temporary implementation and testing of a confocal sr μxrf system for bone analysis at the x ray fluorescence beamline at elettra


Abstract The confocal μ XRF spectrometer of Atominstitut (ATI) was transported and set up at the X-ray Fluorescence beamline at Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste. It was successfully adjusted to the incoming beam (9.2 keV). Test measurements on a free-standing Cu wire were performed to determine the size of the focused micro-beam (non-confocal mode, 56 × 35 μ m 2 ) and the size of the confocal volume (confocal mode, 41 × 24 × 34 μ m 2 ) for the Cu–K α emission. In order to test the setup's capabilities, two areas on different human bone samples were measured in confocal scanning mode. For one of the samples the comparison with a previous μ XRF measurement, obtained with a low power X-ray tube in the lab, is presented

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