17 research outputs found

    U-19 akademi gelişim liglerinde oynayan futbolcuların ruminatif düşünce biçimleri ve sporcu duygu düzenleme becerilerinin incelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmada, U-19 akademi gelişim liglerinde oynayan futbolcuların ruminatif düşünce biçimleri ve sporcu duygu düzenleme becerilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Genel tarama modeline göre yürütülen çalışmada ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada verileri toplamak amacıyla, “Sporcu Duygu Düzenleme Ölçeği” ve “Ruminatif Düşünce Biçimi Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için değişkenler arasındaki farklılıkların belirlenmesinde t-testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA), ölçekler arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenebilmesi için ise Pearson Korelasyon analiz kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya, Bitexen Giresunspor, MKE Ankaragücü, Gençlerbirliği ve Hacettepe 1945 Spor Kulüplerinde futbol oynayan U-19 yaş grubu 113 futbolcu katılmıştır. Korelasyon analizleri ruminasyon ve sporcu duygu düzenleme alt boyutları incelendiğinde bilişsel yeniden değerlendirme ile ruminasyon arasında negatif yönlü bir ilişki saptanmıştır (r=-0,217). Araştırma değişkenlerinden olan başarı düzeyi değişkeni ile sporcu duygu düzenleme alt boyutu olan bilişsel yeniden değerlendirme ile arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak, katılımcıların ruminasyon davranışı ile sporcu duygu düzenleme alt boyutu olan bilişsel yeniden değerlendirme arasında negatif yönde bir ilişki olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    A patient presented with genital eruptions: The second case of monkeypox from Turkiye

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    İnsan maymun çiçeği (MPX) hastalığı, vaccinia ve variola gibi “poxviridae” ailesine ait maymun çiçeği virüsünün neden olduğu, yeniden önem kazanan zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Avrupa Hastalık Önleme ve Kontrol Merkezi [European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)] tarafından Avrupa’da olağandışı bulaşma yollarına sahip bir MPX salgını bildirilmiştir. Bu raporda, erkekten erkeğe cinsel ilişki ilk kez insandan insana yakın bir temas yolu olarak tanımlanmıştır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı, Türkiye’de MPX virüsü polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu [polymerase chain reaction (PCR)] ile doğrulanmış ilk olgunun 30 Haziran 2022’de bir hastanede kabul edildiğini ve izole edildiğini sosyal medya paylaşımı ile bildirmiştir. Bu bildiriden dört gün sonra merkezimize başvuran yirmi dört yaşında Türk erkek hasta lokal cerrahi işlem sonrası peniste ve skrotumda ortaya çıkan bakteriyel yumuşak doku enfeksiyonu ile kliniğimize yatırılmıştır. Öyküsünde bir hafta önce ortaya çıkan siğil benzeri lezyonlar nedeni ile dış merkezde lokal radyofrekans ablasyon tedavisi yapıldığını belirtmiştir. Yatışından bir gün sonra yüzünde, burun ucunda, vücudunda, kollarında ve parmaklarında giderek belirginleşen farklı evrelerde cilt lezyonları (makül, papül, göbekli papül) ve birkaç erüpsiyon gözlenen hasta, risk faktörleri değerlendirilerek MPX hastalığı açısından izole edilmiş ve Sağlık Bakanlığı rehberine göre MPX virüsü aranmak üzere örnekleri referans laboratuvara gönderilmiştir. Alınan örneklerde PCR ile MPX nükleik asidi saptanmıştır. Hastanın sekonder bakteriyel enfeksiyon tedavisi ve 21 günlük izolasyon süresi tamamlanarak taburcu edilmiştir. Bu olgu raporunda daha önce Türkiye’den bildirilmemiş olan MPX hastalığı, cinsel yolla bulaşan enfeksiyonlar (CYBE) ayırıcı tanısının ve tarama testlerinin önemi ve MPX hastalığı olgusuna uygulanan lokal ablasyon tedavisi sonrası gelişen yumuşak doku enfeksiyonu sunulmuştur. Yeni ve yeniden önem kazanan enfeksiyon hastalıklarına hazırlıklı olmak için güncel epidemiyolojik verilere dayalı iyi kurgulanmış sürekli eğitimin gerekliliğine vurgu yapılmıştır. Son zamanlarda, cinsel temas, MPX hastalığının yeni bulaşma yolu olarak tanımlanmaktadır ve semptom ve bulgular, “molluscum contagiousum” veya sifilis gibi diğer ülseratif cinsel yolla bulaşan enfeksiyonları (CYBE) taklit edebilir. Türkiye için ORF hastalığı da MPX hastalığı ayırıcı tanısı içindedir. Ayrıca bildirimi zorunlu olmayan CYBE ile başvuran hastalar, diğer tarama testleri yapılmadan sağlık hizmeti alabilmektedir. Kolay ulaşılabilen tanısal yeterliliği yüksek CYBE tarama merkezlerinin yaygınlaşması ile bu hastalıkların kontrol altına alınması sağlanabilir.Human monkeypox (MPX) disease is a re-emerging zoonotic infection caused by the monkeypox virus belonging to the same family as vaccinia and variola. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has documented an outbreak of MPX with atypical transmission paths throughout Europe. In this report, male-to-male sexual intercourse was first defined as a means of close human -to-human contact. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey announced via social media on June 30, 2022 that the first case confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the MPX virus in Turkey was admitted and isolated in a hospital. Four days after this statement, a 24-year-old Turkish man was hospitalized in our clinic with a bacterial infection of the penis and scrotum following local radiofrequency ablation therapy. A week ago, lesions resembling warts were noted in his medical history, for which a local radiofrequency ablation procedure was conducted at an external center. One day after his hospitalization, skin lesions of different stages (from macules, papules to umbilical papules) and several eruptions were detected on his face, nose tip, body, arms, and fingers, which gradually became more evident. After evaluating the risk factors, the patient was isolated with a preliminary diagnosis of MPX disease and samples were collected and sent for MPX virus detection to the reference laboratory according to the Ministry of Health guidelines. MPX virus nucleic acid was detected by PCR in samples taken from the lesion. The patient was discharged after 21 days of isolation and treatment for a secondary bacterial infection. In this case report the significance of differential diagnosis and screening tests for sexually transmitted infections (STI), a previously unreported case of MPX disease in Turkey, and a soft tissue infection that developed after local ablation treatment which was administered to a patient with MPX disease were presented. To be prepared for new and re-emerging infectious diseases, it was emphasized that well-structured continuing education based on current epidemiological data is required. Sexual contact has recently been identified as a new mode of transmission for MPX disease, and symptoms and signs may resemble those of other ulcerative sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as "molluscum contagiousum" or syphilis. ORF disease is also in the differential diagnosis of MPX disease in Turkey. In addition, patients admitted with unreported STIs are permitted to receive health services without additional screenings. For this reason, easily accessible sexually transmitted disease centers with a high diagnostic efficiency can provide greater control over these diseases

