28 research outputs found

    Field evaluation of anticoccidial efficacy:A novel approach demonstrates reduced efficacy of toltrazuril against ovine Eimeria spp. in Norway

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    Ovine Eimeria spp. infections cause reduced welfare, increased mortality, and substantial economic losses, and anticoccidials are crucial for their control. Recent reports of toltrazuril resistance in pigs, and anecdotal reports of reduced anticoccidial efficacy in lambs, necessitate evaluation of anticoccidial efficacy. Due to the substantial lifecycle differences between nematodes and coccidia, current WAAVP methods for assessing anthelmintic efficacy are not suitable for such evaluations. Faecal samples were collected from 8 pairs of twin lambs from 36 Norwegian sheep farms 6–8 days after turnout. One twin of each pair was then treated with 20 mg/kg toltrazuril and a second faecal sample from all lambs was collected 7–11 days later. Oocyst excretion rate in all samples was determined using McMasters. Suitability of treatment timing was investigated by evaluating the increase in mean log oocyst excretion in untreated lambs. Based on comparisons between groups, a threshold of ≥0.75 (13 farms) was used to identify farms where drug efficacy could be assessed with confidence, drug efficacy on farms with increases of ≥0.5 but <0.75 (7 farms) were evaluated with caution, and drug efficacy on farms with increases of <0.5 (16 farms) was not estimated. Reduction in oocyst excretion between samples from treated lambs compared with controls from the 20 farms with a threshold of ≥0.5 were then analysed using a generalised linear mixed model. The results were classified based on 95% CI obtained using parametric bootstrapping. Among these 20 farms, two exhibited reduced drug efficacy (upper 95% CI < 95%), 13 had good efficacy (lower 95% CI > 90%), and for 5 the results were inconclusive. This is the first evidence-based report of reduced anticoccidial efficacy in ovine Eimeria spp. Additionally, we highlight the problem of sub-optimal timing of treatment (16/36 farms), which could potentially result in incorrect conclusions being reached regarding lack of drug efficacy. Keywords: Eimeria spp., Anticoccidial efficacy, Drug resistance, Field evaluation, Norway, Shee

    A longitudinal study on the occurrence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in dogs during their first year of life

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The primary aim of this study was to obtain more knowledge about the occurrence of <it>Cryptosporidium </it>and <it>Giardia </it>in young dogs in Norway.</p> <p>The occurrence of these parasites was investigated in a longitudinal study by repeated faecal sampling of dogs between 1 and 12 months of age (litter samples and individual samples). The dogs were privately owned and from four large breeds. Individual faecal samples were collected from 290 dogs from 57 litters when the dogs were approximately 3, 4, 6, and 12 months old. In addition, pooled samples were collected from 43 of the litters, and from 42 of the mother bitches, when the puppies were approximately 1 and/or 2 months old.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The samples were purified by sucrose gradient flotation concentration and examined by immunofluorescent staining.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>128 (44.1%) of the young dogs had one or more <it>Cryptosporidium </it>positive samples, whilst 60 (20.7%) dogs had one or more <it>Giardia </it>positive samples. The prevalence of the parasites varied with age. For <it>Cryptosporidium</it>, the individual prevalence was between 5.1% and 22.5%, with the highest level in dogs < 6 months old, and declining with age. For <it>Giardia</it>, the individual prevalence was between 6.0% and 11.4%, with the highest level in dogs > 6 months old, but the differences between age groups were not statistically significant. Significant differences in prevalences were found in relation to geographic location of the dogs. Both parasites occurred at low prevalences in Northern Norway.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Both <it>Cryptosporidium </it>and <it>Giardia </it>are common in Norwegian dogs, with <it>Cryptosporidium </it>more prevalent than <it>Giardia</it>. Prevalences of the parasites were found to be influenced by age, geographical location, and infection status before weaning.</p

    Identification and epidemiological analysis of Perostrongylus falciformis infestation in Irish badgers

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    Publication history: Accepted - 24 June 2019; Published Online - 9 July 2019Background: The lungworm, Perostrongylus falciformis (fomerly known as Aelurostrongylus falciformis) has been identified in badgers (Meles meles) in Britain, the Russian Federation, Italy, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Bosnia Herzegovina and Romania, while Aelurostrongylus pridhami has been reported from badgers in Spain. Results: Pulmonary tissue from 1580 Irish badgers was examined and an estimated prevalence of 32.09% (95% CI: 29.79–34.45%) of this parasite was detected. Confirmation of its occurrence was made by PCR analysis on a subset of the population. Conclusion: Infestation was widely distributed throughout the Republic of Ireland, with a trend towards higher infestation risk in western versus eastern counties. In addition males were at a higher risk of infestation than females and juveniles were at a significantly higher risk than adult badgers

    Modelling the monthly abundance of Culicoides biting midges in nine European countries using Random Forests machine learning

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    Background: Culicoides biting midges transmit viruses resulting in disease in ruminants and equids such as bluetongue, Schmallenberg disease and African horse sickness. In the past decades, these diseases have led to important economic losses for farmers in Europe. Vector abundance is a key factor in determining the risk of vector-borne disease spread and it is, therefore, important to predict the abundance of Culicoides species involved in the transmission of these pathogens. The objectives of this study were to model and map the monthly abundances of Culicoides in Europe. Methods: We obtained entomological data from 904 farms in nine European countries (Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway) from 2007 to 2013. Using environmental and climatic predictors from satellite imagery and the machine learning technique Random Forests, we predicted the monthly average abundance at a 1 km2 resolution. We used independent test sets for validation and to assess model performance. Results: The predictive power of the resulting models varied according to month and the Culicoides species/ensembles predicted. Model performance was lower for winter months. Performance was higher for the Obsoletus ensemble, followed by the Pulicaris ensemble, while the model for Culicoides imicola showed a poor performance. Distribution and abundance patterns corresponded well with the known distributions in Europe. The Random Forests model approach was able to distinguish differences in abundance between countries but was not able to predict vector abundance at individual farm level. Conclusions: The models and maps presented here represent an initial attempt to capture large scale geographical and temporal variations in Culicoides abundance. The models are a first step towards producing abundance inputs for R0 modelling of Culicoides-borne infections at a continental scale

