28,562 research outputs found

    Employment, Knowledge and Latrine Ownership as Risk Factors and Prediction Model of Diarrhea Incidence

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    Diarrhea is a leading cause of death ranked 3rd after Tuberculosis and Pneumonia in Indonesia. Diarrhea cases in NTT province and also in Kupang City is still high, with Pasir Panjang PHC in 2012 and 2013 ranked the top three, while Oepoi PHC always the lowest rank. This research was conducted to analyze the risk factors for the incidence of diarrhea and create a model equation to predict the diarrhea incidence. This observational analytic research using case control design. Samples with diarrhea cases were recorded in January - June 2015 in the register book Pasir Panjang PHC and Oepoi PHC taken by random sampling to obtain samples for cases 62 children of Diarrhea patient. The control samples are 62 children who are not registered as suffering from diarrhea in the month of June 2015, close to the patient\u27s house, and her mother or people who responsible to take care that children want as respondent. Data were obtained by interviews with the mothers of cases and controls using questionnaires and direct observation using a checklist. Data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression. There are three variables that significantly affect to the diarrhea incidence, namely employment, knowledge and latrine ownership and the most dominant variable influence that is knowledge (OR 4.353). The model equation Y = - 2.048 +1.153 employment + 1.483 knowledge + 1.480 latrine ownership with a percentage accuracy of the model in classifying observations is 68.5%

    Perkembangan Seni Rupa dan Desain Era Renaissans

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    Seni rupa, desain, dan arsitektur pada abad renaissans mengalami perkembangan pesat, berbagai penemuan dan lahirnya berbagai ilmuwan baru yang menghidupkan kembali tradisi berfikir Yunani pada era renaissans membawa perubahan signifikan terhadap bangkitnya karya-karya seni lukis, ukiran, dan arsitektur era renaissans. Selain itu, penghargaan terhadap seniman dan karya seni juga semakin meningkat dari kalangan bangsawan maupun para pemuka agama. Berbagai pakar menganggap bahwa era ini adalah era kebangkitan kembali kejayaan masa Yunani setelah beberapa abad tenggelam dalam era kegelapan. Kata Kunci: Seni Rupa, Desain, Kebangkitan, Renaissan

    Perkembangan Seni Rupa Modern dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Video Art di Indonesia

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    Perkembangan seni rupa modern yang diawali dengan penemuan teknologi fotografi pada pertengahan abad 19 yang lalu telah mempengaruhi cara pandang dalam berkesenian di seluruh dunia khususnya dalam bidang seni rupa dan desain, selain muncul beragam aliran baru dalam seni lukis, muncul pula berbagai gerakan dan pendidikan seni dan desain dengan metode baru yang lebih konstruktif. Demikian pula berpengaruh terhadap aspek pemanfaatan teknologi dalam seni. Kemunculan seni video “video art” yang berkembang di Eropa dan kemudian menyebar hingga ke Indonesia, telah memperkenalkan media dan paradigma baru dalam berkesenian yang tidak terbatas lagi pada media, ruang, waktu dan konteks tertentu, tapi lebih bebas untuk bereksperimen dan berekplorasi dalam memanfaatkan teknologi terkini, meramu ide lokal menjadi global, tradisi menjadi modern, serta mengangkat masa lampau menjadi kontekstual di masa kini

    PERPADUAN ELEMEN-ELEMEN DESAIN PADA KARYA DESAIN POSTER MAHASISWA (Studi kasus pada Tugas poster mata kuliah Penulisan naskah Iklan DKV FSD UNM angkatan 2011)

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    This research represent descriptive research qualitative which is conducted to student of Visual Communications Design Art and Design Faculty ( FSD) State University of Makassar ( UNM) which is location in campus of UNM Parangtambung. This Research aim to to know exploiting of elements of desain at work of desain student poster of DKV FSD UNM, knowing storey, level integrity of element of desain, and also elaborate how each every element of desain the poster can be made standard alternative in assessing work of desain student poster. Result of research show In general almost all poster have used element mark with lines as part of its poster work, the usage with intensity differ, only one poster which not use line, the poster is work of Chandra. Total acquirement of visual element value is 245 if divided into 15 sampel hence mean acquirement of visual element value each poster is 16,33, this value represent higher level value of line element, but is lower the than typography element and colour element. Letter type which at most used is letter type of dekoratif, from 15 poster, 7 among others use this letter type, while type of serif and of sans-serif each used by 6 poster. While type of script used by counted 4 poster. To the number of poster using type of dekoratif caused by this is letter type more is aesthetic compared to other letter type. Colours which is inveterate to be used in poster " malino markisa" is turning yellow, green, white, purple, brown, orange, krem, blue, black, and squeeze. But from overall of poster, its use colour turn yellow, it is of course with intensity which different each other. If mean as a whole, hence each poster have solidarity storey level equal to 66,6, this value reside in good enough level so that still require to be improved

    The effect of task-based language teaching on students’ reading comprehension

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    The aim of this research study was to find out whether there could be a significant improvement in students taught reading comprehension using Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) and those taught using the Grammar Translation Method (GTM). In this experimental research, the sample was divided into an experimental group and a control group. The population for this study was 162 second grade students from SMA Negeri 1 Gandapura from which 2 classes were chosen by random sampling. The experimental group had 21 students, while the control group had 23 students. Data was collected through reading comprehension tests. The data was analysed by using an independent t-test assisted by SPSS 22. Based on the t-index from the analysis, it was found that there was a significant difference between the two groups as 0.73 was higher than α = 0.05. Moreover, the t-count was 3.12 which was higher that the t-table which was 2.01. These findings showed that there was a significant difference in achievement between the students who were taught reading comprehension by TBLT and those who were taught by GTM. Hence, the alternative hypothesis was accepted

