17 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan pada abad 21 berorientasi pada gaya hidup digital. Pendidikan dasar perlu mengenalkan kepada siswa tentang keterampilan menguasai media teknologi, agar siswa memiliki kompetensi yang baik dalam hal penguasaan konsep IPA serta teknologi dan mampu berpikir kritis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini secara umum adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peran smartphone dalam mendukung perkembangan penguasaan konsep, kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan kemampuan literasi digital siswa SD pada pembelajaran IPA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed method dengan desain embedded experimental model. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu purposive sample dengan melibatkan sejumlah siswa kelas lima yang menggunakan smartphone dalam penelitian. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar wawancara, tes penguasaan konsep, tes berpikir kritis, dan angket literasi digital. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dilihat dari hasil uji beda data menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan, artinya kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan smartphone pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep siswa. Hasil penghitungan uji beda menyatakan bahwa penggunaan smartphone dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, dapat dilihat pada data dari 5 aspek dan 7 indikator mengalami peningkatan, kemampuan literasi digital siswa dalam pembelajaran dengan menggunakan smartphone termasuk dalam kategori baik. Hasil persentase analisis angket literasi digital menyatakan bahwa siswa kelas lima SD Al Falah Darussalam 2 Sidoarjo memiliki kemampuan literasi digital dengan empat area kompetensi yaitu 1) informasi dan literasi data, 2) komunikasi dan kolaborasi, 3) keamanan, dan 4) pemecahan masalah, dengan 4 area kompetensi literasi digital hasilnya berbeda. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan konsep, berpikir kritis, dan literasi digital, tidak saling berkorelasi. Education in the 21st century is oriented towards a digital lifestyle. Basic education needs to introduce students to skills in mastering technological media, so that students have good competence in terms of mastering science and technology concepts and are able to think critically. The purpose of this research in general is to describe the role of smartphones in supporting the development of concept mastery, critical thinking skills, and digital literacy abilities of elementary students in science learning. The research method used is a mixed method with an embedded experimental model design. The sampling technique used was a purposive sample involving a number of fifth grade students using smartphones in the study. The research instruments used were interview sheets, concept mastery tests, critical thinking tests, and digital literacy questionnaires. The results showed that the results of the different data test showed significant results, meaning that learning activities using a smartphone on the material of the human respiratory system could improve students' mastery of concepts. The results of the different test calculations state that the use of smartphones can improve critical thinking skills, it can be seen from the data from 5 aspects and 7 indicators that have increased, students' digital literacy abilities in learning using smartphones are included in the good category. The results of the percentage analysis of the digital literacy questionnaire stated that fifth grade students at SD Al Falah Darussalam 2 Sidoarjo have digital literacy skills with four competency areas, namely 1) information and data literacy, 2) communication and collaboration, 3) security, and 4) problem solving, by The 4 areas of digital literacy competency have different results. The results of the correlation test show that mastery of concepts, critical thinking, and digital literacy are not correlated with each other


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    Parenthood is one of the important responsibilities for nurturing, guiding, and educating children in order to explore their potential and form a good person. The purpose. of this study is to. describe the role of parents in accompanying the success of children's learning during the pandemic and to describe the obstacles parents encountered while accompanying home learning. The research uses a qualitative research approach with data collection techniques Interview, Documentation, Questionnaire Results of analysis of parental interview data in the process of parenthood in home learning mentoring has "good" criteria. As evidenced by the results of the questionnaire the role and constraints of, parents in the mentoring of learning .at home with "quite good", with some obstacles that exist. Constraints on the difficulty of understanding materials for parents who are against the background of low-level education criteria for children's learning. As well as the constraints of time sharing between work and accompanying children's learning at home at the parents of economic level criteria. The role of parents in accompanying home learning is very Influential. Because in the current condition parents are required to guide, provide support, and motivate the child to remain passionate in implementing. the online learnig process. Regardless of the circumstances of the parents, must still conditionthe time, energy and mind for the child. To deal with this condition, parents must also follow and improve their thinking and learning skills.


