795 research outputs found


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    Arrhythmia is a cardiac rhythm disorder that can be fatal. Its treatment includes ablation of the cardiac tissue and/or defibrillation. Advances are being made for both treatment options to localize the culprit region and apply therapy directly where it is needed. However, success rates have been inconsistent, with frequent arrhythmia recurrence. A likely reason is the limited current resolution of mapping devices, that averages 4 mm. Higher resolution may improve localization of arrhythmia drivers, termed rotors, and consequently improve efficacy of treatment. This study evaluates the effects of spatial resolution on arrhythmia dynamics, rotor tracking, and rotor localization. Optical data from ex vivo human hearts was used, being clinically relevant and with ultra-high spatial resolution. To simulate different resolutions, original data was downsampled bymultiple factors and upsampled back to full resolution. Rotors were tracked for each sub-resolution and compared to the rotors in the original data. Further comparisons were made according to arrhythmia type, sex, anatomical region, and mapped surface. Accuracy profiles were created for both rotor detection and localization, describing how accuracy changed with spatial resolution and spatial accuracy. Rotor detection accuracy for currently used mapping devices was found to be 57±4%. Localization accuracy is 61±7%. Detection accuracy was above 80% only for a resolution of 1.4 mm. Moreover, the detection and localization accuracies were affected by arrhythmia type, and rotor incidence was found to be higher in the endocardium. Therefore, current clinical rotor detection and localization accuracies can be expected to fall within a confidence interval of 47-67% and 46-75%, respectively. This means that a higher spatial resolution is needed in cardiac mapping devices than what is currently available. For high accuracy, a resolution of at least 1.4 mm is required. The accuracy profiles provided in this thesis may serve as a guideline for future mapping device developmentArritmia é um distúrbio do ritmo cardíaco que pode ser fatal. O seu tratamento passa por ablação do tecido cardíaco e/ou desfibrilhação. Tem havido progressos em ambas as opções para localizar a região afetada e aplicar a terapia diretamente onde é requerida. Contudo, a taxa de sucesso tem sido inconsistente, com frequente recorrência das arritmias. Uma razão provável é a limitada resolução atual dos dispositivos de mapeamento, sendo, em média, de 4 mm. Uma maior resolução poderá melhorar a localização de catalisadores de arritmias, designados por rotores, e, consequentemente, melhorar a eficácia do tratamento. Este estudo avalia os efeitos da resolução espacial na dinâmica de arritmias e na localização e deteção de rotores. Dados óticos de corações humanos ex vivo foram usados, tendo alta resolução espacial e sendo clinicamente relevantes. De modo a simular diferentes resoluções, os dados recolhidos foram downsampled por vários fatores e upsampled de volta para a resolução original. Os rotores foram monitorizados para cada sub-resolução e comparados com os rotores dos dados originais. Outras comparações foram feitas em consideração com tipo de arritmia, sexo, região anatómica e superfície mapeada. Perfis de exatidão foram criados para a deteção e localização de rotores, de forma a descrever as alterações na exatidão face à resolução especial e exatidão espacial. A exatidão da deteção de rotores para os atuais dispositivos de mapeamento é de 57±4%. A exatidão da localização é de 61±7%. A precisão da deteção foi acima de 80% apenas para uma resolução de 1,4 mm. Adicionalmente, as exatidões de deteção e localização foram afetadas pelo tipo de arritmia e a incidência de rotores é maior no endocárdio. Portanto, as atuais exatidões clínicas de deteção e localização de rotores encontram-se num intervalo de confiança de 47-67% e 46-75%, respetivamente. Ou seja, é necessária uma maior resolução espacial nos dispositivos cardíacos de mapeamento do que existe atualmente. Para uma alta precisão, é necessária uma resolução de pelo menos 1.4 mm. Os perfis de exatidão disponibilizados nesta tese poderão servir como diretriz para o futuro desenvolvimento de dispositivos médicos de mapeamento cardíaco

    Sensory marketing in health clubs: Importance of the senses in acquisition, retention and cancellation of memberships

