41,426 research outputs found

    Brownian coagulation and a version of Smoluchowski's equation on the circle

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    We introduce a one-dimensional stochastic system where particles perform independent diffusions and interact through pairwise coagulation events, which occur at a nontrivial rate upon collision. Under appropriate conditions on the diffusion coefficients, the coagulation rates and the initial distribution of particles, we derive a spatially inhomogeneous version of the mass flow equation as the particle number tends to infinity. The mass flow equation is in one-to-one correspondence with Smoluchowski's coagulation equation. We prove uniqueness for this equation in a broad class of solutions, to which the weak limit of the stochastic system is shown to belong.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AAP633 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    NACCS Scholar Introduction - Hurtado

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    Properties of interaction networks underlying the minority game

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    The minority game is a well-known agent-based model with no explicit interaction among its agents. However, it is known that they interact through the global magnitudes of the model and through their strategies. In this work we have attempted to formalize the implicit interactions among minority game agents as if they were links on a complex network. We have defined the link between two agents by quantifying the similarity between them. This link definition is based on the information of the instance of the game (the set of strategies assigned to each agent at the beginning) without any dynamic information on the game and brings about a static, unweighed and undirected network. We have analyzed the structure of the resulting network for different parameters, such as the number of agents ( N ) and the agent's capacity to process information ( m ) , always taking into account games with two strategies per agent. In the region of crowd effects of the model, the resulting networks structure is a small-world network, whereas in the region where the behavior of the minority game is the same as in a game of random decisions, networks become a random network of Erdos-Renyi. The transition between these two types of networks is slow, without any peculiar feature of the network in the region of the coordination among agents. Finally, we have studied the resulting static networks for the full strategy minority game model, a maximal instance of the minority game in which all possible agents take part in the game. We have explicitly calculated the degree distribution of the full strategy minority game network and, on the basis of this analytical result, we have estimated the degree distribution of the minority game network, which is in accordance with computational results.Fil: Caridi, Délida Inés. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Cálculo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    A Discordant Voice from the Trenches: Juan José de Soiza Reilly's War Chronicles

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    The First World War represented a deep crisis of the European civilization that called into question the values and certitudes of the Belle Époque society. Trenches became the symbol of the dehumanization produced by a conflict that marked a watershed in modern history. As a global conflict, its impact was felt beyond the confines of Europe, involving even neutral countries, puzzled by that unexpected spectacle of violence. In this new scenery, war correspondents were first-hand witnesses of the horrors of the battlefields, transmitted through their journalistic contributions to a public opinion profoundly shaken by this new kind of warfare. Non-European war correspondents were exceptional cultural mediators between the experiences of the theater of war and distant regions like Latin America, contributing to disseminate different understandings of the wartime crisis. This article aims to explore the response of the Argentine war correspondent Juan José de Soiza Reilly (1879-1959) to the challenge of making the nature of the Great War intelligible to his readers. He embodied the new figure of the professional journalist-writer who contributed to establishing commercial mass press as the fulcrum of Argentine cultural life and as the field of convergence of literature and journalism at the beginning of the twentieth century. The primary sources of this study are Soiza Reilly’s war chronicles, published by two large circulation periodicals, the newspaper La Nación and the illustrated magazine Fray Mocho, from October 1914 to October 1916. Those contributions were the result of his more than two years’ experience in the Western and Eastern fronts. Soiza Reilly’s perspectives on the First World War were clearly unconventional for his national framework, where most of the intellectuals and the press took sides early in favor of the Allies, due to the deep-rooted Francophilia prevailing in Argentine cultural field. As a result, they devoted themselves to arguing over the question of the war responsibilities and the belligerents’ attributes. Unlike them, Soiza Reilly denounced the absurdity of the war, which he strongly condemned, and made a pacifist profession of faith. In addition, far from the Argentine social consensus, he was often critical of the Allies and sympathetic to the German Empire. However, since Italy’s entry into the war in May 1915, Soiza Reilly adopted a belligerent attitude in favor of the Allies, expressing an intense admiration for Italy and a virulent anti-Austrian sentiment. These two last features were very unusual in the Argentine context, where the devotion for France was hegemonic as well as the vehement anti-German stance. Through the analysis of Soiza Reilly’s war chronicles and reportages, this article intends to shed light on the reception of the war in a neutral country, the general climate of public opinion, and its dissensions around the significance of the Great War.Fil: Tato, María Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani"; Argentin

