25 research outputs found


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    Background. Newborns with hyaline membrane disease (HMD) were still able to experience death although they were given by continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Early diagnosis and detection of multiple factors asosiated to these incident could be used to prevent mortality in newborns with HMD were given CPAP. Aim. To determine low birth weight (LBW), infection, premature, began CPAP> 5 hours after birth, the degree of HMD, asphyxia, not given antenatal steroids and surfactant as factors assosiated to the mortality of newborns with HMD were given CPAP. Methods. An analytical observational study with case control design was conducted in Dr. Kariadi Hospital using medical records in January 2009 - December 2014. The group of 20 cases of newborns with HMD were given CPAP and died. The control group are newborns with HMD were given CPAP and survived as much as 20 babies. Subjects taken by consequtive sampling method. HMD was based on doctor's diagnosis and/or radiology. Bivariate analysis was done using Chi-square and Fisher Exact. Multivariate analysis was done using logistic regression. Results. Multivariate analysis found the factors that influence the mortality of newborns with HMD by CPAP is the severity of HMD (p=0,006; OR=4,666; 95%CI=1,568-13,888). Factors other than the severity of PMH does not become an influential factor. Conclusion. Severity factor of HMD was assosiated with mortality of newborns with HMD were given CPAP. Keywords: HMD, CPAP, mortality risk factors


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    ABSTRAKSI: Sering kali lokasi bencana sukar dilalui oleh tim penyelamat karena medan yang berbahaya atau terlalu luas sehingga proses evakuasi korban berlangsung lama, sehingga korban yang seharusnya dapat diselamatkan menjadi tidak selamat karena proses evakuasi yang terlalu lama.Saat ini pemantauan area bencana yang luas menggunakan pesawat terbang atau helikopter berawak. Namun hal ini tidak dapat dilakukan ketika cuaca di sekitar daerah bencana terlalu buruk untuk penerbangan, atau medan cukup berbahaya bagi penerbangan.Dalam penelitian ini, dirancang dan dibangun sebuah sistem pemantauan wilayah bencana untuk digunakan pada pesawat tanpa awak yang dapat dikendalikan dari jauh dan memiliki sistem umpan balik informasi agar dapat mensurvey lokasi bencana secara aman, sehingga tim penyelamat dapat langsung menuju ke lokasi korban kemudian menuju daerah yang dirasa aman untuk proses evakuasi korban. Diharapkan dengan adanya sistem ini proses evakuasi korban dapat berjalan lebih aman dan optimal. Penelitian meliputi penentuan perangkat yang digunakan, realisasi sistem dan pengujian perangkat yang dibangun. Perangkat dalam sistem meliputi kamera, pemancar video, penerima video, serta perangkat monitoring dan perekam.Kata Kunci : pesawat tanpa awak, pemantauan, bencanaABSTRACT: Disaster area is often difficult to reach by rescue team because of dangerous terrain or the area is too large so the evacuation of the disaster victim taking a long time. Survivor become not survived because evacuation process that took a too long time.Nowadays, disaster area surveillance are done with manned aircraft or rotorcraft. But it’s can’t be done if the weather in the disaster area is too bad for manned flight, or the terrain is too dangerous for manned flight.This research designed and built a aerial surveillance system for used in unmanned aerial vehicle that can be controlled from long distance and can send information feedback so can be used to do a disaster area surveillance mission safely. Rescue team can be accurately dispatched to victim’s location and go to safe place for evacuation process afterward. The research is including choosing equipment, system realization, and system testing. The component of the system is camera, video transmitter, and monitoring and recording equipment.Keyword: unmanned aerial vehicle, surveillance, disaste

    Radiologic imaging of congenital gastrointestinal anomalies in infants

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    Eksistensi Peraturan Daerah Kota Mataram Nomor 10 Tahun 2015 tentang Pedagang Kaki Lima dalam Meningkatkan Potensi Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the existence of Mataram City Regional Regulation No. 10/2015 concerning Street Vendors (PKL) in increasing the potential for regional taxes and fees on the PKL sector in the regional government of Mataram city and the impact after the Street Vendors Sector (PKL) was designated as a Potential Regional Tax and Retribution in the Regional Government of Mataram City. The research method used in this research is Normative Law research method. While the technique of collecting legal materials in this study is to use library research. The results of this study are the existence of Mataram City Regional Regulation No. 10/2015 concerning Street Vendors cannot be used as a legal basis as a legal umbrella in determining the Street Vendors (PKL) sector as a potential Regional Tax and Retribution in the City of Mataram, because materially there is no article or paragraph material in it which mentions and discusses matters meant. This legal basis is absolutely necessary as a basis for street vendors to become potential regional taxes and levies for the city of Mataram. There are three impacts that arise after the street vendors sector is designated as a potential Regional Tax and Retribution. The first is against street vendors (PKL). Next to Non-PKL Traders. Then to the Government and Society

