209 research outputs found

    Aspectos teóricos, prácticos y legales de la anestesia de pequeños animales

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    Descripció del recurs: 26 abril 2011.Treball presentat a la Facultat de Veterinària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Multilayer perceptron as inverse model in a ground-based remote sensing temperature retrieval problem

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    In this paper, a combustion temperature retrieval approximation for high-resolution infrared ground-based measurements has been developed based on a multilayer perceptron (MLP) technique. The introduction of a selection subset of features is mandatory due to the problems related to the high dimensionality data and the worse performance of MLPs with this high input dimensionality. Principal component analysis is used to reduce the input data dimensionality, selecting the physically important features in order to improve MLP performance. The use of a priori physical information over other methods in the chosen feature’s phase has been tested and has appeared jointly with the MLP technique as a good alternative for this problem.Publicad


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    En este artículo se analizan los aspectos organizativos y socioeducativos que repercuten en el proceso de integración escolar que se está llevando a cabo en lacomuna de Santa Bárbara, en la VIII Región del Biobío (Chile). Se conceptualiza y analiza la situación de la integración escolar no solamente en Chile, tambiénen otros escenarios, para, luego, evidenciar las condicionantes socioeducativas que repercuten ampliamente en la educación como, por ejemplo, la pobreza causante de distintos tipos de vulnerabilidad. La metodología utilizada se fundamenta en el paradigma cualitativo. Hemos usado la entrevista con directivos yprofesionales de la educación como fuente de información junto con el análisisde documentos institucionales. Las conclusiones obtenidas permiten observar laexistencia de serias dificultades en la mayoría de las familias, como son: bajo nivel formativo de los padres, alto índice de alcoholismo, deprivación sociocultural,violencia familiar, ausencia de los padres en el hogar, pobreza extrema y falta de estimulación, entre otras, que inciden muy significativamente en el aprendizajede estos niños. Debe destacarse que la gran mayoría de los profesores está muy comprometido con la educación y el aprendizaje de estos niños, pero hay factores externos que perjudican la integración escolar

    Influence of Main Ocular Variables in #TheDress Perception: An Ophthalmic Survey.

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    The objective of this study is to study the influence of ocular variables in the perception of #thedress and to develop a logistic regression model that could help predict it. This is a cross-sectional study on 1,100 subjects. People who did not report one of the two main perceptions were excluded from the study. Dress perception was codified as 0 (white&gold) or 1 (black&blue). The association between dress perception and demographic and main ocular variables (age, gender, binocular visual acuity, grade of nuclear cataract, crystalline lens status [phakic/pseudophakic], spherical equivalent, and ocular health status) was tested using logistic regression. Receiver operation curves were used to test the predictive value of the model. Several variables were found to be related with dress perception. The best model included three variables—Age: adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 1.02 (1.01–1.03), p = 0.08; ocular refraction: adjusted OR = 1.07 (1.02–1.12), p = 0.009; and nuclear cataract grade: adjusted OR = 1.45 (1.05–1.99), p = 0.026. The predictive value of the model was low (area under the curve = 0.62). Older age, nuclear cataract grade, and hyperopia were associated with black&blue perception. The predictive capacity of the developed model was poor. Only a small proportion of the variability in the #thedress perception can be explained by ocular examination.post-print667 K

    Relación entre las necesidades psicológicas básicas y satisfacción académica en estudiantes de la Universidad de Antofagasta

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    La satisfacción académica de la comunidad estudiantil ha tomado relevancia dentro de las instituciones educativas debido a que entrega una valoración que permite conocer la experiencia del estudiante, la percepción que tienen acerca de los servicios, herramientas y recursos que se les proporciona, así como también de la calidad del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Es decir, abarca tanto las dimensiones académicas y administrativas que reflejan el bienestar psicológico personal de cada estudiante, siendo un factor clave para su adaptación y permanencia. Por otro lado, la teoría de la Autodeterminación (TAD) propuesta por Deci y Ryan en 1985, señala que existen tres necesidades psicológicas básicas principales (Autonomía, competencia y relación) que intervienen en el desempeño y en los niveles motivacionales de las personas. Este estudio busca establecer la relación existente entre las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la satisfacción académica de 382 estudiantes universitarios, mediante la aplicación de dos instrumentos; la Escala de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas y la Escala de Satisfacción Académica. Este estudio proporciona evidencias empíricas de la relación positiva que existe entre las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la satisfacción académica de la población estudiantil de la Universidad de Antofagasta, es decir que mientras la población estudiantil percibe y considera que sus necesidades de autonomía, competencia y relación están satisfechas también aumenta la satisfacción académica, lo que influye tanto en la valoración de los distintos factores que intervienen en los estudios universitarios como en el desempeño académico

