79 research outputs found

    Formación en desastres o catástrofes: estudio desde las políticas públicas nacionales. (2005-2015)

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    Desde el año 2003 venimos trabajando en torno a la problemática de desastres. Entendemos que estos acontecimientos forman parte de procesos que exceden el momento en que se ponen de manifiesto.  Es por ello que un desastre pone a prueba las capacidades del Estado para disminuir la exposición al riesgo, generar respuestas apropiadas para afrontarlo, contribuir a la posterior recuperación y a prevenir riesgos futuros. En este sentido, la formación y capacitación de los agentes del Estado que intervienen en acontecimientos de desastres y de quienes pueden actuar con miras a su prevención y mitigación, constituye una tarea impostergable. Es por eso necesario que el Estado implemente políticas públicas de formación y capacitación profesional para sus agentes, así como instancias de capacitación dirigidas a miembros de la comunidad, con vistas a reducir la vulnerabilidad y con ello los riesgos de desastres, a la vez que estar preparados para su afrontamiento. Con esta investigación nos propusimos conocer los programas y proyectos de formación en torno a la problemática de desastres o catástrofes, desde las políticas públicas de los Ministerios de Desarrollo Social y de Salud de la Nación, durante 2005-2015

    Situaciones de desastres o catástrofes: agentes y dispositivos de intervención

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    El presente artículo recoge una breve síntesis del recorrido realizado como equipo interdisciplinario de investigación que llevó adelante el Proyecto “Situaciones de desastre o catástrofe: Agentes y Dispositivos de intervención” (Facultad de Trabajo Social - UNER). El mismo trata lo relativo a las inundaciones producidas en la ciudad de Santa Fe (Argentina) en los años 2003 y 2007; a través de un estudio descriptivo, exploratorio e interpretativo, inscripto en la lógica cualitativa de investigación social.En la última etapa de este trabajo profundizamos el análisis del Contexto General de la Investigación, actualizamos el Estado del Arte, el Marco Teórico y trabajamos desde la Estrategia General Metodológica seleccionada, finalizando con las Conclusiones a las que arribamos luego del análisis e interpretación, desde un enfoque psicosocial. Los dos ejes conceptuales claves de la tensión teoría-empiria, fueron los agentes de la intervención y los dispositivos institucionales en que se desempeñaron; de los que emergen dos categorías centrales que son: agentes, su afectación subjetiva y dispositivos profesionales e institucionales de la intervención.Esbozamos también las líneas de apertura que dejaron interrogantes abiertos a futuras indagaciones científicas alrededor de esta compleja área del conocimient

    Solution structure of polyglutamine tracts in GST-polyglutamine fusion proteins

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    AbstractAggregation of expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) seems to be the cause of various genetic neurodegenerative diseases. Relatively little is known as yet about the polyQ structure and the mechanism that induces aggregation. We have characterised the solution structure of polyQ in a proteic context using a model system based on glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins. A wide range of biophysical techniques was applied. For the first time, nuclear magnetic resonance was used to observe directly and selectively the conformation of polyQ in the pathological range. We demonstrate that, in solution, polyQs are in a random coil conformation. However, under destabilising conditions, their aggregation behaviour is determined by the polyQ length

    Phenotypic Plasticity of Leaf Shape along a Temperature Gradient in Acer rubrum

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    Both phenotypic plasticity and genetic determination can be important for understanding how plants respond to environmental change. However, little is known about the plastic response of leaf teeth and leaf dissection to temperature. This gap is critical because these leaf traits are commonly used to reconstruct paleoclimate from fossils, and such studies tacitly assume that traits measured from fossils reflect the environment at the time of their deposition, even during periods of rapid climate change. We measured leaf size and shape in Acer rubrum derived from four seed sources with a broad temperature range and grown for two years in two gardens with contrasting climates (Rhode Island and Florida). Leaves in the Rhode Island garden have more teeth and are more highly dissected than leaves in Florida from the same seed source. Plasticity in these variables accounts for at least 6–19 % of the total variance, while genetic differences among ecotypes probably account for at most 69–87 %. This study highlights the role of phenotypic plasticity in leaf-climate relationships. We suggest that variables related to tooth count and leaf dissection in A. rubrum can respond quickly to climate change, which increases confidence in paleoclimate methods that use these variables

    Take-up of Social Benefits: Experimental Evidence from France

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    We report on two nationwide experiments with job seekers in France. We first show that a meeting with social services to assess eligibility and help with application to social benefits increased new benefit take-up by 31 %. By contrast, an online simulator that gave personalized information on benefit eligibility did not increase take-up. Marginal treatment effects show that individuals who benefit the most from the meetings are the least likely to attend. Overall, without ruling out information frictions, our results suggest that transaction costs represent the main obstacle to applying for benefits or accessing government's assistance to help apply

    Addressing Human Skin Ethnicity: Contribution of Tissue Engineering to the Development of Cosmetic Ingredients

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    Recent publications describe various skin disorders in relation to phototypes and aging. The highest phototypes (III to VI) are more sensitive to acne, with the appearance of dark spots due to the inflammation induced by Cutibacterium acnes (previously Propionibacterium acnes). Dryness with aging is due to a lower activity of specific enzymes involved in the maturation of lipids in the stratum corneum. To observe and understand these cutaneous issues, tissue engineering is a perfect tool. Since several years, pigmented epidermis with melanocytes derived from specific phototypes allow to develop in vitro models for biological investigations. In the present study, several models were developed to study various skin disorders associated with phototypes and aging. These models were also used to evaluate selected ingredients’ ability to decrease the negative effects of acne, inflammation, and cutaneous dryness. Hyperpigmentation was observed on our reconstructed pigmented epidermis after the application of C. acnes, and pollutant (PM10) application induced increased inflammatory cytokine release. Tissue engineering and molecular biology offer the capability to modify genetically cells to decrease the expression of targeted proteins. In our case, GCase was silenced to decrease the maturation of lipids and in turn modify the epidermal barrier function. These in vitro models assisted in the development of ethnic skin-focused cosmetic ingredients