9 research outputs found

    Uticaj folijarne prihrane na privredno tehnološke karakteristike sorte Kardinal

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    The study was preformed in the vintage 2015 with the aim to exame infuluence of use foliar fertilizers to the yield and the quality of Kardinal grapes. Folowing fertilazers were used: Folifertil B11, Wuxal Super, Wuxal magnezijum, Wuxal Ferro i Slavol. Each variant included 15 vines separated in three repetitions per 5 vines. The obtained results showed that fertilization had a positive effect on both: the yield and the content of sugar and acidity. The lowest average yield had the control variant. The differences are mostly and highly significant between variant with and without fertilizers. The highest yield was at Folifertil B 11 variant where the relative difference was from 0,45 to 1,6 in compare to not- fertilization. All variants of fertilization had higher content of sugar in compare to thecontrol variant.Tokom2015. godine ispitivan je uticaj specijalnih (kompleksnih) folijarnih đubriva na visinu prinosa i kvalitet grožđa sorte Kardinal. Korišćeni su sledeći preparati: Folifertil B11, Wuxal Super, Wuxal magnezijum, Wuxal Ferro i Slavol. U svakoj varijanti bilo je po 15 čokota rasporedjenih u tri ponavljanja po 5 čokota. Postignuti rezultati ukazuju da se đubrenje pozitivno odrazilo, kako na prinos tako i na sadrzaj šećera i kisjelina u grožđanom soku. Prosječno najmanji prinos grožđa imala je kontrola a razlike su uglavnom značajne i vrlo značajne u korist varijanata đubrenja. Najveći prinos bio je kod varijante Folifertil B11 a relativna razlika je od 0,45 do 1,6 u korist varijanata đubrenja. Sve varijante đubrenja su imale veći sadržaj šećera u širi od kontrole

    Vegetativni rast, rodnost i kvalitet ploda šljive u zavisnosti od podloge

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    The paper examines the vegetative growth of the tree, the weight of the fruit and the content of total soluble solids (RSM) in the fruit in three cultivars of plums grafted on four rootstocks: one generative (Myrobalan seedling) and three vegetative (Pixy, St. Julien A and Ferley). The results showed that the greatest vigour of cultivars was caused by the Myrobalan seedling, and the smallest by Pixy. The weight of the fruit and the content of RSM varied depending on the cultivar and rootstock. The highest weight of the fruit at Čačanska lepotica and Čačanska najbolja was conducted on St. Julien А rootstock, while in the case of Čačanska rana, it was on Myrobalan seedling. All of three cultivars had the highest content of RSM in the fruit on Pyxi rootstock.U radu su ispititivani vegetativni rast stabla, masa ploda i sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija (RSM) u plodu kod tri sorte šljive kalemljene na četiri podloge: jednoj generativnoj (Džanarika) i tri vegetativne (Pixu, St. Julien A i Ferley). Rezultati su pokazali da je najveću bujnost kod sorti izazvala Džanarika, a najmanju Pihu. Masa ploda i sadržaj RSM je varirao u zavisnosti od sorte i podloge. Najveću masu ploda Čačanska lepotica i Čačanska najbolja imale su na podlozi St. Julien A, dok je kod Čačanske rane to bilo na podlozi Džanarika. Sve tri sorte su najveći sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija (RSM) u plodu imale na podlozi Pixy


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    The paper presents the results of the influence of terms of planting and fertilizers on the production characteristics of strawberries. Planting dates are the beginning of July and the beginning of October. The feeding programs included the use of Rosasol fertilizers (Orange Rosasol formulation 15-30-20, Blue Rosasol formulation 20-20-20 and Yellow Rosasol formulation 17-09-29) and the use of Soluveg fertilizers (Green 10-40-10 + 4MgO and Parma 16-6-27 + 3MgO + ME). The results showed that the earlier planting date influenced earlier fruiting, but also better production results (higher yield, larger fruits). In terms of fertilizers, better results have been achieved with Rosasol.Publishe

    Uticaj termina prekraćivanja mladara na osobine i razvoj prevremenih grančica kod kajsije

