6 research outputs found

    Innovaciones industriales tempranas, empresarios, mujeres letradas y comerciantes mapuche en la frontera de Concepci贸n y la Araucan铆a. El Correo del Sur 1849-1865

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    This article uses the records of the newspaper El Correo del Sur, published in Concepci贸n -a city located in the south of the nascent state of Chile- between 1849 and 1865, to examine perceptions of the historical changes unleashed by the innovations of the industrial revolution, linked with the installation of milling factories, the development of coal mining, the use of steam engines and the publication of newspapers. Particularly it focuses in the point of view of the emergent new social agents, such as businessmen, elite women andsalaried workers, also joined by traditional actors as Mapuche merchants around the Araucan铆a border who remained outside the republican state. These people were reported on in the newspaper as characters which articulated the transition to a global market economy.Este art铆culo emplea el registro del peri贸dico El Correo del Sur, publicado en la ciudad de Concepci贸n -situada al sur del naciente Estado de Chile- entre 1849 y 1865, para examinar las percepciones acerca del cambio hist贸rico desencadenado por las innovaciones de la revoluci贸n industrial, vinculadas con la instalaci贸n de f谩bricas molineras, el desarrollo de la miner铆a del carb贸n de piedra, el uso de motores a vapor y la edici贸n de peri贸dicos. Particularmente, lo hace desde la 贸ptica del surgimiento de nuevos agentes sociales como empresarios, mujeres letradas de la elite y obreros asalariados, a los que se suman actores tradicionales como los comerciantes mapuches de la frontera de la Araucan铆a que se manten铆an al margen del Estado republicano. Estas figuras son relevadas en el peri贸dico como personajes que articulan la transici贸n haciauna econom铆a de mercado global


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    Teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de acreditaci贸n de las carreras universitarias, la presente investigaci贸n propone y aplica una metodolog铆a para conducir procesos de autoevaluaci贸n. El objetivo es contar con un modelo para que las carreras acad茅mico-profesionales de la Universidad lleven a cabo sus procesos de autoevaluaci贸n de manera efectiva y en plazos razonables. Se ha dise帽ado sobre la base del modelo de calidad establecido por el Consejo de Evaluaci贸n, Acreditaci贸n y Certificaci贸n de la Calidad de la Educaci贸n Superior Universitaria-CONEAU. La metodolog铆a implica la conformaci贸n de equipos de trabajo; la asignaci贸n de聽 tareas de acopio de informaci贸n de todos los grupos de inter茅s, internos y externos; la realizaci贸n de聽 talleres de evaluaci贸n y la elaboraci贸n de un informe final con resultados y planes de mejora, que servir谩 como l铆nea de base para implementar acciones orientadas al cumplimiento de los est谩ndares y, por consiguiente, la acreditaci贸n de la carrera. En conclusi贸n, se demuestra que la propuesta metodol贸gica materia de la investigaci贸n, permite realizar un ciclo completo de autoevaluaci贸n con fines de mejora en las carreras profesionales de Ingenier铆a de la UNT.聽Palabras clave: Acreditaci贸n; mejoramiento continuo; est谩ndares; gesti贸n por procesos聽聽ABSTRACT聽Given the need for accreditation of university careers, the present research proposes and applies a methodology for conducting self-evaluation processes. The objective is to have a model for the academic-professional careers at the University, which allows carrying out their self-evaluation processes, effectively and within a reasonable time. It is designed on the basis of the quality model established by the Board of Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Higher Education University - CONEAU. The methodology involves the formation of work teams; the assignment of tasks for gathering information from all internal and external stakeholders; the realization of workshops for evaluation and analysis and the preparation of a final report with results and improvement plans, which will serve as a baseline to implement activities to fulfill the required standards and, therefore, the accreditation of the career. In conclusion, it is demonstrated that the methodology proposed on this research, allows performing a complete cycle of improving self-evaluation for university engineering careers.聽Keywords: Accreditation; continuous improvement; standards; process manageme

    Econom铆a agroindustrial de Concepci贸n y expansi贸n triguera fronteriza: campesinos y mapuches en Biob铆o-Malleco, Chile, 1820-1850

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    Study of the formation of the space of agricultural capitalist settling in the border of the river Biobio-Malleco of the Araucania, and his joint to the ready to be ground industrial enclave of Concepci贸n鈥檚 city by means of the shipping fluvial transport, to give gone out for the wheat production generated by landowners, peasants and Mapuche, in the period 1820-1850.Estudio de la formaci贸n del espacio de colonizaci贸n agr铆cola capitalista en la frontera del r铆o Biob铆o-Malleco de la Araucan铆a, y su articulaci贸n al enclave molinero industrial de la ciudad de Concepci贸n mediante el transporte naviero fluvial, para dar salida a la producci贸n triguera generada por hacendados, campesinos y mapuches, en el periodo 1820-1850

    Agricultura familiar y comerciantes mapuche en el mercado regional de Nueva Imperial, surde Chile, 1870-1930

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    This article studies family agriculture and the strategies of Mapuche farmers during the process of their insertion into the capitalist market of the Nueva Imperial Province, southern Chile, in the period 1870-1930, through an analysis of the agrarian technological and production structure, the participation of men and women in the inter-ethnic agrarian circuits, the goods trade, and investments in improvements to property, acquisition of land and industrial machinery. Such events can be associated with the dynamism and increased profile of Mapuche stakeholders in the formation of the Nueva Imperial regional marketEste art铆culo estudia la agricultura familiar y las estrategias de los productores mapuche durante el proceso de inserci贸n en el mercado capitalista del departamento de Nueva Imperial, sur de Chile, en el periodo 1870-1930, por medio del an谩lisis de la estructura productiva y tecnol贸gica agr铆cola, la participaci贸n de hombres y mujeres en los circuitos agrarios intra茅tnicos, el comercio de bienes y las inversiones en mejoras prediales, adquisici贸n de tierras y maquinarias industriales. Tales eventos pueden asociarse al dinamismo y el protagonismo de los actores mapuche en la formaci贸n del mercado regional de Nueva Imperia

    Conflictos campesinos e ind铆genas en el sur de Chile (la provincia de Caut铆n, 1967-1973)

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    This article presents a study of the conflict between the campesinso and the indigenous (Mapuche) population that took place in the province of Caut铆n (Chile) during the cycle of social conflictivity the country experienced between 1967 and 1973. The objective is to review the traditional views that have prevailed on this topic in Chilean historiography, based on monolithic perspectives of the rural conflict. Through archival and journalistic documentation of the regional environment, it analyzes diverse manifestations of said conflict, from traditional expressions of campesino rebelliousness (cuatrerismo) to modern forms of collective mobilization (agrarian trade unionism), which makes it possible to observe the diversity, complexity and heterogeneity of said conflicts and their leading actors