417 research outputs found

    Application of the relocation-error distribution on geomagnetic databases. Analyses on the «Historical Italian Geomagnetic Data Catalogue»

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    The reliability of the Historical Italian Geomagnetic Data Catalogue, comprising 536 directions and 393 intensities, has been assessed by comparing the historical geomagnetic measurements with the GUFM1 model predictions. Such measurements were assessed at three selected relocation centres. For all the data contained in the Catalogue it has been calculated the discrepancy between the relocated data and the GUFM1-model prediction at the relocation centres. There is a correlation between relocation distance and the mean discrepancy. The upper limit of discrepancy assumable as relocation error has been selected using error distributions previously calculated using geomagnetic field models. Angular and intensity threshold lines have been slightly shifted upwards to account for the estimated error of GUFM1 model itself at the considered region, mainly due to the crustal field. The Italian database proved to contain reliable data, as only a very low percentage of data (namely 14 directions and 20 intensities) can be considered anomalous. Possible explanations for such questionable data are suggested. All the remaining data of this catalogue could thus be added to the databases used to produce regional or global geomagnetic models

    En arqueomagnetisme ho podem fer millor

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    El trasllat de dades geomagnètiques al llarg de distàncies de centenars de quilòmetres, suposant que el camp terrestre és dipolar, és una pràctica comuna en arqueomagnetisme. Els errors associats a procedir d'aquesta manera gairebé mai es tenen en compte. Aquest treball analitza la distribució d'aquests errors en l'espai i en el temps i n'extreu conclusions útils per als arqueomagnetistes.El traslado de datos geomagnéticos a lo largo de distancias de centenares de kilómetros suponiendo que el campo terrestre es dipolar es una práctica común en arqueomagnetismo. Los errores asociados a proceder de esta manera casi nunca se tienen en cuenta. Este trabajo analiza la distribución de estos errores en el espacio y el tiempo y extrae conclusiones útiles para los arqueomagnetistas.The relocation of geomagnetic data across distances of hundreds of kilometers and assuming a dipolar geomagnetic field is a common practice in archaeomagnetism. The errors due to this practice are rarely taken into account. This work analyses the time and space distribution of these errors and some useful conclusions for archaeomagnetists have been highlighted

    Time-to-digital converters and histogram builders in SPAD arrays for pulsed-LiDAR

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    Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a 3D imaging technique widely used in many applications such as augmented reality, automotive, machine vision, spacecraft navigation and landing. Pulsed-LiDAR is one of the most diffused LiDAR techniques which relies on the measurement of the round-trip travel time of an optical pulse back-scattered from a distant target. Besides the light source and the detector, Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) are fundamental components in pulsed-LiDAR systems, since they allow to measure the back-scattered photon arrival times and their performance directly impact on LiDAR system requirements (i.e., range, precision, and measurements rate). In this work, we present a review of recent TDC architectures suitable to be integrated in SPAD-based CMOS arrays and a review of data processing solutions to derive the TOF information. Furthermore, main TDC parameters and processing techniques are described and analyzed considering pulsed-LiDAR requirements

    correlating imaging parameters with molecular data an integrated approach to improve the management of breast cancer patients

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    The goal of this review is to provide an overview of the studies aimed at integrating imaging parameters with molecular biomarkers for improving breast cancer patient's diagnosis and prognosis. The use of diagnostic imaging to extract quantitative parameters related to the morphology, metabolism, and functionality of tumors, as well as their correlation with cancer tissue biomarkers is an emerging research topic. Thanks to the development of imaging biobanks and the technological tools required for extraction of imaging parameters including radiomic features, it is possible to integrate imaging markers with genetic data. This new field of study represents the evolution of radiology–pathology correlation from an anatomic–histologic level to a genetic level, which paves new interesting perspectives for breast cancer management

    Agar hydrogel with silver nanoparticles to prolong the shelf life of Fior di Latte cheese.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of an antimicrobial packaging system containing active nanoparticles on the quality deterioration of Fior di Latte cheese. To this aim, 3 concentrations of silver montmorillonite embedded in agar were used. The cell loads of spoilage and useful microorganisms were monitored during a refrigerated storage period. Moreover, cheese sensory quality (i.e., odor, color, consistency, and overall quality) was evaluated by means of a panel test. Results showed that the active packaging system markedly increased the shelf life of Fior di Latte cheese, due to the ability of silver cations to control microbial proliferation, without affecting the functional dairy microbiota and the sensory characteristics of the product. The active packaging system developed in this work could be used to prolong the shelf life of Fior di Latte and boost its distribution beyond local market borders

    Direct interactions among Ret, GDNF and GFRalpha1 molecules reveal new insights into the assembly of a functional three-protein complex.

