212 research outputs found
Nature and local environment surrounding the kindergarten.
Bacheloroppgave, barnehagelærerutdanning, 2016.Norsk:
Jeg jobbet meg gjennom oppgaven ut fra problemstillingen min: Hvordan stiller personalet seg til bruken av naturen og nærmiljøet rundt barnehagen?
Jeg har belyst teori innen styringsdokumenter, personalet, naturen og nærmiljøet. Videre har jeg undersøkt en barnehage i form av spørreskjemaundersøkelse og samtaleintervjuer. Jeg har drøftet teori opp mot de empiriske funnene, for å finne svar på problemstillingen.
Jeg valgte å bruke en barnehage som ikke har natur og nærmiljø som et eget satsningsområde fordi jeg ønsket å se på hva som vektlegges når det legges til rette/ ikke legges til rette for bruken av naturen og nærmiljøet rundt barnehagen.
Jeg fant mange og varierende grunner til hva som vektlegges for å ta i bruk naturen og nærmiljøet rundt barnehagen, spesielt oppfatningen av nytteverdien og praktiske årsaker blant de minste barna. Jeg ble ikke overrasket over at interesser blant personalet var sentralt, men ble noe overrasket over tankene bak behov/ikke behov for de aller minste barna og at kunnskap rundt naturen og nærmiljøet ikke var av stor betydning for hvordan personalet stilte seg til bruken av naturen og nærmiljøet.English:
This thesis is based on my research question: How does the personnel use the nature and local environment surrounding the kindergarten?
I have researched relevant theory about my topic, such as official documents and literature about Norwegian kindergartens, nature and local environment. I chose to research one local kindergarten to discuss my theoretical findings against my empirical findings, in order to answer my research question. The research I did with the personnel of the kindergarten was both individual interviews and a questionnaire.
The kindergarten I chose to research does not prioritize to use the nature and local environment on a daily basis. I made this choice because I wanted to find out what is emphasized when it comes to the decision to use/not use the nature and local environment surrounding the kindergarten.
The answers I found to this question was both concerning the perception of the usefulness of the area surrounding the kindergarten and practical issues concerning the youngest children. It did not surprise me that the personal interests of the personnel affected their decisions. What did surprise me was the lack of consideration to what the children could benefit from being outside. Another thing that surprised me was that the personnel did not seem to consider the importance their knowledge about nature and the local environment has for the daily use of the nature and local environment
Braking of the overhead cranes by pneumohydraulic buffers in the accidents
The majority of the numerous animal studies of the effects of estrogens on cerebral ischemia have reported neuroprotective results, but a few have shown increased damage. Differences in hormone administration methods, resulting in highly different 17 beta-estradiol levels, may explain the discrepancies in previously reported effects. The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis that it is the delivered dose per se, and not the route and method of administration, that determines the effect, and that high doses are damaging while lower doses are protective. One hundred and twenty ovariectomized female Wistar rats (n = 40 per group) were randomized into three groups, subcutaneously administered different doses of 17 beta-estradiol and subjected to transient middle cerebral artery occlusion. The modified sticky tape test was performed after 24 h and the rats were subsequently sacrificed for infarct size measurements. In contrast to our hypothesis, a significant negative correlation between 17 beta-estradiol dose and infarct size was found (p = 0.018). Thus, no support was found for the hypothesis that 17 beta-estradiol can be both neuroprotective and neurotoxic merely depending on dose. In fact, on the contrary, the findings indicate that the higher the dose of 17 beta-estradiol, the smaller the infarct.Funding Agencies|County Council of Ostergotland, Sweden</p
Una historia de Shakespeare en Losada
The publishing house Editorial Losada started to publish translations of Shakespeare’s works in 1939, and reached the last volume of his Complete Works in 2009. This article looks through the history of that seventy-year-long process: the relating part of the publishing house path, how it arrived at those translations and who intervened, who their authors were, how and when they got published, how the edition of the Complete Works was organized, what their criteria and features were. The main goal is to offer a source to whoever searches for data and bibliographical references on the Spanish translations of Shakespeare’s works published by LosadaLa Editorial Losada empezó a publicar traducciones de piezas de Shakespeare en 1939 y llegó al último tomo de las Obras completas en 2009. Este artículo recorre la historia de ese proceso de setenta años: la parte atinente de la trayectoria de la editorial, cómo llegó a esas traducciones y quiénes intervinieron, quiénes fueron sus autores, cómo y cuándo se publicaron, cómo se fue organizando la edición de las Obras completas, cuáles fueron sus criterios y características. El objetivo principal es ofrecer una fuente para quienes busquen datos y referencias bibliográficas sobre las traducciones de obras de Shakespeare publicadas por Losada
Flyktingbarn och ungdomar i Sverige - Förekomst av trauma, dissociativa symtom och posttraumatisk stress i relation till rapporterad anknytning och upplevt socialt stöd
