islamic banks in Jakarta are the location factor with an odds ratio value of 1.450, factor of administrative advantages with an odds ratio value of 6.790, and religious stimulant factor with an odds ratio value of 2.679

    Representation of South Asian countries in five high-impact anesthesia journals

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    Context: The South Asian region is comprised of eight countries, i.e., Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, and Maldives. There is dearth of literature documenting anesthesia research in this region.Aim: The aim of this audit was to look at research productivity in the region by examining the volume and the type of anesthesia publication in five high-index anesthesia journals.Settings and Design: The study design was a survey of literature in the top five high-impact anesthesiology journals carried out at a tertiary care hospital.Materials and Methods: The journal citation report 2016 was accessed to identify the top five anesthesia journals based on their impact factor. We identified articles published in these journals between January 2000 and December 2015.Statistical Analysis: Microsoft Excel 2003 worksheet was used for data collection from extracted articles.Results: The highest number of publications came from India (n = 487) 95.9%; 58.5% of these were correspondence, 21% were original articles, 12.8% were case reports and case series, 1.2% reviews, and 1% editorials. Fourteen articles were published from Pakistan, with 1.2% original articles, 0.8% letter to editor, 0.6% audits, and 0.2% case reports. Nepal and Sri Lanka contributed seven publications. There were no publications in these journals from authors from Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Maldives in the reviewed journals. The highest number of publications was equally distributed between two journals, i.e., Anesthesia and Analgesia (29.5%) and Anesthesia (28.9%).Conclusion: We found that scientific contributions from the South Asian region in terms of original anesthesiology research in five high index anesthesiology journals was suboptimal and has not shown an increasing trend over the last 16 years

    Kajian Ekspresi Bangunan Eiger Adventure Store Jl. Sumatera Bandung Ditinjau dari Eksterior dan Interior Bangunan

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    In designing a building, exterior and interior design have a very important role. Exterior and interior design of a building can show an expression to be conveyed by the building. Expression of the building design which is conveyed cannot be separated from the exterior and interior of the building itself. A building, such as mall building, should be able to express the things associated with the items to be sold. The building used as study material in this paper is “Eiger Adventure Store” building which is located at Jl Sumatra, Bandung. This building was chosen by considering the fact that the expression of this building appears to match the products they are selling which are every objects associated with adventure. In other words, an expression that is tried to deliver by this building is related to an adventure. It can be seen from the use of the tent roof that gives the sense of a mountain, which depicts Mount Eiger in Switzerland. And also, the use of natural materials such as wood and stone is very dominant in this building façade

    Analisa Pengaruh Tingkat SBI, Inflasi Dan Tingkat PDB Indonesia Terhadap Nilai Tukar Rupiah Atas Dollar Amerika Dengan Pendekatan Behavior Equilibrium Rate (Beer) Periode 2009-2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bukti empiris tentang pengaruh inflasi, SBI, dan tingkat PDB terhadap nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan nilai tukar perilaku Behavioral Ekuilibrium Rate (BEER) untuk mengetahui pengaruh inflasi, SBI dan Tingkat PDB. Yang digunakan data dari 2009 sampai 2012 untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian adalah metode regresi berganda. Hasil uji regresi menunjukan bahwa variabel Inflasi, SBI dan tingkat PDB secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap nilai tukar dan variabel yang paling mempengaruhi adalah tingkat PDB. Penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa variabel nilai tukar dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel Inflasi, SBI dan tingkat PDB sebesar 65,2% nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS dipengaruhi oleh variabel bebas yang terdiri dari SBI, Inflasi dan tingkat PDB. Sisanya sebesar 34,8% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar model penelitian ini