150 research outputs found

    Complications of chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis: review of published case reports

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    Chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis (CNPA), a form of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA), affects immunocompetent or mildly immunocompromised persons with underlying pulmonary disease. These conditions are associated with high morbidity and mortality and often require long-term antifungal treatment. The long-term prognosis for patients with CNPA and the potential complications of CNPA have not been well documented. The aim of this study was to review published papers that report cases of CNPA complications and to highlight risk factors for development of CNPA. The complications in conjunction associated with CNPA are as follows: pseudomembranous necrotizing tracheobronchial aspergillosis, ankylosing spondylarthritis, pulmonary silicosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease, superinfection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and and pneumothorax. The diagnosis of CNPA is still a challenge. Culture and histologic examinations of bronchoscopically identified tracheobronchial mucus plugs and necrotic material should be performed in all immunocompromised individuals, even when the radiographic findings are unchanged. Early detection of intraluminal growth of Aspergillus and prompt antifungal therapy may facilitate the management of these patients and prevent development of complications

    First reported case of fulminant TB with progression of infection from lungs to the genitourinary region

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    Although tuberculosis (TB) is a curable disease, it continues to be one of the leading infections associated with death in the world. Extra-pulmonary TB (EPTB) occurs in approximately 10% of the total cases, presenting with lymph nodes, pleura, bone and genitourinary tract as the most common locations. Genitourinary tuberculosis, the second most common EPTB, is very difficult to diagnose unless there is a high index of suspicion. Isolated TB orchitis or prostatitis without clinical evidence of renal involvement is a rare entity among genitourinary tuberculosis. We presented the first reported case of TB prostatitis and orchitis associated with pulmonary TB and the presence of an acute massive caseous pneumonia in an immunocompetent man. Despite the anti-TB therapy, the patient presented a rapid progression of disease and deterioration of general conditions taking to death, which occurred four days after TB treatment had started. Disseminated TB is a relatively uncommon cause of acute massive caseous pneumonia; however, there should always be suspicion of the disease, since it is a potentially treatable cause. This rare case supports the assertion that TB should be considered as an important differential diagnosis of genitourinary tumors irrespective of evidence of active TB elsewhere in the body

    Non-Dipping Patten of Blood Pressure and Gestational Hypertension

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    Gestational hypertension (GH) is one of the entities of the hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDP), a major cause of maternal, fetal, and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Also, the HDP have been recognized as an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Thus, women who develop GH or preeclampsia (PE) are at increased risk of hypertension, ischemic heart disease and stroke in later life. An ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) takes an important role in diagnosing of hypertension in pregnancy. Also, it has been shown that ABPM had higher accuracy in the prediction of GH, premature childbirth and low birth weight, compared with the conventional blood pressure (BP) measurements. In addition, we have found that non-dipping pattern of BP is very highly related with worse pregnancy outcome in a term of preterm delivery and intrauterine growth restriction. Also, it is associated with worse maternal hemodynamics, more impaired systolic function and more pronounced cardiac remodeling compared to women with GH and dipping pattern of BP. This review aimed to explore the (a) current classifications of the HDP; (b) pathogenesis of GH and PE; (c) physiological changes of BP and maternal hemodynamics in pregnancy; and (d) pathophysiological changes of BP and maternal cardiac function, especially in a term on BP pattern

