595 research outputs found

    Multichannel direct detection of light dark matter: Target comparison

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    Direct-detection experiments for light dark matter are making enormous leaps in reaching previously unexplored model space. Several recent proposals rely on collective excitations, where the experimental sensitivity is highly dependent on detailed properties of the target material, well beyond just nucleus mass numbers as in conventional searches. It is thus important to optimize the target choice when considering which experiment to build. We carry out a comparative study of target materials across several detection channels, focusing on electron transitions and single (acoustic or optical) phonon excitations in crystals, as well as the traditional nuclear recoils. We compare materials currently in use in nuclear recoil experiments (Si, Ge, NaI, CsI, CaWO4), a few of which have been proposed for light dark matter experiments (GaAs, Al2O3, diamond), as well as 16 other promising polar crystals across all detection channels. We find that target- and dark-matter-model-dependent reach is largely determined by a small number of material parameters: speed of sound, electronic band gap, mass number, Born effective charge, high-frequency dielectric constant, and optical phonon energies. We showcase, for each of the two benchmark models, an exemplary material that has a better reach than in any currently proposed experiment

    Multi-channel direct detection of light dark matter: theoretical framework

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    We present a unified theoretical framework for computing spin-independent direct detection rates via various channels relevant for sub-GeV dark matter — nuclear re- coils, electron transitions and single phonon excitations. Despite the very different physics involved, in each case the rate factorizes into the particle-level matrix element squared, and an integral over a target material- and channel-specific dynamic structure factor. We show how the dynamic structure factor can be derived in all three cases following the same procedure, and extend previous results in the literature in several aspects. For electron transitions, we incorporate directional dependence and point out anisotropic target materials with strong daily modulation in the scattering rate. For single phonon excitations, we present a new derivation of the rate formula from first principles for generic spin-independent couplings, and include the first calculation of phonon excitation through electron couplings. We also discuss the interplay between single phonon excitations and nuclear recoils, and clarify the role of Umklapp processes, which can dominate the single phonon production rate for dark matter heavier than an MeV. Our results highlight the complementarity between various search channels in probing different kinematic regimes of dark matter scattering, and provide a common reference to connect dark matter theories with ongoing and future direct detection experiments

    Akuntansi Pembiayaan Mudharabah Berdasarkan PSAK No. 105

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis akuntansi pembiayaan mudharabah berdasarkan PSAK No. 105 di BMT Manarul Qur'an Lumajang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan data primer yaitu wawancara langsung dengan objek. Adapun data sekunder yaitu buku-buku, laporan-laporan yang berkaitan dengan objek penelitian. Metode validitas data menggunakan triangulasi sumber data. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa akuntansi pembiayaan mudharabah yang diterapkan oleh BMT Manarul Qur'an Lumajang belum sepenuhnya memenuhi PSAK No. 105. Simpulan, pengakuan laba, pengukuran dan pengungkapan sesuai dengan PSAK No. 105. Adapun pengakuan atas investasi, pengakuan kerugian, pengakuan piutang, pengakuan beban dan penyajian tidak sesuai dengan PSAK No. 105. Kata Kunci: Akuntansi Mudharabah, PSAK No.10

    The Influence of Tea Total Production and Exchange Rate toward Export Volume of Indonesian Tea (Case on Export Volume of Indonesian Tea 2015-2019)

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    Tea is one of Agriculture and Plantation business sector commodity that become one of Indonesia’s main export commodity and give contribution to Indonesia Gross Domestic Product until 12,72% at 2019. The aim of this study is to know the influence of the Amount of Tea Production and Exchange Rate toward Volume of Indonesian Tea Exports in period 2015-2019. The data used in this research is quantitative data. This study uses secondary data which obtained by collectiong data from some sources which relevant to this study such as Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Bank Indonesia, Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Food and Agriculture Organization, and others. Regarding the data period, the data in this study use monthly data of Tea Production, Exchange Rate and Volume of Indonesian Tea Exports in period 2015-2019 with total 60 data in months. The study explored with multiple linier regression statistical analysis along with descriptive analysis and classical assumption test namely normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, and linierity test. The F-test stated that total production and exchange rate have significant influence simultaneously. Based on the t-Test result, it is found that total production has insignificant influence toward volume export of Indonesian tea partially. While exchange rate has partial significant negative influence toward volume export of Indonesian tea

