103 research outputs found

    RES-NOVA: A new neutrino observatory based on archaeological lead

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    We propose the RES-NOVA project which will hunt neutrinos from core-collapse supernovae (SN) via coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEν\nuNS) using an array of archaeological lead (Pb) based cryogenic detectors. The high CEν\nuNS cross-section on Pb and the ultra-high radiopurity of archaeological Pb enable the operation of a high statistics experiment equally sensitive to all neutrino flavors with reduced detector dimensions in comparison with existing Neutrino Observatories, and easy scalability to larger detector volumes. RES-NOVA is planned to operate according to three phases with increasing detector volumes: (60 cm)3^3, (140 cm)3^3, and ultimately 15×\times(140 cm)3^3. It will be sensitive to SN bursts up to Andromeda with 5σ\sigma sensitivity with already existing technologies and will have excellent energy resolution with 11 keV threshold. Within our Galaxy, it will be possible to discriminate core-collapse SNe from black hole forming collapses with no ambiguity even in the first phase of RES-NOVA. The average neutrino energy of all flavors, the SN neutrino light curve, and the total energy emitted in neutrinos can potentially be constrained with a precision of few %\% in the final detector phase. RES-NOVA will be sensitive to flavor-blind neutrinos from the diffuse SN neutrino background with an exposure of 620620 ton \cdot y. The proposed RES-NOVA project has the potential to lay down the foundations for a new generation of neutrino telescopes, while relying on a very simple technological setu

    Asociación do uso das novas tecnoloxías e os estilos de vida dos usuarios de internet