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    The glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) ligand activates the Ret receptor through the assembly of a multiprotein complex, including the GDNF family receptor α1 (GFRα1) molecule. Given the neuroprotective role of GDNF, there is an obvious need to precisely identify the structural regions engaged in direct interactions between the three molecules. Here, we combined a functional approach for Ret activity (in PC12 cells) to cross-linking experiments followed by MS-MALDI to study the interactions among the purified extracellular region of the human Ret, GDNF and GFRα1 molecules. This procedure allowed us to identify distinct regions of Ret that are physically engaged in the interaction with GDNF and GFRα1. The lack of these regions in a recombinant Ret form results in the failure of both structural and functional binding of Ret to GFRα1/GDNF complex. Furthermore, a model for the assembly of a transducing-competent Ret complex is suggeste

    Active systems based on silver-montmorillonite nanoparticles embedded into bio-based polymer matrices for packaging applications.

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    Silver-montmorillonite (Ag-MMT) antimicrobial nanoparticles were obtained by allowing silver ions from nitrate solutions to replace the Na(+) of natural montmorillonite and to be reduced by thermal treatment. The Ag-MMT nanoparticles were embedded in agar, zein, and poly(ε-caprolactone) polymer matrices. These nanocomposites were tested in vitro with a three-strain cocktail of Pseudomonas spp. to assess antimicrobial effectiveness. The results indicate that Ag-MMT nanoparticles embedded into agar may have antimicrobial activity against selected spoilage microorganisms. No antimicrobial effects were recorded with active zein and poly(ε-caprolactone). The water content of the polymeric matrix was the key parameter associated with antimicrobial effectiveness of this active system intended for food packaging applications

    Genetic diversity and variability in two Italian autochthonous donkey genetic types assessed by microsatellite markers

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    Since 13rd century, Italian domestic autochthonous donkey population has been characterised by Mediterranean grey mousy cruciate ancestral phenotype, currently typical of Amiata donkey (AD) genetic type. This phenotype persisted up to the 16th century when a marked introduction of Hispanic and French big sized and dark bay or darkish coloured sires occurred. In the context of a safeguard programme of Latial Equide resources, the aim of this research was to evaluate the genetic diversity and similarity between the AD breed and an autochthonous donkey population native from Lazio, the Viterbese donkey (VD), using molecular markers. A total of 135 animals (50 AD and 85 VD) were genetically characterised by using 16 short tandem repeat markers. A high genetic differentiation between populations (FST=0.158; P<0.01) and a low betweenbreeds genetic similarity (0.233±0.085) were observed. Correspondence analysis, the result of STRUCTURE software analysis and analysis of molecular variance would seem to indicate genetically different entities as well. It would be desirable to increase the number of comparison with other breeds to better understand the origin of VD. Moreover, results obtained in this study suggest that the loss of genetic variation observed in VD could mainly derive from unnoticed sub-population structuring (Wahlund effect), rather than to other factors such as inbreeding, null alleles or selection influence

    Genetic diversity and variability in two Italian autochthonous donkey genetic types assessed by microsatellite markers

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    Since 13rd century, Italian domestic autochthonous donkey population has been characterised by Mediterranean grey mousy cruciate ancestral phenotype, currently typical of Amiata donkey (AD) genetic type. This phenotype persisted up to the 16th century when a marked introduction of Hispanic and French big sized and dark bay or darkish coloured sires occurred. In the context of a safeguard programme of Latial Equide resources, the aim of this research was to evaluate the genetic diversity and similarity between the AD breed and an autochthonous donkey population native from Lazio, the Viterbese donkey (VD), using molecular markers. A total of 135 animals (50 AD and 85 VD) were genetically characterised by using 16 short tandem repeat markers. A high genetic differentiation between populations (FST=0.158; P&lt;.01) and a low between-breeds genetic similarity (0.233±0.085) were observed. Correspondence analysis, the result of STRUCTURE software analysis and analysis of molecular variance would seem to indicate genetically different entities as well. It would be desirable to increase the number of comparison with other breeds to better understand the origin of VD. Moreover, results obtained in this study suggest that the loss of genetic variation observed in VD could mainly derive from unnoticed sub-population structuring (Wahlund effect), rather than to other factors such as inbreeding, null alleles or selection influence