74 research outputs found

    Data Processing Engine (DPE): Data Analysis Tool for Particle Tracking and Mixed Radiation Field Characterization with Pixel Detectors Timepix

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    Hybrid semiconductor pixelated detectors from the Timepix family are advanced detectors for online particle tracking, offering energy measurement and precise time stamping capabilities for particles of various types and energies. This inherent capability makes them highly suitable for various applications, including imaging, medical fields such as radiotherapy and particle therapy, space-based applications aboard satellites and the International Space Station, and industrial applications. The data generated by these detectors is complex, necessitating the development and deployment of various analytical techniques to extract essential information. For this purpose, and to aid the Timepix user community, it was designed and developed the "Data Processing Engine" (DPE) as an advanced tool for data processing designed explicitly for Timepix detectors. The functionality of the DPE is structured into three distinct processing levels: i) Pre-processing: This phase involves clusterization and the application of necessary calibrations and corrections. ii) Processing: This stage includes particle classification, employing machine learning algorithms, and the recognition of radiation fields. iii) Post-processing: Involves various analyses, such as directional analysis, coincidence analysis, frame analysis, Compton directional analysis, and the generation of physics products, are performed. The core of the DPE is supported by an extensive experimental database containing calibrations and referential radiation fields of typical environments, including protons, ions, electrons, gamma rays and X-rays, as well as thermal and fast neutrons. To enhance accessibility, the DPE is implemented into various user interface platforms such as a command-line tool, an application programming interface, and as a graphical user interface in the form of a web portal.Comment: 9 pages, proceedings IWORI

    temporary implementation and testing of a confocal sr μxrf system for bone analysis at the x ray fluorescence beamline at elettra

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    Abstract The confocal μ XRF spectrometer of Atominstitut (ATI) was transported and set up at the X-ray Fluorescence beamline at Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste. It was successfully adjusted to the incoming beam (9.2 keV). Test measurements on a free-standing Cu wire were performed to determine the size of the focused micro-beam (non-confocal mode, 56 × 35 μ m 2 ) and the size of the confocal volume (confocal mode, 41 × 24 × 34 μ m 2 ) for the Cu–K α emission. In order to test the setup's capabilities, two areas on different human bone samples were measured in confocal scanning mode. For one of the samples the comparison with a previous μ XRF measurement, obtained with a low power X-ray tube in the lab, is presented


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    X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) analysis in combination with synchrotron radiation induced total reflection X-ray fluorescence (SR-TXRF) acquisition was used to determine the oxidation state of Fe in human cancer cells and simultaneously their elemental composition by applying a simple sample preparation procedure consisting of pipetting the cell suspension onto the quartz reflectors. XANES spectra of several inorganic and organic iron compounds were recorded and compared to that of different cell lines. The XANES spectra of cells, independently from the phase of cell growth and cell type were very similar to that of ferritin, the main Fe store within the cell. The spectra obtained after CoCl2 or NiCl2 treatment, which could mimic a hypoxic state of cells, did not differ noticeably from that of the ferritin standard. After 5-fluorouracil administration, which could also induce an oxidative-stress in cells, the absorption edge position was shifted toward higher energies representing a higher oxidation state of Fe. Intense treatment with antimycin A, which inhibits electron transfer in the respiratory chain, resulted in minor changes in the spectrum, resembling rather the N-donor Fe-,′-dipyridyl complex at the oxidation energy of Fe(III), than ferritin. The incorporation of Co and Ni in the cells was followed by SR-TXRF measurements

    Characterization of a submicro-X-ray fluorescence setup on the B16 beamline at Diamond Light Source

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    An X-ray fluorescence setup has been tested on the B16 beamline at the Diamond Light Source synchrotron with two different excitation energies (12.7 and 17 keV). This setup allows the scanning of thin samples (thicknesses up to several micrometers) with a sub-micrometer resolution (beam size of 500 nm × 600 nm determined with a 50 µm Au wire). Sensitivities and detection limits reaching values of 249 counts s−1 fg−1 and 4 ag in 1000 s, respectively (for As Kα excited with 17 keV), are presented in order to demonstrate the capabilities of this setup. Sample measurements of a human bone and a single cell performed at B16 are presented in order to illustrate the suitability of the setup in biological applications.</jats:p

    Gemeinsame Ablagerung von Klärschlamm und Hausmüll

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    Vorträge des 15. ÖWWV - Seminars RAACH, 28.1. - 1.2.1980341151
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