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    The number of health clubs in Portugal have been growing over the years. However, this growth leads to more market competition and less opportunities to differentiate the services provided. The sensorial marketing has increasingly been used in services to create a different experience for consumers. Here, we present a marketing strategy to determine if a sensorial approach can be relevant in the acquisition, retention and cancelation of memberships in health clubs. To accomplish this objective two research strategies were carried out, one focused on the concepts from relevant literature and another one on empirical research, through quantitative method, questionnaire. From the empirical research, three groups of respondents depending on the health club situation were formed – are enrolled, were enrolled but are not anymore and never been enrolled. Our findings suggested that senses’ relevancy is correlated with age but not with gender. Moreover, and according to respondents who are enrolled, senses are not statically related to the frequency of members go to the health club, as well as, not being a cancellation factor. Regarding respondent’s opinion about senses, smell and touch are the most and least important ones for consumers in health clubs, respectively. Furthermore, and regardless the group, not smelling from sweat and smelling from sweat are the stimuli that positively and negatively influence respondent’s perception of health clubs, respectively. Overall the results show that this strategy could positively influence the perception and experience in the health club but is not a decisive factor to choose.O número de health clubs em Portugal tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Este crescimento leva a uma maior competitividade no mercado e menos oportunidades para diferenciar o serviço prestado. O marketing sensorial tem sido cada vez mais utilizado em serviços, para criar uma experiência diferente para os consumidores. Através da pesquisa desenvolvida e recolha de informação, propomos uma estratégia de marketing para determinar o grau de relevância de uma abordagem sensorial na aquisição, retenção e cancelamento de inscrições em health clubs. Para tal, duas abordagens de pesquisa, uma focada em conceitos pertinentes da literatura, outra numa pesquisa empírica, através de método quantitativo, questionário. Do estudo empírico, três grupos de respondentes foram formados, dependendo da situação no health club – está inscrito, já esteve inscrito e nunca esteve. As principais conclusões sugerem que a relevância dos sentidos está correlacionada com a idade, mas não com o sexo do respondente. Além disso, de acordo com os que estão inscritos, estatisticamente não existe uma relação entre os sentidos e a frequência com que frequenta o health club, não influenciando um eventual cancelamento. Em relação à opinião sobre os sentidos, o olfato e o tato são considerados respetivamente o mais e o menos importante. Além disso, independentemente do grupo, não cheirar a suor e o cheiro a suor, são os estímulos que influenciam positiva e negativamente a perceção dos respondentes. Concluindo, os resultados mostram que esta estratégia pode influenciar positivamente a perceção e a experiência no health club, não sendo, contudo, um fator decisório

    A bordo do “Tapete Voador”: Histórias e Aprendizagem no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    O presente relatório científico surgiu no âmbito da Prática do Ensino Supervisionada (PES), no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do E. Básico na Escola Superior de Educadores de Infância Maria Ulrich. Este visa refletir o percurso da prática pedagógica e o que foi observado durante a mesma, numa turma de 1º e 2º ano do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB), mas também descrever o estudo realizado para responder a problemática que emergiu naquele contexto e que consiste em compreender como podem as histórias constituir contextos catalisadores de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. A metodologia da investigação é qualitativa e os dados foram recolhidos através de observação registada em notas de campo, a partir de atividades de fruição da leitura e da narração mas também do desenvolvimento de aprendizagens curriculares planeadas em roteiro multidisciplinar, a partir do tempo e do espaço, das personagens e das peripécias da narrativa como transitividade para o conhecimento do real. Com o quadro teórico e os dados analisados concluí que as histórias contribuem para o desenvolvimento da criança de forma integral, que contêm potencialidades de desencadear motivação para o processo de aprendizagem e que mobilizam conhecimentos tendo um caracter multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar satisfazendo os objetivos curriculares e as intencionalidades pedagógicas nas diversas áreas, incluindo a área das expressões

    Painted ceramics of "Carambolo type" in Beira Interior (Portugal)

