372 research outputs found

    Projecte d'instal·lació d'enllumenat públic en una zona residencial

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    Aquest projecte descriu la instal·lació d’enllumenat públic dissenyada per a una zona residencial, concretament el Barri del Tacó, situat al municipi de Vilanova i la Geltrú. En la primera part del projecte s’hi exposen els diferents equips que poden ser utilitzats en la instal·lació, i les característiques d’aquests, per acabar escollint els més adequats. Tot seguit, s’hi realitzen els càlculs luminotècnics, els quals ens acabaran definint gran part de la instal·lació, com poden ser el nombre de lluminàries a col·locar, les característiques principals d’aquestes, alçada de muntatge, potència, etc. Aquest càlcul es realitza tenint en compte la normativa vigent que ens defineix els paràmetres sota els quals ha de quedar enquadrada la instal·lació. Tenint en compte aquest càlculs passem a definir amb més concreció quins són els equips que utilitzarem alhora de dissenyar la instal·lació. A continuació, es descriu la configuració de la instal·lació projectada, a on es fa constar totes les parts que la composen. Els càlculs de les línies d’enllaç, així com les obres necessàries per a dur a terme el projecte, com poden ser les característiques de rases, arquetes, cimentacions, etc. I s’hi fan constar els plànols necessaris. També s’hi defineix en quins moment han d’actuar els diferents equips dissenyats o programats. Un cop realitzat tot l’estudi, es procedeix a calcular la factura de la instal·lació fent un petit estudi de les tarifes vigents al segon semestre de 2008. Acollint-nos a la que més s’adapti a les nostres necessitats i a les necessitats de la pròpia instal·lació. Seguidament s’hi defineixen les condicions i instruccions per al desenvolupament de l’obra, fent constar les disposicions generals i particulars a tenir en compte, així com un estudi de programació de manteniment per a la instal·lació. A continuació, s’hi realitza l’estudi econòmic, concretant les unitats de materials i els preus d’aquests. També s’hi fa constar la descripció de l’estalvi energètic que, degut al disseny sostenible que s’ha dut a terme durant tot el procés de disseny de la instal·lació, em obtingut. Seguint aquesta línia també s’hi descriu la gestió de residus i els seu tractament. Per acabar de definir el projecte, s’hi descriu l’estudi bàsic de seguretat i salut necessari per a la instal·lació

    Projecte d'instal·lació d'enllumenat públic en una zona residencial

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    Aquest projecte descriu la instal·lació d’enllumenat públic dissenyada per a una zona residencial, concretament el Barri del Tacó, situat al municipi de Vilanova i la Geltrú. En la primera part del projecte s’hi exposen els diferents equips que poden ser utilitzats en la instal·lació, i les característiques d’aquests, per acabar escollint els més adequats. Tot seguit, s’hi realitzen els càlculs luminotècnics, els quals ens acabaran definint gran part de la instal·lació, com poden ser el nombre de lluminàries a col·locar, les característiques principals d’aquestes, alçada de muntatge, potència, etc. Aquest càlcul es realitza tenint en compte la normativa vigent que ens defineix els paràmetres sota els quals ha de quedar enquadrada la instal·lació. Tenint en compte aquest càlculs passem a definir amb més concreció quins són els equips que utilitzarem alhora de dissenyar la instal·lació. A continuació, es descriu la configuració de la instal·lació projectada, a on es fa constar totes les parts que la composen. Els càlculs de les línies d’enllaç, així com les obres necessàries per a dur a terme el projecte, com poden ser les característiques de rases, arquetes, cimentacions, etc. I s’hi fan constar els plànols necessaris. També s’hi defineix en quins moment han d’actuar els diferents equips dissenyats o programats. Un cop realitzat tot l’estudi, es procedeix a calcular la factura de la instal·lació fent un petit estudi de les tarifes vigents al segon semestre de 2008. Acollint-nos a la que més s’adapti a les nostres necessitats i a les necessitats de la pròpia instal·lació. Seguidament s’hi defineixen les condicions i instruccions per al desenvolupament de l’obra, fent constar les disposicions generals i particulars a tenir en compte, així com un estudi de programació de manteniment per a la instal·lació. A continuació, s’hi realitza l’estudi econòmic, concretant les unitats de materials i els preus d’aquests. També s’hi fa constar la descripció de l’estalvi energètic que, degut al disseny sostenible que s’ha dut a terme durant tot el procés de disseny de la instal·lació, em obtingut. Seguint aquesta línia també s’hi descriu la gestió de residus i els seu tractament. Per acabar de definir el projecte, s’hi descriu l’estudi bàsic de seguretat i salut necessari per a la instal·lació