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    Traballo de Fin de Grao en Medicina. Curso 2019-2020.INTRODUCIÓN: A eclosión durante as últimas décadas das novas tecnoloxías, e, concretamente, internet, supuxo grandes cambios na vida dos usuarios, facilitando moitos dos seus aspectos, pero tamén trouxo consigo consecuencias negativas, como un uso inadecuado do mesmo ou unha posible adicción. Debido a isto, parece necesario estudar a relación entre o uso das novas tecnoloxías e os estilos de vida dos seus usuarios. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Levouse a cabo un estudo transversal, descritivo, mediante unha enquisa distribuída en distintas plataformas de internet, para así captar usuarios do mesmo. A enquisa constaba de 82 preguntas sobre datos socio-demográficos, perfil de uso de internet, estilo de vida e saúde xeral. Para estudar o grao de dependencia empregouse o Internet Addiction Test (IAT), e valorouse a asociación deste parámetro con determinadas características socio-demográficas, distintos aspectos relacionados co uso das tecnoloxías, o estilo de vida e a saúde xeral (valorada usando o cuestionario SF-36), para obter os diferentes perfís dos usuarios de internet. RESULTADOS E DISCUSIÓN: Obtívose unha mostra formada por 699 persoas maiores de idade, das que un 21% manifesta algún grao de dependencia segundo o IAT. Parece que a adicción a internet aparece máis en menores de 30, varóns e estudantes, e asóciase a determinados patróns de uso (acceder dende o smartphone, utilizar videoxogos e plataformas de vídeos, revisar Whatsapp antes de realizar calquera outra cousa pola mañá, etc.). Tamén se atopa relación con unha menor práctica de exercicio físico, peor alimentación, incremento do IMC e con unha e peor saúde auto-percibida, fundamentalmente nos aspectos psico-sociais da mesma. Ademais, existen diferentes patróns de uso de internet nos distintos grupos de idade e dependendo do xénero. CONCLUSIÓNS: Un 21% da mostra manifesta algún grao de dependencia. Ser varón, menor de 30 anos, estudante e usuario de videoxogos e plataformas de vídeos relaciónase coa dependencia a internet. Tamén se aprecia a existencia dunha asociación entre o abuso de internet e un peor estilo de vida, un IMC maior, e unha peor saúde auto-percibida.INTRODUCCIÓN: La eclosión durante las últimas décadas de las nuevas tecnologías, y, concretamente, internet, ha supuesto grandes cambios en la vida de los usuarios, facilitando muchos de sus aspectos, pero también ha traído consigo consecuencias negativas, como un uso inadecuado del mismo o una posible adicción. Debido a esto, parece necesario estudiar la relación entre el uso de las nuevas tecnologías y los estilos de vida de sus usuarios. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se ha realizado un estudio transversal, descriptivo, mediante una encuesta distribuida en distintas plataformas de internet, para así captar usuarios del mismo. La encuesta constaba de 82 preguntas sobre datos socio-demográficos, perfil de uso de internet, estilo de vida y salud general. Para estudiar el grado de dependencia se utilizó el Internet Addiction Test (IAT), y se valoró la asociación de este parámetro con determinadas características socio-demográficas, distintos aspectos relacionados con el uso de las tecnologías, el estilo de vida y la salud general (valorada usando el cuestionario SF- 36), para obtener los diferentes perfiles de uso de internet. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: Se obtuvo una muestra formada por 699 personas mayores de edad, de las que un 21% manifiesta algún grado de dependencia según el IAT. Parece que la adicción a internet aparece más en menores de 30, varones y estudiantes, y se asocia a determinados patrones de uso (acceder desde el smartphone, utilizar videojuegos y plataformas de vídeos, revisar Whatsapp antes de realizar cualquier otra cosa por la mañana, etc.). También se encontró relación con una menor práctica de ejercicio físico, peor alimentación, incremento del IMC y con una peor salud auto-percibida, fundamentalmente en los aspectos psico-sociales de la misma. Además, existen diferentes patrones de uso de internet en los distintos grupos de edad y dependiendo del género. CONCLUSIONES: Un 21% de la muestra manifiesta algún grado de dependencia. Ser varón, menor de 30 años, estudiante y usuario de videojuegos y plataformas de vídeos se relaciona con la dependencia a internet. También se aprecia la existencia de una asociación entre el abuso de internet y un peor estilo de vida, un IMC mayor, y una peor salud autopercibida.INTRODUCTION: The huge growth of new technologies in the last decades, especially of the internet, has caused great changes in the user's lives, improving them in different ways. However, it has also brought about some negative effects, such as misuse or possible addiction. Therefore, it seems necessary to study the relationship between the use of new technologies and the users' lifestyles. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using a survey on different web-based platforms to attract their users. This survey consisted of 82 questions about socio-demographic data, type of internet use, lifestyle and general health. The Internet Addiction Test (IAT) was used to study the degree of dependence and it was estimated the association of this parameter with specific socio-demographic characteristics, different aspects related to the use of technologies, lifestyle, and overall health (calculated using the SF-36 questionnaire), to obtain different internet usage profiles. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A sample of 699 adults was obtained, 21% of which show a certain degree of dependence, as the IAT suggests. It seems clear that internet addiction is more frequent in male students under thirty, and it is associated to special usage patterns (mobile access, use of video games and video platforms or WhatsApp check first thing in the morning). It is also found a connection with less sport practice, poorer diet, BMI increase, worse self-perceived health, particularly with regard to its psycho-social aspects. In addition, there are different patterns of internet usage in the groups according to age and gender. CONCLUSIONS: 21% of the sample reveals some degree of dependence. Being a male, under 30, student, user of videogames and video platforms is related to internet dependence. It is also detected a connection between internet abuse and a worse lifestyle, a higher MBI and worse self-perceived health

    Trastorno de Personalidad por Evitación : Aproximaciones al tratamiento psicológico

