14 research outputs found


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    The character of discipline is a very important asset for students, where in this casediscipline is very lacking, starting from the number of students who are not able toobey school rules, which later if this is not taken immediately action will causeproblems that will arise. will interfere with the teaching and learning process.Therefore, here the researchers carried out research actions related to how theconcept, implementation, and results of the role of PAI teachers in the formation ofstudents' discipline character, here the researchers chose SMAN 9 Malang as a placefor research actions. In this case, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method.Regarding the results obtained, the concept was carried out by emphasizing studentsto be more familiar with ubudiyah Islamiyah, and also carrying out a charactereducation program in which students were given materials related to charactereducation. Regarding the implementation, the teacher controls or supervises directlythe students, the teacher also participates in running these program


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    This research at was understanding the impact of El Nino on production, income of rice farmer, efficiency in the use of production factors and finding out farmers mitigation in facing El Nino season. The study was undertaken in Punggur Sub-district of Center Lampung District.  Which was chosen pusposively.  The sample size was 36 near from irrigation facilities and 40 far from irrigation facilities and were collected from March to April 2016 and using difference of production; difference ofincome of rice farmer; mitigation analysist.  The study showed that during El Nino, there is a significant difference between rice production near and far from irrigation facilities, where as during El Nino rice production downed by 8,32 percent (far from irrigation) and 5,54 percent (near from irrigation), during El Nino,there is a significant difference between income of rice farmer near and far from irrigation facilities, where as during El Nino income downed by 3,24 percent (far from irrigation) and 7,98 percent (near from irrigation)  during El Nino, farmer do some mitigation such as using water pump but with schedule adding production facilities and changing cropping pattern and varieties. Key words : houasehold income, impact of el nino, rice farme


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    Berdasarkan RTRW Kabupaten Tanggamus tahun 2011-2031 bahwa Kawasan Agropolitan Gisting merupakan kawasan strategis ekonomi di wilayah Kabupaten Tanggamus yang memiliki potensi sektor pertanian, khususnya pertanian hortikultura dengan komoditas sayuran semusim dan buah tahunan dengan tingkat pelayanan regional dan internasional. Sebagai kawasan strategis ekonomi, Kawasan Agropolitan Gisting diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian daerah. Mengembangkan komoditas unggulan daerah merupakan salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan perekonomian daerah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis komoditas unggulan subsektor hortikultura Kawasan Agropolitan Gisting dan menentukan kecamatan yang menjadi sentra produksi pengembangan komoditas unggulan tersebut. Metode Analisis dalam menentukan komoditas unggulan dan sentra produksi pada penelitian ini adalah analisis Location quotient (LQ) dan analisis Shift Share (SS). Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder runtun waktu (time series) dalam kurun waktu 2016-2020. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan enam prioritas komoditas unggulan hortikultura dan wilayah sentra produksi untuk tiap - tiap komoditas unggulan, diantaranya, kubis dan alpukat di Kecamatan Gisting; buncis dan alpukat di Kecamatan Talang Padang; tomat dan pisang di Kecamatan Sumberejo; bawang daun di Kecamatan Pugung; dan pisang di Kecamatan Bulok.

    Optical Component Alignment System

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    Capstone Design and Manufacturing Experience: Winter 2006Laser based alignment instrumentation is used in industry for aligning machining and optical systems. A series of beam splitting prisms joined together can split a single laser beam into a number of different beams in precisely aligned directions within the alignment device, reducing the number of independently adjustable components, and increasing system robustness. The goal of our project is to design a six-degree-of-freedom manipulator stage for accurately positioning and aligning two beam splitters to be joined together with high precision. Our project will improve upon an existing assembly system by making the system simpler, more compact and easier to align.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/49573/2/proj26_report.pd