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    The paper presents two years old results of apricot cultivars reaction (Roksana and Mađarska najbolja) to cutting one-year-old shoots during summer pruning at different dates: June 1 (T1), June 15 (T2) and July 1st (T3). Positive reaction to the cutting oneyear- old shoots was considered when cutted shoots developed to feather shoots, during the same growing season. We recorded the percentage of positive reactions, the number of developed feather shoots, the main morphological characteristics of feather shoots that have been developed (length, number of generative and vegetative buds), as well as the characteristics of fruits that have been developed in the next vegetation on the feather shoots. The results showed that the highest % of positive reaction to cutting was in terms of T1 and T2 and ranged from 87.5 to 94.6%, while the positive reaction in the third period of cutting was far lower (44.21%). Feather shoots, with maximum length and with the best relationship of generative and vegetative buds, are also obtained in period of cutting shoots T1 and T2. Differences in mass of fruits that developed on the feather shoots were not significant, depending on the date of cutting shoots. However, in both tested cultivars, fruits on the feather shoots had greater mass than standard values of weight for the tested cultivars (88.78 g in Roxana, 53.94 g of Mađarska najbolja). Generally, the best results are achieved when the one-year-old shoots were cutting in the first half of June, respectively in both varieties of apricot the feather shoots were with moderate vigor and optimal ratio of generative and vegetative buds.У раду су приказани двогодишњи резултати реакције сорти кајсије (Роксана и Мађарска најбоља) на прекраћивање младара у току летње резидбе у различитим терминима: 1. јун (T1), 15. јун (T2) и 1. јул (T3). Позитивном реакцијом на прекраћивање младара се сматра када у току исте вегетације долази до развоја превремених гранчица на прекраћеним младарима. Бележен је проценат позитивне реакције, број развијених превремених гранчица, основне морфолошке особине развијених превремених гранчица (дужина, број генеративних и број вегетативних пупољака), као и особине плодова који су се у наредној вегетацији развили на превременим гранчицама. Резултати су показали да је највећи % позитивне реакције на прекраћивање био у терминима T1 и T2 и кретао се од 87,5 - 94,6%, док је позитивна реакција у трећем термину прекраћивања била далеко мања (44,21%). Превремене гранчице највеће дужине, као и најбољег односа генеративних и вегетативних пупољака су такође добијене у терминима прекраћивања младара T1 и T2. Разлике у маси плодова који су се развили на превременим гранчицама нису биле значајне у зависности од термина прекраћивања младара. Међутим, код обе испитиване сорте, на превременим гранчицама су добијени плодови веће масе у односу на стандардне вредности масе за испитиване сорте (88,78 g код Роксане, 53,94 g код Мађарске најбоље). Генерално, најбољи резултати су постигнути када су младари прекраћивањи у првој половини јуна, односно тада су код обе испитиване сорте кајсије добијане превремене гранчице умерене бујности и оптималног односа генеративних и вегетативних пупољака

    11 Vranje) original scientific paper

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    Abstract: Various harmful substances emitted from industrial and other sources cause environmental pollution (air, water, soil) and they have bad influence on the live nature and plants which represent the main link in material circulation. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate, by using the method of water cultures, the influence of harmful effluents in the course of South Morava River within the Vranje region on tomato and pepper vegetable plants growing in comparison with the controlled plants which were grown in distilled water. The results show differences in percents of tomato and pepper plants growing depending on the point from which the water sample was taken i.e. the concentration of water pollution. The differences are shown among plants, and among plant organs such as root, stem and leaves. The greatest percentage of growing is measured for tomato and pepper plants which were grown in the water sample at the place before the empty of factory effluents and it is 80.7 % for tomato and 80.1 % for pepper plants in comparison with the control. The least percentage of growing is measured for tomato plants which were grown in the Acta Agriculturae Serbica, Vol. IX, 18 (2004) 35-42 36 sample water after the empty of factory waste waters and it is 55.9 % in comparison with the control. Also, the growth of all plant organs of pepper is bigger than the growth of plant organs of tomato plant in all measuring points of the water sample. Thus, the percentage of dried mass of pepper plant organs is bigger than of tomato plant organs in all tested water samples. Tomato and pepper plant growing is inhibited in all tested points in comparison with the controlled plants and it shows that the water of this river is polluted and therefore such water can not be used for human purposes (drinking or watering cultures). Our results can be used as water pollution indicators for biological monitoring