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    Traballo de Fin de Grao en Psicoloxía. Curso 2015-2016[ES] El presente trabajo es una revisión bibliográfica centrada en el tratamiento psicológico del Trastorno de Personalidad por Evitación (TPE), uno de los trastornos de personalidad que mayor sufrimiento emocional provoca en las personas que lo padecen. El principal objetivo de esta investigación, es el de demostrar que existen tratamientos que pueden mejorar significativamente la vida de los individuos con TPE y concretamente, estudiar los tratamientos más eficaces y que a su vez sean descriptibles y replicables. Además del tipo de enfoque más eficaz (nivel molar), se analizarán las técnicas que resulten ser más beneficiosas para tratar el trastorno (nivel molecular). A la luz de los resultados, se concluye que 1. El debate acerca de si Fobia Social (FS) y TPE son el mismo trastorno o por el contrario son trastornos diferentes, continúa latente, 2. Los individuos con TPE se benefician de manera significativa del tratamiento psicológico, 3. Las personalidades evitativas constituyen uno de los trastornos de personalidad donde la autoestima se encuentra más dañada, 4. Existe una superioridad significativa de la Terapia cognitivo-conductual frente a otras terapias para el tratamiento de este trastorno de personalidad, 5. A nivel molecular, las técnicas más eficaces para tratar el TPE son aquellas centradas en la exposición gradual y en trabajar las relaciones íntimas para crear fuertes vínculos interpersonales. Los resultados muestran cierto optimismo respecto a las posibilidades de tratamiento psicológico, así como la necesidad de seguir investigando en este campo[EN] This paper is a literature review focused on the psychological treatment of Avoidant Personality Disorder (APD), one of the personality disorders that causes increased emotional suffering in affected individuals. The main objective of this research is to demonstrate that there are treatments that can significantly improve the lives of individuals with APD and specifically, to study the most effective treatments and which in turn are describable and replicable. Besides the type of more effective approach (molar level), techniques that are more beneficial to treat the disorder (molecular level), will be analyzed too. In light of the results, it is concluded that: 1. The debate on whether Social Phobia (SP) and TPE are the same disorder or otherwise are different disorders continues to fester, 2. Individuals with APD benefit significantly from psychological treatment, 3. Avoidant Personality Disorders are one of the personalities where self-esteem is damaged to a greater extent, 4. There is a significant superiority of Cognitive-behavioral therapy against other therapies for the treatment of this personality disorder, 5. At the molecular level, the most effective techniques to treat TPE are those focused on gradual exposure and intimate relationships work to build strong interpersonal relationships. The results show some optimism about the possibilities of psychological treatment, as well as the need for further research in this fieldUniversidade de Santiago de Compostel

    Molecular accuracy vs antigenic speed: SARS-CoV-2 testing strategies

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    The pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has hit every corner of the world faster than any infectious disease ever known. In this context, rapid and accurate testing of positive cases are essential to follow the test-trace-isolate strategy (TETRIS), which has proven to be a key approach to constrain viral spread. Here, we discuss how to interpret and combine molecular or/and antigen-based detection methods for SARS-CoV-2 as well as when they should be used. Their application can be cleverly designed as an algorithm to prevent viral dissemination according to distinct epidemiological contexts within surveillance programs.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónFOCEM - Fondo para la Convergencia Estructural del MercosurAmbassade de France à Montevide

    Immunohistological study of the unexplored vomeronasal organ of an endangered mammal, the dama gazelle (Nanger dama)

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    Dama gazelle is a threatened and rarely studied species found primarily in northern Africa. Human pressure has depleted the dama gazelle population from tens of thousands to a few hundred individuals. Since 1970, a founder population consisting of the last 17 surviving individuals in Western Sahara has been maintained in captivity, reproducing naturally. In preparation for the future implementation of assisted reproductive technology, certain aspects of dama gazelle reproductive biology have been established. However, the role played by semiochemical-mediated communications in the sexual behavior of dama gazelle remains unknown due partially to a lack of a neuroanatomical or morphofunctional characterization of the dama gazelle vomeronasal organ (VNO), which is the sensory organ responsible for pheromone processing. The present study characterized the dama gazelle VNO, which appears fully equipped to perform neurosensory functions, contributing to current understanding of interspecies VNO variability among ruminants. By employing histological, lectin-histochemical, and immunohistochemical techniques, we conducted a detailed morphofunctional evaluation of the dama gazelle VNO along its entire longitudinal axis. Our findings of significant structural and neurochemical transformation along the entire VNO suggest that future studies of the VNO should take a similar approach. The present study contributes to current understanding of dama gazelle VNO, providing a basis for future studies of semiochemical-mediated communications and reproductive management in this speciesThis work was partially supported by a grant from “Consello Social Universidade de Santiago de Compostela” 2022-PU004S

