246 research outputs found

    Magyar művészkönyvek Frankfurtban

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    Data for the geoecology of solution karst dolines, with particular attention to climatic, soil and biogenic environment

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    The appearance and spatial distribution of the solution dolines of the temperate karsts are closely related to the climatic conditions of the temperate zone and its ecological characteristics. The basis of the classical geomorphological classification of dolines was the characteristic geological condition and the resulting form. Doline formation is shaped by the processes of complex geoecological factors (rock, climate, water, soil, vegetation). Dolines are vulnerable spots in karst areas. The environmental load originating from anthropogenic utilization endangers the natural course of corrosion and the quality of the non-renewable resources of karsts as well as karst ecosystem services, therefore, a complex assessment is necessary for revealing the changes. The study investigates the affect of some important geoecological parameters on the development of solution dolines

    A hepatocellularis carcinoma - a makroszkópiától a molekuláris patológiáig

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    A hepatocellularis carcinoma (HCC) igen rossz prognózisú daganat, azonban diagnosztikája és kezelése területén az utóbbi években jelentős előrehaladás történt. Mindehhez hozzájárult a HCC molekuláris patogenezisének mélyebb megismerése. A cirrhosis talaján kialakult HCC praemalignus elváltozásai a nagy regeneratív nodulus, az alacsony („low”) és magas („high”) fokozatú diszplasztikus nodulus. Mikroszkóposan a WHO trabecularis (micro-, macrotrabecularis), acinaris (pseudoglandularis,), scirrhosus és szolid formát különít el, speciális altípusként a világos sejtes, fibrolamellaris és kevert cholangiohepatocellularis szöveti forma ismert. Ezen szövettani típusok prognosztikai jelentősége vitatott. A fibrolamellaris, fiatalokban előforduló, nem cirrhoticus HCC-t jobb prognózisúnak tartják, bár valószínű, hogy ez annak a következménye, hogy ezen típust cirrhosis nem kíséri. A diagnózist segíthetik egyes, a szérumban és a daganatban is kimutatható tumormarkerek, így a jól ismert alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) mellett a glipikán-3 és a survivin, az újabban leírt agrin és claudinok, valamint a májsejteredetet bizonyító hepatocytaspecifikus antigén (HSA). Újabban az úgynevezett mikro-RNS-ek diagnosztikus jelentősége, elsősorban a májsejtspecifikus mir-122-é is felmerült. A HCC molekuláris osztályozása, a kezelés irányait is megszabó barcelonai beosztás (BCLC) mellett, kulcsfontosságú molekuláris eltérések alapján csoportosítja a HCC-t. Számos olyan molekuláris alteráció észlelhető, amely minden HCC-ben megfigyelhető, míg egyes eltérések csak bizonyos tumorokban detektálhatók. | Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a tumor with rather bad prognosis. Recent years, however, have seen considerable progress in the diagnostics and treatment of this disease, contributing to better understanding of its molecular pathogenesis. Large regenerative nodules, low and high grade dysplastic nodules are premalignant alterations of HCC developing on the grounds of cirrhosis. Microscopically the WHO distinguishes trabecular, acinar (pseudoglandular), scirrhous and solid forms. Special histological subtypes are the clear cell, fibrolamellar and mixed hepato-cholangiocellular variants. The prognostic significance of these histological types is argued. The fibrolamellar, non-cirrhotic form of HCC occurring in young age is considered to be of better prognosis, but this is probably due to the fact that this type is not accompanied by cirrhosis. Certain tumor markers may help the diagnosis, such as alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), glypican-3, survivin, the recently described agrin and claudins, furthermore, the hepatocyte specific antigen (HSA), which confirms the hepatocytic origin of the tumor. Recently, the diagnostic significance of microRNAs, primarily of the hepatocyte-specific mir122 has also emerged. In addition to the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging classification which determines the course of therapy, the molecular classification of HCC is based on key molecular alterations, many of which are observable in all HCC cases, whereas some alterations are only detectable in certain tumors

    The background of local food-based economy development in the Eger wine region

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    This study reveals the background situation of local food-based economy in the Eger Wine Region. Local food economy is mostly in initial phase in the region because of small scale supply, barely known local food producers and their supply, weak connections between producers and representation of interests, or major labour issues. Despite all these there are advantageous economic environment for development local food-based economy in the area, because the critical mass of producers is still active in the region and consumer’s demand is significant. Tourism provides standing demand for local goods as well. A comprehensive development of market infrastructure would increase the existence of these unique economic entities
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