Flyktingbarn och –ungdomar är en grupp som löper stor risk för psykisk ohälsa, i och med de potentiellt traumatiserande upplevelser som krig och flykt ofta innebär. Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka förekomst av potentiellt traumatiserande upplevelser, dissociativa symtom och posttraumatisk stress hos flyktingbarn och - ungdomar (n = 32) i en svensk kontext, samt hur rapporterat anknytningsmönster och upplevt socialt stöd relaterade till denna förekomst. Utöver detta undersöktes eventuella könsskillnader, samt hur rapporterad fattigdom under uppväxten och socioekonomisk status (SES) relaterade till trauma, dissociativa symtom och posttraumatisk stress. Data samlades in på skolor i en större svensk stad. Resultatet visade på att alla deltagare hade upplevt minst ett krigs- och flyktrelaterat trauma, samt tre eller fler interpersonella sådana. En fjärdedel av deltagarna skattade i nivå med indikerad patologisk dissociation, och 40,6% i nivå med indikerad PTSD-diagnos. Studien visade också på ett starkt samband mellan potentiell traumatiserande upplevelser och dissociativa symtom, samt på att trygg anknytning fungerar som en skyddande faktor i sambandet mellan krigs- och flykttrauma och dissociativa symtom. Fattigdom och SES korrelerade båda med trauma
Lack of association in acne and salivary testosterone
The pathogenesis of acne vulgaris has only been partially elucidated. Various hormones, especially androgens, are likely to play a role, but results of studies are still inconclusive. The objective of the current study was to investigate whether day to day variation in salivary testosterone correlates with acne in males. Saliva samples were collected for 120 consecutive days from each of the 40 males. Salivary testosterone concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Facial acne lesions were assessed on a daily basis by photography by the participating males. Potential confounders’ (sexual intercourse, masturbation, physical exercise and disease) were also registered every day by the participants. A significant but weak association between salivary testosterone and acne was found (n = 4602, r = 0.031, P = 0.034). Elevated testosterone concentrations were associated with an increase in acne, but when testosterone concentrations were above twice the individual average, acne lesions paradoxically decreased. The current results indicate that daily fluctuations in salivary testosterone levels in males are associated with acne patterns, but the weak correlation suggests that the effect is too small to be of clinical significance. The analysis in the current study was complicated by a large number of days on which the participants had no acne, as well as the seemingly non-monotonic relation between testosterone and acne. This may indicate that the actual relation is stronger than concluded here
Гомельское Православное Братство: вехи истории
Материалы VIIІ междунар. науч. конф., 23-24 мая 2013 г
Способы повышения точности дозирования противогололедных материалов комбинированными дорожными машинами
Материалы XIX Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 25–26 апр. 2019 г
Автоматизированное рабочее место мастера участка тяговых подстанций КУП «Горэлектротранспорт»
Background: The elevated body swing test (EBST) is a behavioral test used to evaluate experimental stroke in rodents. The basic idea is that when the animal is suspended vertically by the tail, it will swing its head laterally to the left or right depending on lesion side. In a previous study from our lab using the EBST after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo), rats swung contralateral to the infarct day 1 post-MCAo, but ipsilateral day 3 post-MCAo. This shift was unexpected and prompted us to perform the present study. First, the literature was systematically reviewed to elucidate whether a similar shift had been noticed before, and if consensus existed regarding swing direction. Secondly, an experiment was conducted to systematically investigate the suggested behavior. Eighty-three adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to MCAo or sham surgery and the EBST was performed up to 7 days after the lesion. Results: Both experimentally and through systematic literature review, the present study shows that the direction of biased swing activity in the EBST for rodents after cerebral ischemia can differ and even shift over time in some situations. The EBST curve for females was significantly different from that of males after the same occlusion time (p = 0.023). Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of adequate reporting of behavioral tests for lateralization and it is concluded that the EBST cannot be recommended as a test for motor asymmetry after MCAo in rats.Funding Agencies|Region Ostergotland/Linkoping University, Sweden</p
Towards a fragility assessment of a concrete column exposed to a real fire – Tisova Fire Test
Fires can cause substantial damage to structures, both non-structural and structural, with economic losses of almost 1% GDP in developed countries. Whilst design codes allow engineers to design for the primary design driver, property protection is rarely, if ever, designed for. Quantification and design around property protection has been used for some time in the seismic community, particularly the PEER framework and fragility analyses. Fragility concepts have now started to be researched predominantly for steel-composite structures, however, there has been little to no research into the quantification of property protection for concrete structures, whether in design or in post-fire assessments of fire damaged structures. This paper presents selected results from the thermal environment around, and the thermal response of, a concrete column from a large scale structural fire test conducted in Tisova, Czech Republic, inside a four-storey concrete frame building, with concrete and composite deck floors. From the results of the fire test, assessments of the fire intensity are made and used to model the potential thermal profiles within the concrete column and the implications that high temperature might have on the post-fire response of the concrete column. These thermal profiles are then used to assess the reduction of the columns cross-sectional area and are compared to a quantified damage scale for concrete columns exposed to fire. This analyses presented herein will also show that common methods of defining fire intensity through equivalent fire durations do not appropriately account for the complexities of the thermal and structural response of concrete columns exposed to a travelling fire
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