    Otoacoustic emission (OAE) features in newborns at Dr. Kariadi Central Genetal Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia

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    The joint committee on infant hearing (JCIH) recommends the detection and intervention of hearing impairment in newborns. Dr Kariadi Central General Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia is a referral hospital in Central Java province that has implemented an early detection program for hearing lossin newborns. Screening or early detection using otoacoustic emissions (OAE). This study aimed to find out the description of OAE in newborns at Dr. Kariadi Central General Hospital, Semarang. This research was a descriptive analytic using secondary data the OAE results on newborns with or without risk factors (FR) who are treated at Dr. Kariadi Central General Hospital, Semarang in 2020. The result of OAE pass meant that the outer hair cell (OHC) was functioning properly in both ears while refer was if the OHC in one ear or both was not functioning properly. Total 1338 newborns with and without FR whose OAE pass resulted as much as 1297 (97%) and refer 41 (3%). Most risk factors were low birth weight 331 (42%) with the results of OAE pass 312 (94.3%), and refer 19 (5.7%). In conclusion, this study shows that OAE passed in 97% of newborns


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    Latar belakang: Asfiksia neonatorum merupakan penyebab utama kematian neonatus sebesar 19% dari lima juta bayi lahir hidup di dunia setiap tahun. Asfiksia mengakibatkan hipoksia, hiperkapnia, dan asidosis. Baku emas pemeriksaan asidosis adalah dengan pH darah arteri yang belum dapat dilakukan di tempat dengan sarana yang terbatas. Hipoksia memicu terjadi peningkatan jumlah eritrosit dan eritrosit berinti. Peningkatan jumlah ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan oksigenasi jaringan dan berbanding lurus dengan semakin beratnya hipoksia. Pemeriksaan jumlah eritrosit berinti dapat dilakukan di tempat dengan sarana terbatas dengan pembacaan preparat darah apus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan jumlah eritrosit berinti dapat menjadi alat penunjang diagnosis asidosis pada asfiksia neonatorumMetode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian uji diagnostik. Asfiksia ditentukan dengan nilai Apgar, asidosis ditentukan dengan pH dari pemeriksaan analisis gas darah, dan eritrosit berinti diperiksa menggunakan preparat darah apus. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji Spearmans, ROC, X2, sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif dan nilai duga negatif. Analisis data menggunakan program komputer.Hasil: Subyek penelitian berjumlah 49 neonatus asfiksia dengan jumlah bayi yang mengalami asidosis sebanyak 23. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara jumlah eritrosit berinti dengan asidosis (p<0,0001), dengan nilai korelasi sedang (r = -0,516). Jumlah eritrosit berinti 7/100 leukosit memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas sebesar 82,6% dan 69,2%, NDP dan NDN sebesar 70,4% dan 81,8%.Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan sedang negatif antara jumlah eritrosit berinti dengan asidosis. Jumlah eritrosit berinti 7/100 leukosit dapat digunakan sebagai alat penunjang diagnosis asidosis pada asfiksia neonatorum.Kata kunci: Eritrosit berinti, asidosis, asfiksi


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    Background: This study aims to determine the procedures, techniques, reasons and evaluation of 3D conformal radiotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma case in the orbital region with additional bolus that has been done in the Radiotherapy unit of Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta Hospital. In addition, from this research also to find out how the visually tumor response to the radiation that has been given and there are limits of research for tumor responses made observations from the beginning of radiation to the completion of radiation.Methods: This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. The data was collected in November-December 2017 at radiotherapy Unit of Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta Hospital by observation methodology, interview with Radiation Oncologist Specialist, Medical Physicist and Radiographer. the data obtained from the study were analyzed by an interactive model, creating the interview transcripts subsequently reduced and processed within the type of open coding, given within the type of quotations then are often drawn conclusions.Results: The results showed that the 3D Conformal Radiotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma case on orbital region with the addition of a bolus in Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta Hospital consists of a CT Simulator examination, TPS (Treatment Planning System), Verification and Treatment (radiation therapy). The bolus in the treatment process is intended for this case to provide a 95% dose to the target tumor raised up to the surface. For the response shown in this case the patient was not good despite the reduction in tumor, the tumor response was not good (response 50%) according to WHO criteria showed stable disease criteria (SD).Conclusion: 3D conformal radiotherapy of squamous cell carcinoma case in the orbital region of this patient with the addition of a bolus aims to obtain a homogeneous distribution of all tumor targets and for visual tumor response in this case according to WHO criteria showing stable disease (SD) criteria