    Data on the generation of two Nr2e3 mouse models by CRISPR / Cas9D10A nickase

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    NR2E3 encodes an orphan nuclear receptor that plays a dual function as both transcriptional activator and repressor in photoreceptors, being necessary for cone fate inhibition as well as rod differentiation and homeostasis. Mutations in this gene cause retinitis pigmentosa (RP), enhanced S cone syndrome (ESCS) and Goldmann-Favre syndrome (GFS). There is one reported Nr2e3 isoform that contains all 8 exons and a second -previously unreported- shorter isoform, which only spans the first 7 exons and whose function is still unknown. In this data article, we designed and generated two new mouse models by targeting exon 8 of Nr2e3 using the CRISPR/Cas9-D10A nickase in order to dissect the role of the two isoforms in Nr2e3 function and elucidate the different disease mechanisms caused by NR2E3 mutations. This strategy generated several modified alleles that altered the coding sequence of the last exon thereby affecting functional domains of the transcription factor. Allele Δ27 is an in-frame deletion of 27 bp that ablates the dimerization domain, whereas allele ΔE8 (full deletion of exon 8), produces only the short isoform that lacks the dimerization and repressor domains. Morphological and functional alterations of both Δ27 and ΔE8 mutants are reported in the associated research article "Nr2e3 functional domain ablation by CRISPR-Cas9D10A identifies a new isoform and generated Retinitis Pigmentosa and Enhanced S-cone Syndrome models" (Aísa-Marín et al., 2020)

    Specific electrochemical iodination of horse heart myoglobin at tyrosine 103 as determined by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry

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    The iodination of proteins remains a useful tool in biochemistry for radiolabelling. However,chemical or enzymatic iodination is difficult to control and can give deleterious polyiodination. Previously, we have shown that electrooxidation with nitrite is a rapid method for the selective nitration of tyrosine residues in proteins. In principle, it should be possible to substitute a number of electrooxidisable anions into the tyrosine phenol ring. Electrochemical iodination is more difficult to control than nitration because the rapid anodic oxidation of I− leads to persistent formation of the iodinating triiodide anion. However, application of pulsed electrooxidation and reduction cycles is shown to be an effective procedure for the selective mono and double-iodination of myoglobin, which may have general application to other proteins in controlling of the level of iodination. Mono- and double-iodination of myoglobin by this method was confirmed by electrospray FT-ICR mass spectrometry. Infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) enabled localization of the site of mono-iodination to be restricted to either His97 or Tyr103. More extensive sequence coverage was obtained with electron capture dissociation (ECD), allowing unambiguous assignment of the site of iodination to Tyr103

    Non-enzymatic glucose sensor using mesoporous carbon screen-printed electrodes modified with cobalt phthalocyanine by phase inversion

