4 research outputs found

    Simultaneous CO2 reduction and NADH regeneration using formate and glycerol dehydrogenase enzymes co-immobilized on modified natural zeolite

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    In this work, the co-immobilization of formate dehydrogenase (FDH) and glycerol dehydrogenase (GlyDH) enzymes is proposed to reduce CO(2) into formic acid, an important chemical intermediate. The reduction of carbon dioxide is carried out by FDH to obtain formic acid, simultaneously, the GlyDH regenerated the nicotinamide cofactor in the reduced form (NADH) by the oxidation of glycerol into dihydroxyacetone. Natural zeolite was selected as immobilization support given its good properties and low cost. The natural zeolite was modified with subsequent acid-alkaline attacks to obtain a mesostructurization of the clinoptilolite. The two enzymes were co-immobilized on clinoptilolite, previously hetero-functionalized with amino and glyoxyl groups. The distribution of the enzymes was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy analysis. Furthermore, a great increase in the retained activity for the formate dehydrogenase enzyme was noted, passing from 18% to 89%, when the mesostructured clinoptilolite was used as support. The immobilization yield of formate dehydrogenase and glycerol dehydrogenase is around 100% with all the supports studied. The promising results suggest a possible development of this procedure in enzyme immobilization and biocatalysis. The biocatalysts were characterized to find the optimal pH and temperature. Furthermore, a thermal stability test at 50 °C was carried out on both enzymes, in free and immobilized forms. Finally, it was shown that the biocatalyst is effective in reducing CO(2), both by using the cofactor in the reduced form (NADH) or the oxidized form (NAD(+)), obtaining NADH through the regeneration with glycerol in this latter case

    The invasion history of Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii (Hydrocharitaceae) in Italy from herbarium accessions, field records and historical literature

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    We analysed the invasion history of two North American macrophytes (Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii) in Italy, through an accurate census of all available herbarium and field records, dating between 1850 and 2019, and a rich literature col- lection describing the initial introduction and natu- ralisation phase that supports the results obtained by the occurrence records. Elodea canadensis arrived in Italy before 1866 and had two invasion phases, between the 1890s and 1920s and between the 1990s and 2000s; E. nuttallii, probably arrived in the 1970s, started invading in 2000 and the invasion is still ongoing. Botanical gardens and fish farming played a crucial role in dispersal and naturalisation of both species. The current invasion range of both species is centred in northern Italy, with scattered occurrences of E. canadensis in central and southern regions. River Po represents a dispersal barrier to the Medi- terranean region and a strategic monitoring site to prevent the invasion in the peninsula. The study detects differences in the niches of the two species during the introduction and naturalisation phase and a habitat switch occurred after 1980 in E. canadensis and after 2000 in E. nuttallii, during their expansion phases. For E. canadensis the switch corresponds to the second invasion round. Further research can clarify whether the second invasion round is due to confusion of the recently introduced E. nuttallii with E. canadensis, to a cryptic introduction of a new genotype, to post-introduction evolution, or just to an increased scientific interest in biological invasions

    La dimensione storica delle invasioni nelle acque dolci italiane

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    none51noneCarla Lambertini, Fabrizio Buldrini, Martina Barbero, Alessandro Chiarucci, Juri Nascimbene, Alessandro Alessandrini, Lucia Amadei, Sebastiano Andreatta, Nicola Maria Giuseppe Ardenghi, Stefano Armiraglio, Simonetta Bagella, Rossano Bolpagni, Ilaria Bonini, Daniela Bouvet, Lisa Brancaleoni, Giuseppe Brundu, Massimo Buccheri, Gabriella Buffa, Simona Ceschin, Annalena Cogoni, Gianniantonio Domina, Luigi Forte, Riccardo Guarino, Leonardo Gubellini, Laura Guglielmone, Nicole Hofmann, Mauro Iberite, Lorenzo Lastrucci, Fernando Lucchese, Rossella Marcucci, Giacomo Mei, Umberto Mossetti, Nicodemo Giuseppe Passalacqua, Simonetta Peccenini, Filippo Prosser, Gianni Repetto, Gabriele Rinaldi, Enrico Romani, Leonardo Rosati, Annalisa Santangelo, Anna Scoppola, Giovanni Spampinato, Adriano Stinca, Maria Tavano, Caruso Fulvio Tomsich, Roberta Vangelisti, Roberto Venanzoni, Marisa Vidali, Thomas Wilhalm, Francesco Zonca, Giovanna PezziLambertini, Carla; Buldrini, Fabrizio; Barbero, Martina; Chiarucci, Alessandro; Nascimbene, Juri; Alessandrini, Alessandro; Amadei, Lucia; Andreatta, Sebastiano; Maria Giuseppe Ardenghi, Nicola; Armiraglio, Stefano; Bagella, Simonetta; Bolpagni, Rossano; Bonini, Ilaria; Bouvet, Daniela; Brancaleoni, Lisa; Brundu, Giuseppe; Buccheri, Massimo; Buffa, Gabriella; Ceschin, Simona; Cogoni, Annalena; Domina, Gianniantonio; Forte, Luigi; Guarino, Riccardo; Gubellini, Leonardo; Guglielmone, Laura; Hofmann, Nicole; Iberite, Mauro; Lastrucci, Lorenzo; Lucchese, Fernando; Marcucci, Rossella; Mei, Giacomo; Mossetti, Umberto; Giuseppe Passalacqua, Nicodemo; Peccenini, Simonetta; Prosser, Filippo; Repetto, Gianni; Rinaldi, Gabriele; Romani, Enrico; Rosati, Leonardo; Santangelo, Annalisa; Scoppola, Anna; Spampinato, Giovanni; Stinca, Adriano; Tavano, Maria; Fulvio Tomsich, Caruso; Vangelisti, Roberta; Venanzoni, Roberto; Vidali, Marisa; Wilhalm, Thomas; Zonca, Francesco; Pezzi, Giovann