    The Code Mixing Expressions Used by the Trainers of Ehost Private English Course Makassar

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    This thesis studied about the code mixing expressions used by the trainers of Ehost Private English Course Makassar. The aim of this writing is to find out factors that influence and reasons that cause code mixing used by the trainers of Ehost Private English Course Makassar. This study is a qualitative research, because the researcher observed and analyzed directly the subject of this study. The research design that used in this study is a descriptive, because it described code mixing and the phenomena of language used by the trainers of Ehost Private English Course Makassar. The samples of this research were 10 trainers of Ehost Private English Course Makassar. The researcher used total sampling in taking the sample, because the researcher thought that the numbers of trainers were small. The instruments used were observation and questionnaire as the material analysis. The researcher was also completed with recorder as the tool to collect the data. The findings of this thesis, the researcher found out that the kinds of language mixing form used by the trainers of Ehost Private English Course Makassar are: 42 words, 13 phrases, 36 clauses and 24 sentences. By the questionnaire, the researcher found out that there are positive and negative factors that influence and reasons that cause code mixing used by the trainers of Ehost Private English Course Makassar. The writer suggests to the next researcher to investigate factors that influence and reasons that cause code mixing which not covered in this research, investigate code mixing in different object of research, probably code mixing in songs or in any kinds of event


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    A calendar is an organizing system for calculating time over a certain period. Some calendar systems refer to an astronomical cycle, following a fixed rule. The main problem in this study is how the method and implementation of determining the beginning of the lunar month in the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia and the Fazilet Calendar, the purpose of this study is to add to the treasury of knowledge about the Fazilet Calendar calendar method originating from the Ottoman Empire so that library research methods are used to describe various sources that are there is. The results showed that there was a difference of three to four months each year in entering the first month using the old and new MABIMS criteria and the Fazilet Calendar criteria. Differences in the beginning of the lunar month also occur because of the location of the hilal observation markaz, the Fazilet Calendar with the Ittihadul Mathali concept (imposing a global matla) while the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia with the wilayatul hukmi matlak concept

    Cyberbullying: Varian Perundungan terhadap Anak Berbasis Digital

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    The digital era, as it is today, with an easily accessible internet network, creates conveniences for people to communicate or exchange information. Digital technology which is increasingly sophisticated today, has a significant influence on changes in people's lives, and various digital technologies have sprung up along with the progress and needs of the times. Positive and negative impacts must always accompany every development; this is not the case with technological developments. One of the subjects who are connoisseurs of technological developments that are feared to have a negative impact is children because, at the age of a child, which is a stormy transitional phase in the inner life of children, it is feared that it can make their psyche very unstable and easily influenced by external influences so that the age of this child is very vulnerable to violence both in the real world and in cyberspace, both physical and non-physical. One form of violence that children in cyberspace often experience is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is an act or behavior of a person or group that is carried out intentionally and repeatedly (continuously) to carry out actions that hurt other people through computers, cell phones and other electronic devices that impact the psychological condition of the victi


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    Terrorism crimes pose a threat to the state ideology, national security, state sovereignty, human values, and various aspects of societal, national, and state life, and they often have a transnational nature. These terrorism crimes require deradicalization measures for terrorism inmates in Indonesia, taking into account the individual conditions of each perpetrator, their families, and their social environment. The problem addressed in this paper pertains to the urgency of deradicalization measures for terrorism inmates in correctional facilities. This paper adopts an empirical juridical approach, conducting field research that examines legal regulations combined with data and behavior prevalent in society. The research findings indicate that: (1) The implementation of deradicalization measures for terrorism inmates in correctional facilities is not yet effective due to internal factors, which involve the lack of integration in handling terrorism inmates. Additionally, external factors, such as insufficient socialization, lack of training for officers, inadequate support facilities, budget constraints, and limited facilities in correctional facilities, contribute to the inefficiency. (2) The regulation of deradicalization for terrorism inmates in correctional facilities is based on Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning Correctional Institutions. The deradicalization regulation for terrorism inmates is stipulated in Article 54 paragraph (4), which outlines the stages: identification and assessment, rehabilitation, reeducation, and social reintegration. (3) The urgency of deradicalization measures for terrorism inmates in correctional facilities is not specific, as it is still treated similarly to other cases involving inmates. The deradicalization measures are carried out through social reintegration programs, education programs, skills training, and entrepreneurship programs for terrorism inmates, which aims to improve their well-being after their release and facilitate their reintegration into society to support their families. The independence and self-confidence of terrorism inmates in returning to society will prevent them from returning to their terrorist groups

    Variety of Singular Quadrics Containing a Projective Curve

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    We study the variety of rank k\leq k quadrics containing a general projective curve and show that it has the expected dimension in the range gd+r1g-d+r\leq 1. By considering the loci where this expectation is not true, we construct new divisor classes in Mg,n\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}. We use one of these classes to show that M15,9\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{15,9} is of general type