1,195 research outputs found

    Mediating Specialized Knowledge in the Field of Medicine through Translation: A reflective approach

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    Using a reflective practice reasoning drawn both from my own experience translating medical research papers from French into English to medical researchers in Morocco and also from my teaching of medical translation to M.A. students at King Fahd School of Translation, this paper discusses the notion that translation is a mediation of specialized knowledge while showing the different features of medical research papers and highlighting the documentation skills that are not only needed by the medical translator to compensate for the lack of specialized knowledge, but also by the future medical researchers who would like to translate their research into English for the sake of international dissemination. Thus, this paper discusses the notion of the translator as a mediator and transmitter of knowledge while highlighting the constitutive elements of the translation of medical research papers where specialists sought the collaboration of a translator. Covert translation has proved to be necessary in this type of translation

    Zandaqa in the early Abbasid period with special reference to the poetry

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D65139/86 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Study of the development of the maritime department for surveys and inspection of ships in Saudi Arabia

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    Any Maritime Safety Administration in any country needs a strong- technical department to fulfill its national and international obligations. The recent rapid scientific and technological advances in ship operation, design and variety of marine activities demand that developing a corps of surveyors and inspectors of ships will make the Administration more effective in the face of new challenges by these developments and their associated hazards. The principal goals of this paper are to assess the present situation of Maritime Administration relating to surveys and inspections of ships and also to identify the needs of the Administration especially in the training of technical persons as surveyors. Finally proposals and recommendations are made

    Dynamic Adaptation for WPANs Collision Prevention in eHealth Environments

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    © 2013 IEEE. This paper presents several adaptive mechanisms to dynamically update the wireless personal area networks (WPANs) parameters that are essential in wearable devices, especially in healthcare environments. Instead of collision detection and recovery, collision prevention is achieved using the proposed algorithms to guarantee a collision-free environment. We present a binary integer programming model for the optimal solution. To avoid the increased complexity, we introduce six suboptimal algorithms. The presented algorithms try to minimize network disruption by updating the parameters of a minimal number of the WPANs. The simulation results show how the algorithms trade off minimal disruption and time complexity

    Blockchain-Based Distributed Trust and Reputation Management Systems: A Survey

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    Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), like Blockchain, are characterized by features such as transparency, traceability, and security by design. These features make the adoption of Blockchain attractive to enhance information security, privacy, and trustworthiness in very different contexts. This paper provides a comprehensive survey and aims at analyzing and assessing the use of Blockchain in the context of Distributed Trust and Reputation Management Systems (DTRMS). The analysis includes academic research as well as initiatives undertaken in the business domain. The paper defines two taxonomies for both Blockchain and DTRMS and applies a Formal Concept Analysis. Such an approach allowed us to identify the most recurrent and stable features in the current scientific landscape and several important implications among the two taxonomies. The results of the analysis have revealed significant trends and emerging practices in the current implementations that have been distilled into recommendations to guide Blockchain's adoption in DTRMS systems

    A State-Of-The-Art Review of Cloud Forensics

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    Cloud computing and digital forensics are emerging fields of technology. Unlike traditional digital forensics where the target environment can be almost completely isolated, acquired and can be under the investigators control; in cloud environments, the distribution of computation and storage poses unique and complex challenges to the investigators. Recently, the term “cloud forensics” has an increasing presence in the field of digital forensics. In this state-of-the-art review, we included the most recent research efforts that used “cloud forensics” as a keyword and then classify the literature into three dimensions: (1) survey-based, (2) technology-based and (3) forensics-procedural-based. We discuss widely accepted standard bodies and their efforts to address the current trend of cloud forensics. Our aim is not only to reference related work based on the discussed dimensions, but also to analyse them and generate a mind map that will help in identifying research gaps. Finally, we summarize existing digital forensics tools and the available simulation environments that can be used for evidence acquisition, examination and cloud forensics test purposes

    Effect of fluorination pattern and extent on the properties of PCDTBT derivatives

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    Herein, we report the synthesis of a series of fluorinated dithienyl carbazole-alt-benzothiadiazoles (PCDTBT analogues) and the characterisation of their optical, electrochemical, thermal and molecular organisation in the solid state. The polymers were decorated with fluorine on either the benzothiadiazole unit, carbazole unit or both to yield PCDTffBT, PCffDTBT and PCffDTffBT, respectively. The copolymers displayed decomposition temperatures in excess of 350 1C. PCDTffBT, PCffDTBT and PCffDTffBT displayed optical band gaps of 1.86, 1.82 and 1.88 eV, respectively. It was speculated this was a consequence of the higher molecular weight of PCffDTBT relative to the other polymers. PCffDTBT and PCffDTffBT displayed shallower HOMO levels relative to PCDTffBT; a consequence of fluorinating the carbazole-donor moiety. XRD studies confirmed that fluorinating the benzothiadiazoleacceptor moiety improves molecular ordering by promoting p–p stacking of polymer backbones in solid state. Interestingly, fluorinating the carbazole-donor unit does not improve p–p stacking of polymer backbones

    Erythème marginé de Besnier: manifestation rare au cours du rhumatisme articulaire aigu