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    A partir de un pequeño conjunto de fragmentos cerámicos con decoración pintada, de tipo Carambolo, identificados en 5 yacimientos de la región de Beira Interior sometidos a excavaciones arqueológicas, los autores plantean varias consideraciones sobre el significado y las implicaciones culturales de esos materiales, poco usuales en la región. Se trata del primer estudio de fondo realizado en Portugal sobre este tipo de cerámicas, en el que se discuten, de forma exhaustiva, sus aspectos técnicos, morfológicos, decorativos y simbólicos. El análisis de la pigmentación de las cerámicas, por fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF), difracción de rayos X (XRD) y espectroscopia microRaman (µ-Raman), permite decir que está compuesta en su totalidad por ocre rojo. Con base en la integración de los datos y su articulación con fechas de 14Carbono, algunas inéditas, se propone que el encuadramiento cronológico de estas cerámicas remonte a los finales de la Edad del Bronce, aunque en determinados casos alcance la Primera Edad del Hierro. Se plantean algunas cuestiones relativas a la potencial producción local, o exógena, de estas cerámicas y su significado como expresión de contactos entre Andalucía y el Centro del territorio portugués.From a small set of ceramic fragments with Carambolo type painted decoration, identified in 5 settlements of the Beira Interior region, subject to archaeological interventions, the authors make several considerations about the meaning and cultural implications of these materials, uncommon in the region. This is the first substantive study carried out in Portugal on this type of ceramics, in which the technical, morphological, decorative and symbolic aspects are fully discussed. Ceramic pigmentation analysis by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and micro-Raman (µ-Raman) spectroscopy, allows to say that it is composed in its entirety by red ochre. Based on the integration of the data and its articulation with dates of 14Carbono, some unpublished, it is proposed that the chronological framing of these ceramics goes back to the Late Bronze Age, although in certain cases reaches the Early Iron Age. There are still some questions regarding the local or exogenous production of these ceramics and their significance as an expression of contacts between Andalusia and the Centre of Portuguese territory.QREN-Mais Centro ICT-2009-02-012-198

    Social support from developmental contexts and adolescent substance use and well-being: a comparative study of Spain and Portugal

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the contribution of social support from family, friend and school (teacher and classmate) contexts in substance use (tobacco and alcohol use) and well-being (life satisfaction and health-related quality of life). Participants were 5,784 Portuguese and 22,610 Spanish adolescents aged 11 to 16 years, from the 2014 edition of the Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in Portugal and Spain. Results showed that for a higher life satisfaction, family ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .032), teacher ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .018) and classmate ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .031) support were important in Portugal, and family ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .056) and friend ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .015) support in Spain. Similarly, for a better health-related quality of life, all the social support variables were relevant in Portugal (family: p < .001, partial η 2 = .063; teacher: p < .001, partial η 2 = .032; classmate: p < .001, partial η 2 = .054; friend: p < .001, partial η 2 = .034) and in Spain (family: p < .001, partial η 2 = .054; teacher: p < .001, partial η 2 = .014; classmate: p < .001, partial η 2 = .018; friend: p < .001, partial η 2 = .040). In contrast, only family support ( p < .001, partial η 2 = .014) was relevant in Portugal for tobacco use. Therefore, social support was more relevant for adolescent well-being than for adolescent substance use, and the most relevant source of support was family support, in both Spain and Portugal

    Condylar form alteration on skeletal class II patients that underwent orthognathic surgery : an overview of systematic reviews

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    Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) is commonly considered as the surgical technique of election for the treatment of skeletal class II with mandibular hypoplasia. After orthognathic surgery, condylar resorption can occur as a surgical relapse, which may affect the temporomandibular joint. Objective: This study aimed to summarise published systematic review that assess if orthognathic surgery with mandibular advancement performed on skeletal class II patients results in condylar form alteration. A literature search was performed using the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Embase along with several sources of grey literature. Selection Criteria: Inclusion criteria were systematic reviews published until December 2019, of skeletal class II patients aged more than 18 years old that underwent BSSO with mandibular advancement surgery. Data collection: The electronic search identified 37 publications. Four publications fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were included in this meta-analysis. Qualitative assessment of the selected studies was performed using the Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews ? AMSTAR 2 checklist. Four systematic reviews were included in this review. Despite its low incidence all studies reported condylar resorption. However, there were methodological limitations in all assessed articles. The alteration of the condylar form may be a consequence of BSSO with mandibular advancement surgery. Additional high quality prospective research assisted by 3D-imaging technology is needed to allow more definite conclusions

    Condylar response to large mandibular advancement combined with maxillary impaction and counterclockwise rotation : a computed tomographic study

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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in the evaluation of the condylar position, angulation and intercondylar distance and assess the changes in these parameters before and after bimaxillary surgery, preformed with the critical movments of Le Fort I osteotomy (for impaction of the maxilla and conterclockwise rotation of the upper occlusal plane) and Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO) for mandibular advancement (> 8mm). Twenty class II patients successfully treated with BSSO of the mandible, in conjunction with Le Fort I osteotomy, were studied to evaluate the condylar changes before and after surgery. The position of the condyle was classified according to the Pullinger & Hollender?s formula in both phases. A MANOVA analysis followed by post-hoc tests were conducted to ascertain if there were statistically significant differences between pre and post surgical variables under study. The agreement of the condylar position?s classification was evaluated resorting to the Kappa statistics. There were no statistically significant differences between the values of the position and angulation of the condyles and intercondylar distance before and after surgery. There was an increase of the axial angle of the left condyle and the frontal angle of both condyles, while there was a decrease of the axial angle of the right condyle, the sagittal angle of both condyles and intercondylar distance. The CBCT is a useful method for assessing variations of condylar position in detail. It was verified that the critical movements of maxillary impaction associated with the mandibular advancement do not produce significant alterations in the mandibular condyles, however, these tend to perform a posterior and inferior movement