    Creencias sobre el ‘amor’ en la pareja: Estudio cualitativo en alumnado universitario de diferentes contextos geográficos

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    El amor y el amor romántico constituyen elementos importantes en la vida de las personas y, por ello, son también temas de interés para las ciencias, especialmente, para las ciencias sociales y de la salud. El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en el conocimiento del concepto de amor y las creencias que lo sostienen entre el alumnado universitario, empleando para ello estrategias cualitativas (grupos de discusión) y aportando como novedad la comparación entre alumnado de dos universidades ubicadas en dos contextos geográficos diferentes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las creencias en el amor y la aceptación de los mitos del amor romántico son más diferentes entre chicos y chicas que entre entornos geográficos, contribuyendo, por tanto, a consolidar la idea de que el amor es una experiencia fuertemente generizada.Love and romantic love are important elements in people's lives and are therefore also subjects of interest to the science, especially social and health sciences. The aim of this work is to deepen the knowledge of the concept of love, and the beliefs that sustain it among university students, using qualitative strategies (discussion groups) and contributing as a novelty the comparison between students of two universities located in two different geographical contexts. The results obtained show that beliefs in love and acceptance of the myths of romantic love are more different between boys and girls than between geographic contexts, thus contributing to consolidate the idea that love is a strongly generized experience

    Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 viruses circulating in the South American region: Genetic relations and vaccine strain match

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    The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a novel member of the family Coronaviridae, now known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Recent studies revealed the emergence of virus variants with substitutions in the spike and/or nucleocapsid and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase proteins that are partly responsible for enhanced transmission and reduced or escaped anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies that may reduce the efficacy of antibodies and vaccines against the first identified SARS-CoV-2 strains. In order to gain insight into the emergence and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 variants circulating in the South American region, a comprehensive phylogenetic study of SARS-CoV-2 variants circulating in this region was performed. The results of these studies revealed sharp increase in virus effective population size from March to April of 2020. At least 62 different genotypes were found to circulate in this region. Variants of concern (VOCs) Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta co-circulate in the region, together with variants of interest (VOIs) Lambda, Mu and Zeta. Most of SARS-CoV-2 variants circulating in the South American region belongs to B.1 genotypes and have substitutions in the spike and/or nucleocapsid and polymerase proteins that confer high transmissibility and/or immune resistance. 148 amino acid positions of the spike protein and 70 positions of the nucleocapsid were found to have substitutions in different variants isolated in the region by comparison with reference strain Wuhan-Hu-1. Significant differences in codon usage among spike genes of SARS-CoV-2 strains circulating in South America was found, which can be linked to SARS-CoV-2 genotypes.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónPrograma de Desarrollo de las Ciencias BásicasComisión Sectorial de Investigación Científic

    Similarities and differences upon binding of naturally occurring Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol-derivatives to cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors.