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    The development of non-enzymatic glucose electrochemical sensors is still required to be used for the determination of glucose in complex biological media. This study presents a straightforward and remarkably efficient tool for the preparation of highly stable and sensitive glucose electrochemical sensors based on the deposition of cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) onto mesoporous carbon screen-printed electrodes (MCs). Results show that the MC electrochemical activation (aMC) followed by phase inversion (PI), which consisted of drop casting of CoPc in dimethylformamide onto a wetting electrolyte leading to the electrode aMC-CoPc/PI, enhanced sensitivity towards glucose determination in complex media. The beneficial need for MC surface activation and PI has been explored by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The aMC-CoPc/PI electrode exhibited the highest electrocatalytic activity of the series (namely, MC-CoPc, MC-CoPc/PI and aMC-CoPc) towards glucose oxidation. By using square wave voltammetry technique, the aMC-CoPc/PI glucose electrochemical sensor demonstrated a sensitivity of 22.3 µA mM−1 and a low detection limit of 27.4 µM (S/N = 3) in a linear dynamic range of 0.1 to 3.5 mM. Additionally, it also displayed high selectivity, robust stability, repeatability and reproducibility toward the quantification of glucose concentration in complex samples such as horse serum, intravenous glucose saline solution and culture medium for sperm cells.This work was partially supported by the research project TED2021-129921B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGeneration EU/PRTR, and grant No. 2022-GRIN-34199 funded by the own research plan of the UCLM for applied research projects, co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER). The authors also want to acknowledge Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain) for the support through ELECTROBIONET (RED2022-134120-T) from MCIN/AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033. MIGS is a postdoctoral researcher of the own research plan of the UCLM funded from the EU through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) (Ref. PI001523). RJP is the beneficiary of a postdoctoral contract associated with the indicated project from the MCIN/AEI. HK received a grant from Laboratoire of Physics of Materials: structure and properties (LR01ES15), University of Carthage (Tunisia), to perform a scientific internship at the UCLM

    Highly activated screen-printed carbon electrodes by electrochemical treatment with hydrogen peroxide

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    An easy effective method for the activation of commercial screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) using H2O2 is presented to enhance sensing performances of carbon ink. Electrochemical activation consists of 25 repetitive voltammetric cycles at 10 mV s−1 using 10 mM H2O2 in phosphate buffer (pH 7). This treatment allowed us to reach a sensitivity of 0.24 ± 0.01 μA μM−1 cm−2 for the electroanalysis of H2O2, which is 140-fold higher than that of untreated SPCEs and 6-fold more than screen-printed platinum electrodes (SPPtEs). Electrode surface properties were characterized by SEM, EIS and XPS. The results revealed atomic level changes at the electrode surface, with the introduction of new carbon‑oxygen groups being responsible for improved electro-transfer properties and sensitivity. Our method was compared with other previously described ones. The methodology is promising for the activation of commercial carbon inks-based electrodes for sensor applications.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, http://www.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/mineco/idi), Projects No. BFU2016-75609-P (cofunded with FEDER funds, EU) and CTQ2016-76231-C2-2-R. BGM is a post-doctoral research fellow of the Youth Employment Initiative (JCCM, Spain, cofounded with ESF funds, EU)

    Electrochemical performance of activated screen printed carbon electrodes for hydrogen peroxide and phenol derivatives sensing

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    Screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) are widely used for the electroanalysis of a plethora of organic and inorganic compounds. These devices offer unique properties to address electroanalytical chemistry challenges and can successfully compete in numerous aspects with conventional carbon-based electrodes. However, heterogeneous kinetics on SPCEs surfaces is comparatively sluggish, which is why the electrochemical activation of inks is sometimes required to improve electron transfer rates and to enhance sensing performance. In this work, SPCEs were subjected to different electrochemical activation methods and the response to H2O2 electroanalysis was used as a testing probe. Changes in topology, surface chemistry and electrochemical behavior to H2O2 oxidation were performed by SEM, XPS, cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The combination of electrochemical activation methods using H2SO4 and H2O2 proved particularly effective. A reduction in charge transfer resistance, together with functionalization with some carbon‑oxygen groups on carbon ink surfaces, were likely responsible for such electrochemical improvement. The use of a two-step protocol with 0.5 M H2SO4 and 10 mM H2O2 under potential cycling conditions was the most effective activation procedure investigated herein, and gave rise to 518-fold higher sensitivity than that obtained for the untreated SPCEs upon H2O2 electrooxidation. The electrochemical behavior of acetaminophen, hydroquinone and dopamine is also shown, as a proof of concept upon the optimum activated SPCEs.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, http://www.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/mineco/idi), Projects No. BFU2016-75609-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) and CTQ2016-76231-C2-2-R, and by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), Project No. SBPLY/17/180501/000276/2 (cofunded with FEDER funds, EU). BGM is a post-doctoral research fellow of the Youth Employment Initiative (JCCM, Spain, cofunded with ESF funds, EU)

