150 research outputs found

    Combining Query Rewriting and Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Complex Query Answering

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    The field of complex query answering using Knowledge Graphs (KGs) has seen substantial advancements in recent years, primarily through the utilization of Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGEs). However, these methodologies often stumble when faced with intricate query structures that involve multiple entities and relationships. This thesis primarily investigates the potential of integrating query rewriting techniques into the KGE query answering process to improve performance in such situations. Guided by a TBox, a schema that describes the concepts and relationships in the data from Description Logics, query rewriting translates a query into a union of rewritten queries that can potentially widen the prediction scope for KGEs. The thesis uses the PerfectRef algorithm for facilitating query rewriting, aiming to maximize the scope of query response and enhance prediction capabilities. Two distinct datasets were employed in the study: The Family Dataset, a subset of Wikidata, and DBPedia15k, a subset of DBPedia. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology was evaluated against these datasets using different KGE models, in our case TransE, DistMult, BoxE, RotatE, and CompGCN. The results demonstrate a notable improvement in complex query answering when query rewriting is used for both The Family dataset and DBPedia15k. Furthermore, the amalgamation of query rewriting and KGE predictions yielded a performance boost for The Family dataset. However, the same was not observed for DBPedia15k, likely due to discrepancies and errors present within DBPedia15k compared to the Full DBPedia KG used for validation in our framework. This research suggests that query rewriting, as a pre-processing step for KGE prediction, can enhance the performance of complex query answering, mainly when the dataset is not fully entailed. This study provides important insights into the potential and limitations of integrating query rewriting with KGEs. It may serve as a guidepost for future research to improve the complex query answering when a TBox is available.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN


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    The debate on citizenship education has impacted the area of education in several aspects, mainly in the introduction of changes in school curricula. Therefore, it is timely to identify, analyse and discuss the implications that such changes have had on curricula. The present study was carried out to understand the contents, skills, attitudes and values the Australian Curriculum and the Brazilian Curriculum have incorporated to develop citizenship education. This qualitative research highlights the relevance attributed to citizenship in the curriculum of several countries and in the proposals of international organizations. Therefore, it explains the main features of the curricula in focus. Finally, the results are discussed

    Moisture ingress in photovoltaic modules: A review

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    Moisture ingress in photovoltaic (PV) modules is the core of most degradation mechanisms that lead to PV module power degradation. Moisture in EVA encapsulant can lead to metal grids corrosion, delamination and discolouration of encapsulants, potential induced degradation, optical and adhesion losses. The present work is a review of literature on the causes, effects, detection, and mitigation techniques of moisture ingress in PV modules. Literature highlights on determining the diffusivity, solubility, and permeability of polymeric components of PV modules via water vapour transmission rate tests, gravimetric, and immersion methods, have been presented. Electroluminescence, photoluminescence, and ultraviolet fluorescence spectroscopy, as well as dark lock-in thermography are some techniques used to detect moisture ingress in modules. Encapsulants with excellent moisture barrier and adhesion characteristics, desiccant-stacked polyisobutylene sealants, imbedded moisture sensors, and PV designs with/without breathable backsheets are ways of preventing/detecting moisture ingression in PV modules. Areas of focus for future research activities have also been discussed.publishedVersio

    Opplæring i bruk av virtuelle læringsmiljø : utprøving av brukeropplæring i Learning Management Systems (LMS) basert på prinsipper i selvregulert læring og ferdighetslæring

