76 research outputs found

    Cinco Poemas de Ingeborg Bachmann

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    Ingeborg Bachmann nace en 1926 en Klagenfurt, Austria. En 1942 escribe la tragedia Carmen Ruidera, desde allí narraciones, como en 1943, La Cruz de Honditsch; estudia filosofía tras el bachillerato y publica por primera vez, Die Fähre: La barca 1946. Circunda por entonces el círculo literario de Hans Weigel, empezando a redactar la novela: La ciudad sin nombre; de 1948 data un primer encuentro con P. Celan. Sus primeras narraciones salen en el periódico Wiener Tageszeitung, en 1949. Termina su tesis doctoral sobre la recepción crítica de la filosofía existencial de Martin Heidegger. En 1950, se encuentra con Celan en Paris, viaja a Londres y se contacta con exiliados. Trabaja fuera de su país, escribe ensayos sobre Wittgenstein, Musil, publica el poemario El Tiempo Postergado, en Frankfurt; trabaja para radio Bremen, entrega de emisiones radiales, relatos en 1955. Se instala en Nápoles el 56 tras viaje a EEUU, en donde trabajará luego como directora de la televisión bávara. Publica su segundo libro lírico en 1956, Invocación a la osa mayor. En 1958 se trasladó a Zurcí. Encuentro con Max Frisch. Premio a relatos radiales de los ciegos de guerra en 1959. Discurso de agradecimiento: La verdad es exigible al ser humano[texto poetológico].Ópera de Hans Werner Henze con libreto suyo en 1960. Traduce a Ungaretti, aparece en Surkhamp, Frankfurt. Al año siguiente se publica tomo de narraciones suyo: El trigésimo año en Piper München. Ruptura con Frisch el 62. Es internada en hospital de Zurich. Empieza el proyecto Todesarten, Tipos de muerte, proyecto narrativo de varias novelas...Franza [la primera]. En octubre del 64Buechner Preis. El 65 otra opera de Henze: El joven lord lleva libreto suyo, se presenta en Berlin. Firma manifiesto en oposición a la guerra de Vietnam, encuentra en Roma a Anna Ajmatova, le dedica poema. Vuelve a Roma el 68 y recibe Gran Premio de Austria. ComienzaMalina. Lovestory, novela película que la hace famosa en los noventa, bestseller en los setenta en Europa, 1971. El 72 publica otra serie de relatos llamada Simultan, por Piper en München. Presenta este trabajo diciendo del escribir que es compulsión, castigo, obsesión. Muere el 73 a raíz de secuelas de un incendio en el que sufre graves quemaduras. En español están traducidos Tiempo Postergado, Madrid, Cátedra, 1991; Últimos Poemas, Hiperión, Madrid, 1999

    Problemer problemer

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    Ingeborg Bachmann er repræsenteret med sin store novelle “Problemer problemer”

    „Alles” von Ingeborg Bachmann

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    原著 : イソゲボルク・バハマン, 翻訳 : 脇坂

    Expression of β-Catenin, E-Cadherin, and α-Smooth Muscle Actin in Basal Cell Carcinoma Before Photodynamic Therapy in Non-recurrent and Recurrent Tumors: Exploring the Ability of Predicting Photodynamic Therapy outcome

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an effective and cosmetically beneficial treatment of low-risk basal cell carcinomas (BCCs). To optimize PDT response, it is important to correctly select tumors. We sought to find markers that could identify such tumors beyond contributions from clinical and histological examination. Studies have shown that β-catenin, E-cadherin, and α-smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression can indicate BCC aggressiveness/BCC invasiveness. We wanted to use these markers in an explorative study to investigate whether they were differently expressed among non-recurring compared with recurring BCCs, to evaluate their ability of predicting PDT outcome. Fifty-two BCCs were stained with antibodies against β-catenin, E-cadherin, and α-SMA, and evaluated using immunoreactive score (IRS), subcellular localization, and stromal protein expression. Results showed that IRS of E-cadherin was significantly different among recurring compared with non-recurring BCCs and with area under a receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.71 (95% confidence interval: 0.56–0.86, p=0.025). Stromal β-catenin expression significantly increased among recurring BCCs. Some recurring BCCs had intense expression in the deep invading tumor edge. In conclusion, E-cadherin, and stromal and deep edge β-catenin expression were most prominent in BCCs that recurred post-PDT, suggesting they could potentially predict PDT outcome. Further studies are needed to investigate whether these results are of clinical value:publishedVersio

    Subcellular Phenotyping: Using Proteomics to Quantitatively Link Subcellular Leaf Protein and Organelle Distribution Analyses of Pisum sativum Cultivars