    Efecto terapéutico de la biomodulina T homeopática con pacientes portadores de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    Se realizó un Ensayo Clínico Controlado, fase II, aleatorizado y abierto en el Centro de Investigaciones sobre Longevidad, Envejecimiento y Salud, durante el período comprendido entre el año 2008 y 2009, con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto terapéutico de la Biomodulina T en presentación homeopática, con pacientes adultos mayores portadores de Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica que sufrieran infección respiratoria a repetición. Se incluyó 100 pacientes, que dieron su consentimiento informado. Se distribuyeron en dos grupos: uno, recibió el tratamiento en estudio y el otro, el tratamiento control. La variable principal de respuesta fue la incidencia y severidad de sepsis respiratoria, durante y después del tratamiento. Se utilizó el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 13. La Biomodulina T en presentación homeopática tuvo buen efecto terapéutico en la reducción de infecciones respiratorias, así como en la disminución de las recidivas. Logró mejorar la comorbilidad en estos pacientes y mostró baja frecuencia de aparición de reacciones adversas.Palabras clave:Ensayo clínico, efecto terapéutico, biomodulina T, presentación homeopática</p

    Branchial cleft cysts: serie of 33 cases and review of the literature

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    Branchial cleft cysts develop because an anomaly in the caudal growth of the second arch over the third and the fourth ones. They usually present as an asymptomatic circumscribed movable mass, close to the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The location depends on the branchial pouch or cleft they are derived from. We present a retrospective study including 30 cases analysing epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment and complications. We obtained the following results: 15 of the 30 patients were females and 15 males. Age ranged from 19 to 81 years with an average of 40. All cysts had origin from the second branchial cleft. Twenty-three appeared as painless cervical masses, 5 were painful and 2 had an infection. Clinical suspicion of branchial cleft cyst formed in 23 cases. Computerized tomography and fine needle aspiration cytology was used in 18 cases, magnetic resonance alone in 1 and only ultrasound in 1. Branchial cleft cyst is a differential diagnosis of a lateral neck swelling mass and the most accurate diagnostic test is magnetic resonance, but computerized tomography is the most often performed in most hospitals. Treatment is surgical excision

    Perception of Medical Students on the Need for End-of-Life Care: A Q-Methodology Study

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    End-of-life care and the limitation of therapeutic effort are among the most controversial aspects of medical practice. Many subjective factors can influence decision-making regarding these issues. The Q methodology provides a scientific basis for the systematic study of subjectivity by identifying different thought patterns. This methodology was performed to find student profiles in 143 students at Cantabria University (Spain), who will soon deal with difficult situations related to this topic. A chi-square test was used to compare proportions. We obtained three profiles: the first seeks to ensure quality of life and attaches great importance to the patient's wishes; the second prioritizes life extension above anything else; the third incorporates the economic perspective into medical decision-making. Those who had religious beliefs were mostly included in profile 2 (48.8% vs. 7.3% in profile 1 and 43.9% in profile 3), and those who considered that their beliefs did not influence their ethical principles, were mainly included in profile 3 (48.5% vs. 24.7% in profile 1 and 26.8% in profile 2). The different profiles on end-of-life care amongst medical students are influenced by personal factors. Increasing the clinical experience of students with terminally ill patients would contribute to the development of knowledge-based opinion profiles and would avoid reliance on personal experiences.Funding: This research received a grant from the Spanish Minister of Education (Beca de colaboración

    Microtubule stabilization protects cognitive function and slows down the course of Alzheimer's like pathology in an amyloidogenic mouse model

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    Cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is highly related to synaptic dysfunction and neuronal loss. In AD, the hyperphosphorylation of tau compromises axonal transport and leads to the generation of dystrophic neurites, contributing to synaptic impairment. In addition to phospho-tau, AD brains accumulate amyloid-beta. This study evaluated the effect of the brain-penetrant microtubule-stabilizing agent, Epothilone D (EpoD) in the progression of the disease in a double transgenic mouse model of amyloidosis. Young APP/PS1 mice were weekly treated with intraperitoneal injections of EpoD (2 mg/kg) or vehicle solution for 3 months. Memory performance was tested using object-recognition tasks, Y-maze and Morris water maze. EpoD-treated mice improved their performance of cognitive tests, while hippocampal phospho-tau and Aβ levels, especially soluble oligomers, decreased significantly. β/γ-secretase activities were not affected by EpoD in vitro. A significant amelioration of synaptic/neuritic pathology was found. Remarkably, EpoD exerted a neuroprotective effect on SOM-interneurons, a highly AD-vulnerable GABAergic subpopulation. In conclusion, EpoD improved microtubule dynamics and axonal transport in an AD-like context, reducing tau and Abeta accumulation, and promoting neuronal and cognitive protection. These results underline the crosstalk between cytoskeleton pathology and proteinopathy. Therefore, microtubule-stabilizing drugs could be candidates for slowing AD progression at both tau and Aβ pathologies.Supported by PI18/01557 (to AG) and PI18/01556 (to JV) grants from ISCiii of Spain, co-financed by FEDER funds from European Union, CIBERNED collaborative grant (to AG and JV), and by PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/26 grant (to RSV). Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech