32 research outputs found

    Online Professional Learning Communities as Sites for Learning and Connection: Teacher Agency and the Rhizome

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    This paper responds to the themes of learning and connected communities and technology enhanced learning. It explores the relationship between teacher agency and online Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) – specifically the use of social media tools among trainee teachers. Using a discourse analysis methodology we present the early experiences and reflections of the curriculum development team and trainee teachers as we seek to integrate social media, both formally and informally into a distance-learning environment, merging the best practices of face-to-face and blended learning. The site of learning is a distance learning Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) provided by a large University in the North of England. This Master’s level course enhances the practice-based development of trainee teachers (leading to Qualified Teacher Status). It provides opportunities for trainee teachers to create and share knowledge, and to connect with educational theory, evidence informed research and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Originally established as face-to-face and blended provision, the curriculum development team has moved towards distance learning, and two cohorts are currently enrolled, constituted of 75 students. The University works in partnership with School Based Initial Teacher Training providers (SCITTs). The curriculum architecture of this PGCE is premised upon notions of Heutagogy, Rhizomatic Learning and Instructional Design. It embeds Master’s level attributes, promoting self-determined learning, high levels of autonomy, epistemic curiosity and a willingness to engage and participate. The affordances of social media tools supports the creation of learner-generated content, and emerging communities of practice, facilitated and moderated by several agents, including the curriculum team, the trainee teachers, and their mentors. We reflect on our ongoing research into participation in constructed and facilitated Professional Learning Communities. This paper contributes to debates surrounding heutagogy, PLCs, instructional design, and non-participation. It will be of interest to academics and practitioners seeking to debate social media in education and curriculum development, whether for blended, online or distance learning

    Beyond Performance Management by Observation: An Enquiry into Effective Professional Development for Teachers across a Multi Academy Trust

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    Performative lesson observation is widely used in schools, proportedly, as a tool through which leaders may improve standards of teaching and learning. However, the high­pressure and judgemental nature often associated with such an approach is largely considered to mitigate any potentially positive outcomes of the observation process. This action research project sought to explore whether a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) was able to change a performative lesson observation model to a more effective strategy for teacher growth in confidence and self­esteem, thus impacting positively upon teacher practice and self­efficacy. The project was funded by the Carey Philpott Partner Research Fund via the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University and it involved the three founding primary schools of a newly established MAT. The project developed from an original intention to introduce Video Enhanced Observation (VEO) to support peer and self­observation practices into a wider approach based upon coaching models. There is strong evidence to suggest that models of observation that are non­judgemental and development­focused have the potential to remove the barriers of the traditional performative model and to reap the benefits of increased motivation, collaboration and culture of scholarship to improve teaching and learning. Yet underlying issues around professional autonomy and the involvement of teachers in their own development adds to the complex nature of teacher evaluation. As such, there is more work to be done in ensuring that such changes have a lasting and sustainable impact upon the profession. A growing appreciation for the complex, phenomenological nature of teacher development led the study towards an investigation of the nature of professional autonomy and teacher agency. The findings of this study contribute to wider discourses among practitioner researcher communities as it argues that teachers should be involved in the processes of improving their own practice ­ as agents of change, not objects of surveillance. Further that collaboration and the opportunity to be involved in professional dialogue enhances professional learning

    Multiphase modelling of tumour growth and extracellular matrix interaction: mathematical tools and applications

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    Resorting to a multiphase modelling framework, tumours are described here as a mixture of tumour and host cells within a porous structure constituted by a remodelling extracellular matrix (ECM), which is wet by a physiological extracellular fluid. The model presented in this article focuses mainly on the description of mechanical interactions of the growing tumour with the host tissue, their influence on tumour growth, and the attachment/detachment mechanisms between cells and ECM. Starting from some recent experimental evidences, we propose to describe the interaction forces involving the extracellular matrix via some concepts coming from viscoplasticity. We then apply the model to the description of the growth of tumour cords and the formation of fibrosis

    Corticotropin Releasing Factor-Induced CREB Activation in Striatal Neurons Occurs via a Novel Gβγ Signaling Pathway

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    The peptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) was initially identified as a critical component of the stress response. CRF exerts its cellular effects by binding to one of two cognate G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), CRF receptor 1 (CRFR1) or 2 (CRFR2). While these GPCRs were originally characterized as being coupled to Gαs, leading to downstream activation of adenylyl cyclase (AC) and subsequent increases in cAMP, it has since become clear that CRFRs couple to and activate numerous other downstream signaling cascades. In addition, CRF signaling influences the activity of many diverse brain regions, affecting a variety of behaviors. One of these regions is the striatum, including the nucleus accumbens (NAc). CRF exerts profound effects on striatal-dependent behaviors such as drug addiction, pair-bonding, and natural reward. Recent data indicate that at least some of these behaviors regulated by CRF are mediated through CRF activation of the transcription factor CREB. Thus, we aimed to elucidate the signaling pathway by which CRF activates CREB in striatal neurons. Here we describe a novel neuronal signaling pathway whereby CRF leads to a rapid Gβγ- and MEK-dependent increase in CREB phosphorylation. These data are the first descriptions of CRF leading to activation of a Gβγ-dependent signaling pathway in neurons, as well as the first description of Gβγ activation leading to downstream CREB phosphorylation in any cellular system. Additionally, these data provide additional insight into the mechanisms by which CRF can regulate neuronal function

    The accessibility and acceptability of self-management support interventions for men with long term conditions: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies

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    Background: Self-management support interventions can improve health outcomes, but their impact is limited by the numbers of people able or willing to access them. Men’s attendance at existing self-management support services appears suboptimal despite their increased risk of developing many of the most serious long term conditions. The aim of this review was to determine whether current self-management support interventions are acceptable and accessible to men with long term conditions, and explore what may act as facilitators and barriers to access of interventions and support activities. Methods: A systematic search for qualitative research was undertaken on CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Social Science Citation Index, in July 2013. Reference lists of relevant articles were also examined. Studies that used a qualitative design to explore men’s experiences of, or perceptions towards, self-management support for one or more long term condition were included. Studies which focused on experiences of living with a long term condition without consideration of self-management support were excluded. Thirty-eight studies met the inclusion criteria. A meta-ethnography approach was employed to synthesise the findings. Results: Four constructs associated with men’s experience of, and perceptions towards, self management support were identified: 1) need for purpose; 2) trusted environments; 3) value of peers; and 4) becoming an expert. The synthesis showed that men may feel less comfortable participating in self-management support if it is viewed as incongruous with valued aspects of their identity, particularly when activities are perceived to challenge masculine ideals associated with independence, stoicism, and control. Men may find self-management support more attractive when it is perceived as action-oriented, having a clear purpose, and offering personally meaningful information and practical strategies that can be integrated into daily life. Conclusions: Self-management support is most likely to be successful in engaging men when it is congruent with key aspects of their masculine identity. In order to overcome barriers to access and fully engage with interventions, some men may need self-management support interventions to be delivered in an environment that offers a sense of shared understanding, connectedness, and normality, and involves and/or is facilitated by men with a shared illness experience

    Role of host genetics in fibrosis

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    Fibrosis can occur in tissues in response to a variety of stimuli. Following tissue injury, cells undergo transformation or activation from a quiescent to an activated state resulting in tissue remodelling. The fibrogenic process creates a tissue environment that allows inflammatory and matrix-producing cells to invade and proliferate. While this process is important for normal wound healing, chronicity can lead to impaired tissue structure and function

    Mitochondrial damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Background The inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD) are chronic relapsing inflammatory disorders which have a rising incidence and cause significant morbidity. There are currently several treatment options with many more in the drug pipeline, but there are a lack of accurate biomarkers for decisions on treatment choice, assessment of disease activity and prognostication. There is a growing interest and desire for personalised or ‘precision’ medicine in IBD where novel biomarkers may help individualise IBD care in terms of diagnosis, choice of therapy, monitoring of response and detection of relapse. One class of functionally active biomarkers which have yet to be thoroughly investigated in IBD is damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) including mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). It has been recently shown that gut mitochondrial dysfunction can result in loss of epithelial barrier function and the development of colitis. Mitochondrial DAMPs have recently been described as elevated in several inflammatory diseases. Hypothesis The primary hypothesis of this thesis is that circulating levels of mtDNA is elevated in IBD. Secondary hypotheses are: (a) levels of other mitochondrial DAMPs are elevated in IBD, (b) circulating mtDNA can be used as a novel biomarker in IBD and (c) mtDNA is released locally at sites of inflammation in IBD. Methods Plasma and serum were collected prospectively from recruited IBD patients and non-IBD controls. Faeces and colonic tissue were collected from a subset of these patients. mtDNA in serum, plasma and faeces was measured using qPCR (amplifying COXIII/ND2 genes). Mass spectrometry was used to detect mitochondrial formylated peptides in the plasma of a subset of patients. IBD tissue was assessed for (a) mitochondrial damage using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and (b) TLR9 expression, the target for mtDNA. Results 97 patients with IBD (67 UC and 30 CD), and 40 non-IBD controls were recruited. Plasma mtDNA levels were increased in UC and CD (both p<0.0001) compared to non-IBD controls; with significant correlations with blood (CRP, albumin, white cell count), clinical and endoscopic markers of severity; and disease activity. In active UC, we detected significantly higher circulating mitochondrial formylated peptides and faecal mtDNA levels (vs. non-IBD controls [p<0.01 and <0.0001 respectively]) with demonstrable TEM evidence of intestinal mucosal mitochondrial damage. In active IBD, TLR9+ lamina propria inflammatory cells were significantly higher in UC/CD compared to controls (both p<0.05). Conclusions Taken together, the findings suggest mtDNA is released during active inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease and is a potential novel mechanistic biomarker

    Deletion of Wntless in myeloid cells exacerbates liver fibrosis and the ductular reaction in chronic liver injury

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    Background: Macrophages play critical roles in liver regeneration, fibrosis development and resolution. They are among the first responders to liver injury and are implicated in orchestrating the fibrogenic response via multiple mechanisms. Macrophages are also intimately associated with the activated hepatic progenitor cell (HPC) niche or ductular reaction that develops in parallel with fibrosis. Among the many macrophage-derived mediators implicated in liver disease progression, a key role for macrophage-derived Wnt proteins in driving pro-regenerative HPC activation towards a hepatocellular fate has been suggested. Wnt proteins, in general, however, have been associated with both pro-and anti-fibrogenic activities in the liver and other organs. We investigated the role of macrophage-derived Wnt proteins in fibrogenesis and HPC activation in murine models of chronic liver disease by conditionally deleting Wntless expression, which encodes a chaperone essential for Wnt protein secretion, in LysM-Cre-expressing myeloid cells (LysM-Wls mice)