    Monthly variation in the probability of presence of adult Culicoides populations in nine European countries and the implications for targeted surveillance

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    Background: Biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are small hematophagous insects responsible for the transmission of bluetongue virus, Schmallenberg virus and African horse sickness virus to wild and domestic ruminants and equids. Outbreaks of these viruses have caused economic damage within the European Union. The spatio-temporal distribution of biting midges is a key factor in identifying areas with the potential for disease spread. The aim of this study was to identify and map areas of neglectable adult activity for each month in an average year. Average monthly risk maps can be used as a tool when allocating resources for surveillance and control programs within Europe. Methods : We modelled the occurrence of C. imicola and the Obsoletus and Pulicaris ensembles using existing entomological surveillance data from Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Poland. The monthly probability of each vector species and ensembles being present in Europe based on climatic and environmental input variables was estimated with the machine learning technique Random Forest. Subsequently, the monthly probability was classified into three classes: Absence, Presence and Uncertain status. These three classes are useful for mapping areas of no risk, areas of high-risk targeted for animal movement restrictions, and areas with an uncertain status that need active entomological surveillance to determine whether or not vectors are present. Results: The distribution of Culicoides species ensembles were in agreement with their previously reported distribution in Europe. The Random Forest models were very accurate in predicting the probability of presence for C. imicola (mean AUC = 0.95), less accurate for the Obsoletus ensemble (mean AUC = 0.84), while the lowest accuracy was found for the Pulicaris ensemble (mean AUC = 0.71). The most important environmental variables in the models were related to temperature and precipitation for all three groups. Conclusions: The duration periods with low or null adult activity can be derived from the associated monthly distribution maps, and it was also possible to identify and map areas with uncertain predictions. In the absence of ongoing vector surveillance, these maps can be used by veterinary authorities to classify areas as likely vector-free or as likely risk areas from southern Spain to northern Sweden with acceptable precision. The maps can also focus costly entomological surveillance to seasons and areas where the predictions and vector-free status remain uncertain

    Tapsårsaker hos sau i Nykirke utmark 2016

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    Beitesesongen 2016 ble det gjennomført en tapsundersøkelse i tre sauebesetninger tilhørende Nykirke beitelag i Modum kommune. Formålet med prosjektet var å kartlegge dødsårsaker hos sau i et tapsutsatt skogsbeite, med hovedfokus på lammetap. Totalt inngikk 335 søyer og 584 lam i undersøkelsen, hvorav 230 lam og 76 søyer var instrumenterte med mortalitetssendere. Statens naturoppsyn (SNO) og Veterinærinstituttet i Oslo (VI) bistod til å dokumentere dødsårsak. Førtitre av de totalt 230 radiomerkede lammene omkom på beite (18,7 %). Trettifem av disse ble gjenfunnet. SNO vurderte 33 av kadavrene med mortalitetssendere og VI undersøkte seks.......

    Molecular identification of Sarcocystis halieti n. sp., Sarcocystis lari and Sarcocystis truncata in the intestine of a white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Norway

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    An emaciated white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) from Western Norway was found and nursed briefly before it died. The necropsy revealed that the principal cause of death was an inflammation and occlusion of the bile ducts. A secondary finding was the presence in the intestinal mucosa of numerous sporulated Sarcocystis oocysts measuring 21.8–22.8 × 16.0–17.0 μm. The aim of this study was to identify these oocysts to species level using molecular methods. Genomic DNA was extracted from 10 mucosal scrapings containing oocysts and subjected to PCR amplification and sequencing of four DNA regions: the 18S and 28S rRNA genes, the ITS1 region and the cox1 gene. DNA of three previously known Sarcocystis spp. was identified, but only two of these, Sarcocystis halieti n. sp. and Sarcocystis lari, both employing sea birds as intermediate hosts, were considered to have used the sea eagle as a definitive host and to have formed oocysts in its intestine. The third species found, Sarcocystis truncata, employs red deer as intermediate hosts and seems to use felids as definitive hosts based on its phylogenetic position and prevalence. The sea eagle had probably recently ingested portions of one of the latter hosts (red deer or cat/lynx) containing stages (sarcocysts/oocysts) and thus DNA of S. truncata. The species S. halieti and S. lari could only be unambiguously separated from their most closely related congeners on the basis of their ITS1 sequences. This is the first report of Sarcocystis oocysts in sea eagles and the first identification to species level of Sarcocystis oocysts in any type of eagle. The sea eagle also acted as intermediate host of an unidentified Sarcocystis spp. as evidenced by the finding of six thin-walled sarcocysts in a histological section of cardiac muscle. Keywords: Sarcocystis, Haliaeetus albicilla, Oocysts, ITS1, Cox1, Phylogen

    A longitudinal study on the occurrence of and in dogs during their first year of life-0

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "A longitudinal study on the occurrence of and in dogs during their first year of life"</p><p>http://www.actavetscand.com/content/49/1/22</p><p>Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2007;49(1):22-22.</p><p>Published online 11 Sep 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2040143.</p><p></p>age, or at more than one sampling