52 research outputs found

    Public Relations in an Islamic Perspective; Implementation Study at Madrasah

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    Manajemen hubungan madrasah dengan masyarakat merupakan rancangan rangkaian kegiatan untuk menciptakan hubungan harmonis antara lembaga formal dan masyarakat melalui oraganisasi yang berlangsung secara kesinambungan dan saling mendukung untuk tujuan dan kebutuhan bersama. Hal ini disebabkan sekolah sebagai lembaga sosial yang diselenggarakan dan dimiliki oleh masyarakat, harus memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakatnya. Masyarakat merupakan sekelompok individu yang membutuhkan pendidikan, sehingga berasal dari kebutuhan tersebut maka masyarakat menyelenggarakan pendidikan itu. Berasal dari sinilah keduanya memiliki kepentingan yang saling berkaitan, yaitu dapat dikatakan bahwa sekolah sebagai lembaga formal berperan dan mendapat kepercayaan untuk mendidik, melatih dan membekali generasi muda guna masa depannya sedangkan masyarakat berperan sebagai implikasi dari pendidikan tersebut. Tujuan diadakannya manajemen hubungan masyarakat diantaranya adalah sebagai sarana penentuan sumber dan kebutuhan belajar, tersedianya tempat-tempat penelitian, pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana, pemenuhan sumber dana dan daya manusia yang terungkap dalam cipta, rasa, karsa, dan karyanya. Dalam naskah ini akan di bahas bagaimana manajemen hubungan masyarakat dalam perspektif Islam

    Development of Educational Resources in Junior High Schools to Obtain Quality

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    Abstract: Sumber daya pendidikan merupakan komponen yang penting dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Kualitas sumber daya pendidikan akan mempengaruhi kualitas suatu pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data tersebut diperoleh dari kepala sekolah, guru, dan berbagai pihak terkait. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data kualitatif model Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi proses reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi. Selanjutnya, pengecekan validitas data menggunakan triangulasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan kualitas sumber daya pendidikan yang berkualitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan sumber daya manusia dapat dilakukan dengan cara meningkatkan kompetensi tenaga pendidik melalui kegiatan pelatihan, lokakarya, dan musyawarah guru mata pelajaran. Tujuan kegiatan tersebut adalah untuk menciptakan tenaga pendidik yang professional. Di samping itu, pengembangan sumber daya non-manusia dapat dilakukan melalui peningkatan kerja sama dengan pihak terkait melalui wakil kepala sekolah di bidang hubungan masyarakat.ملخص: الموارد التعليمية هي عنصر أساسي في تحقيق الأهداف التعليمية. تؤثر جودة الموارد التعليمية على جودة التعليم. تستخدم هذه الدراسة نموذجًا تفسيريًا من خلال نهج نوعي. البيانات التي تم الحصول عليها من المدير والمعلمين والأطراف الأخرى المعنية ، مع تقنيات جمع البيانات باستخدام المقابلات والملاحظة والوثائق. الأداة التحليلية المستخدمة هي نموذج الحد النوعي من البيانات مايلز وهوبرمان ، وعرض البيانات والتحقق منها. التحقق من صحة البيانات باستخدام التثليث. يركز هذا البحث على وصف عملية تطوير الموارد التعليمية عالية الجودة. بناءً على نتائج البحوث الخاصة بتنمية الموارد البشرية ، يتم ذلك من خلال زيادة كفاءة أعضاء هيئة التدريس من خلال الأنشطة التدريبية وورش العمل واستشارات مدرس المادة ، والتي تهدف إلى إنشاء فريق تعليمي محترف وتنمية الموارد غير البشرية من خلال إقامة تعاون مع الجهات ذات العلاقة من خلال نائب مدير مجال العلاقات العامة

    Integrasi Pendidikan Islam (Nilai-nilai Islami Dalam Pembelajaran)

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    The integration of education and Islamic values in teaching and learning must be conducted by not making dichotomy of knowledge. The integration of Islamic values is conducted in term: first, the wholeness of integration in which Islamic value is integrated in all subject matters. Second, the variety of model, method, and approach in integrating Islamic values which is applied by the teachers in the teaching and learning process. Third, the integration of Islamic values at school and at students' home in which there is a coordination between school and parents to implement the teaching of Islamic values

    Model Organisasi Ideal Bagi Perguruan Tinggi Islam Di Indonesia

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    The model of organization plays significant role in controlling the quality of Islamic higher education. In this matter, the model becomes the core of the managerial works to develop the theory of management. An ideal organization is the one which has clear job description, hierarchy of autonomy, and career development. Too formal organization cannot be organized well. Therefore, for higher Islamic education, the most suitable model is organic unbiropatology