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    This research is motivated by the low HOTS ability of students in elementary schools because during the learning process students are less accustomed to critical thinking, creative thinking, solving problems, and making decisions during the learning process. The application of HOTS in teaching and mentoring teachers about HOTS learning is still lacking. The aim of this research is to know the effect of the scientific approach on the HOTS ability of students in elementary schools. This study uses quantitative research with experimental and control research types. The research subjects consisted of 27 students in grade IV A and IV B 25 students at SDN Kebondalem Mojosari. The collection method uses tests. The study used the normality test, homogeneity test and t-test using the SPSS version 25 application. The results of the normality test for the experimental class (0.188) and the control class (0.156). The result of the homogeneity test is (0.668). From the results of the normality test and the homogeneity test, it shows that the t-test results obtained, namely the Sig (2-tailed) value is (0,000) so that the value is less than (0.05). So it can be concluded that the scientific approach has a good impact on the HOTS ability of students in elementary schools


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    Preparing HOTS-based teaching materials is a competency that teachers must have. Elementary school teachers are required to have the ability to create teaching materials that encourage students to be motivated in observing everything around them, asking questions, and thinking creatively and critically so that they can explore the competencies of elementary school students. The aim of holding this PPM is so that elementary school teachers in the Gresik area will increase their competence in preparing teaching materials, especially for preparing HOTS-based teaching materials. The method used is descriptive qualitative with instruments in the form of interview sheets, questionnaires, and documentation related to the implementation of community service or PPM. PPM participants consisted of 25 elementary school teachers in the Gresik area. As a result, after the PPM activities were carried out, the competency of elementary school teachers in preparing HOTS-based teaching materials increased. This can be seen from every aspect of making HOTS-based teaching materials that has been fulfilled, this is because the human resources of elementary school teachers in the Gresik area already have a profile that supports their competency abilities


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    Preparing HOTS-based teaching materials is a competency that teachers must have. Elementary school teachers are required to have the ability to create teaching materials that encourage students to be motivated in observing everything around them, asking questions, and thinking creatively and critically so that they can explore the competencies of elementary school students. The aim of holding this PPM is so that elementary school teachers in the Gresik area will increase their competence in preparing teaching materials, especially for preparing HOTS-based teaching materials. The method used is descriptive qualitative with instruments in the form of interview sheets, questionnaires, and documentation related to the implementation of community service or PPM. PPM participants consisted of 25 elementary school teachers in the Gresik area. As a result, after the PPM activities were carried out, the competency of elementary school teachers in preparing HOTS-based teaching materials increased. This can be seen from every aspect of making HOTS-based teaching materials that has been fulfilled, this is because the human resources of elementary school teachers in the Gresik area already have a profile that supports their competency abilities

    Bahan Ajar Pokok, Remedial, dan Pengayaan Pembelajaran Tematik Berbasis TIK: PPM Bagi Guru SD Hang Tuah X Sedati

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    Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi (TIK) menjadi sebuah keharusan untuk diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran di SD sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran, baik pada pembelajaran pokok, remedial, maupun pengayaan. Pembelajaran tematik berbasis TIK dapat meningkatkan kualitas proses dan hasil belajar peserta didik jika dilakukan oleh guru yang memiliki kemampuan TIK yang memadai dan digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik peserta didik. Berpijak pada pentingnya penerapan pembelajaran tematik berbasis TIK, tim dosen PGSD Adi Buana Surabaya melakukan suatu kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan materi bahan ajar pokok, remedial, dan pengayaan pembelajaran tematik berbasis TIK bagi Guru SD Hang Tuah X Sedati. Metode pelaksanaan workshop adalah dengan presentasi, pemodelan dan simulasi disertai tugas. Presentasi merupakan sebuah metode penyampaian materi secara sistematis oleh pemateri tanpa menggunakan banyak media. Berakhirnya pelaksanaan program PPM Program Studi PGSD Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya ini dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan guru dalam menyusun dan mengembangkan bahan ajar berbasis TIK di SD, serta mengelaborasi pembelajaran berdasarkan kurikulum merdeka belajar

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis TIK: PPM Bagi Guru SDN Sumur Welut III/440 Surabaya

