1,629 research outputs found

    Anomalous isotope effect near a 2.5 Lifshitz transition in a multi-band multi-condensate superconductor made of a superlattice of stripes

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    The doping dependent isotope effect on the critical temperature (Tc) is calculated for multi-band multi-condensate superconductivity near a 2.5 Lifshitz transition. We focus on multi-band effects that arises in nano-structures and in density wave metals (like spin density wave or charge density wave) as a result of the band folding. We consider a superlattice of quantum stripes with finite hopping between stripes near a 2.5 Lifshitz transition for appearing of a new sub-band making a circular electron-like Fermi surface pocket. We describe a particular type of BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate) to BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer condensate) crossover in multi-band / multi-condensate superconductivity at a metal-to-metal transition that is quite different from the standard BEC-BCS crossover at an insulator-to-metal transition. The electron wave-functions are obtained by solving the Schr\"odinger equation for a one-dimensional modulated potential barrier. The k-dependent and energy dependent superconducting gaps are calculated using the k-dependent anisotropic Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) multi-gap equations solved joint with the density equation, according with the Leggett approach currently used now in ultracold fermionic gases. The results show that the isotope coefficient strongly deviates from the standard BCS value 0.5, when the chemical potential is tuned at the 2.5 Lifshitz transition for the metal-to-metal transition. The critical temperature Tc shows a minimum due to the Fano antiresonance in the superconducting gaps and the isotope coefficient diverges at the point where a BEC coexists with a BCS condensate. On the contrary Tc reaches its maximum and the isotope coefficient vanishes at the crossover from a polaronic condensate to a BCS condensate in the new appearing sub-band.Comment: 8 pages, 4 ps figure

    Ferrocene Molecular Architectures Grafted on Si(111): A Theoretical Calculation of the Standard Oxidation Potentials and Electron Transfer Rate Constant

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    The standard oxidation potential and the electron transfer (ET) rate constants of two silicon-based hybrid interfaces, Si(111)/organic-spacer/Ferrocene, are theoretically calculated and assessed. The dynamics of the electrochemical driven ET process is modeled in terms of the classical donor/acceptor scheme within the framework of Marcus theory. The ET rate constants, k(ET), are determined following calculation of the electron transfer matrix element, V-RP, together with the knowledge of the energy of the neutral and charge separated systems. The recently introduced Constrained Density Functional Theory (CDFT) method is exploited to optimize the structure and determine the energy of the charge separated species. Calculated ET rate constants are k(ET) = 77.8s(-1) and k(ET) = 1.3 x 10(-9) s(-1), in the case of the short and long organic-spacer, respectively

    Interface reconstruction in superconducting CaCuO2/SrTiO3 superlattices: A hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study

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    Here we report about the interface reconstruction in the recently discovered superconducting artificial superlattices based on insulating CaCuO2 and SrTiO3 blocks. Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows that the valence bands alignment prevents any electronic reconstruction by direct charge transfer between the two blocks. We demonstrate that the electrostatic built-in potential is suppressed by oxygen redistribution in the alkaline earth interface planes. By using highly oxidizing growth conditions, the oxygen coordination in the reconstructed interfaces may be increased, resulting in the hole doping of the cuprate block and thus in the appearance of superconductivity.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Possible Fano resonance for high-T-c multi-gap superconductivity in p-Terphenyl doped by K at the Lifshitz transition

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    Recent experiments have reported the emergence of high temperature superconductivity with critical temperature TcT_c between 43K and 123K in a potassium doped aromatic hydrocarbon para-Terphenyl or p-Terphenyl. This achievement provides the record for the highest Tc in an organic superconductor overcoming the previous record of Tc=38 K in Cs3C60 fulleride. Here we propose that the driving mechanism is the quantum resonance between superconducting gaps near a Lifshitz transition which belongs to the class of Fano resonances called shape resonances. For the case of p-Terphenyl our numerical solutions of the multi gap equation shows that high Tc is driven by tuning the chemical potential by K doping and it appears only in a narrow energy range near a Lifshitz transition. At the maximum critical temperature, Tc=123K, the condensate in the appearing new small Fermi surface pocket is in the BCS-BEC crossover while the Tc drops below 0.3 K where it is in the BEC regime. Finally we predict the experimental results which can support or falsify our proposed mechanism: a) the variation of the isotope coefficient as a function of the critical temperature and b) the variation of the gaps and their ratios 2Delta/Tc as a function of Tc.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Small scale rotational disorder observed in epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001)