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    Desa Bale adalah salah satu desa di kecamatan Oba Kota  Tidore Kepualaun   yang penduduknya  banyak bercocok tanam Kopi. Buah Kopi itu sendiri memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi ,. Sayangnya petani kopi  desa Bale belum mempunya alat yang cukup memadai dalam mengolah biji kopi menjadi bubuk kopi yang berdaya bersaing di pasaran. Sehingga petani kopi desa bale dalam mengolah kopi hingga menjadi bubuk kopi masih menggunakan cara lama . cara ini membuat penjualan kopi tidak berjalan sebagaimana yang diharapkan  Hadirnya Mahasiswa KKIN ABCD IAIN Ternate tahun 2022 mencoba mengambil langkah solusi bagaimana mengembangkan aset desa buah kopi hingga bernilai ekonomi yang berdaya saing tinggi  di pasaraan dengan cara membuat pelatihan  dengan metode  Focus Group Discussion  yang pesertanya adalah  petani kopi  setempat , menghadirkan nara sumber yang pakar dalam pembuatan kopi, memberi petunjuk kepada petani kopi bagaimana mengolah  kopi dengan peralatan sederhana tetapi menghasilkan kopi yang berdaya saing tinggi dipasaran . “ Kopi Mama Mida”  diolah dengan mencampurkan bahan alami berupa kayu manis, biji pala dan jahe putih.hingga  membuat bubuk kopi yang dihasilkan beraroma harum dan bercita rasa  Khas.  inilah ciri Khas kopi Mama Mida  Khas Desa Bale  yang siap bersaing di pasara

    Word sense disambiguation for English Quranic IR system

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    Quranic text Information Retrieval (IR) is quite demanding yet very trivial due to that user will not always use the exact keywords to retrieve the relevant Quranic text (verse). Many have tried to overcome this problem by expanding or reformulating the query entered by users using semantic approaches with resources such as ontologies and thesauri. Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) has been less interest to the IR research community due to the insignificant or very little significant impact on the IR performance. Recently, researchers pay interest on applying WSD to the IR problem due to the intuition that deep semantic analysis on the query process will give good impact on the IR performance. However, we have not seen any articles mentioning the use of WSD for Quranic IR, which we are assuming less or none research on WSD for Quranic IR have been carried out. Thus, this motivates us to explore WSD impact on Quranic IR performance. This paper will describe our on-going project on building an English Quranic WSD at the early stage, which is still at the proposal stage, where we layout what could be the best approach, resources and disambiguation algorithm for Quranic WSD for IR

    ECR Enterprise : economic car rental / Muhammad Fakruddin Latif ...[et al.]

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    Company that rents vehicles to people in need, especially tourists who want to visit tourist places in Malaysia. Our business is located at Pekan Pandak Mayah, Kuah, Langkawi. We would rent a shop there for our office. As there are many companies that provide car rental service, we want to start a company that can attract tourists to rent a car in our company. Moreover, we believe that we can compete with other companies in the past few years. This is because the present-day tourists are always moving from one place to another using public transport. This is because they do not get info about their service or car rental they prefer to use public transport. We will make them so interested in using our services. we also want them to feel comfortable when using our services. Opportunity that this business has the potential of success provide that it is handled efficiently. The people have always needed vehicle to move from one place to another. This is because vehicle is one of the important things in our lives

    Low-cost remotely operated underwater vehicle for underwater observation purposes

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    This paper is about the development of a low-cost remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) for the observation of underwater environments without risking human life. The overall safety feature focuses on protecting internal circuits from being overloaded by any unexpected high current as well as protecting battery from being over-discharged to prolong the battery’s life. The robot has internal sensor to measure the battery voltage level along with its movement speed for safety precautions. It has a camera that sent underwater visuals to the users at the base station for underwater monitoring, observation, and exploration purposes. Floatable ballasts that hold adjustable volume of air are attached to the vehicle. The ROV has been tested on several locations for performance analysis, data collection, and navigation control; moreover, it has also won the first prize in T-Robotics Underwater Challenge organized by TSystem Malaysia