    Antioxidant Capacity of Lenses with Age-Related Cataract

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    The immediate cause of the occurrence of cataract is unknown, but oxidative damage and effects of reactive oxygen species are considered important in its etiopathogenesis. Our research was aimed at testing the nonenzyme antioxidant power of corticonuclear lens blocks, with different types and different maturity of age-related cataract. Clinical and biochemical researches were carried out in 101 patients with age-related cataract. In corticonuclear lens blocks of the patient, the concentration of nonprotein and total-SH groups and the concentration of total vitamin C and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) were determined; the current redox balance of dehydroascorbate/ascorbate and total antioxidant power measured by ferric-reducing ability were examined. In corticonuclear lens blocks with incipient cataract a significantly higher concentration of GSH, total SH groups, concentration of total vitamin C and ascorbic acid (AA), and ferric-reducing ability were measured. The measured concentration of DHA is higher than the concentration of AA in the lenses with the incipient and mature cataract. The concentration ratio of redox couple DHA/AA is higher in lenses with mature cataract, where the measured concentration of AA was lower than in the incipient cataract. Timely removal of DHA from the lens is important because of its potential toxicity as an oxidant. An increase of the current concentration of DHA/AA redox balance can be an indicator of oxidative stress

    Efeito da estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS) no tratamento de dor pós-cirúrgica após amputação de membro inferior: estudo piloto

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    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a noninvasive, nonmedical modality.  Objective: To establish the role of TENS for the management of postoperative surgical pain after lower limb amputations. Methods: Randomized controlled trial, which included forty-six subjects who had undergone lower limb amputations, randomly divided into control and treatment group. The control group received standard postoperative care, whereas the treatment group received standard postoperative care plus TENS. Forty subjects successfully completed the study according to the study protocol. The majority of the individuals had undergone transtibial amputation due to complication of diabetes. Five TENS XL-A1 portable devices with four self-adhesive electrodes were used. This was the conventional TENS mode, characterized by the delivery of electrical impulses with a duration of 200 microseconds, frequency of 110 Hz, and amplitude of 44V. Treatment was carried out for 2 hours a day, during 10 days. The evaluation of TENS efficacy was performed using the horizontal VAS (0-100 mm). Student T test was used in the statistical analysis. Results: Pain intensity was significantly diminished in both groups at the tenth in comparison with the first postoperative day. Conclusion: Conventional TENS (dose: 200 microseconds, 110 Hz, 44V), administered two hours a day during ten days, significantly reduced postoperative surgical pain in twenty subjects who had undergone lower limb amputations.A estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS) é uma modalidade não médica e não invasiva. Objetivo: Avaliar o papel da TENS no tratamento de dor cirúrgica pós-operatória após amputação de membro inferior. Métodos: Teste controlado randomizado, conduzido com 46 indivíduos submetidos à amputação de membro inferior, que foram aleatoriamente divididos em grupo controle e grupo tratado. O grupo controle recebeu cuidados-padrão no pós-operatório; o grupo tratado recebeu cuidados-padrão e aplicação de TENS. Quarenta indivíduos completaram efetivamente o estudo de acordo com o protocolo de estudo. A maior parte das amputações consistiu de amputação transtibial devido a complicações da diabete. Foram utilizados cinco dispositivos portáteis Ultima TENS XL-A1 com eletrodos auto-adesivos. Esta é a aplicação convencional da TENS, caracterizada pela aplicação de impulsos elétricos com a duração de 200 microssegundos, freqüência de 110 Hz e amplitude de 44 V. O tratamento foi administrado durante 10 dias, 2 horas por dia. A avaliação da eficácia da TENS foi feita utilizando-se a escala visual analógica (EVA) horizontal (0-100 mm). O teste t de Student foi usado na análise estatística. Resultados: A intensidade da dor estava significantemente diminuída em ambos os grupos no 10º dia em comparação ao 1º dia de pós-operatório.  Conclusão: A TENS convencional (dose: 200 microssegundos, 110 Hz, 44 V), administrada 2 horas por dia, durante 10 dias, significantemente reduziu a dor cirúrgica pós-operatória em 20 indivíduos com amputação de membro inferior

    Research of possibilities for use domestic kaolin clays for production of metakaolin