    Acinetobacterspp in Intensive Care Unit: Risk Factors Associated with Infection and Mortality

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    Purpose: Acinetobacter was known as a saprophytic colonizer, yet it is considered an important etiologic agent which is isolated from hospital-acquired infections. In this study, we aimed to investigate fatality rates, factors for fatality of Acinetobacter infections and relationship between combination therapies and survival.Patients and Methods: We evaluated patients with Acinetobacter infection in ICU for demographic and clinical characteristics, combination therapies and adverse effects of these therapeutic options, retrospectively.Results: Ninety-one patients with proved Acinetobacter infection were included in this study. We found that the fatality rate of Acinetobacter infection in ICU was 56%. Advanced age, carbapenem resistance and Acinetobacter isolation from respiratory secretions were significantly related with fatality.  We found that carbapenem resistance increased steadily during a 5 year period, fatality rates significantly decreased with combination therapies including aminoglycosides. There wasn’t significant relation between colistin therapy and survival in patients with Acinetobacter infections.Conclusion: The patients should be well-assessed in terms of fatality risk factors in case of Acinetobacter infections that occur in the intensive care units. The empirical antibiotic treatment started earlier based on such risk factors may decrease fatality. The antimicrobial combinations including aminoglycoside may be considered more in order to the local resistance data

    Futbolculara Uygulanan Koordinasyon Ve Sürat Çalışmalarının Bazı Fiziksel, Fizyolojik Ve Teknik Özelliklere Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

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    Futbolculara özgü sürat ve kondisyon çalışmalarının fiziksel, fizyolojik ve teknik becerilere olan etkilerini araştırmak için yapılan bu çalışmaya Ankaragücü C genç futbol takımında oynayan yas ortalaması 15,21 ± 0,80 olan 14 kişilik deney grubu ile rasgele seçilen futbolu boş zamanlarında oynayan ve yaş ortalaması 14,93 ± 0,73 olan 14 kişilik kontrol grubu katılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan deney ve kontrol grubu öğrencilerine 8 hafta süreyle haftada 5 gün ( 3 gün sürat, 2 gün teknik) günde ortalama 1,5 saatlik antrenman programı uygulanmıştır. Antrenman programının etkisini test etmek amacıyla hem deney grubu hem de kontrol grubuna araştırma öncesi ve sonrasında fiziksel, fizyolojik ve teknik testler uygulanmıştır. Bu testlerin sonuçlarına göre deney grubu sporcularının antrenman öncesi ve antrenman sonrası 30 m kısa koşu, 50 m kısa koşu, dikey sıçrama, durarak uzun atlama, istirahat kalp atım sayısı, diastolik kan basıncı vücut yağ % oranlarındaki farklar P0.01 ve P>0.05) . Kontrol grubunda ise hiçbir değerin değişimi istatistik açıdan anlamalı bulunmamıştır (P>0.01 ve P>0.05)This study which was carried out to find out the effect speed and condition exercises specific to the football players upon their physical, physiological and technical capacities was participated by 14 young players Playing in C youth level in Ankaragücü Football club with an average age of 15,21 &#61617; 0,80 years as the experimental group and 14 people who were arbitrarily selected and playing soccer in their leisure times with an average age of 14,93 &#61617; 0,73 years as the control group. Both the experimental and control groups were subjected to a 8 week, five days a week ( 3 days speed and 2 days technical) and average of a 1,5 hour a day training program . Both groups were subjected to physical, physiological and technical tests before and after the study in order to determine the effect of the training program .The data revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the pre and post study values of 30 m sprint, 50 m sprint, standing long jump, vertical jump, diasystolic blood pressure, resting heart beat rate and body fat ratio of the experimental group at P0.01 and P>0.05) . None of the parameters showed a statistically significant change in control group (P>0.01 and P>0.05

