9 research outputs found

    Att bygga social hÄllbarhet, En studie över de förÀnderliga beskrivningarna av relationen mellan social hÄllbarhet och byggd miljö i Malmös general- och översiktsplaner frÄn 1966 till Är 2012

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    I den nya översiktsplanen för Malmö, som antogs den 14:e maj 2014 lĂ€ggs ett stort fokus pĂ„ hur man kan stĂ€rka social hĂ„llbarhet genom insatser i den byggda miljön. De miljöer som beskrivs som socialt hĂ„llbara ska prĂ€glas av tĂ€thet och funktionsblandning. Detta stĂ„r i skarp kontrast till vilken typ av miljöer som har föresprĂ„kats för att stĂ€rka social hĂ„llbarhet tidigare i Malmös historia. Under 1960-talet beskrevs istĂ€llet funktionsuppdelade stadsdelar som gav invĂ„narna mycket utrymme som mest socialt fördelaktiga. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r undersöka pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt beskrivningar om relationen mellan social hĂ„llbarhet och byggd miljö har förĂ€ndrats i Malmö och vad detta beror pĂ„. Studien genomförs genom att undersöka tre olika planer frĂ„n olika epoker i Malmös historia. Den första planen Ă€r Malmös generalplan frĂ„n 1966 som representerar vad som har kallats ”den goda perioden” i Malmö (Malmö stad, 2002:2). Den andra planen Ă€r frĂ„n Ă„r 1990 och representerar den ekonomiska krisen i Malmö. Den sista översiktsplanen Ă€r frĂ„n Ă„r 2012 utgör, enligt sin egen beskrivning, ett nytt kapitel för Malmö, prĂ€glat av social hĂ„llbarhet (Malmö stad, 2012: 4). De förklaringsmodeller jag fann genom studien visar pĂ„ att förĂ€ndringar i beskrivningarna om relationen mellan social hĂ„llbarhet och byggd miljö har pĂ„verkats av: (1) Att planernas mĂ„l och syften har förĂ€ndrats. FrĂ„n att ha fungerat som en teknisk plan med syfte att koordinera en snabb urbanisering har planen frĂ„n 1990 och 2012 mindre av en kvantitativ inriktning och mer av kvalitativa mĂ„lsĂ€ttningar; (2) Ett idĂ©mĂ€ssigt skifte frĂ„n modernism till postmodernism har Ă€gt rum. Under modernismen var planeringen storskalig och omfattande med syfte att bygga ett bĂ€ttre samhĂ€lle genom rationellt tĂ€nkande och handling. Postmodernismen Ă€r istĂ€llet fragmenterad och har till stor del lĂ€mnat den tekniska synen pĂ„ staden till förmĂ„n för ett mer sociologiskt förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt; (3) De sociala problemen som prĂ€glar Malmö har Ă€ndrat karaktĂ€r och begreppsramen för vad som uppfattas som sociala problem har vidgats. I planen frĂ„n 1966 handlade social hĂ„llbarhet frĂ€mst om att höja mĂ€nniskors livskvalitet genom att ge dem mer utrymme och tillgĂ€nglighet till olika funktioner. I planen frĂ„n 1990 koncentrerade sig frĂ„gor om social hĂ„llbarhet till att lösa problem med segregation och att förbĂ€ttra den byggda miljön i Malmös socialt mest utsatta omrĂ„den. I den nya planen för Malmö infattas aspekter som ökad livskvalitet, jĂ€mlikhet, inkludering, lĂ„ngsiktig hĂ„llbarhet och deltagandeprocesser, vilket ska uppnĂ„s genom förtĂ€tning av staden och genom att bygga blandstad. Uppsatsens slutsats Ă€r att det Ă€r svĂ„rt att sĂ€ga att det finns en typ av byggd miljö som alltid Ă€r socialt hĂ„llbar. I och med att samhĂ€llet utvecklas kommer nya problem och fördelar med olika typer av miljöer att framtrĂ€da liksom att vĂ„r bedömning av dessa kommer att förĂ€ndras

