436 research outputs found

    Emerging perspectives on post-conflict police-community relations II

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    he world is increasingly interconnected - insecurity in one country can both directly and indirectly affect the security of people, countries and regions that are far away. Therefore, when conflict erupts in one part of the world, the international community responds in various ways to mitigate its effects, both locally and internationally. Whether it be through the provision of police, military and/or civilian personnel, humanitarian assistance, or post-conflict development assistance, the international community has repeatedly attempted to mitigate the effects of conflict, as well as to contribute to reforms which might lead to the prevention of local and global insecurity in the future. This Special Issue is dedicated to exploring community-oriented policing (COP) and police reform in a series of post-conflict contexts: Kosovo, Guatemala, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Kenya. The papers are based on mixed-methods research conducted under the EU-funded project "Community-Oriented Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform" (ICT4COP 2015-2020). In this project, and in the papers in this special issue, we explore how police reform in volatile contexts has taken place, and whether a focus on COP approaches rather than militarized approaches might be more effective in building trust, preventing violence and ensuring human security

    Die "gute Regierung" des Bildungswesens: Bertelsmann Stiftung

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    In ihrem Beitrag setzt sich die Autorin mit dem Einfluss der international operierenden Bertelsmann Stiftung auf die Gestaltung der deutschen Bildungspolitik auseinander. Ihr geht es in \u27Die \u27gute Regierung\u27 des Bildungswesens: Bertelsmann Stiftung\u27 um die machtvolle Privatisierung und Entdemokratisierung des politischen Raumes am genannten Beispiel. Dabei hat sie exemplarisch untersucht, wie die Stiftung die Ausdehnung der Geschäftsfelder der Bertelsmann AG im Bildungs- und Wissenschaftssystem und insbesondere im deutschen Schulwesen vorbereitet hat. Lohmann plädiert für eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit solchen Kooperationen seitens der Erziehungswissenschaft. Darüber hinaus fordert sie eine Analyse der Eigenstruktur und der Eigenlogik der Pädagogik gegenüber dem Ökonomischen sowie "Netzwerkanalysen der neuen, postnationalen Einflussgeflechte mit den Mitteln des Power Structure Research oder wenigstens mit denen des investigativen Journalismus [zu] betreiben und die Ergebnisse an die Öffentlichkeit [zu] bringen. (DIPF/Orig.)The contribution focuses on the impact of privatization and \u27de-democratization\u27 on the political realm. The Bertelsmann Foundation serves as an example to study how the Bertelsmann Corporation prepares to expand the business activities in the educational sector, especially with regards to schooling. The article ends with a reflection of the ambivalent role of the new corporate right in social policy. (DIPF/Orig.)

    Historisches Stichwort: Education

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    Wenn im deutschen Sprachraum vom klassischen modernen Bildungsbegriff die Rede ist, wird oft darauf hingewiesen, dass er aufgrund unterschiedlicher Denktraditionen nur mit Bedeutungsverlust als education übersetzt werden könne. Um seine semantische Besonderheit zu wahren, wird daher Bildung in Fachbeiträgen in französischer oder englischer Sprache etwa durch Kursivsetzung als Fremdwort markiert. Ein Blick zurück in die Entstehungsgeschichte des Bildungsbegriffs zeigt jedoch, dass es in einem bestimmten historischen Kontext durchaus enge diskursive Verbindungen zwischen beiden Termini gab. Dies gilt insbesondere für den Bildungsbegriff in der Fassung Humboldts, der wohl am meisten rezipierten Variante des klassischen modernen Bildungsbegriffs. Wie dieser insgesamt ist auch er Bestandteil jenes weitverzweigten europäischen Diskurses über die Frage nach dem besten und aussichtsreichsten Weg, den Nationen zu größerem Wohlstand zu verhelfen, und damit auch des staatstheoretischen und ökonomischen Denkens der damaligen Zeit. Anhand einer zeitgenössischen Rezeptionslinie zwischen education im Englischen und Bildung im Deutschen von Adam Smith (1723–1790) zu Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835) lässt sich dies exemplarisch zeigen. Aus der Perspektive der Kulturtransferforschung handelt es sich dabei um einen geradezu prototypischen Fall von Zirkulation und Transformation des Wissens. (DIPF/Orig.)When talking about the classical modern concept of “Bildung” in the German-speaking world, it is often pointed out that, due to different traditions of thought, it can only be translated as “education” with a loss of meaning. In order to preserve its semantic specificity, “Bildung” is therefore marked as a foreign word in specialist articles in French or English, for example, by using italics. A look back at the history of the development of the concept of “Bildung” shows, however, that there were indeed close discursive connections between the two terms in a certain historical context. This is particularly true of the concept of “Bildung” in Humboldt\u27s version, which is probably the most widely received variant of the classical modern concept. Like Humboldt\u27s concept as a whole, it is also part of the widely ramified European discourse on the question of the best and most promising way to help nations achieve greater prosperity, and thus also of the state-theoretical and economic thinking of the time. This can be exemplified by a contemporary line of reception between “education” in English and “Bildung” in German from Adam Smith (1723-1790) to Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835). From the perspective of cultural transfer research, this is an almost prototypical case of the circulation and transformation of knowledge. (Author