    Investigation Of the Relationship Between the Cardiovascular Measured Durıng the Football Matchplay and The Performance Parameters in Young Elite Football Players

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the cardiovascular and performance parameters measured during the football matchplay of young elite football players. A total of 20 football players (age: 15.5238±5; height: 179.7143±5; weight: 69.8095±6) competing in the U16 and U17 development leagues participated in the study. The data received from the Polar Team Pro-2 units placed on the chest areas of the participants before an official matchplay were transferred to the computer with the help of bluetooth and recorded as the first half and the second half during a matchplay. Internal and external load values were determined during the matchplay. Statistical analyzes of the obtained data were carried out in the SPSS 22 package program. Mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values were given as descriptive statistics in the study. Spearman correlation test was performed to determine the relationship between the load values realized during the matchplay. In the study, the relationship between exercise load score and cardio load score, the relationship between heart rate regions and heart rate percentages, the relationship between heart rate regions and exercise load score, the relationship between heart rate regions and total distance, average speed and maximum speed were examined as first half and second half. As a result of the study, it was determined that there is a relationship between cardiovascular and performance parameters measured during the matchplay in young elite football player

    Optimum torque distribution during regenerative braking in a fully electrical vehicle via dynamic programming

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge support of the Turkish National Research Council (TUBITAK) under grant no: 122M994.In electric vehicles, it is important to maximize their regenerative braking performances for obtaining longer driving distances. In this study, for an electric vehicle having motors on the front and rear axles, an optimum torque distribution algorithm based on dynamic programming method is proposed for maximizing the regenerative braking energy. Electric motor limits, efficiency maps, battery model and braking force constraints given in the European regulations are considered in the proposed algorithm. The dynamic programming algorithm code and simulation studies for different braking scenarios are carried out via MATLAB. Simulation studies show that via the proposed torque distribution algorithm, significant improvements in the regenerated braking energy are obtained with respect to the fixed-rate torque distribution algorithm.Turkish National Research CouncilPublisher's Versio

    Influence of Training Frequency on Serum Concentrations of Some Essential Trace Elements and Electrolytes in Male Swimmers

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    Elemental fluctuations during physical performances have been a point of interest. This study was designed to investigate the effect of swimming frequency on serum concentrations of some trace elements (chromium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium) and electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium). Three groups of different-level male swimmers were included in the study, as elite swimmers (n = 14), amateur swimmers (n = 11), and sedentary individuals (n = 10). Elite and amateur swimmer groups followed a 3-week training program. At the end of the period, all volunteers were subjected to a controlled swimming test, and blood samples were collected at the beginning of (pre-test), immediately after (post-test), and 1 h after this activity. Element concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using a dilute and shoot procedure. Apart from the swimming test applied, pre-test calcium and potassium levels were higher in elite swimmers compared to amateurs and controls. The difference in pre-test levels of these elements can be associated with adaptive mechanisms emerged by the frequent training. Regarding the test applied, changes in magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, and selenium levels exhibited a common pattern in all study groups, with higher post-test serum concentrations. Another point of note was a drop of copper, zinc, and selenium levels at 1 h after the test in elite swimmers. The decrease in serum zinc was also observed in the other groups. Results highlight the value of regular control of elemental status to provide insight into transient effects and deficiencies

    Investigation the Relationship between Mental Toughness and Courage Levels of Sports Sciences Faculty Students for Sustainable Performance

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    This research aimed to explore any links between mental toughness and courage in sports among students enrolled in the faculty of sports science, employing a relational screening model with a sample consisting of 340 university students who were selected using a convenience sampling method. Research data were collected through a Personal Information Form, the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ), and the Sport Courage Scale (SCS). Data analyses included independent groups T-test, One-Way ANOVA, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient. Significant differences were detected in the SMTQ and SCS, as well as in the total scale scores, based on the gender variable, which is one of the demographic variables. SMTQ and SCS subdimensions and total scale scores differed significantly according to the university department. Furthermore, the study identified significant differences in the SMTQ and the SCS subdimensions and total scale scores based on the academic year variable. However, no significant relationship was found between age and SMTQ and SCS subdimensions and total scale scores. The findings of this study indicate a significant and positive correlation between the SMTQ and SCS subdimensions and the total scale scores. Therefore, it can be concluded that as the mental toughness levels of the students in sports science increase, their courage levels also increase