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    Interest in the use of graphene in electronic devices has motivated an explosion in the study of this remarkable material. The simple, linear Dirac cone band structure offers a unique possibility to investigate its finer details by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). Indeed, ARPES has been performed on graphene grown on metal substrates but electronic applications require an insulating substrate. Epitaxial graphene grown by the thermal decomposition of silicon carbide (SiC) is an ideal candidate for this due to the large scale, uniform graphene layers produced. The experimental spectral function of epitaxial graphene on SiC has been extensively studied. However, until now the cause of an anisotropy in the spectral width of the Fermi surface has not been determined. In the current work we show, by comparison of the spectral function to a semi-empirical model, that the anisotropy is due to small scale rotational disorder (∼±\sim\pm 0.15∘^{\circ}) of graphene domains in graphene grown on SiC(0001) samples. In addition to the direct benefit in the understanding of graphene's electronic structure this work suggests a mechanism to explain similar variations in related ARPES data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Effects of Mediterranean diet and weight loss on blood-lipid profile in overweight adults with hypercholesterolemia

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    Blood cholesterol has been positively associated with increased cardiovascular risk as a modifiable risk factors together with the lifestyle and diet. Furthermore, an improvement of the blood-lipid profile seems to be able to produce a decrease in cardiovascular events. Cholesterol plasma levels are related to the body mass index (BMI) and are affected by diet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a Mediterranean diet (MD) weight-loss programme to improve blood cholesterol profiles in overweight adults subjected to real-world outpatient diet. Forty-nine hypercholesteraemic, overweight adults of both sexes were subjected to a dietary weight-loss intervention. Patients were prescribed a slightly hypocaloric MD for 16 weeks, followed by an 8-week follow-up period with a normocaloric diet. Data showed significant weight loss and cholesterol blood profile improvement both under the hypocaloric diet and during the follow-up period. In particular, the decrease in both Total and LDL-cholesterol was greater than their critical differences indicating the clinical relevance of blood lipid improvement induced by MD

    Resonant and crossover phenomena in a multiband superconductor tuning the chemical potential near a band edge

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    Resonances in the superconducting properties, in a regime of crossover from BCS to mixed Bose-Fermi superconductivity, are investigated in a two-band superconductor where the chemical potential is tuned near the band edge of the second mini-band generated by quantum confinement effects. The shape resonances at T=0 in the superconducting gaps (belonging to the class of Feshbach-like resonances) is manifested by interference effects in the superconducting gap at the first large Fermi surface when the chemical potential is in the proximity of the band edge of the second mini-band. The case of a superlattice of quantum wells is considered and the amplification of the superperconducting gaps at the 3D-2D Fermi surface topological transition is clearly shown. The results are found to be in good agreement with available experimental data on a superlattice of honeycomb boron layers intercalated by Al and Mg spacer layers.Comment: 13 pages, 9 image

    Formation and magnetic manipulation of periodically aligned microchains in thin plastic membranes

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    We demonstrate the fabrication of polymeric membranes that incorporate a few layers of periodically aligned magnetic microchains formed upon the application of variable magnetic fields. A homogeneous solution containing an elastomeric polymer and a small amount of colloidal magnetic nanoparticles is spin coated on glass slides, thereby forming thin magnetic membranes of ca. 10 μm thickness. Subsequent application of a homogeneous magnetic field results in the orientation of the magnetic clusters and their further motion into the matrix along the field lines forming layers of aligned chains. The study of the kinetics of alignment demonstrates that the chains are formed in the first hour of exposure to the magnetic field. Above all, a detailed microscopy study reveals that the dimensions and the periodicity of the microchains are effectively controlled by the intensity of the magnetic field, in good agreement with the theoretical simulations. This ability to form and manipulate the size and the distribution of chains into the polymeric matrix gives the opportunity to develop multifunctional composite materials ready to be used in various applications such as electromagnetic shielding, or multifunctional magnetic membranes etc
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