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    Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPM) ini adalah memberikan pelatihan dan workshop pengembangan media pembelajaran bagi guru SDN Sumur Welut III/440 Surabaya. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara offline di ruang pertemuan SDN Sumur Welut III/440 Surabaya. Metode pelaksanaan workshop adalah dengan presentasi, pemodelan dan simulasi disertai tugas. Hasil kegiatan Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPM) ini, yaitu: (1) kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini terlaksana dengan sangat baik; (2) meningkatnya kreativitas guru dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis TIK


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    This community service activity aims to provide training on differentiated learning and the preparation of teaching modules at UPT Gugus 2 SDN Sampangagung 1 Mojokerto, East Java. This training was attended by 30 elementary school teachers. The methods used included presentations, group discussions, and the preparation of teaching modules. Participants were enthusiastic and highly committed to improving their skills. The results of this training showed an increase in teachers' understanding of differentiated learning and the ability to prepare teaching modules that are more varied and in accordance with student characteristics. This training is expected to contribute to improving the quality of learning. This activity went smoothly thanks to the good cooperation between the implementation team, the school, and the participants. This training can be a model for other schools in an effort to improve the quality of education through a more personal and innovative approach.Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan mengenai pembelajaran berdiferensiasi dan penyusunan modul ajar di UPT  Gugus 2 SDN Sampangagung 1 Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 30 guru sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan meliputi presentasi, diskusi kelompok, dan penyusunan modul ajar. Peserta antusias memiliki komitmen yang tinggi untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mereka. Hasil pelatihan ini menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman guru tentang pembelajaran berdiferensiasi dan kemampuan menyusun modul ajar yang lebih variatif dan sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa. Pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi pada peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan lancar berkat kerjasama yang baik antara tim pelaksana, pihak sekolah, dan para peserta. Pelatihan ini dapat menjadi model bagi sekolah-sekolah lain dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan melalui pendekatan yang lebih personal dan inovatif


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    Kemampuan berpikir kritis ada pada semua orang, tetapi tidak muncul sendiri, perlu usaha untuk mengembangkannya, salah satunya adalah dengan kemampuan dasar guru, yaitu keterampilan bertanya, hal ini diperlihatkan oleh siswa SD kelas I di wilayah kecamatan Bulak yaitu SDN Sukolilo 250, SDN Kedung Cowek I No. 253, SDN Kedung Cowek II, SDN Komplek Kenjeran II/506, dan SDN 248. Melalui penelitian deskriptif kualitatif pada siswa SD kelas I di wilayah kecamatan Bulak Aspek-aspek berpikir kritis pada siswa terlihat dan dapat diamati, yaitu aspek mengamati dan menarik kesimpulan, membandingkan dua objek yang berbeda, kemampuan bertanya dan mengemukakan pendapat, mendiskusikan dan menganalisa cerita dan kerjasama dalam permainan. Ke 5 aspek tersebut terlihat pada siswa


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    Guru harus mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan, harus menjadi guru yang kompeten karena keterlibatan guru dalam pembelajaran memberi pengaruh yang besar terhadap proses dan prestasi belajar peserta didik. guru harus menjadi teladan yang baik bagi peserta didik terutama peserta didik pendidikan dasar. Guru sebaiknya harus mempunyai sifat terbuka, melihat tren perkembangan jaman, mau berubah, dan berpikir alternatif agar pembelajaran mampu melahirkan lulusan yang berkepribadian. Seorang guru harus memiliki kepribadian yang kuat dan terpuji. guru harus mempunyai keyakinan pada kemampuan peserta didik untuk membuat semua peserta didik berhasil dan belajar tanpa peduli latar belakang atau kondisi rumah dan sekolah peserta didik. Sebagai pemimpin pendidikan, seorang guru harus menjadi pemimpin yang disukai, dipercaya, mampu membimbing, berkepribadian, serta abadi sepanjang masa sehingga dapat menyiapkan peserta didik untuk tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi manusia yang siap beradaptasi, menghadapi berbagai kemungkinan dan tantangan.&nbsp