Development Of Quality Management Islamic Education In Islamic Boarding School (Case Study Madrasah Aliyah Ash Sholihin)


Islamic Boarding School is an educational institution   that   is   irreplaceable   by   any   educational institution, and it is still maintained. We know that the education of Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia at that time has not been standardized in a curriculum and is not organized as a systemic Islamic Boarding School Indonesia network. This means that every Islamic Boarding School has its own independence to apply curriculum and subjects that are in accordance with the flow of Islam that they follow, so that   there  is  a  boarding  school  that   implements  the curriculum  of  the  Ministry  of  National  Education  by applying religious curriculum, then there is Islamic Boarding School  who  only  wants  to  focus  on  the  curriculum  of knowledge Islam only, which means that the level of diversity of Islamic Boarding School models in Indonesia is not limited

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