153 research outputs found

    Dietary intake and risk of asthma in children and adults : protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Diet has been proposed to modulate the risk of asthma in children and adults. An increasing body of epidemiological studies have been published in the last year investigating the association between dietary intake and asthma. As part of the Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline Task Force on 'Lifestyle Interventions in Allergy and Asthma' funded by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, we will use a systematic approach to review the evidence from published scientific literature on dietary intake and asthma in children and adults. Methods: This systematic review will be carried out following the PRISMA guidelines. The protocol has been published in PROSPERO (CRD42016036078). We will review the evidence from epidemiological studies in children (from the age of 2 years) and adults and dietary intake of foods and nutrients. Discussion: The findings from this review will be used as a reference to inform guideline recommendations.Peer reviewe

    Quality management in coastal container liner shipping from the point of view of cost management

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    S ciljem poboljšanja upravljanja kvalitetom i sigurnošću u pomorskom prometu međunarodne pomorske organizacije propisale su i uvele mnoga pravila i standarde. U posljednje vrijeme ta pravila i standardi dodatno su se postrožili sa svrhom uklanjanja podstandardnih brodova i brodara iz pomorstva. Primjena tih novih pravila i standarda upravljanja sigurnošću i kvalitetom na brodovima iziskuje od brodara povećane troškove. Troškovi upravljanja kvalitetom imaju sve značajniji udio u troškovima poslovanja brodara. Iz tog razloga uobičajenoj podjeli troškova broda na fiksne i komercijalne troškove te troškove goriva i maziva potrebno je dodati i troškove upravljanja kvalitetom. Zahvaljujući takvoj podjeli troškova, brodaru je omogućeno preciznije upravljanje troškovima poslovanja te planiranje poslovnih odluka.In order to improve quality and safety management in maritime transport the International Maritime Organization has brought in a large number of regulations and standards. Those rules and standards have lately become stricter in order to remove sub-standard vessels and shipping operators from the market. Application of the new regulations and standards regarding quality and safety management on board a vessel has incurred additional costs on shipping operators. Quality management costs are an increasingly important part of a shipping operator’s business costs. For that reason the common division of vessel costs into fixed costs, commercial costs and fuelling costs should be added quality management costs. Thanks to such a division of costs shipping operators can have more efficient business cost management and more accurate business plans

    Capture Hi-C identifies a novel causal gene, IL20RA, in the pan-autoimmune genetic susceptibility region 6q23.

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    BACKGROUND: The identification of causal genes from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is the next important step for the translation of genetic findings into biologically meaningful mechanisms of disease and potential therapeutic targets. Using novel chromatin interaction detection techniques and allele specific assays in T and B cell lines, we provide compelling evidence that redefines causal genes at the 6q23 locus, one of the most important loci that confers autoimmunity risk. RESULTS: Although the function of disease-associated non-coding single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 6q23 is unknown, the association is generally assigned to TNFAIP3, the closest gene. However, the DNA fragment containing the associated SNPs interacts through chromatin looping not only with TNFAIP3, but also with IL20RA, located 680 kb upstream. The risk allele of the most likely causal SNP, rs6927172, is correlated with both a higher frequency of interactions and increased expression of IL20RA, along with a stronger binding of both the NFκB transcription factor and chromatin marks characteristic of active enhancers in T-cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the importance of gene assignment for translating GWAS findings into biologically meaningful mechanisms of disease and potential therapeutic targets; indeed, monoclonal antibody therapy targeting IL-20 is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, both with strong GWAS associations to this region

    Blood and sputum eosinophils in COPD; relationship with bacterial load.

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    BACKGROUND: Sputum and blood eosinophil counts predict corticosteroid effects in COPD patients. Bacterial infection causes increased airway neutrophilic inflammation. The relationship of eosinophil counts with airway bacterial load in COPD patients is uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that bacterial load and eosinophil counts are inversely related. METHODS: COPD patients were seen at stable state and exacerbation onset. Sputum was processed for quantitative polymerase chain reaction detection of the potentially pathogenic microorganisms (PPM) H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis and S. pneumoniae. PPM positive was defined as total load ≥1 × 104copies/ml. Sputum and whole blood were analysed for differential cell counts. RESULTS: At baseline, bacterial counts were not related to blood eosinophils, but sputum eosinophil % was significantly lower in patients with PPM positive compared to PPM negative samples (medians: 0.5% vs. 1.25% respectively, p = 0.01). Patients with PPM positive samples during an exacerbation had significantly lower blood eosinophil counts at exacerbation compared to baseline (medians: 0.17 × 109/L vs. 0.23 × 109/L respectively, p = 0.008), while no blood eosinophil change was observed with PPM negative samples. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate an inverse relationship between bacterial infection and eosinophil counts. Bacterial infection may influence corticosteroid responsiveness by altering the profile of neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation

    vero cells infected with SARS CoV2 slices 11-20 of 20 slices

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    Vero cells infected with SARS COV 2 at Bristol University march 2020 slices 11-20 form a 20 slice gel with no quant. matched to a dRNAseq dataset done at the same time

    Phosphoprotoemics for SARS COV 2 infected VeroE6 cells

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    Vero cells infected with SARS CoV 2 at Bristol University March 2020 this phospho preoteome is matched with fastq data and a total proteom

    SARS-CoV-2 in vero cells, no quantitation, slices 1-10 of 20 CHYMOTRYPSIN digested

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    Vero cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 total proteome digested with chymotrypsin, this data was generated on the same samples digested with trypsin and published originally in BioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.22.002204v

    Vero cells infected with SARS CoV 2 no quantitation slices 1-10 of 20

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    Slices 1 -10 of 20 slices from a gel. Vero cells infected with SARS CoV2 at Bristol University march 202

    Chadox HIV vaccine data

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    FASTq files from analysis of candidate HIV vaccine