    Local Government Policy Regarding Mandatory Students Diniyah Takmiliyah in Indramayu Regency

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    Indramayu District Government issued Local Regulation No. 12 of 2012 on Compulsory Education Diniyah Takmiliyah. Compulsory Education Diniyah Takmiliyah is a Non-Formal Religious Education Program which must be followed by all students starting from elementary level up to upper level in Indramayu District on joint responsibility between local government and province and society. Diniyah Takmiliyah aims to complement the Islamic religious education obtained at the basic level up to the upper level or in higher education in order to increase the faith and devotion of learners. This study uses qualitative analysis of case studies. The results of this study are expected to be useful and contribute thoughts to other local governments to implement compulsory diniyah policy. This research explains the background of the birth of the regulation of Indramayu Regency about the compulsory education of Diniyah Takmiliyah from the community; also describes the strategy implementation strategy from concept, set into local regulations, followed by regent regulation, socialization and control; as well as describe the implications experienced in the implementation of this policy such as increasing the achievement of Islamic studies in schools, the addition of religious lessons, the local budget for Islamic education, the increase of Madrasahs in the study sites and the effect of political electability decision makers

    Integrasi Pendidikan Islam (Nilai-Nilai Islami dalam Pembelajaran)

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    The integration of education and Islamic values in teaching and learning must be conducted by not making dichotomy of knowledge. The integration of Islamic values is conducted in term: first, the wholeness of  integration in which Islamic value is integrated in all subject matters. Second, the variety of model, method, and approach in integrating Islamic values which is applied by the teachers in the teaching and learning process. Third, the integration of Islamic values at school and at students’ home in which there is a coordination between school and parents to implement the teaching of Islamic values

    Development Of Quality Management Islamic Education In Islamic Boarding School (Case Study Madrasah Aliyah Ash Sholihin)

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    Islamic Boarding School is an educational institution   that   is   irreplaceable   by   any   educational institution, and it is still maintained. We know that the education of Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia at that time has not been standardized in a curriculum and is not organized as a systemic Islamic Boarding School Indonesia network. This means that every Islamic Boarding School has its own independence to apply curriculum and subjects that are in accordance with the flow of Islam that they follow, so that   there  is  a  boarding  school  that   implements  the curriculum  of  the  Ministry  of  National  Education  by applying religious curriculum, then there is Islamic Boarding School  who  only  wants  to  focus  on  the  curriculum  of knowledge Islam only, which means that the level of diversity of Islamic Boarding School models in Indonesia is not limited


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    The teaching and learning process really requires an assessment to find out the effectiveness of the learning that has been done. Assessment in the learning process aims to determine various issues related to development and reciprocity, so that learning is expected to be oriented towards developing an assessment of the quality of learning in school. The results of the assessment can be used by the teacher to improve learning activities. In this case, the assessment must be seen as an important thing that can give ideas for the teacher to carry out further learning. General subjects in MI Muhammadiyah 5 Wonoasri use the KTSP curriculum. In line with the characteristics of the competency-based curriculum that is oriented to mastery of competencies, the assessment system applied is in the form of a competency-based assessment system. Thus the standard of educational assessment for competency-based curriculum is a standard assessment system that is oriented to the level of mastery of competencies targeted in the curriculum. In the 2013 curriculum carried out on religious subjects, the assessment carried out was authentic assessment

    Metode Simulasi Pembelajaran dalam Perspektif Islam

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    The simulation method has own characteristic it self and can be used for specific fields. In Islam, the phase of occurance process on l learning has been exemplified by Muhammad prophet SAW, that is integration process between students and teachers to get learning goal where happend on particular place and particular time. We can get some benefits from Rasulullah has been exemplified: a) when that question is asked, it can give motivation for listener to answer that question; b) question can make listener get stunt from speaker; c) asking question can achieve three-aspect moral goal and education, they are cognitive, emotion and kinetic; d) question can be more emphasis information or knowledge; e) question can make stimuli for listeners so they will be enthusiastic to know about the answer

    Pengaruh Pelatihan dan Disiplin terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Andalas Berlian Motors Padang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pelatihan dan disiplin terhadap kinerja. Sampel penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 60 responden dengan populasi karyawan PT. Andalas Berlian Motors di Kota Padang dengan menggunakan metode total sampling. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis R-Square dan uji T-statistic menggunakan program SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan dan disiplin berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Kata Kunci : PELATIHAN, DISIPLIN, KINERJ