    Propiedades psicométricas del Inventario Obsesivo de Leyton para Niños Versión Corta en una muestra comunitaria de niños y adolescentes

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    The aim of the current study was to analyze psychometric properties of the Short LOI-CV in Spanish community sample. Participants were 914 children and adolescents with mean age of 13.01 years (51.3% males). An EFA yielded a three-factor model representing Obsessions, Compulsions, and Cleanliness dimensions. Both, total score and subscales showed an adequate internal consistency. The Spanish version also exhibited good test-retest reliability and moderate convergent and discriminant validity. The younger participants (from 8 to 10 years) obtained higher means for total score and subscales than older participants (groups 11-13 and 14-18 years). Significant differences related to gender were also observed since males obtained higher means in Compulsions subscale. Despite more research is required, the Spanish version of the Short LOI-CV exhibited promising psychometric results to assess obsessive-compulsive symptoms in community population.El objetivo de este estudio fueanalizar las propiedades psicométricas del ShortLOI-CVen unamuestra españolacomunitaria.Los participantes fueron 914 niñosyadolescentescon edad mediade13.01años (varones =51.3%).ElAFE mostróun modelo de tresfactores compuesto por los dominios Obsesiones, CompulsionesyLimpieza. Tanto lapuntuación total comolas subescalas mostraron una adecuadaconsistenciainterna.Laversión española mostróbuena fiabilidad test-retestymoderada validezconvergenteydiscriminante.Los participantes más jóvenes (8a10 años) obtuvieron medias más altasquela escala Totalydistintas subescalas quelos mayores (grupo de11-13yde 14-18años). Se encontraron también diferencias significativas respecto al sexo, siendo losvarones los que mayoresmedias mostraron en laescala de compulsiones.Pese aqueesnecesariamás investigación, estos resultados sugirieron que la versión en español del ShortLOI-CV mostróun buen rendimiento psicométricos para evaluar los síntomas obsesivo-compulsivosen niñosyadolescentesen población comunitari

    Glucose Biosensor Based on Disposable Activated Carbon Electrodes Modified with Platinum Nanoparticles Electrodeposited on Poly(Azure A)

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    Herein, a novel electrochemical glucose biosensor based on glucose oxidase (GOx) immobilized on a surface containing platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) electrodeposited on poly(Azure A) (PAA) previously electropolymerized on activated screen-printed carbon electrodes (GOx-PtNPs-PAA-aSPCEs) is reported. The resulting electrochemical biosensor was validated towards glucose oxidation in real samples and further electrochemical measurement associated with the generated H2O2. The electrochemical biosensor showed an excellent sensitivity (42.7 μA mM−1 cm−2), limit of detection (7.6 μM), linear range (20 μM–2.3 mM), and good selectivity towards glucose determination. Furthermore, and most importantly, the detection of glucose was performed at a low potential (0.2 V vs. Ag). The high performance of the electrochemical biosensor was explained through surface exploration using field emission SEM, XPS, and impedance measurements. The electrochemical biosensor was successfully applied to glucose quantification in several real samples (commercial juices and a plant cell culture medium), exhibiting a high accuracy when compared with a classical spectrophotometric method. This electrochemical biosensor can be easily prepared and opens up a good alternative in the development of new sensitive glucose sensors.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, http://www.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/mineco/idi), projects Nos. BFU2016-75609-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) and CTQ2016-76231-C2-2-R; the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, project No. PID2019-106468RB-I00; and by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), project No. SBPLY/17/180501/000276/2 (cofunded with FEDER funds, EU)