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    Il s'agissait d'une fillette âgée de 3 ans accusant depuis un an, une éruption cutanée se manifestant par des plaques discoïdes faites de macules rosées, non prurigineuses arrondies et ovalaires, de 1 à 3 cm de diamètre, polycycliques, confluentes et à centre clair évoluant par poussée, avec régression et réapparition. L'enfant a été admise aux urgences dans un tableau de détresse respiratoire et de fièvre avec aggravation des lésions cutanées préexistantes devenant diffuses. L'auscultation cardiaque trouvait un souffle holo-systolique mitral d'une intensité de 4/6. L'échographie cardiaque objectivait une insuffisance mitrale aigue massive avec des végétations valvulaires. Sur le plan biologique, on notait la présence d'un syndrome inflammatoire biologique avec une CRP à 300mg/l et une vitesse de sédimentation à 60 mm à la première heure et les ASLO étaient très élevés (1600 UI/ml). Le diagnostic d'endocardite infectieuse sur valvulopathie rhumatismale était retenu. Après mise en condition, instauration d'une antibiothérapie et d'une cure chirurgicale urgente pour plastie mitrale, il a été noté une régression des lésions dermatologiques en quelques jours mais l'état hémodynamique de l'enfant s'était dégradé rapidement avec un décès brutal. L'érythème de Besnier est une manifestation cutanée rare du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Les médecins devraient faire attention à ne pas négliger ce signe clinique rare mais utile, en particulier chez les patients présentant une atteinte valvulaire subclinique pour éviter les complications cardiaques tardives potentielles. Les trois diagnostics différentiels étaient l'herpès circiné, l'urticaire et l'érythème de l'angioedème héréditaire

    Identification par GC-MS et GC-FID-O des composés volatils des olives vertes de la variété « Picholine marocaine » : effet de l’origine géographique

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    La caractérisation des composés volatils et l’effet de l’origine géographique sur le profil aromatique des olives vertes de la région Taza-Taounate-Al Hoceima (Taounate, Taza et Guercif) ont été étudiés. L’extraction des arômes a été réalisée par distillation-extraction simultanée et les extraits ont été analysés par GC-FID-O et GC-MS. Les principaux composés identifiés sont les aldéhydes, les terpènes, les esters, les acides, les composés phénoliques et les cétones. Les aldéhydes sont les composés volatils les plus importants et la proportion varie selon la région (48-63%). Le composé volatil majeur est le (E,E)-2,4-décadiénal suivi de (Z)-3-hexénal-hexanal. Les terpènes représentent 17 à 31% des composés volatils et contribuent à l’arôme global des d’olives. Les olives de Taza peuvent être caractérisées par de faibles teneurs en gaïacol et par des teneurs élevées en alcool, aldéhydes, esters et certains terpènes (α-pinène, α-ocimène et γ-terpinéol). Les olives de la région de Guercif sont plutôt caractérisées par des terpènes (β-myrcène, limonène, 2-méthyl-2-bornène, β- linalool, α- et β-terpinéol, β-caryophyllène et α-farnésène) et par des teneurs élevées en méthional. Les échantillons de Taounate sont moins riches en composés volatils. Le profil des arômes pourrait être exploité pour l’identification de l’origine géographique des olives marocaines et comme marqueur de traçabilité.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Olives, arômes, origine géographique, GC-MS, GC-FID-OEnglish AbstractThe characterization of volatile compounds and effect of geographical origin on the aroma profile of green olives of the Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate region (Taounate, Taza and Guercif) have been studied. Extraction of the flavors was carried out by simultaneous distillation-extraction and the extracts were analyzed by GC-FID-O and GC-MS. The main compounds identified are aldehydes, terpenes, esters, acids, phenolic compounds and ketones. Aldehydes are the most important volatile compounds and the proportion varies according to the region (48-63%). The major volatile compound is (E, E)-2,4-decadienal followed by (Z)-3- hexenal-hexanal. Terpenes represent 17 to 31% of volatile compounds and contribute to the overall flavor of olive fruits. Samples from Taza may be characterized by low levels of guaiacol and high levels of alcohol, aldehydes, esters and some terpenes ((α-pinene, α-ocimene et γ-terpineol). Olives from the Guercif region are rather characterized by terpenes (β-myrcene, limonene, 2-methyl-2-bornene, β-linalool, α- and β-terpineol, β-caryophyllene and α-farnesene) and by high levels of methional. Olive fruits from Taounate are less rich in volatile compounds. The profile of aromas can be exploited to identify the geographical origin of Moroccan olives and as marker of traceability.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Olive fruits, flavors, geographical origin, GC-MS, GC-FID-


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    This article aims to analyze the position of Minangkabau dance creations as entertainment and as a preservation of Minangkabau local wisdom. In addition, this article introduces creative dance as a new culture for the people of West Sumatra which has an impact on preserving Minangkabau local wisdom. This study used a qualitative method where data was collected through interviews, observation and literature review of Minangkabau contemporary dance creations. The validity of the data was tested through triangulation and analyzed based on the phenomena contained in the Minangkabau creation dance and then verified. The results of the study found that the existence of Minangkabau creative dance today is a form of representation of Minangkabau local wisdom so that creative dance can be accepted by the Minangkabau people in West Sumatra. Minangkabau dance creations are in process of creation and cannot be separated from the acculturation and reconstruction of Minangkabau dance traditions that once existed. In turn, this creative dance can maintain the existence of Minangkabau traditional dance as a cultural heritage of the Minangkabau people. Dance created by Minangkabau during this period has a position as public entertainment and as a medium for preserving the local wisdom values of the Minangkabau people