    Prediction of Tunable Spin-Orbit Gapped Materials for Dark Matter Detection

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    New ideas for low-mass dark matter direct detection suggest that narrow band gap materials, such as Dirac semiconductors, are sensitive to the absorption of meV dark matter or the scattering of keV dark matter. Here we propose spin-orbit semiconductors - materials whose band gap arises due to spin-orbit coupling - as low-mass dark matter targets owing to their ~10 meV band gaps. We present three material families that are predicted to be spin-orbit semiconductors using Density Functional Theory (DFT), assess their electronic and topological features, and evaluate their use as low-mass dark matter targets. In particular, we find that that the tin pnictide compounds are especially suitable having a tunable range of meV-scale band gaps with anisotropic Fermi velocities allowing directional detection. Finally, we address the pitfalls in the DFT methods that must be considered in the ab initio prediction of narrow-gapped materials, including those close to the topological critical point.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures + SI 6 pages, 5 figure

    Pengaruh Return On Equity, Operating Profit Margin, dan Devidend Payout Ratio terhadap Perataan Laba dengan Kepemilikan Manajerial sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Tahun 2014-2018)

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    Hasil analisis logististik menunjukkan bahwa return on equity dan operating profit margin berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perataan laba. Sedangkan dividend payout ratio berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap perataan laba. Variabel moderasi yakni kepemilikan manajerial mampu memoderasi hubungan antara return on equity, dan devidend payout ratio terhadap perataan laba, sedangkan hubungan antara moderasi yakni kepemilikan manajerial tidak menginteraksikan hubungan variabel operating profit margin terhadap perataan laba


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    Cancer is the leading cause of death in humans. One of the causes of death are cancer is breast cancer. Breast cancer is cancer that occurs in the breast due to the uncontrolled growth of the cells of the glands and channels, thus damaging surrounding organs or tissues and the dissemination of the body gets. To assist the Radiolog and Physician expert radiologist in detecting cancer, patients can perform mammography. Mammography is an inspection using X-rays that give an overview of soft tissue in the breast. In the field of medicine. Radiologists often have difficulty in observing the results Mammography raw image, because the image produced has a degree of gray so it is difficult to see clearly the introduction section area of cancer. To overcome this necessary image processing operations. One of the image processing is segmentation. Mammography in the image segmentation is the process of clarifying and sharpening characteristics or features of the image that is segmented by division Cluster. Mammography in the image segmentation using Expectation maximization algorithm Segmentation. After testing a number of clusters and based on a view Doctors, image segmentation is produced image is segmented in several clusters. Among Cluster is an introduction to the location of the cancer area. Among Cluster is an introduction to the location of the cancer area. Based on testing Physicians Radiology, good segmentation results are in Cluster 5, with crimson and orange areas of cancer spread

    Female reproductive conflict and prenatal investment

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    With limiting resources and large demands for resources to breed, this can result in reproductive conflict between individuals of the same sex. Female reproductive competition to produce as many offspring as possible, can come in many forms but the intensity is often underestimated as their methods of competing can be quite subtle. In cooperative species, with high local competition and reproductive skew between females, competition can be more obvious with aggression that can lead to eviction of a female from the group or infanticide. However, females may be able to try to outcompete each other by investing more in their offspring prenatally, giving their offspring a head start. In this thesis, I investigate what influences female prenatal investment and its consequences in a wild population of banded mongooses (Mungos mungo). This work was conducted as part of a long-term project studying a wild cooperative mammal; with valuable data on individuals’ prenatal investment available. Firstly, (Chapter 1) I discover that female investment in fetus size is influenced by female reproductive competition and the level of resources available, which alters the intensity of the conflict experienced. However, I found no advantages or disadvantages to this increase in investment on the short-term survival or weight of their pups. In Chapter 2, I found that when conditions are bad or being a younger and more subordinate female increases the probability of reproductive failure (abortion). Further research is needed to find out if this is an adaptive strategy to conserve energy when experiencing high levels of competition. Overall, this work helps to contribute to our understanding of how wild mammals might be subtly able to alter their prenatal investment, with regards to their competitive environment, and how this might affect their life history stratergies
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