    Distraction osteogenesis in dog with a tooth-borne device : histological and histomorphometric analysis

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    The distraction osteogenesis (DO) is the biological process of new bone formation between the surfaces of bone segments gradually separated by incremental traction. However, the lack of solid experimental studies using the tooth-borne distractor does not allow comparing this technique with the classical procedures. This study aimed to establish the effect of two different activation protocols in new bone formation, with a new intraoral tooth-borne device for dog mandibular distraction osteogenesis. Nine beagle dogs were split into 3 similar groups, Group A the control, Group B subjected to two daily activations of 0.5 mm and Group C subjected to a single daily activation of 1 mm. The distraction period was 10 days followed by a 12 weeks consolidation period. Samples where then processed and embedded in methylmethacrylate and ground to a thickness of 20µm. Toluidine blue stains were done on all specimens and histological and histomorphometric evaluation of bone tissue formed within distraction gap was performed. The statistical analysis in this manuscript was performed with IBM®-SPSS® v.20 statistics software and R software version 3.1.0. The level of significance adopted was 5 % (?=0.05). No statistically significant difference was detected by histomorphometric evaluation between the two experimental groups in what concerns the bone volume. However, significant differences were found in the coefficients of variation between the medial and buccal areas, and the buccal and lingual areas. This study shows that the mandible can be lengthened successfully using a tooth-borne distractor. Moreover, it suggested that a decrease from once to twice-daily activations might negatively change the quality and structure of newly formed bone and prompt it to instability

    Inteligência artificial no local de trabalho : dimensões da sua intervenção

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    O objetivo global deste estudo consiste em perceber que visão têm as pessoas sobre a Inteligência Artificial (IA), o patamar onde se encontra e ainda que consequências futuras pensam que esta tecnologia terá, principalmente no que diz respeito ao seu impacto no local de trabalho. O tema tem vindo a conquistar espaço em diferentes ambientes de discussão e, como tal, várias questões são levantadas, debatidas e aprofundadas para melhor compreensão desta tecnologia e das suas implicações presentes e futuras. Embora existam várias definições associadas ao conceito de IA, são muitas as que estão de acordo quanto à capacidade que as máquinas têm de resolver problemas tal como os humanos o fariam – através das suas capacidades cognitivas. Uma forma de fundamentar o crescente interesse por esta tecnologia são os inúmeros estudos das consultoras e as publicações existentes nas diversas áreas/setores: desde a saúde, finanças, recursos humanos, retalho, manufaturação ou até o setor legal. De forma a dar seguimento ao objetivo proposto, foi realizado um estudo exploratório que utilizou como instrumento de recolha de dados um inquérito por questionário que foi respondido por 269 indivíduos. A informação armazenada relativa aos mesmos foi posteriormente analisada através de métodos estatísticos. Os resultados revelam que são poucos os cidadãos que não se sentem ameaçados pela inclusão da IA no local de trabalho: existe um receio que as tarefas desempenhadas por humanos sejam substituídas por robôs. Apesar disso, revelam-se otimistas quanto à possível existência de uma simbiose entre homens e máquinas no exercício de atividades laborais.The overall objective of this study is to understand what people know about Artificial Intelligence (AI), the state where AI is and what future consequences they think this technology will have, especially regarding to the impact on the workplace. The topic has been gaining ground in different discussion environments and several issues have been raised, debated and deepened to better understand this technology and its present and future implications. Although there are several definitions associated with the concept of AI, there are many who agree on the ability of machines to solve problems as humans would - through their cognitive abilities. One way of substantiating the growing interest in this technology is the numerous consultant studies and publications in different sectors: from health, finance, human resources, retail, manufacturing and even the legal sector. In order to follow up on the proposed objective, an exploratory study was carried out that used as a data collection instrument a questionnaire survey that was answered by 269 people. The stored information about them was later analyzed by statistical methods. The results show that there are few citizens who do not feel threatened by the inclusion of AI in the workplace: there is a fear that the tasks performed by humans will be replaced by robots. Despite this, they are optimistic about the possible existence of a symbiosis between men and machines in the exercise of work activities