28 research outputs found

    Desulfurisasi Batubara secara Batch pada Kolom Tegak dengan Metoda Flotasi Larutan Daun Petai Cina

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    Salah satu gas hasil pembakaran batubara berbentuk gas SOx. Senyawa ini menjadi berbahaya bila bersama air membentuk hujan asam.  Oleh karena itu kandungan sulfur dalam batubara harus dihilangkan atau dikurangi. Dalam makalah ini didiskusikan hasil penelitian pengurangan sulfur dalam batubara dengan flotasi menggunakan daun petai cina. Untuk itu, batubara terlebih dahulu dihaluskan kemudian diayak hingga diperoleh ukuran yang diinginkan. Selanjutnya batubara halus dicampur bersama larutan daun petai cina yang telah disiapkan.  Campuran kemudian ditempatkan dalam kolom flotasi dan udara dialirkan menggunakan kompresor masuk dari bawah kolom. Setelah percobaan dilakukan diketahui  penurunan kadar sulfur terendah terjadi pada laju alir udara 0,693 liter/menit, yaitu pada perbandingan batubara dan larutan daun petai cina 1:2.

    Limbah Partikel Keramik Platinum dan Kaca Lampu Clear Philips sebagai Additive Semen Pengeboran ditinjau Compressive Strength, Shear Bond Strength, dan Thickening Time

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    Ceramic and glass particle waste is generated in large quantities as a result of their extensive use in various applications. Inappropriate disposal of the waste can lead to environmental degradation and health hazards. This research utilizes ceramic and glass wastes as drilling cement additives in the oil and gas industry. The objective of this research is to study the effect of adding ceramic and glass waste on the properties of drilling cement, including compressive strength, shear bond strength, and thickening time. With composition percentage ratios of 10%, 20%, 30%, 35%, and 40% by weight of cement, the slurry was poured into 1.2x2 inch cubic molds to test compressive strength and into 1.2x2 inch cylindrical molds to test shear bond strength. The findings of this study indicate that the addition of ceramic and glass waste as a drilling cement additive has a positive effect on compressive strength, shear bond strength, and thickening time and is also effective for use as an alternative additive in drilling cement operation


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    Desa Sumberarum adalah salah satu desa yang berada di wilayah Kecamatan Moyudan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penduduk dari desa ini sebagian bermata pencaharian sebagai petani dan peternak. Peternakan merupakan komoditas unggulan di Desa Sumberarum. Terdapat hewan-hewan ternak yang menjadi potensi sumber daya di Desa Sumberarum yakni sapi, kambing, dan ayam. Salah satu dampak adanya peternakan adalah menghasilkan limbah yang dapat mencemari lingkungan. Oleh sebab itu, penulis merumuskan program kemitraan untuk kelompok ternak berbasis pengolahan kotoran ternak menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik. Tujuan dari program ini untuk menerapkan teknologi pengolahan limbah hewan ternak sehingga dapat menghasilkan produk yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat yaitu biogas dan pupuk organik. Produk tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Desa Sumberarum untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan bahan bakar dan membuka UMKM yang baru sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksaan program ini yakni model pemberdayaan masyarakat partisipatif. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu teknologi yang modern sehingga limbah hewan ternak yang sebelumnya dianggap tidak memiliki nilai, dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi produk bernilai jual. Produk akhir yang dapat dihasilkan dari berupa biogas dan pupuk organik yang diharapkan dapat bermanfaat dan memberdayakan masyarakat Desa Sumberaru

    Desalination of Seawater to Reduce Ca2+ and Na+ using Natural Zeolite in Vertical Column

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    Water is a source of life. The ocean contains enormous potential for daily life, especially for people who inhabitants near the sea. Around two-thirds of Indonesia’s territory is the ocean. In certain conditions, the seawater has been applied for some industrial processing such as in Gresik Petrochemical. This study aims to reduce the Ca2+ and Na+ content of seawater as part of desalination. In this study, zeolites were supplied from the Wonogiri region. The zeolite rocks were crushed and then sieved to the desired size. The zeolites were washed with distilled water and then dried for 4 hours at 400 oC in the furnace. Furthermore, the zeolites were activated using NaOH solution and heated at 90 oC. After that the zeolite was neutralized and dried within four hours at 110 oC. Furthermore, the zeolite is ready to be applied as adsorbent for separating Ca2+ and Na+. In the experiment, the zeolite is placed in a vertical column pipe and seawater is poured from the bottom of the pipe continuously. After circulating for a certain time, the seawater coming out from the column was analyzed for Ca2+ and Na+ content. Based on observation, it was found that the decreasing of Ca2+and Na+ could reach of 29.75% and 25.14%

    Limbah Partikel Keramik Platinum dan Kaca Lampu Clear Philips sebagai Additive Semen Pengeboran ditinjau Compressive Strength, Shear Bond Strength, dan Thickening Time

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    Ceramic and glass particle waste is generated in large quantities as a result of their extensive use in various applications. Inappropriate disposal of the waste can lead to environmental degradation and health hazards. This research utilizes ceramic and glass wastes as drilling cement additives in the oil and gas industry. The objective of this research is to study the effect of adding ceramic and glass waste on the properties of drilling cement, including compressive strength, shear bond strength, and thickening time. With composition percentage ratios of 10%, 20%, 30%, 35%, and 40% by weight of cement, the slurry was poured into 1.2x2 inch cubic molds to test compressive strength and into 1.2x2 inch cylindrical molds to test shear bond strength. The findings of this study indicate that the addition of ceramic and glass waste as a drilling cement additive has a positive effect on compressive strength, shear bond strength, and thickening time and is also effective for use as an alternative additive in drilling cement operation

    Pengaruh Oil Sludge Pertamina Surabaya Terhadap Kuat Tekan Keramik Tradisional

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     Oil sludge is the solidifying oils that lying on the open space around the fuel storage tank. Heaps of the waste continues to increase could lead to environmental pollution due to the waste containing heavy metal. This research aims to study the effect of oil sludge on the compressive strength of traditional ceramics within range of sintering temperature (600- 1000 0 C), sintering time (1-3 hours), and raw material compositions. The experiment begins by mixing the ceramic raw materials. Material was mixed with water and milled using Mortar Hand (milling). A cermic mold was used to get ceramic specimens. The mold dimension is length of 8 cm, 4 cm wide, and 2 cm high. The specimens were sintered in a furnace at different temperatures and holding time. Finally, the ceramics were observed its compressive strength. The results showed that the waste oil sludge can be involved in the manufacture of traditional ceramics. In the view of the compressive strength, the best conditions for fabricating traditional ceramics are oil sludge of 16.67% w., sintering temperature of 800 0  C, and sintering time of 2.5 hours

    Karakter Lumpur Pemboran Berbahan Dasar Bentonite Lokal Tulungagung dan Boyolali Mengacu Standar API 13A dengan Variasi Additive Polyamine

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    This study examined the feasibility of using locally sourced bentonite as drilling mud, with the aim of reducing the cost of imported drilling mud. Bentonite, a soil type containing a high concentration of smectite or montmorillonite, is widely used in drilling mud. The physical properties of drilling mud made from bentonite from Boyolali and Tulungagung were compared, with the addition of various additives to meet the API 13A standard. The research found that drilling mud made from Boyolali bentonite showed physical properties that were closer to the API 13A standard compared to Tulungagung bentonite. Specifically, adding 7 grams (12%) of polyamine to Boyolali bentonite mud produced a volume of filtrate loss and mud cake thickness closest to the API 13A standard, namely 10.8 ml (maximum 15 ml) and 0.14 cm (maximum 0.28 cm), respectively. Adding 2.3 grams (5.04%) of KOH resulted in the highest pH value of 13, while adding 2.5 grams (1.17%) of Na2CO3 produced the least amount of filtrate loss, namely 7.2 ml (maximum 15 ml), with a mud cake thickness of 0.27 cm (maximum 0.28 cm


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    One problems emerging in modern live is how to detect the exsistence of a gas in a room or space. The detection could be achieved by a sensor. The motivation of this work is to develop a sensor material consist of multiwalled carbon nanotubes(MWTNTs), polymers, and metal oxides. Recently the combination of CNTs and polymer or metal oxides gains serious attention since the CNTs have unique electrical properties. Poly(p-phenylene) (PPP) is known as a potential conductive polymer due to the exsistance of double bond. Based on information in publisherd reports, the synthesizing of the PPP and the metal oxide successfully conducted. To observe comprehensively of materials synthesized,several characterization were conduction to get a kind of composite as a sensor material. Several variables such as sonication time, amount of dipersants, types of gas, and gas concentration were varied to investigate the performance of the composite. A certain ratio of MWNTs with nominal size of 20 nm and synthesized-PPP was compounded with the presence of terpineol as a dispersant. To investigate an optimal condition for homogenizing all constituents, ultrasonication with 750 watts was employed with compounding time of 3, 10, 20, 30 min. It was found that the composite film could be prepared with ultrasonication within 10 minutes. The ratio of constituens and dispersants was also conducted. The composite was put into a system of sensing by wich the response of the sensor material recorded automatically every second. Avery important conclusion of this study is that the combination of MWNTs and PPP and tungsten oxide could be used as a sensor material. Typical results show that sensitivity of MWNTs was more than 40%.11-15% for MWNT/WO3, and 12-30% for MWNT/PPP/W03