9 research outputs found

    Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.): new application as source of fiber and antioxidants in pasta with whole wheat flour

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    The demand of healthy foods for preventing non-communicable diseases has increased, and developments include ingredients with health effects, such as whole grain wheat and turmeric. Both are added in the present study as source of fiber and antioxidants in pasta. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of the addition of turmeric flour in pasta containing whole grain wheat flour and refined wheat flour on its fiber content, and technological and antioxidant properties. For this, there were made three control pastas with grain wheat flour ranging between 600 and 700 g kg-1. Additionally, seven turmeric pastas were prepared according to a linear experimental design (22), with three central points. Technological analyses included cooking test, color and texture measurement. A Principal Components Analysis was performed for selecting two formulations for further proximate and antioxidant capacities tests. The selected formulations were CP3 (70 WGF: 30 RWF) and TP3 (5 g TF, 60 WGF: 40 RWF), which presented similar technological properties and high average dietary fiber (74.3 g kg-1 ). TP3 presented the highest total phenolics content (534.46 ± 1.93 mg kg-1), DPPH• (5.70 ± 0.10 g kg-1 of Trolox Equivalent (TE), and ABTS (9.02 ± 0.58 g kg-1 of TE), with high retention of antioxidant capacity after cooking. TF promoted the color modification in pastas with WGF, accentuating yellow color, while keeping the cooking properties; it is therefore a natural ingredient that confers color and phenolic compounds in products containing WGF.71184238435CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQSem informaçãoSem informaçãoLa demanda de alimentos saludables para la prevención de enfermedades no transmisibles ha aumentado, y los desarrollos incluyen ingredientes con efectos en la salud, como harina de trigo de grano entero y cúrcuma. Ambos son adicionados en el presente estudio como fuente de fibra y antioxidantes en pasta. El trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la adición de harina de cúrcuma en pasta con harina de trigo de grano entero y harina de trigo refinada, en su contenido de fibra y las propiedades tecnológicas y antioxidantes. Para esto, se realizaron tres pastas control con trigo de grano entero entre 600 y 700 g kg-1. Adicionalmente, siete pastas de cúrcuma se prepararon de acuerdo con un diseño experimental lineal (22), con tres puntos centrales. Los análisis tecnológicos incluyeron test de cocción, color y textura. Un Análisis de Componentes Principales se realizó para seleccionar dos formulaciones para pruebas bromatológica y de capacidad antioxidante. Las pastas seleccionadas fueron CP3 (70 WGF: 30 RWF) y TP3 (5 g TF, 60 WGF: 40 RWF), que presentaron propiedades tecnológicas similares y alto contenido de fibra dietaria (74.3 g kg-1). TP3 presentó el mayor contenido de fenólicos totales (534.46 ± 1.93 mg kg-1), DPPH• (5.70 ± 0.10 g kg-1 Trolox Equivalente (TE)), y ABTS (9.02 ± 0.58 g kg-1 TE), con alta retención de la capacidad antioxidante después de cocción. La harina de cúrcuma promovió el cambio en color de las pastas con WGF, acentuando la tonalidad amarilla y manteniendo las propiedades de cocción; por tanto, es un ingrediente natural que confiere color y compuestos fenólicos en productos con WGF.FAEPE

    Dietary polyphenols and their relationship to the modulation of non-communicable chronic diseases and epigenetic mechanisms: A mini-review

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    Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) have been considered a global health problem, characterized as diseases of multiple factors, which are developed throughout life, and regardless of genetics as a risk factor of important relevance, the increase in mortality attributed to the disease to environmental factors and the lifestyle one leads. Although the reactive species (ROS/RNS) are necessary for several physiological processes, their overproduction is directly related to the pathogenesis and aggravation of NCDs. In contrast, dietary polyphenols have been widely associated with minimizing oxidative stress and inflammation. In addition to their antioxidant power, polyphenols have also drawn attention for being able to modulate both gene expression and modify epigenetic alterations, suggesting an essential involvement in the prevention and/or development of some pathologies. Therefore, this review briefly explained the mechanisms in the development of some NCDs, followed by a summary of some evidence related to the interaction of polyphenols in oxidative stress, as well as the modulation of epigenetic mechanisms involved in the management of NCDs

    Elaboration and Characterization of Apple Nectars Supplemented with Araçá-boi (Eugenia stipitata Mac Vaugh—Myrtaceae)

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    Fruits and vegetables are known as sources of nutritionally important phytochemicals, such as phenolic compounds, and Brazilian biodiversity may be hiding many underexplored fruits with potential health benefits. In this study, we formulated a fruit-based beverage by supplementing known amounts of freeze-dried araçá-boi (Eugenia stipitata) (FD) to a commercial apple nectar in order to evaluate the impact in terms of nutritional (level of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity) and sensory parameters. The best acceptance was evidenced for the apple nectar supplemented with 1 g/L of FD, while no statistically significant changes were obtained for non-supplemented apple nectar and apple nectar supplemented with 5 or 10 g/L FD. Lower acceptances for apple nectars supplemented with 15, 20 or 30 g/L FD were suggested to be caused by an increase in acidity. In general, total phenols, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity (DPPH, TEAC and ORAC) increased with the supplementation level, although not always a statistically significant difference was observed. When compared to control (non-supplemented), the apple nectar supplemented with 10 g/L FD presented a significant increase in total phenols, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity (except for ORAC assay), and therefore this level of supplementation was considered ideal, considering both nutritional and sensory properties

    Characterization of Buritirana (Mauritiella armata) Fruits from the Brazilian Cerrado: Biometric and Physicochemical Attributes, Chemical Composition and Antioxidant and Antibacterial Potential

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    The buritirana is a little-explored species of the Arecaceae family. The biometric and physicochemical characteristics, nutritional and chemical composition and antioxidant and antibacterial potential of the buritirana fruit fractions were evaluated here for the first time. The fruits presented an oblong shape. The pulp represented 16.58% of the whole-fruit weight (10.07 g). The moisture, ash and soluble fiber contents were similar for the whole fraction without seed (WS) and pulp. Although the total carbohydrate content was the same for seed and peel (23.24 g·100 g−1), the seed showed higher protein and insoluble fiber contents. Except for glucose (1256.63 mg·100 g−1), the seed showed the highest concentrations of mono-, di- and oligosaccharides. Mineral content ranged from 0.43 to 800 mg·100 g−1 in all fractions. The peel fraction showed the highest content of vitamin C. The physicochemical results indicate the pulp and WS fraction have potential for the production of fruit-derived food products. Protocatechuic and quinic acids and epicatechin/catechin were found in all fractions. The assay antioxidant capacity DPPH, phenolic content and total flavonoids were higher in the pulp; TEAC and ORACHF values were lower in the seed. Volatile organic compounds were not identified, and the fractions did not show antibacterial activity

    Oligosaccharide biotechnology: an approach of prebiotic revolution on the industry

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