94 research outputs found

    The Efficiency of using Bees for Pollination of Crops in the Experiment

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    The article provides information that one of the main conditions for achieving a high level of pollination is the placement of the apiary close to the pollination area and the reduction of obstacles in the path along which the bees fly here

    Gradient Gibbs measures with periodic boundary laws of a generalized SOS model on a Cayley tree

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    We consider Gradient Gibbs measures corresponding to a periodic boundary law for a generalized SOS model with spin values from a countable set, on Cayley trees. On the Cayley tree, detailed information on Gradient Gibbs measures for models of SOS type are given in \cite{3, 16,8,11} and we continue the works for the generalized SOS model. Namely, in this paper, the problem of finding Gradient Gibbs measures that correspond to periodic boundary laws is reduced to a functional equation and by solving the equation all Gradient Gibbs measures with 4 periodic boundary laws are found

    Юридические лица как жертвы преступлений: постановка проблемы

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    Objective: to study victimological aspects of the crimes committed against legal persons; to formulate scientific problems associated with victimological characteristic of legal entities and to develop ways of solving them; to study the experience of foreign countries, exploring victimological aspects of legal entities; to define corporate victimology factors of legal persons. Methods: the dialectical method of cognition. Results: basing on the evaluation of opinions of various scholars and the analysis of the Russian and foreign legislation, the approach was proposed to study the victimological characteristics of legal persons. Scientific novelty: certain institutions were identified as individual objects of victimological impact, which differ from personal characteristics of the individual victims, who are not covered by previous victimological research. Practical value: conclusions and suggestions, as well as the results of the study, can be used in legislative activity on legislation improvement aimed at combating crimes committed against legal persons, the improvement of the prevention system of crimes committed against legal persons, in particular, the organization of victimological prevention of these crimes

    Creative receptions of F. M. Dostoevsky art works in contemporary prose

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    The article deals with the problem of dialogue with classical literature, which manifests itself in various forms of creative reception. Some theoretical provisions of the theory of intertextuality and receptive aesthetics are generalized. An analysis of the author's receptions of F. M. Dostoevsky's works by such authors as B. Akunin, V. Petsukh, Yu. Buida is offered. The appeal of a contemporary author to various aspects of the classic's heritage demonstrates a diverse palette of creative receptions. The goals of creating creative receptions are the following: the creation of a cultural polylogue in the space of Russian literature, the actualization of the work of the classic, the reassessment of values, the refutation of established canons. More often than others, F. M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" into artistic reception is exposed. The novel by Boris Akunin "F. M." preserves the basic canons of the detective genre, attracting a wide range of readers of paraliterature. The study of creative receptions allows us to understand the trends in the development of modern literature, including the forms of dialogue with the classics. Thanks to creative reception, modern literature is enriched, classical works are updated.В статье рассматривается проблема диалога с классической литературой, проявляющаяся в различных формах творческих рецепций. Обобщены некоторые положения теории интертекстуальности и рецептивной эстетики. Предложен анализ авторских рецепций творчества Ф. М. Достоевского такими авторами, как Б. Акунин, В. Пьецух, Ю. Буйда. Обращение современных авторов к различным аспектам наследия классика демонстрирует разнообразную палитру креативных рецепций. Целями создания креативных рецепций нам видятся следующие: создание культурного полилога в пространстве русской литературы, актуализация творчества классика, переоценка ценностей, опровержение устоявшихся канонов. Чаще других художественной рецепции подвергается роман Ф. М. Достоевского "Преступление и наказание". Роман Б. Акунина "Ф. М." сохраняет основные каноны детективного жанра, привлекающего широкий круг читателей массовой литературы. Исследование творческих рецепций позволяет уяснить тенденции развития современной словесности, в том числе формы диалога с классикой. Благодаря креативной рецепции происходит обогащение современной литературы, актуализируются произведения классики

    Russian regions in the system of international cooperation

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    © 2017, by ASERS® Publishing. All rights reserved. This article is devoted to the research of international cooperation ties in Russian regions. Dynamics of foreign trade turnover in regions is investigated. The dynamics of foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Tatarstan is particularly researched. The authors proposed the method of analysis of international relations of the region on the basis of allocation of the core zone of international cooperation, whereas a core zone is a group of countries with which the researched region has had stable relations for a certain period of time. Special attention in the article is paid to the international relations and cooperation of the Republic of Tatarstan. The choice of this region of the Russian Federation is caused by the significant role of the Republic of Tatarstan in international relations of Russia and its economy. Confirmation of a hypothesis that participants of the international economic relations at the regional level form around themselves the zone of the international cooperation differing in heterogeneity is the result of scientific research. The offered technique can be used to carry out monitoring of international relations of the Russian regions