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    Master thesis in informatics Gunnar Gravir Imenes Training in use of virtual learning environments. Testing of training in Learning Management Systems (LMS) based on princips from selfregulated learning and learning of skills. My thesis was: How should users be trained in a Learning Management System, to give them insight in the program and motivation to use it. The master thesis includes the two different user-training programs, the theory they are based on, a presentation of the testing and a discussion of the data gathered through the testing. Since there was no litteratur about user-training in Learning Management Systems, it was necessary to make, test and gather data to get the sufficient knowledge to evaluate the user-training. The user-training was based on learning through skills and selvregulated learning. As a Learning Management System I choose Luvit since this was practically to test. A user-training based on learning of skills would need to give the user knowledge of the most basic and necessary functions and repeat these until they are mastered, before new functions are learned and reapeated in the same way until they too are mastered. In self-regulated learning the user mostly defines what is necessary to learn, he picks the goals and choses a strategy to reach the goal. The user-training based on learning of skills started with a demonstration of the functions in the program, unlike the user-training based on selfregulated learning which started with a presentation of the functions and their use, in PowerPoint. Both had exercises for the students to do with materiel from the course to help them. The user-training was tested at a college, in a class which partly used internet for teaching, and a more traditional class. Answers from surveys, observation of the testing and registration of use all showed that both user-trainings were sufficient to give basic and nessecary skills to use the program and a sort of understanding of how the program worked. The user-training based on selfregulated learning tended to give the most insight into the program. In the course which did not use Internet in particular, there were few students that used LMS in their study. The LMS was used to a large degree in the partly Internet based course. This can meen that the context the user-training is conducted in is as important as the content of the user-training and the how the user-training is formed

    Um Estudo Sobre o Fracasso do Ensino e da Aprendizagem da Matemática

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    Ocupação Jambalaia

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    O presente projeto tem por objetivo realizar o registro fotográfico da ocupação Jambalaia, localizado em Campo Grande, Zona Oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), expondo seus personagens, as condições insalubres de moradia e o cotidiano dos moradores. Atualmente, o local conta com aproximadamente 280 famílias, que vivem em meio ao lixo, dejetos de animais, esgoto a céu aberto, porcos e ratos, além da estrutura danificada dos prédios. Busca, ainda, através das imagens, trazer a questão do direito à moradia e habitação de qualidade, presentes na Constituição Federal. Palavras-chave: Fotografia, Imagem, Habitação

    Potential and Challenges for Building Integrated Photo-voltaics in the Agder Region

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    In the search for clean and renewable energy sources, photovoltaic or solar electric power generation is a quickly maturing industry that is carving out a significant role as a source of abundant, safe and clean renewable energy. This report will look at the current trends and developments in photovoltaic power production and the potential of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) for the Agder region.Regionale Forskningsfond Agde

    Livro didático, Porcentagem, Proporcionalidade: uma crítica da crítica

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    Este texto tem como objetivo contestar o artigo A Matemática no Livro Didático: Uma Reflexão Crítica na Perspectiva Histórico-Cultural, publicado no BOLEMA, ano 16, no 20, 2003, p. 17-36, no qual são analisados alguns aspectos de uma obra didática de nossa autoria. Avaliamos que a análise contém falhas nas premissas e nas conclusões, bem como equívocos factuais. Procuramos demonstrar que o método de análise escolhido não é apropriado para a obra. Além disso, o texto apresenta concepções sobre os conceitos matemáticos discutidos (porcentagem e proporcionalidade) e sobre a natureza do livro didático que não nos parecem adequadas. Pretendemos que esta discussão em torno do livro didático, da crítica, e de porcentagem e proporcionalidade, possa contribuir para a Educação Matemática

    Neuroevolution of Actively Controlled Virtual Characters

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    Master's thesis Information- and communication technology IKT590 - University of Agder 2017Physics-based character animation offer an attractive alternative to traditional animation techniques, however, physics-based approaches often struggle to incorporate active user control of these characters. This thesis suggests a different approach to the problem of actively controlled virtual characters. The proposed solution takes a neuroevolutionary approach, using HyperNEAT to evolve neural controllers for a simulated eight-legged character, a previously untested character morphology for this algorithm. Using these controllers this thesis aims to evaluate the robustness and responsiveness of a control strategy that changes between them based on simulated user input. The results show that HyperNEAT is quite capable of evolving long walking controllers for this character, but also suggests a need for further refinement when operated in tandem