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    We have here assessed, using Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9 -THC) for comparison, the effect of Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (Δ9 -THCA) and of Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabivarin (Δ9-THCV) that is mediated by human versions of CB1, CB2, and CB1-CB2 receptor functional units, expressed in a heterologous system. Binding to the CB1 and CB2 receptors was addressed in living cells by means of a homogeneous assay. A biphasic competition curve for the binding to the CB2 receptor, was obtained for Δ9 -THCV in cells expressing the two receptors. Signaling studies included cAMP level determination, activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and ß-arrestin recruitment were performed. The signaling triggered by Δ9 -THCA and Δ9 -THCV via individual receptors or receptor heteromers disclosed differential bias, i.e. the bias observed using a given phytocannabinoid depended on the receptor (CB1, CB2 or CB1-CB2) and on the compound used as reference to calculate the bias factor (Δ9 -THC, a selective agonist or a non-selective agonist). These results are consistent with different binding modes leading to differential functional selectivity depending on the agonist structure, and the state (monomeric or heteromeric) of the cannabinoid receptor. In addition, on studying Gi-coupling we showed that Δ9 -THCV and Δ9 -THCA and Δ9 -THCV were able to revert the effect of a selective CB2 receptor agonist, but only Δ9-THCV, and not Δ9-THCA, reverted the effect of arachidonyl-2′ -chloroethylamide (ACEA 100 nM) a selective agonist of the CB1 receptor. Overall, these results indicate that cannabinoids may have a variety of binding modes that results in qualitatively different effects depending on the signaling pathway that is engaged upon cannabinoid receptor activatio

    Pharmacokinetics of Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Drugs in Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    Intravitreal administration of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibodies has become the standard treatment for Age-Related Macular Degeneration; however, the knowledge of their pharmacokinetics is limited. A comprehensive review of the preclinical and clinical pharmacokinetic data that were obtained in different studies with intravitreal bevacizumab, ranibizumab, and aflibercept has been conducted. Moreover, the factors that can influence the vitreous pharmacokinetics of these drugs, as well as the methods that were used in the studies for analytical determination, have been exposed. These anti-VEGF drugs present different charge and molecular weights, which play an important role in vitreous distribution and elimination. The pharmacokinetic parameters that were collected differ depending on the species that were involved in the studies and on physiological and pathological conditions, such as vitrectomy and lensectomy. Knowledge of the intravitreal pharmacokinetics of the anti-VEGF drugs that were used in clinical practice is of vital importance.This work was partially supported by the ISCIII (PI17/00940, RETICS Oftared, RD16/0008/0003 and RD12/0034/0017) cofunded by FEDER and by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-099597-B-100)S

    Apparent auxetic to non-auxetic crossover driven by Co2+ redistribution in CoFe2O4 thin films

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    Oxide spinels of general formula AB2O4 (A = Mg2+, Fe2+; B = Al3+, Cr3+, etc.) constitute one of the most abundant crystalline structures in mineralogy. In this structure, cations distribute among octahedral and tetrahedral sites, according to their size and the crystal-field stabilization energy. The cationic arrangement determines the mechanical, magnetic, and transport properties of the spinel and can be influenced by external parameters like temperature, pressure, or epitaxial stress in the case of thin films. Here, we report a progressive change in the sign of the Poisson ratio, ν, in thin films of CoFe2O4, defining a smooth crossover from auxetic (ν 0) behavior in response to epitaxial stress and temperature. Microstructural and magnetization studies, as well as ab initio calculations, demonstrate that such unusual elastic response is actually due to a progressive redistribution of Co2+ among the octahedral and tetrahedral sites of the spinel structure. The results presented in this work clarify a long standing controversy about the magnetic and elastic properties of Co-ferrites and are of general applicability for understanding the stress-relaxation mechanism in complex crystalline structures.This work has received financial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) under Project No. MAT2016-80762-R and MAT2017-82970-C2-R, Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016-2019, No. ED431G/09), the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF), and the European Commission through the Horizon H2020 funding by H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016-Project No. 734187–SPICOLOST. I.L.d.P. and B.R.-M. thank the funding under the ESTEEM2 project and the researchers L.A. Rodríguez and E. Snoeck for preliminary Lorentz Microscopy (L.M.) and electron holography (EH) studies in CoFe2O4 samples synthesized by PAD method performed at CEMES (Toulouse)S