    Algorithms development of making special techniques in APQP manufacturing process of automotive components

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    Special techniques algorithms are worked out, such as MSA, preparation of management plans, SPC in the preparation of manufacturing automotive components that improve its effectiveness

    Monolingual electronic legal dictionaries: advantages and prospects

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    Today electronic dictionaries are gaining more and more popularity as their advantages considerably outweigh the downsides. The article is aimed at revealing the main features of monolingual electronic legal dictionaries that make them more convenient as compared to their printed counterparts, as well as determining the possible areas of their further development. The research is based on analyzing and synthesizing the theoretical literature on the subject, empirical methods (observation) and the method of classifying the obtained results. The analysis showed that the main advantages of electronic dictionaries from the compilers or editors”™ point of view include unlimited capacity for storing information, selective and frequent update, automatized procedures of organization, systematization, rearrangement of information and data verification, possible use of hypertext. The users, in their turn, benefit from electronic dictionaries due to the speedy, flexible, convenient and user-friendly search. Although electronic legal dictionaries share many of these features, they still require wider hypertext usage, word-list enlargement and dictionary entry upgrade. The results of the investigation can be used to confirm the necessity to develop electronic legal lexicography as a promising field of linguistics

    Investigation of the electric field distribution in the human brain based on MRI and EEG data

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    This work is devoted to the development of the approach to restoration of the spatial-temporal distribution of electric field in the human brain. This field was estimated from the model derived from the Maxwell’s equations with boundary conditions corresponding to electric potentials at the EEG electrodes, which are located on the surface of the head according to the standard “10-20” scheme. The MRI data were used for calculation of the spatial distribution of the electrical conductivity of biotissues in the human brain. The study of the electric field distribution using our approach was carried out for the healthy child and the child with autism. The research was carried out using the equipment of the Tomsk Regional Common Use Center of Tomsk State University

    Новое направление в совершенствовании технологии беструбного водоподъёма из скважин погружными электронасосами в системе водоснабжения и мелиорации Казахстана

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    Ильясова Н., Жакупова Ж., Mешик O., Яковлев A., Саркынов Е. Новое направление в совершенствовании технологии беструбного водоподъёма из скважин погружными электронасосами в системе водоснабжения и мелиорации КазахстанаA brief analytical review of researches and developments in the technology of pipeless water lift from wells by electric submersible pumps, including in Kazakhstan, is given. Researches in KazNAU on improvement of the technology of pipeless water lift to improve the efficiency of groundwater use in the water supply and land reclamation system using in the technological process of water lift a new type – packer hydraulic device with ejector, increasing water withdrawal from the well and increasing the efficiency of submersible electric pump by 20-30% and reducing metal consumption per one pump unit in 2-3 times are presented. A new direction in improving the technology of pipeless water lifting - methodological basis for the development of necessary standard sizes of packer hydraulic devices, allowing to solve the problem of effective use of promising developments in the water supply and land reclamation system of Kazakhstan – has been proposed

    Innovative Production Technology of Drinks from Grape Cryopowders

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    A technology, based on the production of wine beverages from grape cryopowders in the mountain-valley zone of the Republic of Dagestan, is proposed. The data on the vacuum microwave drying of grape raw materials and subsequent grinding in a cryomill are presented. The modes of grape raw material preparation and its subsequent dehydration and cryo-grinding, which provide the possibility of successful use in the dried state in the production technology of wine drinks, are proposed. The principal feature is the use of whole grapes as a raw material, with rinds and seeds. The physical and chemical indicators, the content of phenolic substances and the organoleptic indicators of wine beverages made according to the traditional technology and the beverage made from grape cryopowders were studied. A comparative assessment of beverages was made. It is established that vacuum microwave drying conduces to better preservation of the properties of raw materials and finished products. The organoleptic assessment showed that the wine drinks developed according to the proposed technology had a more intense color and a more pronounced flavor of sweetness and sourness than traditional wine beverages. The advantage of this technology is the ability to transport grape cryopowders in unregulated temperature conditions to any point close to the consumer and carry out the production of wine beverages there