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    Plant phenotyping to date typically comprises morphological and physiological profiling in a high-throughput manner. A powerful method that allows for subcellular characterization of organelle stoichiometric/functional characteristics is still missing. Organelle abundance and crosstalk in cell dynamics and signaling plays an important role for understanding crop growth and stress adaptations. However, microscopy cannot be considered a high-throughput technology. The aim of the present study was to develop an approach that enables the estimation of organelle functional stoichiometry and to determine differential subcellular dynamics within and across cultivars in a high-throughput manner. A combination of subcellular non-aqueous fractionation and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry was applied to assign membrane-marker proteins to cell compartmental abundances and functions of Pisum sativum leaves. Based on specific subcellular affiliation, proteotypic marker peptides of the chloroplast, mitochondria and vacuole membranes were selected and synthesized as heavy isotope labeled standards. The rapid and unbiased Mass Western approach for accurate stoichiometry and targeted absolute protein quantification allowed for a proportional organelle abundances measure linked to their functional properties. A 3D Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy approach was developed to evaluate the Mass Western. Two P. sativum cultivars of varying morphology and physiology were compared. The Mass Western assay enabled a cultivar specific discrimination of the chloroplast to mitochondria to vacuole relations

    Basosquamous Basal Cell Carcinoma with Bone Marrow Metastasis

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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common cancer in Caucasians. It is slow growing and rarely metastasizes. If left untreated over time, invasive growth can occur. We present a patient case with a primary BCC located in the right sub-mammary area, with extensive metastases to the skeleton and bone marrow. Histopathological examination of the tumour showed BCC with a diverse growth pattern. There were no signs of local metastases. Surgery was successfully performed. Three months post-surgery the patient developed normocytic anaemia and elevated inflammation markers. [18F]FDG PET/CT showed extensive FDG uptake in the entire skeleton and bone marrow. Biopsy confirmed the infiltration of BCC with similar histopathological features as the primary tumour. Prognosis of metastasized BCC is poor and, therefore, long-term follow-up of patients with risk factors is of importance.publishedVersio

    Ki-67 expression is superior to mitotic count and novel proliferation markers PHH3, MCM4 and mitosin as a prognostic factor in thick cutaneous melanoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tumor cell proliferation is a predictor of survival in cutaneous melanoma. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic impact of mitotic count, Ki-67 expression and novel proliferation markers phosphohistone H3 (PHH3), minichromosome maintenance protein 4 (MCM4) and mitosin, and to compare the results with histopathological variables.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>202 consecutive cases of nodular cutaneous melanoma were initially included. Mitotic count (mitosis per mm<sup>2</sup>) was assessed on H&E sections, and Ki-67 expression was estimated by immunohistochemistry on standard sections. PHH3, MCM4 and mitosin were examined by staining of tissue microarrays (TMA) sections.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Increased mitotic count and elevated Ki-67 expression were strongly associated with increased tumor thickness, presence of ulceration and tumor necrosis. Furthermore, high mitotic count and elevated Ki-67 expression were also associated with Clark's level of invasion and presence of vascular invasion. High expression of PHH3 and MCM4 was correlated with high mitotic count, elevated Ki-67 expression and tumor ulceration, and increased PHH3 frequencies were associated with tumor thickness and presence of tumor necrosis. Univariate analyses showed a worse outcome in cases with elevated Ki-67 expression and high mitotic count, whereas PHH3, MCM4 and mitosin were not significant. Tumor cell proliferation by Ki-67 had significant prognostic impact by multivariate analysis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Ki-67 was a stronger and more robust prognostic indicator than mitotic count in this series of nodular melanoma. PHH3, MCM4 and mitosin did not predict patient survival.</p

    Tumor necrosis is associated with increased alphavbeta3 integrin expression and poor prognosis in nodular cutaneous melanomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tumor necrosis and apoptotic activity are considered important in cancer progression, but these features have not been much studied in melanomas. Our hypothesis was that rapid growth in cutaneous melanomas of the vertical growth phase might lead to tissue hypoxia, alterations in apoptotic activity and tumor necrosis. We proposed that these tumor characteristics might be associated with changes in expression of cell adhesion proteins leading to increased invasive capacity and reduced patient survival.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A well characterized series of nodular melanoma (originally 202 cases) and other benign and malignant melanocytic tumors (109 cases) were examined for the presence of necrosis, apoptotic activity (TUNEL assay), immunohistochemical expression of hypoxia markers (HIF-1 α, CAIX, TNF-α, Apaf-1) and cell adhesion proteins (α<sub>v</sub>β<sub>3 </sub>integrin, CD44/HCAM and osteopontin). We hypothesized that tumor hypoxia and necrosis might be associated with increased invasiveness in melanoma through alterations of tumor cell adhesion proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Necrosis was present in 29% of nodular melanomas and was associated with increased tumor thickness, tumor ulceration, vascular invasion, higher tumor proliferation and apoptotic index, increased expression of α<sub>v</sub>β<sub>3 </sub>integrin and poor patient outcome by multivariate analysis. Tumor cell apoptosis did also correlate with reduced patient survival. Expression of TNF-α and Apaf-1 was significantly associated with tumor thickness, and osteopontin expression correlated with increased tumor cell proliferation (Ki-67).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Tumor necrosis and apoptotic activity are important features of melanoma progression and prognosis, at least partly through alterations in cell adhesion molecules such as increased α<sub>v</sub>β<sub>3 </sub>integrin expression, revealing potentially important targets for new therapeutic approaches to be further explored.</p