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    U oblasti građevinarstva, u svetu se intenzivno istražuju mogućnosti primene novih materijala kojima se može supstituisati deo klinkera u Portland cementu ili deo cementa u betonskim mešavinama. Novi materijali treba da zadovolje zahteve u pogledu održivog razvoja, a njihova primena ne sme negativno da utiče na karakteristike materijala. U ovom radu se govoriti o jednom takvom materijalu metakolinu (MK). Osnovna i najčešće korišćena sirovina za proizvodnju MK je kaolinska glina iz koje se MK proizvodi kalcinacijom ili 'termičkom aktivacijom'. Od karakteristika polazne gline zavise mogućnosti njene primene za dobijanje MK. U radu su dati rezultati ispitivanja hemijskog i mineraloškog sastava, kao i termičkih karakteristika uzoraka gline uzetih iz fabrika Kaolin a.d, Valjevo i Keramika, Mladenovac.Environmental concerns coming from the high energy consumption and CO2 emission associated with cement production have brought about pressures to reduce cement consumption through the use of new materials which can be applied for substitution of a part of clinker in Portland cement or a part of cement in concrete. One of the materials that satisfy requirements of sustainable development and, when added in appropriate shares, improves the properties of cement, mortars and concrete, is metakaolin (MK), a processed pozzolana. The main and widely used raw material for production of metakaolin is kaolin clay. MK is produced by calcination or 'thermal activation' of kaolin clay. The possibilities for metakaolin production are strongly related to the characteristics of the used kaolin clay. The samples of domestic kaolin clay used in this study were provided by factories Kaolin, Valjevo, and Keramika, Mladenovac. Chemical composition, mineralogical composition and thermal properties of these samples were determined. Thermal analysis (simultaneous recording of TG, DTG and DTA signals) was carried out at the temperature range from 20 to 1200 °C. For both clays the results show that the loss of mass occurred in two stages. The dehydroxillation of kaolinite and formation of metakaolin occurred in the second stage. Minerals quartz and kaolinite are dominant in the clay Kaolin, Valjevo. Dehydroxillation of kaolinite and formation of metakaolin took place in the temperature range 350-800 °C. This clay does not have clearly distinct exothermic and endothermic peaks. Clay from Keramika, Mladenovac, has a higher content of the kaolinite mineral, i.e. 81.51%. The dehydroxillation of kaolinite and formation of metakaolin occurred in the temperature range 400-700 °C. This clay has two distinct endothermic peaks at 60 and 490 °C. All these results show that both clays can be used for production of metakaolin

    Stališča študentov do policije v Republiki Makedoniji

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    Purpose: Although the issues of police legitimacy and police trust are very important for creation of the general level of trust in governmental institutions, there is a lack of research on the topic in the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to understand the students’ experience with the criminal-justice system and possible victimization. Design/Methods/Approach: The national survey using a structured questionnaire was conducted in the Republic of Macedonia in February 2013 with respondents from Faculty of Law and Faculty of Security. After the factors analysis was performed to verify the questionnaire, a correlation matrix was produced and two regression analyses were done to uncover the factors that significantly affect both trust and obligation to obey as aspects of legitimacy of the police. Findings: The findings point to the importance of procedural justice and police effectiveness for trust in the police, but only police effectiveness has a statistically significant effect on the obligation to obey. Originality/Value: This is one among the first papers in Macedonia that draws a conclusion based on opinions expressed by students of law and security studies. The implications of this research can be used to help the national police in drafting policies that should focus on improving effectiveness and procedural justice. Future studies should focus their attention on how to accomplish those important aspects of police work.Namen prispevka: Čeprav so vprašanja o legitimnosti policije in zaupanja v policijo zelo pomembna za oblikovanje splošne ravni zaupanja v vladne institucije, v Republiki Makedoniji na to temo primanjkuje raziskav. Namen študije je oceniti izkušnje študentov s kazenskopravnim sistemom in morebitno viktimizacijo. Metode: Nacionalna raziskava, v kateri je bil uporabljen strukturiran vprašalnik, je bila februarja 2013 izvedena na Pravni fakulteti in Fakulteti za varnostne vede v Republiki Makedoniji. Po opravljeni faktorski analizi z namenom preverjanja veljavnosti vprašalnika je bila izdelana korelacijska matrika. Zatem sta bili izvedeni dve regresijski analizi z namenom identifikacije spremenljivk, ki pomembno vplivajo na obe dimenziji legitimnosti policije, in sicer na zaupanje in na dolžnost spoštovanja zakonov. Ugotovitve: Ugotovitve opozarjajo na pomen postopkovne pravičnosti in učinkovitosti policije za zaupanje v policijo. Toda le učinkovitost policije je imela statistično pomemben vpliv na dolžnost spoštovanja zakonov. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: To je ena izmed prvih študij v Makedoniji, ki temeljijo na mnenjih študentov prava in varnostnih ved. Rezultate je mogoče uporabiti kot pomoč nacionalni policiji pri pripravi politik, ki bi se morale osredotočiti na izboljšanje učinkovitosti policije in postopkovne pravičnosti. Prihodnje študije morajo svojo pozornost osredotočiti na načine za doseganje teh pomembnih vidikov policijskega dela

    Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils of Three Ocimum basilicum L. Cultivars from Serbia

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    Basil essential oil (BEO) contains a wide range of chemical compounds whose content may vary depending on chemotypes, environmental conditions, agronomic techniques and particularly the origin of the plant. In our present study, essential oils (EOs) were isolated by hydrodistillation method from dry herbs of three basil cultivars and analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Two of the tested cultivars belong to sweet basil group (B-1 and B-2) while the third one was large leafed 'Genovese' basil (B-3). EO content in the dry herb was 0.65%, 0.41% and 0.62% respectively. The main classes of compounds of B1EO and B3EO were sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (38.39% and 37.95%), oxygenated monoterpenes (25.44% and 28.04%) and phenylpropanoids (17.43% and 15.71%). The main constituents of both EOs were monoterpene alcohol linalool (13.68% and 15.38%), phenoyl derivate eugenol (10.83% and 8.97%) and sesquiterpene hydrocarbon alpha-bergamotene (8.12% and 9.25%). In both EOs, epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene was detected in considerable amount (7.03% and 8.07%). The most abundant compound classes in B2EO were oxygenated monoterpenes (52.07%), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (24.27%) and phenylpropanoids (10.95%). Linalool was the dominant compound (40.97%), followed by epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene (8.70%) and methyl chavicol (7.92%). The results showed complex chemical composition of BEOs and pointed out the presence of biologically active compounds of importance for different branches of the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry. Although there are differences in the chemical composition of the BEOs, the obtained results show that all of the tested cultivars are rich in compounds which are responsible for biological activities

    Competing dynamics of intramolecular deactivation and bimolecular charge transfer processes in luminescent Fe( iii ) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes

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    Steady state and ultrafast spectroscopy on [FeIII^{III}(phtmeimb)2_{2}]PF6_{6} (phtmeimb = phenyl(tris(3-methylimidazol-2-ylidene))borate) was performed over a broad range of temperatures. The intramolecular deactivation dynamics of the luminescent doublet ligand-to-metal charge-transfer (2^{2}LMCT) state was established based on Arrhenius analysis, indicating the direct deactivation of the 2^{2}LMCT state to the doublet ground state as a key limitation to the lifetime. In selected solvent environments photoinduced disproportionation generating short-lived Fe(IV) and Fe(II) complex pairs that subsequently undergo bimolecular recombination was observed. The forward charge separation process is found to be temperature-independent with a rate of ∼1 ps1^{–1}. Subsequent charge recombination takes place in the inverted Marcus region with an effective barrier of 60 meV (483 cm1^{–1}). Overall, the photoinduced intermolecular charge separation efficiently outcompetes the intramolecular deactivation over a broad range of temperatures, highlighting the potential of [FeIII^{III}(phtmeimb)2_{2}]PF6_{6} to perform photocatalytic bimolecular reactions