    Att leva med diabetes typ 1

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    Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 1 Àr en kronisk sjukdom som blir allt vanligare. Sjukdomen krÀver sÀrskild hantering sÄ som dagliga insulininjektioner för att komplikationer skall undvikas och för att livet skall kunna levas som vanligt. Sjukdomen debuterar ofta strax innan puberteten och krÀver stora omstÀllningar i livet. De livsstilsförÀndringar som sjukdomen medför kan vara svÄra att hantera under ungdomsÄren, och riskerar att leda till minskad livskvalitet. Begreppet KASAM Àr ett mÄtt pÄ livskvalitet, och innefattar tre viktiga delar som alla pÄverkar livskvaliteten: meningsfullhet, hanterbarhet och begriplighet. Det Àr viktigt att undersöka hur ungdomarna sjÀlva upplever livet med diabetes i sin helhet, sÄ att de kan erbjudas rÀtt stöd för att bibehÄlla en god livskvalitet. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelsen av livskvalitet hos ungdomar som lever med diabetes typ 1. Metod: Litteraturstudie utifrÄn 10 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ design, som Àr publicerade mellan 2006-2015. Artiklarna utgÄr frÄn ungdomars upplevelse av att leva med och hantera diabetes typ 1. Resultat: Sjukdomen visade sig pÄverka ungdomarnas liv i sin helhet. Problemen i vardagen som sjukdomen genererade visade sig vara mÄnga, och gemensamt för dem var att de pÄverkade upplevelsen av livskvalitet negativt. Relationen till sÄvÀl familj som vÀnner visade sig förÀndras och kÀnslor av utanförskap var vanligt förekommande dÄ sociala aktiviteter försvÄrades. stora behov av kunskap och stöd framkom hos ungdomarna, och svÄrigheter vid sjÀlvstÀndig hantering av egenvÄrden var vanliga. Slutsats: Litteraturstudiens resultat diskuteras utifrÄn begreppet KASAM och dess tre huvudkomponenter. DÄ studier visar pÄ att ungdomar med diabetes typ 1 upplevde olika hinder i vardagen som tillsammans genererade försÀmrad livskvalitet, Àr det av vikt att sjuksköterskan fÄngar upp dessa i ett tidigt skede. Detta för att identifiera ungdomarnas omvÄrdnadsbehov, och stödja dem till fungerade egenvÄrd och vardag samt förebygga sÄvÀl sena som akuta komplikationer och dÀrmed frÀmja upplevelse av hÀlsa och god livskvalitet trots nÀrvaro av kronisk sjukdom

    Women and Water Governance in Peri-Urban settlements : A case study from the community Caltongo in Mexico City

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    Water insecurity is one of the biggest socio-environmental challenges of our time. As water gets scarce, already disempowered groups become further marginalized. Throughout the last decades “good” water governance has been presented by global institutions and organizations as a key concept to render water management more effective, sustainable and democratic. However, general theories of “good” governance have been criticized for being gender-blind and for failing to recognize how governance is adopted at a local level, leading to different outcomes for people based on their social identity. The aim of this thesis is to identify water governance arrangements in Caltongo, a peri-urban community in Mexico City, and analyze what outcomes these arrangements have for women. The thesis builds on a feminist political ecology framework that cuts through both theory and method. Empirical data is collected through semi-structured interviews with women and community leaders in Caltongo. The analysis builds on a model that uses three concepts to define governance: resources, mechanisms and outcomes. The results of this analysis show that the strategies that women in Caltongo draw from to access water are based around political involvement, cash payment for water services and social networks. The outcomes are different for different women depending on their ability to use these strategies

    What led Tel Aviv to become a leading entrepreneurial ecosystem?

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    “How has Tel Aviv become a leading entrepreneurial ecosystem? ” This thesis investigates the factors behind the growing success of Tel Aviv as an entrepreneurial scene. The economic capital of Israel has become one of the most important clusters of innovation in the World (Engel & del-Palacio, 2011). By analysing these factors with key entrepreneurial actors, the hopes were to find new qualitative evidence to back up the statistics. The aim of the thesis was to use qualitative interviews with chosen entrepreneurs and investors to give insights in Tel Aviv and how it has become a flourishing ecosystem. This has in turn enhanced the previous research on Knowledge-Intensive entrepreneurship by adding a singular case study. Analysing the Tel Aviv ecosystem allowed me to find ten different factors of its success. These can potentially be used as inspiration points for stimulating clusters of innovation around the World.MSc in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurshi

    An analysis of the research front in medical ethics

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    The purpose of this Masters thesis is to analyze the research front within medical ethics. We wish to identify which research themes that are included in the subject field of medical ethics. The research themes can be identified by a couple of bibliometrical methods and techniques. In our case, it is bibliographic coupling combined with a cluster analysis. The analysis is accomplished by the extracted references from articles in the two journals Bioethics and Journal of medical ethics. The questions we wish to answer are: 1 What research themes can be identified within the field of medical ethics by using bibliographic coupling combined with cluster analysis? 2 Are there differences between the identified research themes regarding the age of the items that are cited in the articles from one of the themes? 3 Which are the most productive authors within the subject field of medical ethics and within each research theme, respectively? 4 Which are the most productive institutions within the subject field of medical ethics and within each research theme, respectively? The analysis formed 24 different research themes. Through the abstracts of articles, identifiers and titles, we determined the contents of the themes. The age of the references placed medical ethics in both the hard and the soft sciences. The analysis of the most productive author and institution within the research themes showed nothing significant. However, A Sommerville was the most productive author in the subject field of medical ethics, along with Royal Children Hosp as the most productive institution.UppsatsnivÄ:

    Marine biomass for a circular blue‐green bioeconomy? A life cycle perspective on closing nitrogen and phosphorus land‐marine loops

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    A blue-green bioeconomy revolution is underway in Europe, with particular attention being paid to the development of new or underutilized marine biomass resources. The wild harvest and mariculture of low-trophic non-fed species of marine biomass may be contributing to circular economies, the mitigation of environmental problems such as eutrophication and climate change through the uptake of nutrients and carbon, while also recovering finite phosphorus from marine coastal environments, thus contributing to food security. The present study provides a cradle-to-gate life cycle perspective on seven established or innovative/emerging marine biomass utilization cases in Sweden: mariculture of sugar kelp, blue mussels, and ascidians and the harvest of invasive Pacific oysters along the Skagerrak coast, the mariculture of blue mussels in the Baltic sea, the harvest of common reed in the Stockholm archipelago, and the harvest of beach-cast seaweed in Gotland. Results showed that the mariculture cases were found to contribute to eutrophication and climate impact mitigation (at gate). All cases were found to contribute to closing the loop on phosphorus by enabling recovery from marine or coastal environments, bridging marine–land flows, all while performing well from an environmental perspective with a relatively low cumulative energy demand and low carbon and nutrient footprints. This highlights the potential of low-trophic biomass to contribute to phosphorus security in the future, and demonstrates the value of industrial ecology tools such as LCA in support of this imminent Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. QC 20211110</p

    Governance hurdles for expansion of low trophic mariculture production in Sweden

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    The study examines the governance of low trophic species mariculture (LTM) using Sweden as a case study. LTM, involving species such as seaweeds and mollusks, offers ecosystem services and nutritious foods. Despite its potential to contribute to blue growth and Sustainable Development Goals, LTM development in the EU and OECD countries has stagnated. A framework for mapping governance elements (institutions, structures, and processes) and analyzing governance objective (effective, equitable, responsive, and robust) was combined with surveys addressed to the private entrepreneurs in the sector. Analysis reveals ineffective institutions due to lack of updated legislation and guidance, resulting in ambiguous interpretations. Governance structures include multiple decision-making bodies without a clear coordination agency. Licensing processes were lengthy and costly for the private entrepreneurs, and the outcomes were uncertain. To support Sweden’s blue bioeconomy, LTM governance requires policy integration, clearer direction, coordinated decision-making, and mechanisms for conflict resolution and learning.QC 20240613</p

    Polymorphic populations of Dactylorhiza incarnata s.l. (Orchidaceae) on the Baltic island of Gotland: morphology, habitat preference and genetic differentiation

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    Background and Aims Organisms may be polymorphic within natural populations, but often the significance and genetic background to such polymorphism is not known. To understand the colour polymorphism expressed in the diploid marsh-orchids Dactylorhiza incarnata, morphological, habitat and genetic differentiation was studied in mixed populations on the island of Gotland, supplemented with genetic marker data from adjacent areas. Methods A total of 398 accessions was investigated for plastid haplotype and three nuclear microsatellites. Morphometric data and vegetation data were obtained from a subset of 104 plants. Key Results No clear pattern of habitat differentiation was found among the colour morphs. Within sites, the yellow-flowered morph (ochroleuca) was slightly larger than the others in some flower characters, whereas the purple-flowered morph with spotted leaves (cruenta) was on average smaller. However, populations of the same colour morph differed considerably between sites, and there was also considerable overlap between morphs. Morphs were often genetically differentiated but imperfectly separated within sites. Most populations were characterized by significant levels of inbreeding. The ochroleuca morph constitutes a coherent, highly homozygous sublineage, although introgression from purple-flowered morphs occurs at some sites. The cruenta morph was genetically variable, although Gotland populations formed a coherent group. Purple-flowered plants with unspotted leaves (incarnata in the strict sense) were even more variable and spanned the entire genetic diversity seen in the other morphs. Conclusions Colour polymorphism in D. incarnata is maintained by inbreeding, but possibly also by other ecological factors. The yellow-flowered morph may best be recognized as a variety of D. incarnata, var. ochroleuca, and the lack of anthocyanins is probably due to a particular recessive allele in homozygous form. Presence of spotted leaves is an uncertain taxonomic character, and genetic differentiation within D. incarnata would be better described by other morphological characters such as leaf shape and stature and size and shape of lip and spur