    Registros de arañas epigeas en Bahía Blanca, en la región templada de Argentina

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    Ecological surveys of diversity and seasonal patterns of spiders in relation with cadavers have rarely been conducted, despite the high potential species diversity and abundance of spiders. The composition, abundance, guilds and seasonality of the spiders of Bahía Blanca, in the temperate region of Argentina were analysed. The study was performed in a semi-rural area between 2010 and 2011, using pitfall traps that were checked daily during 168 ± 7 days in winter, 38 days in spring, 30 days in summer, and 71 days in autumn. A total of 972 spiders were recorded belonging to 22 families and 65 species/morphospecies. The most abundant families were: Lycosidae, Zodariidae, Thomisidae, Theridiidae and Salticidae. The guild with more specimens was represented by ground hunters followed by specialists and ambush hunters, and the guild with the greatest number of species corresponded also to the ground hunters. Considering all specimens, adults prevailed with respect to juveniles, and males were more abundant than females. The more abundant species were Leprolochus birabeni, Steatoda sp. 1, Thomisidae sp. 33, Thomisidae sp. 32, Ostearius melanopygius and Metaltella simoni.A pesar del alto potencial de la diversidad de especies y abundancia de arañas, raramente han sido conducidos censos ecológicos de la diversidad y de los patrones estacionales de arañas en relación con cadáveres. Se analizó la composición, abundancia, gremios y estacionalidad de las arañas de Bahía Blanca, en la región templada de Argentina. El estudio se realizó en un área semi-rural entre 2010 y 2011, usando trampas de caída que se revisaron diariamente durante 168 ± 7 días en invierno, 38 días en primavera, 30 días en verano, y 71 días en otoño. Se registraron un total de 972 arañas pertenecientes a 22 familias y 65 especies/morfo-especies. Las familias más abundantes fueron: Lycosidae, Zodariidae, Thomisidae, Theridiidae y Salticidae. El gremio con más especímenes estuvo representado por las cazadoras del suelo seguidas por las especialistas y por las cazadoras por emboscada, y el gremio con el mayor número de especies corresponde también al de las cazadoras del suelo. Considerando todos los especí- menes, los adultos prevalecieron respecto a los juveniles, y los machos fueron más abundantes que las hembras. Las especies más abundantes fueron Leprolochus birabeni, Steatoda sp. 1, Thomisidae sp. 33, Thomisidae sp. 32, Ostearius melanopygius y Metaltella simoni.Fil: Zanetti, Noelia Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Entomología Aplicada y Forense; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentin

    Estrategias simbólicas en contextos migratorios: Argentinos de clase media en España

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    This article is aimed at exploring how migration has affected the class distinction of an immigrant group belonging to Argentine middle-classes in Spain, and the symbolic strategies that these immigrants have developed during the migratory process. With Pierre Bourdieu?s theory as a reference, we examine the ways in which agents leverage the cognitive dissonance between the classificatory schemes of origin and destination according to their habitus and previous social trajectories. Based on a qualitative methodology, we analyze these strategies relating to two classification axes that tend to position migrant subjects: immigration status and class membership. One of the research findings was how these classifications impact on the perception of possibilities present in the social space of destination, redefining the subjects migratory projects.Fil: Jiménez, Cecilia Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Humanidades; Argentin

    Matrix Gegenbauer Polynomials: the 2Ă—22\times 2 Fundamental Cases

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    In this paper, we exhibit explicitly a sequence of 2×22\times2 matrix valued orthogonal polynomials with respect to a weight Wp,nW_{p,n}, for any pair of real numbers pp and nn such that 0<p<n0<p<n. The entries of these polynomiales are expressed in terms of the Gegenbauer polynomials CkλC_k^\lambda. Also the corresponding three-term recursion relations are given and we make some studies of the algebra of differential operators associated with the weight Wp,nW_{p,n}

    Applications of recurrent neural networks in batch reactors. Part I: NARMA modelling of the dynamic behaviour of the heat transfer fluid

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    This paper is focused on the development of nonlinear models, using artificial neural networks, able to provide appropriate predictions when acting as process simulators. The dynamic behaviour of the heat transfer fluid temperature in a jacketed chemical reactor has been selected as a case study. Different structures of NARMA (Non-linear ARMA) models have been studied. The experimental results have allowed to carry out a comparison between the different neural approaches and a first-principles model. The best neural results are obtained using a parallel model structure based on a recurrent neural network architecture, which guarantees better dynamic approximations than currently employed neural models. The results suggest that parallel models built up with recurrent networks can be seen as an alternative to phenomenological models for simulating the dynamic behaviour of the heating/cooling circuits which change from batch installation to installation.Publicad

    Newspaper of the university of alaska southeast juneau campus

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    Regents apply 4 percent raise across board -- Roundup tops pledge goal -- Tuition increased - more hikes to come -- Student elections set for end of September -- Campus computer seminars offered -- President's Message -- Noyes family funds $10,000 scholarship at UAS -- Accreditation evaluation team to visit campus -- Whalesong in need of student participation -- Salvaged summer session proves successful -- Unclassifieds -- Briefl
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