    Neue Bahnen. Anlaufversuche einer pädagogischen Zeitschrift im Fin de Siècle

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    Am Beispiel des Wortgebrauchs "neue Bahnen" geht der Beitrag Zukunftsvorstellungen in Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert nach. Zunächst wird exemplarisch gezeigt, welche Errungenschaften und Erwartungen mit diesem Topos verbunden waren. Im Hauptteil des Artikels wird sodann das Selbstverständnis der 1890, vor der universitären Konsolidierung der Pädagogik, gegründeten Zeitschrift "Neue Bahnen" rekonstruiert. Als roter Faden fungiert die Frage, warum sie schon in den ersten zehn Jahren ihres Bestehens auffällig häufig ihren Untertitel wechselte. Dabei zeichnet sich etwas von der Vielschichtigkeit und Widersprüchlichkeit der Pädagogik im Fin de Siècle ab. (DIPF/Orig.)Using the example of the use of the word "new paths", the article examines ideas about the future in Germany in the 19th century. First of all, it is shown by way of example which achievements and expectations were associated with this topos. In the main part of the article, the self-image of the educational magazine "Neue Bahnen", founded in 1890, i. e. before the academic consolidation of the subject, is reconstructed. The question of why the magazine changed its subtitle conspicuously frequently in the first ten years of its existence functions as a leitmotif. The complexity and contradictions of fin de siècle pedagogy become apparent. (DIPF/Orig.

    Functional Characterization of Rare RAB12 Variants and Their Role in Musician's and Other Dystonias

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    Mutations in RAB (member of the Ras superfamily) genes are increasingly recognized as cause of a variety of disorders including neurological conditions. While musician's dystonia (MD) and writer's dystonia (WD) are task-specific movement disorders, other dystonias persistently affect postures as in cervical dystonia. Little is known about the underlying etiology. Next-generation sequencing revealed a rare missense variant (c.586A> G; p.Ile196Val) in RAB12 in two of three MD/WD families. Next, we tested 916 additional dystonia patients; 512 Parkinson's disease patients; and 461 healthy controls for RAB12 variants and identified 10 additional carriers of rare missense changes among dystonia patients (1.1%) but only one carrier in non-dystonic individuals (0.1%; p = 0.005). The detected variants among index patients comprised p.Ile196Val (n = 6); p.Ala174Thr (n = 3); p.Gly13Asp; p.Ala148Thr; and p.Arg181Gln in patients with MD; cervical dystonia; or WD. Two relatives of MD patients with WD also carried p.Ile196Val. The two variants identified in MD patients (p.Ile196Val; p.Gly13Asp) were characterized on endogenous levels in patient-derived fibroblasts and in two RAB12-overexpressing cell models. The ability to hydrolyze guanosine triphosphate (GTP), so called GTPase activity, was increased in mutants compared to wildtype. Furthermore, subcellular distribution of RAB12 in mutants was altered in fibroblasts. Soluble Transferrin receptor 1 levels were reduced in the blood of all three tested p.Ile196Val carriers. In conclusion, we demonstrate an enrichment of missense changes among dystonia patients. Functional characterization revealed altered enzyme activity and lysosomal distribution in mutants suggesting a contribution of RAB12 variants to MD and other dystonias

    Multifactorial Regulation of a Hox Target Gene

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    Hox proteins play fundamental roles in controlling morphogenetic diversity along the anterior–posterior body axis of animals by regulating distinct sets of target genes. Within their rather broad expression domains, individual Hox proteins control cell diversification and pattern formation and consequently target gene expression in a highly localized manner, sometimes even only in a single cell. To achieve this high-regulatory specificity, it has been postulated that Hox proteins co-operate with other transcription factors to activate or repress their target genes in a highly context-specific manner in vivo. However, only a few of these factors have been identified. Here, we analyze the regulation of the cell death gene reaper (rpr) by the Hox protein Deformed (Dfd) and suggest that local activation of rpr expression in the anterior part of the maxillary segment is achieved through a combinatorial interaction of Dfd with at least eight functionally diverse transcriptional regulators on a minimal enhancer. It follows that context-dependent combinations of Hox proteins and other transcription factors on small, modular Hox response elements (HREs) could be responsible for the proper spatio-temporal expression of Hox targets. Thus, a large number of transcription factors are likely to be directly involved in Hox target gene regulation in vivo

    Antagonistic Regulation of Apoptosis and Differentiation by the Cut Transcription Factor Represents a Tumor-Suppressing Mechanism in Drosophila

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    Apoptosis is essential to prevent oncogenic transformation by triggering self-destruction of harmful cells, including those unable to differentiate. However, the mechanisms linking impaired cell differentiation and apoptosis during development and disease are not well understood. Here we report that the Drosophila transcription factor Cut coordinately controls differentiation and repression of apoptosis via direct regulation of the pro-apoptotic gene reaper. We also demonstrate that this regulatory circuit acts in diverse cell lineages to remove uncommitted precursor cells in status nascendi and thereby interferes with their potential to develop into cancer cells. Consistent with the role of Cut homologues in controlling cell death in vertebrates, we find repression of apoptosis regulators by Cux1 in human cancer cells. Finally, we present evidence that suggests that other lineage-restricted specification factors employ a similar mechanism to put the brakes on the oncogenic process

    Iniciação Científica na segunda metade dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental: percursos da Equipe de Professores do Projeto PIXEL do Colégio de Aplicação da UFRGS

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    Este relato de experiência tem como objetivo apresentar como foi constituído e como estrutura-se atualmente o componente curricular Iniciação Científica (IC) no Projeto PIXEL, que abrange a segunda metade dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental no Colégio de Aplicação (CAp) da UFRGS. O trabalho na IC organiza-se a partir de um planejamento semanal da equipe de professores, o que possibilitou uma série de reflexões e práticas neste componente curricular. O trabalho com a IC oportuniza o desenvolvimento de competências gerais em ambos os anos (8° e 9°) de seu desenvolvimento. São elas: a argumentação, a autonomia, a autoria, a cooperação e a colaboração e a resolução de problemas. Essas competências são essenciais à IC e servem de referência para criar os critérios de avaliação, não somente desse componente curricular, mas de todos os demais componentes do Projeto de Ensino PIXEL. A IC ocorre em quatro períodos semanais e seus projetos são desenvolvidos ao longo de um semestre. Eles culminam em produções escritas estruturadas – em formatos de reportagem científica para os 8ºs anos, e com formatos diversos, que incluem desde relatórios até manuais para os 9ºs. Ambos os anos se envolvem em Mostras de Trabalhos, nas quais os estudantes apresentam seus processos de pesquisa utilizando-se dos mais diversos recursos, fazendo a devolutiva da investigação para a comunidade. O trabalho da IC na escola não se trata, portanto, de uma aula que propõe situações-problema hipotéticas na expectativa de que os estudantes encontrem a resposta “correta”, mas sim, de criar propostas em que a complexidade e a diversidade do mundo se evidenciem, sejam parte do problema e de suas possíveis soluções. Os resultados que temos observado a partir do que é desenvolvido na IC do PIXEL, mostram o desenvolvimento de aprendizagens que permitem ao estudante a busca de informações e verificação de fontes, que façam comparações, que defendam seu ponto de vista e que elaborem estratégias e conclusões. A IC do PIXEL é uma proposta de ensino e de aprendizagem que ressignifica o papel do professor, aproximando-o dos estudantes, pois coloca-o na posição de orientador – aquele que tem experiência de pesquisa – e também de pesquisador – aquele que aprende sobre os temas ao longo do trabalho com cada estudante
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