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    Effective evaluation of student performance is crucial. Hence, many kinds of techniques are used such as statistics, physical examination and currently data mining techniques to evaluate student performance. Data mining techniques as known as Educational Data Mining (EDM) collect, process, report and used to find the unseen patterns in the student dataset. EDM uses machine learning techniques to dig out useful data from multiple levels of meaningful hierarchy. Various data from intelligent computer tutors, classic computer based educational systems, online classes, academic data in educational institution, and standar assesment can be process for EDM. This led universities include open and distance learning (ODL) to collect large volume of student and learning data in their learning management systems (LMS). Students in ODL are relatively familiar with LMS and many learning activities such as number of accessing materials, student participation in discussion forum recorded in LMS. The processes of using EDM to improve the quality of educational policy maker with data-based models have become a challange that institutions of higher education face today. Therefore, this study aims to design applications that predict student performance in online learning using machine learning techniques based on EDM. The machine learning technique used in this research is Fuzzy-KNN. Testing using Fuzzy-KNN produces an accuracy of 92.5%


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    ABSTRACTBackground. Orofacialanomalies are anatomical and physiological abnormalities in the structure of organs in the face which are present since birth. Previous studies found that 40-60% the cause of birth defects was unclear.Objective. To determine the risk factors for orofacial congenital anomalies in neonates.Methods. Retrospective observational study using case-control design based on medical records within January 2009-June 2013 in Kariadi Hospital was done. Subjects were selected by purposive sampling and simple randomize sampling. Risk factors studied were risky maternal age, intrauterine infection, lack of folic acid supplementation, low antenatal care and family history of orofacial anomalies. Statistical analysis were using Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and unpaired t-test.Results. Subjects were 48 neonates, which 24 of them with orofacial anomalies. We found that significant factors of orofacialanomalies occurrence are risky maternal age (p = 0.000; OR = 11.667, 95% CI = 2.696-50.490), intrauterine infection (p = 0.000; OR = 15.400, 95% CI = 2.930-80.951), lack of folic acid supplementation (p = 0.003; OR = 7.000, 95% CI = 1.822-26.887) and low antenatal care (p = 0.000; OR = 38.333, 95% CI = 4.395-334.382) and they become not significant after had multivariate analysis.Conclusion. Maternal age, intrauterine infection, lack of folic acid supplementation and low antenatal care are risk factors for orofacial anomalies in neonates Keywords:orofacialanomalies, risk facto

    Multicentre survey of retinopathy of prematurity in Indonesia

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    Background: The incidence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is higher in Indonesia than in high-income countries. In order to reduce the incidence of the disease, a protocol on preventing, screening and treating ROP was published in Indonesia in 2010. To assist the practical implementation of the protocol, meetings were held in all Indonesia regions, calling attention to the high incidence of ROP and the methods to reduce it. In addition, national health insurance was introduced in 2014, making ROP screening and treatment accessible to more infants. Objective: To evaluate whether the introduction of both the guideline drawing attention to the high incidence of ROP and national health insurance may have influenced the incidence of the disease in Indonesia. Setting: Data were collected from 34 hospitals with different levels of care: national referral centres, university-based hospitals, and public and private hospitals. Methods: A survey was administered with questions on admission numbers, mortality rates, ROP incidence, and its stages for 2016-2017 in relation to gestational age and birth weight. Results: We identified 12 115 eligible infants with a gestational age of less than 34 weeks. Mortality was 24% and any stage ROP 6.7%. The mortality in infants aged less than 28 weeks was 67%, the incidence of all-stage ROP 18% and severe ROP 4%. In the group aged 28-32 weeks, the mortality was 24%, all-stage ROP 7% and severe ROP 4%-5%. Both mortality and the incidence of ROP were highest in university-based hospitals. Conclusions: In the 2016-2017 period, the infant mortality rate before 32 weeks of age was higher in Indonesia than in high-income countries, but the incidence of ROP was comparable. This incidence is likely an underestimation due to the high mortality rate. The ROP incidence in 2016-2017 is lower than in surveys conducted before 2015. This decline is likely due to a higher practitioner awareness about ROP and national health insurance implementation in Indonesia