350 research outputs found

    Study of the Brazil and Falkland currents using their images of Nimbus 5 and oceanographic data in 1972 - 1973

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    The Western Edge of the Sub-tropical Convergence of the South-western Atlantic Ocean, called the Front, which is a thermal discontinuity between the Brazil and Falkland Currents, was studied utilizing the Temperature Humidity Infrared Radiometer (THIR) of Nimbus V in the 10.5 to 12.5 micrometers channel and historical oceanographic data. Some important results obtained are: the oceanographic Front could be detected from Nimbus THIR data; oceanographic charts showed that the transition zone where the Brazil and the Falkland Currents meet was the Front detected from satellite data; ocean current speeds calculated with THIR data were of the same order of magnitude as those calculated oceanographically; fisheries statistics for Pargo Roseo showed that the maximum catches were in September of 1973, in the period when the Front was observed most distinctly and clearly. The results showed the great potentiality of satellite data to study surface thermal structures, surface currents and oceanic fisheries

    Seedling vigor variation among 80 recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSL) of barley (Hordeum vulgare)

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    del Pozo, A (del Pozo, Alejandro). Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Agr, Talca, Chile.Seedling vigor of 80 recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSL) of barley (Hordeum vulgare). Cien. Inv. Agr. 38 (1): 137-147. The seedling vigor of 80 barley recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSLs) was measured for selecting high seedling vigor genotypes. The RCSLs were derived from a cross between H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum and H. vulgare subsp. vulgare 'Harrington'. The work was carried out under greenhouse conditions during the summer of 2008. The experimental design was an alpha lattice with 3 replicates. In each replicate, 40 plants were established, distributed in eight polyethylene pots containing sand as substrate, which were fertilized an irrigated. The emergence of seedlings, number of leaves and shoots, dry matter of leaves, shoots and roots and leaf area of fully expanded leaves were measured. In addition, growth indices were calculated: emergence rate, leaf appearance rate, relative leaf expansion rate, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and the allometric coefficient (K) between root and shoot thy matter. All calculated indices varied significantly among genotypes (P <= 0.05) and some RCSLs showed better early vigor associated traits than 'Harrington'. The dry matter accumulation 30 DAS (when the experiment ended) was significant and positively correlated with the RGR (r=0.61; P <= 0.05) and NAR (r=0.41; P <= 0.05). The K coefficient was negatively correlated with NAR (r=-0.40, P <= 0.05). The genotypes with the greatest seminal vigor were the RCSLs 45, 92, 112 and 'Harrington', whereas the RCSLs 5, 19,47 and 121 presented the lowest seminal vigor

    Experimental scheme for unambiguous discrimination of linearly independent symmetric states

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    We propose an optimal discrimination scheme for a case of four linearly independent nonorthogonal symmetric quantum states, based on linear optics only. The probability of discrimination is in agreement with the optimal probability for unambiguous discrimination among N symmetric states [Phys. Lett. A \textbf{250}, 223 (1998)]. The experimental setup can be extended for the case of discrimination among 2M2^M nonorthogonal symmetric quantum states

    Quantum tomography via equidistant states

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    We study the possibility of performing quantum state tomography via equidistant states. This class of states allows us to propose a non-symmetric informationally complete POVM based tomographic scheme. The scheme is defined for odd dimensions and involves an inversion which can be analytically carried out by Fourier transform

    Phosphorus Use Efficiency in \u3cem\u3eLotus\u3c/em\u3e spp. under Contrasting Levels of Water Availability: A Comparison of Pot and Field Measurements

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    The results of the phosphorus (P) use efficiency measurements in pot experiments with soil as subtratum are controversial because they may not be representative of an equivalent situation under field conditions. Under P-stress conditions, strategies for improving phosphorus-use efficiency are: (1) increase the root surface soil contact area by modifying root morphology; (2) increase the effective root area by root symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; (3) increase nutrient availability through rhizosphere modification. The level of water availability and P supply are of high interest because the water stress, which limits growth more than any other environmental factor, can be minimized by improving the supply of P. P use efficiency (PUE) depends on the internal capacity of individual species to produce more DM from a given amount of P absorbed, and an external efficiency which enables the plant to yield more due to an increased ability to extract P (phosphorus absorption efficiency, PAE) from the soil (Trolove et al. 1996). Because of the deep root of Lotus species in may be difficult to evaluate L. corniculatus and L. tenuis in pots. To examine the value of pot experiments to assess the phosphorus use efficiency of L. corniculatus and L. tenuis grown in a Vertisol, we compare responses under two contrasting levels of water availability and phosphorus supply, obtained in both pot and field conditions, for their consistency or discrepancy in order to determine the actual value of the pot results

    MatrigelBD, Un Andamiaje Biocompatible que Estimula la Proliferación de Celulas Troncales Mesenquimales Derivadas del Tejido Gingival.

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    MatrigelBD is a hydrogel scaffold with three-dimensional intercrossed networks of hydrophilic polymers with high water content. Human gingival tissue might represent a better source of MSCs, allowing these cells to be easily obtained in a relatively non-invasive way. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of MatrigelBD with GMSCs in vitro. Gingival connective tissue samples were obtained from healthy donors. Fresh tissue was minced and cultured during two weeks, after which cells at passage fourth were analyzed for their immune phenotype by flow cytometry. Differentiation into osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic lineages was induced and evaluated by culture staining. The "construct" was made of MatrigelBD with GMSC. To assess the biocompatibility, an MTT cellular proliferation assay was performed. The differentiation potential of the cells toward the osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic lineages was analyzed after 21 days of growth in MatrigelBD with induction differentiation media. The MTT analysis showed that MatrigelBD stimulated cell proliferation; the GMSCs maintained the expression of MSC markers. Importantly, the growth of GMSCs within the MatrigelBD did not interfere with the cell differentiation potential. These findings indicate that MatrigelBD is biocompatible with GMSCs, and this matrix improves cell proliferation in vitro.publishedVersio

    La agricultura en las comunidades Mapuches de Chile 1850-1890

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    El artículo comprende el estado de la agricultura y su incidencia en la estructura social en el período inmediatamente anterior al proceso de radicación

    Rovibrational Spectroscopic Constants and Fundamental Vibrational Frequencies for Isotopologues of Cyclic and Bent Singlet HC2N isomers

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    Through established, highly-accurate ab initio quartic force fields (QFFs), a complete set of fundamental vibrational frequencies, rotational constants, and rovibrational coupling and centrifugal distortion constants have been determined for both the cyclic 1(sup 1) 1A' and bent 2(sup 1)A' DCCN, H(C13)CCN, HC(C-13)N, and HCC(N-15) isotopologues of HCCN. Spectroscopic constants are computed for all isotopologues using second-order vibrational perturbation theory (VPT2), and the fundamental vibrational frequencies are computed with VPT2 and vibrational configuration interaction (VCI) theory. Agreement between VPT2 and VCI results is quite good with the fundamental vibrational frequencies of the bent isomer isotopologues in accord to within a 0.1 to 3.2 / cm range. Similar accuracies are present for the cyclic isomer isotopologues. The data generated here serve as a reference for astronomical observations of these closed-shell, highly-dipolar molecules using new, high-resolution telescopes and as reference for laboratory studies where isotopic labeling may lead to elucidation of the formation mechanism for the known interstellar molecule: X 3A0 HCCN

    Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in a pediatric patient: Case report

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